In America the People decide elections, not the media


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
In fact...he’s been drawing a salary for all these years being the biggest con artist in American history. He googled shit before google was even fucking invented!


Factory Bastard
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Breakfall Trump led 300,000 to their graves. That’s no leadership to me
I’m too drunk to funk...I’ll get back to you on all that soon after my Xmas party tomoza my amigo! I know you mean well...but Trump is still a better choice. Biden is fucking a idiot...Jesus! You guys don’t know a lot about his gaffs do you? Biden basically condones murder in Africa because he knew fuck all about what he was talking about! And you’re backing him? Watch this video and then we can reconvene. I’ll welcome all pertains to the president of America if the fraud is overlooked:

I cannot believe you think Biden is a bigger idiot than Trump. Trump has the intellect of a toddler. Biden is at least up to middle school level.

Whatever you may have thought of Biden has been dissipated in farts, gaffs and old age! He’s a renowned cheat...a plagiarist of the ages! That’s not America princess!

Dude, let me remind you that I did not vote for him or Trump, and I think Biden is awful. But let me also remind you that Trump is a sexual harasser, a rapist, a moron, a cheat, a bankrupter of companies, a liar, and a malignant narcissist, and he has used taxpayer dollars to enrich himself, and is completely ignorant of the Constitution and US law. Is that America?


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
Breakfall Trump led 300,000 to their graves. That’s no leadership to me
I’m too drunk to funk...I’ll get back to you on all that soon after my Xmas party tomoza my amigo! I know you mean well...but Trump is still a better choice. Biden is fucking a idiot...Jesus! You guys don’t know a lot about his gaffs do you? Biden basically condones murder in Africa because he knew fuck all about what he was talking about! And you’re backing him? Watch this video and then we can reconvene. I’ll welcome all pertains to the president of America if the fraud is overlooked:

I cannot believe you think Biden is a bigger idiot than Trump. Trump has the intellect of a toddler. Biden is at least up to middle school level.

Whatever you may have thought of Biden has been dissipated in farts, gaffs and old age! He’s a renowned cheat...a plagiarist of the ages! That’s not America princess!

Dude, let me remind you that I did not vote for him or Trump, and I think Biden is awful. But let me also remind you that Trump is a sexual harasser, a rapist, a moron, a cheat, a bankrupter of companies, a liar, and a malignant narcissist, and he has used taxpayer dollars to enrich himself, and is completely ignorant of the Constitution and US law. Is that America?

Hold is that defined again? Don’t throw that fucking shit into the mix! Where’s your rape link?


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
Breakfall Trump led 300,000 to their graves. That’s no leadership to me
I’m too drunk to funk...I’ll get back to you on all that soon after my Xmas party tomoza my amigo! I know you mean well...but Trump is still a better choice. Biden is fucking a idiot...Jesus! You guys don’t know a lot about his gaffs do you? Biden basically condones murder in Africa because he knew fuck all about what he was talking about! And you’re backing him? Watch this video and then we can reconvene. I’ll welcome all pertains to the president of America if the fraud is overlooked:

I cannot believe you think Biden is a bigger idiot than Trump. Trump has the intellect of a toddler. Biden is at least up to middle school level.

Whatever you may have thought of Biden has been dissipated in farts, gaffs and old age! He’s a renowned cheat...a plagiarist of the ages! That’s not America princess!

Dude, let me remind you that I did not vote for him or Trump, and I think Biden is awful. But let me also remind you that Trump is a sexual harasser, a rapist, a moron, a cheat, a bankrupter of companies, a liar, and a malignant narcissist, and he has used taxpayer dollars to enrich himself, and is completely ignorant of the Constitution and US law. Is that America?

So Trump is a politician in other words?


Factory Bastard
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Breakfall Trump led 300,000 to their graves. That’s no leadership to me
I’m too drunk to funk...I’ll get back to you on all that soon after my Xmas party tomoza my amigo! I know you mean well...but Trump is still a better choice. Biden is fucking a idiot...Jesus! You guys don’t know a lot about his gaffs do you? Biden basically condones murder in Africa because he knew fuck all about what he was talking about! And you’re backing him? Watch this video and then we can reconvene. I’ll welcome all pertains to the president of America if the fraud is overlooked:

I cannot believe you think Biden is a bigger idiot than Trump. Trump has the intellect of a toddler. Biden is at least up to middle school level.

Whatever you may have thought of Biden has been dissipated in farts, gaffs and old age! He’s a renowned cheat...a plagiarist of the ages! That’s not America princess!

Dude, let me remind you that I did not vote for him or Trump, and I think Biden is awful. But let me also remind you that Trump is a sexual harasser, a rapist, a moron, a cheat, a bankrupter of companies, a liar, and a malignant narcissist, and he has used taxpayer dollars to enrich himself, and is completely ignorant of the Constitution and US law. Is that America?

Hold is that defined again? Don’t throw that fucking shit into the mix! Where’s your rape link?

Two different women have filed rape charges against Trump. One of them was 14 at the time, and she was at Epstein's mansion at the time he allegedly raped her. Her criminal charges were mysteriously withdrawn when Trump became prez. You know, around the time he paid off Stormy. But it is still possible to research this incident. Do it.

If you don't think Trump participated in Epstein bullshit, you are deluded. He hung out with him for years, praised him publicly, and acknowledged on tape that Epstein liked women "on the younger side." Virgina Guiffre was recruited at Mar-a-Lago. Cons love to say he abandoned Epstein when he found out Epstein was a PLEASE ASS BOX ME!. LMAO. Bullshit. He always knew, how could he not? He abandoned Epstein when Epstein bought a building that Trump had a hardon about. FACT.

Don't let your partisanship blind you to the facts. Both Trump and Biden are misogynistic predators.

More than 30 women also charged |Trump with harassment and/or assault. Take off your blinders.
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Put your glasses on!
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Food for thought:

Kamala Harris hasn't given up her seat, yet. Wonder why? If she is gonna be VP then she should allow some other candidate to take up HER seat. I think she's worried that if Biden doesn't GET the presidency and she gives up her seat, she'll be without a job because she can't get it back once it goes to someone else.....maybe she knows something we don't.


Her new job starts on Jan 20. She still has more than a month.

We'll see. ;)

Why. You think Trump, who lost by more than 5 million votes, is going to win his bullshit lawsuits? Right. See you on Jan 20, Trumpecile.

I don't know why you even care so much. You moved out of the US. You don't have to deal with ANY of the bullshit ANY of the presidents dish out. Why do you care so much?

I still pay taxes in the US, and I still have family there. AND I still vote there. I care more than you fools who voted for Trump. Clearly.

Then why leave this country you so love???

You can love more than one country, you know. I know that's hard to wrap your brain around, but literally millions of Americans live outside the USA. You don't stop being an American when you move.

Your political views have proven you anti-Anerican time and again. True Americans care about their constitutional rights. True Americans care about the ammendments and the history this country was founded upon, regardless the outcome of such.

I am not anti-American. You insult your own intelligence when you make such an unfounded claim. You clearly don't understand the history this country was founded on, nor do you know what I think about it, in any way, shape, or form. Do you know what the emoluments clause is? And how many amendments do you know outside of the 2nd?

But the statues of the men this country was founded on are "racist" to you. Man, you're becoming quite the hypocrite alongside MaxiPad.

Are you his wife? No wonder you are so angry all the time, since he never gives you dick and jacks it to underage porn all the time. Do y'all sleep in separate rooms too?


Put your glasses on!
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Not based upon lies and deceit such as ELECTION FRAUD. Every vote counts but not two or three times, hun.

Yes. Every vote counts. Including the 81,000,000 Biden got, as opposed to the 74,000,000 Trump got.



Such is life...
Great Southern Land
Every time I see myself quoted I see

At the end of the day I am the most real individual there is.
I’ve never lied and although I’m educated , I’m reminiscent of that fact!

wait, wait a bit....



Factory Bastard
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Food for thought:

Kamala Harris hasn't given up her seat, yet. Wonder why? If she is gonna be VP then she should allow some other candidate to take up HER seat. I think she's worried that if Biden doesn't GET the presidency and she gives up her seat, she'll be without a job because she can't get it back once it goes to someone else.....maybe she knows something we don't.

Her term hasn't expired. She faces the issue of continuity of her paycheck and bennies like healthcare and such. It's a common enough practice. Since her term is unexpired, her governor will have time after January to appoint someone to take the seat. Just as with Obama in 2008, Ford in 1973 or 4, etc.

True but if I were absolutely 100% positive that I was gonna be the VP of the US then I would go ahead and allow someone else take my job.....but I will just sit back and watch how all this shit plays out in the a good girl.

That ignorant and duplicitous cunt has no business holding any office.

I Adore her. She is one bad ass prosecutor. They will be tip toeing around her for the next 8 years.

She delayed release of prisoners in a money making farm after sucking the dick of someone nearly twice her age who gave her the positions/pathways.

Earlier in the year she attacked Biden during the debates for being an old school segregationalist and racist, she got virtually no votes in her own party, and she's here now?

Why is she running with a known racist of 47 years?

I'm not sure what your last question is about, but she is an evil person. She was put in the office of VP because they know she will toe the corporate line, period.

It's not different than the CON side, except for the wedge issues. DNC and RNC are exactly the same on corporate issues and eternal wars. They only differ when it comes to things like abortion and gay rights -- the wedge issues. But those things literally DO NOT MATTER to the powers in DC. No matter who gets into office (including Trump) the war machine, the destruction of the middle class, and the corporatization of EVERYTHING continues as scheduled. Wedge issues don't even enter into it.

Trump signs peace agreements and has tried repeatedly to get troops home, his tariffs and tax cuts delivered to the bottom two thirds of American earners, and he has sought from the get go to unburden everyone of regulations.

Where are you getting your news? Crackerjack box?

You people have got to wake up about the tax cuts. He gave massive, permanent cuts to the very wealthy. OUR tax cuts EXPIRE. The tax cuts to the wealthy are going to cause massive budget deficits. The TEMPORARY tax cuts to working Americans were simply meant to distract us from the real tax cuts -- those to the wealthy. And they were meant to get people to vote for him in 2020. Your tax cut is going away, unless the 2021 pres/Congress make them permanent. And that won't happen because the economy will be in free fall by then, and Biden is also a corporate whore anyway. Do some legit research.

Trump signs peace agreements, then he does things like go back on the Iran treaty, which was a peace agreement. How many wars did he actually end?

He seeks to unburden rich people who are stealing working people's money from regulations. Don't be such a dupe.

You need to stop getting your news from partisan hacks and start doing some legit research.


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
Food for thought:

Kamala Harris hasn't given up her seat, yet. Wonder why? If she is gonna be VP then she should allow some other candidate to take up HER seat. I think she's worried that if Biden doesn't GET the presidency and she gives up her seat, she'll be without a job because she can't get it back once it goes to someone else.....maybe she knows something we don't.

Her term hasn't expired. She faces the issue of continuity of her paycheck and bennies like healthcare and such. It's a common enough practice. Since her term is unexpired, her governor will have time after January to appoint someone to take the seat. Just as with Obama in 2008, Ford in 1973 or 4, etc.

True but if I were absolutely 100% positive that I was gonna be the VP of the US then I would go ahead and allow someone else take my job.....but I will just sit back and watch how all this shit plays out in the a good girl.

That ignorant and duplicitous cunt has no business holding any office.

I Adore her. She is one bad ass prosecutor. They will be tip toeing around her for the next 8 years.

She delayed release of prisoners in a money making farm after sucking the dick of someone nearly twice her age who gave her the positions/pathways.

Earlier in the year she attacked Biden during the debates for being an old school segregationalist and racist, she got virtually no votes in her own party, and she's here now?

Why is she running with a known racist of 47 years?

I'm not sure what your last question is about, but she is an evil person. She was put in the office of VP because they know she will toe the corporate line, period.

It's not different than the CON side, except for the wedge issues. DNC and RNC are exactly the same on corporate issues and eternal wars. They only differ when it comes to things like abortion and gay rights -- the wedge issues. But those things literally DO NOT MATTER to the powers in DC. No matter who gets into office (including Trump) the war machine, the destruction of the middle class, and the corporatization of EVERYTHING continues as scheduled. Wedge issues don't even enter into it.

Trump signs peace agreements and has tried repeatedly to get troops home, his tariffs and tax cuts delivered to the bottom two thirds of American earners, and he has sought from the get go to unburden everyone of regulations.

Where are you getting your news? Crackerjack box?

You people have got to wake up about the tax cuts. He gave massive, permanent cuts to the very wealthy. OUR tax cuts EXPIRE. The tax cuts to the wealthy are going to cause massive budget deficits. The TEMPORARY tax cuts to working Americans were simply meant to distract us from the real tax cuts -- those to the wealthy. And they were meant to get people to vote for him in 2020. Your tax cut is going away, unless the 2021 pres/Congress make them permanent. And that won't happen because the economy will be in free fall by then, and Biden is also a corporate whore anyway. Do some legit research.

Trump signs peace agreements, then he does things like go back on the Iran treaty, which was a peace agreement. How many wars did he actually end?

He seeks to unburden rich people who are stealing working people's money from regulations. Don't be such a dupe.

You need to stop getting your news from partisan hacks and start doing some legit research.
It’s not Trump! It’s the God girl...where did your brain forsake us all!?


Factory Bastard
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Food for thought:

Kamala Harris hasn't given up her seat, yet. Wonder why? If she is gonna be VP then she should allow some other candidate to take up HER seat. I think she's worried that if Biden doesn't GET the presidency and she gives up her seat, she'll be without a job because she can't get it back once it goes to someone else.....maybe she knows something we don't.

Her term hasn't expired. She faces the issue of continuity of her paycheck and bennies like healthcare and such. It's a common enough practice. Since her term is unexpired, her governor will have time after January to appoint someone to take the seat. Just as with Obama in 2008, Ford in 1973 or 4, etc.

True but if I were absolutely 100% positive that I was gonna be the VP of the US then I would go ahead and allow someone else take my job.....but I will just sit back and watch how all this shit plays out in the a good girl.

That ignorant and duplicitous cunt has no business holding any office.

I Adore her. She is one bad ass prosecutor. They will be tip toeing around her for the next 8 years.

She delayed release of prisoners in a money making farm after sucking the dick of someone nearly twice her age who gave her the positions/pathways.

Earlier in the year she attacked Biden during the debates for being an old school segregationalist and racist, she got virtually no votes in her own party, and she's here now?

Why is she running with a known racist of 47 years?

I'm not sure what your last question is about, but she is an evil person. She was put in the office of VP because they know she will toe the corporate line, period.

It's not different than the CON side, except for the wedge issues. DNC and RNC are exactly the same on corporate issues and eternal wars. They only differ when it comes to things like abortion and gay rights -- the wedge issues. But those things literally DO NOT MATTER to the powers in DC. No matter who gets into office (including Trump) the war machine, the destruction of the middle class, and the corporatization of EVERYTHING continues as scheduled. Wedge issues don't even enter into it.

Trump signs peace agreements and has tried repeatedly to get troops home, his tariffs and tax cuts delivered to the bottom two thirds of American earners, and he has sought from the get go to unburden everyone of regulations.

Where are you getting your news? Crackerjack box?

You people have got to wake up about the tax cuts. He gave massive, permanent cuts to the very wealthy. OUR tax cuts EXPIRE. The tax cuts to the wealthy are going to cause massive budget deficits. The TEMPORARY tax cuts to working Americans were simply meant to distract us from the real tax cuts -- those to the wealthy. And they were meant to get people to vote for him in 2020. Your tax cut is going away, unless the 2021 pres/Congress make them permanent. And that won't happen because the economy will be in free fall by then, and Biden is also a corporate whore anyway. Do some legit research.

Trump signs peace agreements, then he does things like go back on the Iran treaty, which was a peace agreement. How many wars did he actually end?

He seeks to unburden rich people who are stealing working people's money from regulations. Don't be such a dupe.

You need to stop getting your news from partisan hacks and start doing some legit research.
It’s not Trump! It’s the God girl...where did your brain forsake us all!?

Dear, I KNOW the military complex in general has more power than the president. My point is, Trump is not anti-war in any way, shape, or form. He is nothing but a narcissistic panderer who has no concept of what's going on in the world. I can guarantee you I have a better understanding than he does.


Factory Bastard
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Back on the topic of recounts:

Jeremy W. Peters, David Montgomery, Linda Qiu and Adam Liptak
Fri, December 11, 2020, 1:12 PM GMT

Ken Paxton, the Texas attorney general, has asked the Supreme Court to do something it has never done before: disenfranchise millions of voters in four states and reverse the results of the presidential election.

The case is highly problematic from a legal perspective and is riddled with procedural and substantive shortcomings, election law experts said.

And for its argument to succeed — an outcome that is highly unlikely, according to legal scholars — a majority of the nine justices would have to overlook a debunked claim that President-elect Joe Biden’s chances of victory were “less than one in a quadrillion.”

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LMAO @ the Trumpeciles.


Put your glasses on!
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Back on the topic of recounts:

Jeremy W. Peters, David Montgomery, Linda Qiu and Adam Liptak
Fri, December 11, 2020, 1:12 PM GMT

Ken Paxton, the Texas attorney general, has asked the Supreme Court to do something it has never done before: disenfranchise millions of voters in four states and reverse the results of the presidential election.

The case is highly problematic from a legal perspective and is riddled with procedural and substantive shortcomings, election law experts said.

And for its argument to succeed — an outcome that is highly unlikely, according to legal scholars — a majority of the nine justices would have to overlook a debunked claim that President-elect Joe Biden’s chances of victory were “less than one in a quadrillion.”

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LMAO @ the Trumpeciles.

You clearly dont understand, which doesnt surprise me after reading that piece of garbage.

Texas aint disenfranchising millions of voters, they are suing because THEY feel disenfranchised!!!!

If other states cheated, they won electoral votes by cheating. Which in turn, takes away HONEST electoral votes from other states.

What do you teach, PE? Cause it damn sure aint Math.


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Food for thought:

Kamala Harris hasn't given up her seat, yet. Wonder why? If she is gonna be VP then she should allow some other candidate to take up HER seat. I think she's worried that if Biden doesn't GET the presidency and she gives up her seat, she'll be without a job because she can't get it back once it goes to someone else.....maybe she knows something we don't.

Do you just walk away as soon as you found a new job? I would not! And I do not allow the people I work with either.
Decent people take care of a good transfer to their successor. They even help finding a good successor if required.


Factory Bastard
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Back on the topic of recounts:

Jeremy W. Peters, David Montgomery, Linda Qiu and Adam Liptak
Fri, December 11, 2020, 1:12 PM GMT

Ken Paxton, the Texas attorney general, has asked the Supreme Court to do something it has never done before: disenfranchise millions of voters in four states and reverse the results of the presidential election.

The case is highly problematic from a legal perspective and is riddled with procedural and substantive shortcomings, election law experts said.

And for its argument to succeed — an outcome that is highly unlikely, according to legal scholars — a majority of the nine justices would have to overlook a debunked claim that President-elect Joe Biden’s chances of victory were “less than one in a quadrillion.”

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LMAO @ the Trumpeciles.

You clearly dont understand, which doesnt surprise me after reading that piece of garbage.

Texas aint disenfranchising millions of voters, they are suing because THEY feel disenfranchised!!!!

If other states cheated, they won electoral votes by cheating. Which in turn, takes away HONEST electoral votes from other states.

What do you teach, PE? Cause it damn sure aint Math.

Texas is trying to tell other states not to certify the election results. Feeling disenfranchised and proving disenfranchisement are two different things. You can't disenfranchise millions of voters in other states because you FEEL disenfranchised. Texas is trying to ACTUALLY disenfranchise voters. No one has proved that anyone has already been disenfranchised.
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Dictator of the Bastard Factory
I don't know why you even care so much. You moved out of the US. You don't have to deal with ANY of the bullshit ANY of the presidents dish out. Why do you care so much?
I bet you would whine also if she did NOT care at all....
Then she would be "still american but not patriotic enough" :devil1:


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Actually, I hope they do a real recount. I want to watch Trump stroke out when he finds out he lost by even more than we thought.

Which state was it again where he paid a few millions for a recound and lost even more? Yes, that was fun :)


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
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No where you'd like to be......
Food for thought:

Kamala Harris hasn't given up her seat, yet. Wonder why? If she is gonna be VP then she should allow some other candidate to take up HER seat. I think she's worried that if Biden doesn't GET the presidency and she gives up her seat, she'll be without a job because she can't get it back once it goes to someone else.....maybe she knows something we don't.

Do you just walk away as soon as you found a new job? I would not! And I do not allow the people I work with either.
Decent people take care of a good transfer to their successor. They even help finding a good successor if required.

Depends on the job and your title.


Factory Bastard
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Food for thought:

Kamala Harris hasn't given up her seat, yet. Wonder why? If she is gonna be VP then she should allow some other candidate to take up HER seat. I think she's worried that if Biden doesn't GET the presidency and she gives up her seat, she'll be without a job because she can't get it back once it goes to someone else.....maybe she knows something we don't.


Her new job starts on Jan 20. She still has more than a month.

We'll see. ;)

Why. You think Trump, who lost by more than 5 million votes, is going to win his bullshit lawsuits? Right. See you on Jan 20, Trumpecile.

I don't know why you even care so much. You moved out of the US. You don't have to deal with ANY of the bullshit ANY of the presidents dish out. Why do you care so much?

I care because I am an American. Presidents affect me and my family and loved ones who are still there. I know you're not well-read, so I'll explain why else it matters. Emigrants still have to adhere to laws of their home countries and those laws impact the things they have to do while abroad. Tax laws, the strength of the US economy, and how the country I live in uses US law in making laws pertaining to US immigrants here ALL matter to my life.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
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No where you'd like to be......
I don't know why you even care so much. You moved out of the US. You don't have to deal with ANY of the bullshit ANY of the presidents dish out. Why do you care so much?
I bet you would whine also if she did NOT care at all....
Then she would be "still american but not patriotic enough" :devil1:

She damn sure isn't patriotic. That's a guarantee. I know a TRUE patriot when I see one. I'm a fucking patriot. She is NOT a patriot.


Factory Bastard
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I don't know why you even care so much. You moved out of the US. You don't have to deal with ANY of the bullshit ANY of the presidents dish out. Why do you care so much?
I bet you would whine also if she did NOT care at all....
Then she would be "still american but not patriotic enough" :devil1:

She damn sure isn't patriotic. That's a guarantee. I know a TRUE patriot when I see one. I'm a fucking patriot. She is NOT a patriot.

Fuck off, Ms I'm-proud-of-my-low-IQ. You aren't smart enough to determine who is and who isn't a patriot. Keep accusing me of bullshit like that, and I'll keep on your dim little ass. Being dumb AND mean is not a good look for you.


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Biden has dementia. Trump doesn't.
Trump doesn't have dementia? LMAO
Both do not suffer from dementia.
With Trump it would be very very clear if he did. He is just not smart enough to hide it.
Biden is accused of this because he stutters. That is VERY different from dementia. It's just propaganda spread by Trump's campaign team.


Factory Bastard
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  • Agree!
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Dictator of the Bastard Factory
I don't know why you even care so much. You moved out of the US. You don't have to deal with ANY of the bullshit ANY of the presidents dish out. Why do you care so much?
I bet you would whine also if she did NOT care at all....
Then she would be "still american but not patriotic enough" :devil1:
She damn sure isn't patriotic. That's a guarantee. I know a TRUE patriot when I see one. I'm a fucking patriot. She is NOT a patriot.
On which facts do you base this conclusion? :Confused:


Put your glasses on!
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Biden has dementia. Trump doesn't.
Trump doesn't have dementia? LMAO
Both do not suffer from dementia.
With Trump it would be very very clear if he did. He is just not smart enough to hide it.
Biden is accused of this because he stutters. That is VERY different from dementia. It's just propaganda spread by Trump's campaign team.

Biden has no dementia? Well, glad we got that out of the way. He must of really knew what he was talking about then, when he said this.....



Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
I don't know why you even care so much. You moved out of the US. You don't have to deal with ANY of the bullshit ANY of the presidents dish out. Why do you care so much?
I bet you would whine also if she did NOT care at all....
Then she would be "still american but not patriotic enough" :devil1:

She damn sure isn't patriotic. That's a guarantee. I know a TRUE patriot when I see one. I'm a fucking patriot. She is NOT a patriot.

Fuck off, Ms I'm-proud-of-my-low-IQ. You aren't smart enough to determine who is and who isn't a patriot. Keep accusing me of bullshit like that, and I'll keep on your dim little ass. Being dumb AND mean is not a good look for you.

There you go with that IQ bullshit again. You have an IQ test in your pocket? Did I somehow magically use the pencil you keep behind your ear and fill it out? Did you grade it for me? Fuck no. So until you actually see the score on MY IQ test, don't assume it's low. You can keep on me ALL you want to miss Lotus butt.....I'll drag your ass all over this forum no problem. Hands down.


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
I don't know why you even care so much. You moved out of the US. You don't have to deal with ANY of the bullshit ANY of the presidents dish out. Why do you care so much?
I bet you would whine also if she did NOT care at all....
Then she would be "still american but not patriotic enough" :devil1:

She damn sure isn't patriotic. That's a guarantee. I know a TRUE patriot when I see one. I'm a fucking patriot. She is NOT a patriot.

Fuck off, Ms I'm-proud-of-my-low-IQ. You aren't smart enough to determine who is and who isn't a patriot. Keep accusing me of bullshit like that, and I'll keep on your dim little ass. Being dumb AND mean is not a good look for you.
She is a slut, that makes up for it (in her mind) :LOL2:


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
I don't know why you even care so much. You moved out of the US. You don't have to deal with ANY of the bullshit ANY of the presidents dish out. Why do you care so much?
I bet you would whine also if she did NOT care at all....
Then she would be "still american but not patriotic enough" :devil1:
She damn sure isn't patriotic. That's a guarantee. I know a TRUE patriot when I see one. I'm a fucking patriot. She is NOT a patriot.
On which facts do you base this conclusion? :Confused:

Her lack of give a fuck about people's constitutional rights. Period.


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Biden has dementia. Trump doesn't.
Trump doesn't have dementia? LMAO
Both do not suffer from dementia.
With Trump it would be very very clear if he did. He is just not smart enough to hide it.
Biden is accused of this because he stutters. That is VERY different from dementia. It's just propaganda spread by Trump's campaign team.

Biden has no dementia? Well, glad we got that out of the way. He must of really knew what he was talking about then, when he said this.....

3rd time telling you this: he is talking about a hotline to report voter fraud. Taking one sentence out of context is not what we call "evidence". That's what we call a lie.