Stunned and awkward silence from the "Conservative Minority" as J6 Report is Released.


Domestically feral
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United states
What bullshit hyper partisan nonsense are you talking about?

How they decided to finally hand their partisan whine fest to the DOJ?

I like how none of you give a single shit about BLM literally destroying the lives of hundreds of people, burning down communities and getting people beaten and murdered and scamming actual millions of dollars that they pocketed. Not a single cent went towards helping any of the people they destroyed.

How many times your revolting hate media and politcains directly incited actual violence that left even innocent children dead.

But people going to the Capitol and protesting your disgusting, authoritarian party is so offensive you want people jailed.

It just shows the contempt you people have for other Americans where you seek to deprive others from having a voice or their rights. You dont even care when your shit ass party attacks American communities and leaves them destroyed.

The only joy I get from the gross shit your establishment pulls is the knowledge that you are fighting for your own destruction and oppression. You'll suffer just as much as everyone else eventually.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The only ones giving it any credence are effeminate sissy boys like admin who think they are girls due to their lifelong struggles with erectile dysfunction.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Such irony.

You know....when you are dealing with other people and you see something you THINK applies to them, you should first make sure it doesnt apply to you.

Always look for yourself in something first. Kinda like the plant and the speck.

We see and hear you guys loud and clear. It's you who refuse to see or hear anyone else.

We are just racist, traitors, extremists,a danger to democracy. Its acceptable for your party to murder people and destroy communities and bomb buildings and drive over innocent people.

Your shit president literally gave a speech with military in the back and slammed and smeared everyone who doesnt support him and democrats as dangerous extremists. And then a 40 year drunk murdersd an 18 year old boy, claiming the boy was a "Republican extremists"

You are authoritarians who demand submission. You NEVER critisize the disgusting shit in the party you support. Ever. You have excuses for the violence and destruction and murder and hatred and you all lie and attack people who dont align with you.

So yeah we dont take any of this seriously. We see it for what it is. YOU are the ones fighting to keep the powerful in power. Thats why your gross party enjoyed state sanctioned political violence and incitement to murder and ZERO accountability. Rioters who beat people bailed out by the Biden campaign.

Just stop. We would have probably supported a real insurrection because all your party does is attack our rights and drive the country into poverty and enables crime and you've made it very clear you see us as shit bags, dont care about our concerns or interests and instead of arguing for platforms to help the country, you brand everyone evil who opposes you.

All you guys are saying here is that any protest and opposition to your overlords will definately be punished and narratives will be built to justify punishing it. You seem to be the only fools here who dont clearly see that. Or you do and you are liars. Youd be perfectly fine if the patriot act was used to go after your politcal opponents under the lie of "extremism". At this point you equate politcal opposition as traitors and extremists.

Now hurry up with you shit emoji because that's all you guys ever do when someone explains why you are full of shit and supporting the destruction of our rights.

You'll both argue for pedophiles before you ever agree with us on anything. You are just THAT righteous. We will be bigots for not supporting MAPs. Hell we are already far right bigots for opposing sexually graphic drag shows for children. You don't speak out about any of that but you guys really believe protests against your party should be criminalized.