I would swear, I was falling Swear, I was falling Why it's almost like being in love


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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What a day this has been
What a rare mood I'm in
Why, it's almost like being in love
There's a smile on my face
For the whole human race
Why, it's almost like being in love
All the music of life seems to be
Like a bell that is ringing for me


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
When democrat presidents are friendly (and submissive even like Obama) with monsterous world leaders its diplomacy.

When Trump is friendly and assertive and accomplishes preventing violence and wars....its because he is locked into a gay sexual relationship and in some sort of "cahoots". Or its "proof" Trump is a dictator. Policies dont mean anything....he is a "dictator" because evidently the left has no clue what a dictator is and they just know it's a bad word.

Trying to force/coerce vaccines, locking down the people to the point of destroying thousands of lives, over regulating everything, trying to criminalize dissent against their politicains by calling it "insurrection"(an actual authoritarian tactic), using propaganda.....that's not the actions of dictators at all. When they form a movement its "democracy"....even when its violence against the people.

It's just nonstop nit picky hypocrisy. Why
....WHY are you guys not at all concerned with how our lives are impacted?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You guys think Obama was butt fucking Castro?

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I mean he wasnt slamming or criticizing the tyrannical fuck nut. So I guess they were meeting up for romantic weekends and shit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

What a day this has been
What a rare mood I'm in
Why, it's almost like being in love
There's a smile on my face
For the whole human race
Why, it's almost like being in love
All the music of life seems to be
Like a bell that is ringing for me
And now, diaper joe has rocket gook shooting off rockets like its the 4th of July!