I blew a call

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Last night in a hockey game I was reffing I thought a player put the puck into the top of the net and I pointed to signal "Goal" and blew my whistle.

Then I saw the puck bounce down into the back of the goalie's pads and I realized it had hit the crossbar.

Then the offensive team shot the loose puck into the goal.

This all happened within a second or two.

So I had to say "No goal."

The captain of the offensive team asked me "What happened?"

I said "I thought your guy roofed it, so I called a goal, but then I realized he hit the crossbar. I already blew the whistle though, so the goal after the whistle cannot count. Sorry, I fucked-up."

So, turns out that I am not perfect.

In case anyone was wondering.