I'm watching this slow red pilling of all the actual fair and genuine lefties who have platforms and how they are SEEING what is happening. And it's awesome lol.
I dont think people need to stop being left and agree with all my views to respect them. But we really to pause this left/right shit and deal with the actual fascism and the monoparty authoritarian cancer in the country and THEN resume our squabbling over how much healthcare the public should pay for. And issue both sides have valuable insight on that we could progress with if we can get rid of this establishment cancer.
We wont though, because the division phase was too successful and its lefties who would would rather align with authoritarianism than the actual people. Becsuse they bought the Trump slamming and they LIKE it. It's an ego thing.
You should take your own advice, Dove. I have been watching Dore and Brand for years, and as you know, I am not a Democrat. Who do you watch on the right that criticizes Mitch and Trump and the other righties who are out to destroy workers' rights? I don't apologize for Biden the way you apologize for Trump on a daily basis, and I don't do screeds about the right the way you do your multiple daily screeds against the left. You don't recognize when people on the right are pure corporatists, while I recognize this huge failing on the left. I know that Hillary and Biden and Obama and Pelosi are all corporatists who are not fighting for workers' rights. I look forward to the day when you admit it about politicians on the right.
Reread the last paragraph of your post. It's pure partisan hackery. Dore and Brand are far lefties who are willing to criticize the bullshit that comes from the pretend left. I have never seen you do that about the fuckers on the right. NEVER.
There you go again.
You seriously label EVERYONE "right wing" and "partisan hack".
Lotus you just do not listen to anyone. You are so stuck in the paradigm yourself that you project it out on everyone else.
Do you think russiagate is the ONLY lie the media spread about Trump?
I have always slammed establishment Republicans. I've done it here. I have said blatantly to all of you that most of these Republicans are controlled opposition and there are not two parties in there.
But you guys literally IGNORE everything that doesnt fall into whatever narrative you are on that makes you feel good.
You have this NEED to focus on Republicans exclusively.
This is exactly why you guys should NOT be giving the government more money and power. Because when they go BAD, you guys wont call them out or hold them accountable. And then everyone suffers. People on the left are showing us constantly that they will defend shitbag totalitarians to the detriment of the people....and turn on the people who challange this and call it out.
Do you understand the Republicans you guys hate are all on your side regarding Trump and Trump supporters? That we were called "extremists"? That the patriot act president called us extremists?
I think you should take sometime. Clear your mind and approach this entire topic in a more objective manner. When you start immediately ALWAYS pointing the finger OUT at other people.....aggressively misrepresenting them, accusing them, et.....you really need to ask yourself if YOU are being fair.
You can call me partisan hack all day, that doesnt make it true. You are clinging to some comfort zone that's been propagated to you that everyone who disagrees with your political stances is a "con", is a "partisan hack".....or you can try having an open mind and stop the bad faith nonsense. You guys generally are VERY one sided.
To the point where Admin can ask to see my tits, call me an ignorant slut, act like a complete hateful fuckwad.....and you never say anything to him for that but you'll try to check people for firing back on him. Your attitude is those you call "cons" are always wrong no matter what and those you see as allies are always right no matter what.