Is Freedumb Just a Werd?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I dont hate jews.
Who said you did? I only said they are going to replace you. Unless you're vaxxed.
No need to cover up your fuk up. Just own it.
You're not my fuckup, even though I do own you.
By all means, double down on your fukup, dummy.

He showed up to slam a bunch of democrats.

Mr Liberty is glad Trump the dictator is gone and democracy has been saved. Now they can focus on fixing the country by dehumanizing and punishing everyone who doesnt agree with them and removing peoples medical autonomy so Pfizer can profit more.

Oh but hey.....they still have a choice, you know? Even with a literal gun to your head you can still chose the it's not force you know.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Speaking of Freedumb the leftists on Twitter are busy trying to normalize PLEASE ASS BOX ME!... Again.

I'll bet you a million bucks they were catering to the very right-wing child pagaent pushers.


I live in California. Most of the pageant pushers seem to be Hollywood types or wannabe Hollywood types. Thus why they push their very young kids to try to make them a star. I am not expert but go ahead and read about childhood stars and realize things aren't like what you are describing most of the time.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
...or do people reeeeeealy belieeeeve?

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In New York,
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are now vaccinated against COVID-19 after a mandate resulted in a 10% jump in the vaccination rate in just one week among those workers.
(Even a local stated that Yes - you did sign on for this)

Still, some skeptical health care workers are choosing dismissal over vaccination. New York State's largest health care provider, Northwell,
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or 2% of its workforce this week, for refusing to get the shot.

United Airlines
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, which became the
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, announced last week that 99.5% of its workforce got at least one jab.

When Tyson Foods
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in early August, less than 50% of its employees had been vaccinated. Now, that number has climbed above 90%, with three weeks to go before the Nov. 1 deadline.

.....but wuuuuuuudt? Whudt of FREEEEEEDUMB! ?
You get 99% of your workers complying with the vax mandate when you fire all the unvaccinated. Too bad it also fucks your businesses ability to do business.
Oh hey, good morning, Tears lokmerde (soon we'll be able to count your tears).

See the thing there is, no - replacement workers - ferners will step in to do those jobs.
So anti-vaxxers are actually promoting immigration.

The Jews are going to replace you, Tears.

"Antivaxxers are promoting immigration" <--this shows how disconnected from reality you are and how painfully simple minded you are.

I almost feel bad for you.

Maybe the reason you twist and oversimplify complex and layered topics into this cavemen level "us good....cons bad" and just make this hair brained shit up is because you just are not very intelligent.

People fear and hate what they dont understand. So that's probably why you embarrass yourself regularly here with absolutely no awareness of how dumb you sound.

Your whole frame work is false, and pairing that with your hyperpartisan bias to the point where you blatantly lie just to give yourself a reason to hate.

It's interesting watching you pro corporate political establishment turn on democrat voters though. I'll give you that.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
the very right-wing child pagaent pushers

Odd thing to know about.

Any evidence of those weirdos being right-wing?

I'd like to know exactly what about that show was "right wing" as well.

You cant really get an answer from any of them even defining what "right wing". Or what "alt right". I had to go look it up. And I'm sure what it means isnt the same thing they think it means.

Literally everyone who disagrees with them is "alt right" and ANY information that isnt from some corporate media source or a leftwing source is "far right propaganda". Webster is gonna end up being far right propaganda.

Theyll call the CRT material right wing propaganda. Like the actual books they formed this cult on. White Fragility and the others. That's all BS and right wing propaganda.

The only thing consistent with them is dishonesty.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Speaking of Freedumb the leftists on Twitter are busy trying to normalize PLEASE ASS BOX ME!... Again.

I'll bet you a million bucks they were catering to the very right-wing child pagaent pushers.


I live in California. Most of the pageant pushers seem to be Hollywood types or wannabe Hollywood types. Thus why they push their very young kids to try to make them a star. I am not expert but go ahead and read about childhood stars and realize things aren't like what you are describing most of the time.

Pageant pushers are 100% righties. You forget. I am a fourth generation Californian. Most of the big pageants are in the Bible areas of the US. Look it up.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
You can’t expect RepubliTARDS to grasp the concept of liability when they don’t understand the basic concept of tort reform or that they were tricked into thinking that it was the Dems who pushed for that… Republicans paid big money for decoy companies to protect their interests.

BTW ~ tort law dates back to 1215.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Speaking of Freedumb the leftists on Twitter are busy trying to normalize PLEASE ASS BOX ME!... Again.

I'll bet you a million bucks they were catering to the very right-wing child pagaent pushers.


I live in California. Most of the pageant pushers seem to be Hollywood types or wannabe Hollywood types. Thus why they push their very young kids to try to make them a star. I am not expert but go ahead and read about childhood stars and realize things aren't like what you are describing most of the time.

Pageant pushers are 100% righties. You forget. I am a fourth generation Californian. Most of the big pageants are in the Bible areas of the US. Look it up.

What about peagents is right wing? Like how are they even political?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
...and when these FREEDUMB! fighters get canned and lose everything
they'll find out what real freedom is.

They don’t give a shit about anyone else but themselves. Your rights stop when they begin to impede on the rights of others… which they are now making it possible for this virus to continue to find viable hosts (aka the unvaxxed) and spiral into variants that could kill us all.

Fuck them.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
...and when these FREEDUMB! fighters get canned and lose everything
they'll find out what real freedom is.

They don’t give a shit about anyone else but themselves. Your rights stop when they begin to impede on the rights of others… which they are now making it possible for this virus to continue to find viable hosts (aka the unvaxxed) and spiral into variants that could kill us all.

Fuck them.

Hey bimbo, is it possible for you to realize that the vax doesnt stop infection or mutation? Are you actually so fucking indoctrinated that you no comprende?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
...and when these FREEDUMB! fighters get canned and lose everything
they'll find out what real freedom is.

They don’t give a shit about anyone else but themselves. Your rights stop when they begin to impede on the rights of others… which they are now making it possible for this virus to continue to find viable hosts (aka the unvaxxed) and spiral into variants that could kill us all.

Fuck them.

Hey bimbo, is it possible for you to realize that the vax doesnt stop infection or mutation? Are you actually so fucking indoctrinated that you no comprende?

the more opportunities the virus has to spread, the more it replicates


not everyone who is vaxxed will catch covid, you stupid fucking hick


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
...and when these FREEDUMB! fighters get canned and lose everything
they'll find out what real freedom is.

They don’t give a shit about anyone else but themselves. Your rights stop when they begin to impede on the rights of others… which they are now making it possible for this virus to continue to find viable hosts (aka the unvaxxed) and spiral into variants that could kill us all.

Fuck them.

Hey bimbo, is it possible for you to realize that the vax doesnt stop infection or mutation? Are you actually so fucking indoctrinated that you no comprende?

She doesnt even know that AIDs is advanced stage HIV and thinks it's two different viruses.

I literally sent her 5 reputable links explaining this.....and Dunning-Krugered and claimed she doesnt need to look and I'm wrong because she had to sign a paper at her job. A paper that she clearly misunderstood.

Shes not ever going to regard facts or think critically.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
...and when these FREEDUMB! fighters get canned and lose everything
they'll find out what real freedom is.

They don’t give a shit about anyone else but themselves. Your rights stop when they begin to impede on the rights of others… which they are now making it possible for this virus to continue to find viable hosts (aka the unvaxxed) and spiral into variants that could kill us all.

Fuck them.

Hey bimbo, is it possible for you to realize that the vax doesnt stop infection or mutation? Are you actually so fucking indoctrinated that you no comprende?

the more opportunities the virus has to spread, the more it replicates


not everyone who is vaxxed will catch covid, you stupid fucking hick

ORLY? Tell me bimbo, in a world of vaxed people, which spreads more, the virus that the vax was made to protect against, or the virus that outsmarts the vax? Take a break every few minutes....dont want you to hurt that hot bag of air between your ears!


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
...and when these FREEDUMB! fighters get canned and lose everything
they'll find out what real freedom is.

They don’t give a shit about anyone else but themselves. Your rights stop when they begin to impede on the rights of others… which they are now making it possible for this virus to continue to find viable hosts (aka the unvaxxed) and spiral into variants that could kill us all.

Fuck them.

Hey bimbo, is it possible for you to realize that the vax doesnt stop infection or mutation? Are you actually so fucking indoctrinated that you no comprende?

She doesnt even know that AIDs is advanced stage HIV and thinks it's two different viruses.

I literally sent her 5 reputable links explaining this.....and Dunning-Krugered and claimed she doesnt need to look and I'm wrong because she had to sign a paper at her job. A paper that she clearly misunderstood.

Shes not ever going to regard facts or think critically.

your posts should come with a disclaimer… and be fact checked harder than FB does these days

it’s painful to have to read through your constant, yet failed attempts at misdirection
But if you MUST quote me… at least get it right….

I said they can’t prove that HIV will turn into AIDS.
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Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
...and when these FREEDUMB! fighters get canned and lose everything
they'll find out what real freedom is.

They don’t give a shit about anyone else but themselves. Your rights stop when they begin to impede on the rights of others… which they are now making it possible for this virus to continue to find viable hosts (aka the unvaxxed) and spiral into variants that could kill us all.

Fuck them.

Hey bimbo, is it possible for you to realize that the vax doesnt stop infection or mutation? Are you actually so fucking indoctrinated that you no comprende?

the more opportunities the virus has to spread, the more it replicates


not everyone who is vaxxed will catch covid, you stupid fucking hick

ORLY? Tell me bimbo, in a world of vaxed people, which spreads more, the virus that the vax was made to protect against, or the virus that outsmarts the vax? Take a break every few minutes....dont want you to hurt that hot bag of air between your ears!

Better yet….

why don’t you tell me how it would have spiraled into a variant like delta amongst the vaxxed, mad scientist


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
...and when these FREEDUMB! fighters get canned and lose everything
they'll find out what real freedom is.

They sure the fuck will and theyll never vote blue again.

You simple minded idiot.

Your posting style is very ignominious, I sincerely mean that.

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
...and when these FREEDUMB! fighters get canned and lose everything
they'll find out what real freedom is.

They don’t give a shit about anyone else but themselves. Your rights stop when they begin to impede on the rights of others… which they are now making it possible for this virus to continue to find viable hosts (aka the unvaxxed) and spiral into variants that could kill us all.

Fuck them.

Hey bimbo, is it possible for you to realize that the vax doesnt stop infection or mutation? Are you actually so fucking indoctrinated that you no comprende?

the more opportunities the virus has to spread, the more it replicates


not everyone who is vaxxed will catch covid, you stupid fucking hick

ORLY? Tell me bimbo, in a world of vaxed people, which spreads more, the virus that the vax was made to protect against, or the virus that outsmarts the vax? Take a break every few minutes....dont want you to hurt that hot bag of air between your ears!

Better yet….

why don’t you tell me how it would have spiraled into a variant like delta amongst the vaxxed, mad scientist

Dummy, virus' mutate all the damned time. Vaccination MIGHT work IF it prevented INFECTION. The simple process of replication opens the door for continuous mutation. Infection equals mutation. Read a book, bitch. Truth be told, there are many more mutations than we are aware of.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
...and when these FREEDUMB! fighters get canned and lose everything
they'll find out what real freedom is.

They don’t give a shit about anyone else but themselves. Your rights stop when they begin to impede on the rights of others… which they are now making it possible for this virus to continue to find viable hosts (aka the unvaxxed) and spiral into variants that could kill us all.

Fuck them.

Hey bimbo, is it possible for you to realize that the vax doesnt stop infection or mutation? Are you actually so fucking indoctrinated that you no comprende?

the more opportunities the virus has to spread, the more it replicates


not everyone who is vaxxed will catch covid, you stupid fucking hick

ORLY? Tell me bimbo, in a world of vaxed people, which spreads more, the virus that the vax was made to protect against, or the virus that outsmarts the vax? Take a break every few minutes....dont want you to hurt that hot bag of air between your ears!

Better yet….

why don’t you tell me how it would have spiraled into a variant like delta amongst the vaxxed, mad scientist

This video will explain it.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
...and when these FREEDUMB! fighters get canned and lose everything
they'll find out what real freedom is.

They don’t give a shit about anyone else but themselves. Your rights stop when they begin to impede on the rights of others… which they are now making it possible for this virus to continue to find viable hosts (aka the unvaxxed) and spiral into variants that could kill us all.

Fuck them.

Hey bimbo, is it possible for you to realize that the vax doesnt stop infection or mutation? Are you actually so fucking indoctrinated that you no comprende?

the more opportunities the virus has to spread, the more it replicates


not everyone who is vaxxed will catch covid, you stupid fucking hick

ORLY? Tell me bimbo, in a world of vaxed people, which spreads more, the virus that the vax was made to protect against, or the virus that outsmarts the vax? Take a break every few minutes....dont want you to hurt that hot bag of air between your ears!

Better yet….

why don’t you tell me how it would have spiraled into a variant like delta amongst the vaxxed, mad scientist

This video will explain it.

That shit is way too simple and un-indoctrinated for the libtards to follow. I'm 15 minutes into it right now and already realized at the 5 minute mark that it was a waste of time on her. Its very interesting and informational tho!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I figured I'd share some posts from a nursing group I'm part of.

So we can see what the establishment shills find so funny.

From a (democrat voting) nurse....

I took the vaccine not because I wanted to, but I was forced manipulated and harrassed by administrator ,even though they gave me a deadline which was July 6, ....a 2 months notice, but they would harrassed me in the hallway each time they see me... I finally had to give in because I was closing on my home, and needed a letter of verification that I'm still working there, doing 80 hours or more every 2 weeks...

They wrote me the letter but put in big bold letters saying

" these hours are a true STATEMENT to my knowledge effectively from my date of hired , to July 6 the last day for taking the vaccine or quit .

My closing was June 28, I was going to close them leave but my closing was pushed back base on what was written in the job letter , and The mortgage company wanted to know how I will be paying back the loan if I dont have a job after July 6 if I still refuse to be vaccinated .

So , I had no choice but to take the shots , the mortgage company wanted to see proof. I cry for 2 days and felt so violated... I am enjoying my beautiful home but felt like I didn't stand in my beliefs. ‍♀️"

Isnt that hilarious, guys? I guess "freedumb" is just a werd....and this stupid democrat nurse has no integrity!!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Another exchange from some nurses

1. What is the next govt mandate?
2. When does the conversation begin about those who either died or are debillated from severe adverse rxns from shot?
3. When does universal across the board mandate, regardless of your med hx or Dr recommendation, make medical sense.
No alternative, no options, no rights, just take shot or get severly punished. Is this
Good bye democracy."


"***name deleted*** it’s like people forget we came up with all these treatment options for a reason ....not everyone had the same response and expected outcome or the side effects were too much for them .....this makes me so nervous because people don’t realize the MD will always say ,” well let’s TRY this and see what happens, this should help” ... I’m starting to believe that maybe no one understands Plain English anymore"

I mean clearly these nurses dont practice medicine. Ever since medicine became a euphemism for "establishment narrative"

It's just our "blood sport" that is American politics you know? Just listen to some music and let it ride. It doesn't really matter if we completely destroy the country and cause massive irreparable harm.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
...and when these FREEDUMB! fighters get canned and lose everything
they'll find out what real freedom is.

They don’t give a shit about anyone else but themselves. Your rights stop when they begin to impede on the rights of others… which they are now making it possible for this virus to continue to find viable hosts (aka the unvaxxed) and spiral into variants that could kill us all.

Fuck them.

Hey bimbo, is it possible for you to realize that the vax doesnt stop infection or mutation? Are you actually so fucking indoctrinated that you no comprende?

the more opportunities the virus has to spread, the more it replicates


not everyone who is vaxxed will catch covid, you stupid fucking hick

ORLY? Tell me bimbo, in a world of vaxed people, which spreads more, the virus that the vax was made to protect against, or the virus that outsmarts the vax? Take a break every few minutes....dont want you to hurt that hot bag of air between your ears!

Better yet….

why don’t you tell me how it would have spiraled into a variant like delta amongst the vaxxed, mad scientist

This video will explain it.

This was like a flash back to microbiology/disease process. My professor had the same accent and talked for 4 hours lol. I would record every single lecture and listen to it while I slept..... hoping to brainwash myself into an A lol.