Just a Moment, Then - Who Rigged the Election?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
And all
The entire world is stupider for my having scrolled through this thread.

It was fun to watch the racist, hate-filled Registered Democrat Leftist scum desperately flail to deny their overt racism.

Especially Lily. What hate that poor Tex-Mex girl has to live with.

I'm glad I make your butt hurt. Yay me! And you're always wrong about me. I have Tex-Mex heritage, but I am a California "girl" through and through.

My butt's just fine. I don't have to carry around a bagful of hate because of the color of my skin like you do.
Because you think your melanin levels are better than hers?

Reggie isnt YOU, Admin. We dont care about skin color. That nonissue you people are obsessed and driven into hatred over.

Actually, Reggie has a fifteen year track record that contradicts you. And your third sentence is merely purple prose, and factually wrong. Go to a MAGA rally sometime and see who is "obsessed and driven into hatred over" skin color and genetic heritage.

And also, isn't @Aryan part of your "we" also? His track record is all over this forum, you know.

They believe that redressing racial inequality is a form of anti-white racism.

This is the face of modern racism.

Is there some sort of putative logic behind that, or is it like going downtown to study your "heritage" and walking past the library to go and admire the confederate statues that were erected in the 1920s?

I think that most of us raised in states that were never segregated don’t “admire” anything about confederate history.

It wasn’t socially acceptable to use the “N” word here and I believe California circa 1950s-60s is where they started being called “black.”


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
I know people are hard, arent they? They dont all fit nicely into your labeled boxes no matter how scary you find that.

HAHAHAHAHA physician, heal thyself.

From what? Your raging bias?

"Everyone I don't like is right wing Qanon!"

Cite please.
I don't fit in yer box, actually you don't HAVE a box I fit in.

You are in my box of partisan people that think they are objective, but get angry enough at people who have opinions different from theirs to put them on ignore.

I love how it's always us "far right Qanon cOnZ" who lump everyone in, put people in "boxes" and who are the ones with extreme bias blindness.

WHY would you put me on ignore rather than just dealing with and addressing what I'm saying?

I'm only gonna tell you this one more time. I only put people on ignore when I have politely addressed the content of their posts multiple times over factual or logical impossibilities, only to have them ignore my comment or else escalate their rhetoric with a bunch of "you guys are all alike" crap which is also not factual nor do you ever actually support any of those allegations.

I don't like reading posts from people who are SO Teflon, SO defended against any views contrary to theirs that they will resort to bullshit and gaslighting, and even double down on the stupid, when they are challenged.

It ain't about me getting angry, only about me getting bored shitless.

Don't take it personally though. You're not the only one this year, just one of a small number.

You never politely addressed my content. You got pissed off because when I went to address you, Oak and Admin I said "you guys" and you accused me of lumping you in with whatever.

And literally every single time you DO address me its starts with "I'm only gonna tell you this one more time". Its patronizing and you very often wrong in your interpretations of my posts. And I'm pretty sure we both know why.

You dont exactly extend yourself to understand before you get defensive and condescending.

Are you aware that most of the time you come off as lecturing and maybe entertain the possibility that is what's being responded to?

I'm a literal reader, Dove. When you say "literally every single time" I take that to mean "literally" and "every single time." I'm not very good at taking it as some emo Dovey jargon that means something other than the words say. So logically speaking, I only need one example in the archives here of me NOT saying that, for it to be untrue. That's the peril of hyperbole.

Same with "you never politely addressed my content" because NEVER is a very exclusionary and absolute word in most people's lexicon. And I can easily go thru my old posts and show that to be false also.

I do admit that I often come off as pedantic and irritating. It's a Peaches trademark, you know, and I'm still here to give the Peaches fans what they like to hate.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
And all
The entire world is stupider for my having scrolled through this thread.

It was fun to watch the racist, hate-filled Registered Democrat Leftist scum desperately flail to deny their overt racism.

Especially Lily. What hate that poor Tex-Mex girl has to live with.

I'm glad I make your butt hurt. Yay me! And you're always wrong about me. I have Tex-Mex heritage, but I am a California "girl" through and through.

My butt's just fine. I don't have to carry around a bagful of hate because of the color of my skin like you do.
Because you think your melanin levels are better than hers?

Reggie isnt YOU, Admin. We dont care about skin color. That nonissue you people are obsessed and driven into hatred over.

Actually, Reggie has a fifteen year track record that contradicts you. And your third sentence is merely purple prose, and factually wrong. Go to a MAGA rally sometime and see who is "obsessed and driven into hatred over" skin color and genetic heritage.

And also, isn't @Aryan part of your "we" also? His track record is all over this forum, you know.

They believe that redressing racial inequality is a form of anti-white racism.

This is the face of modern racism.

It's stunning that they are so self-absorbed and at the same time so lacking in confidence that they believe redressing inequality is somehow an existential threat to them.

I know… it’s absolutely mind blowing. They actually believe they are victims.

My best friend went to live with her father in Augusta, Georgia the summer of 8th grade. She went to a McDonalds out in the sticks and watched in horror as an 80 yo white man went to the register and told the teenage black female “get me a cheeseburger, you fucking nigger!”

I’ve always been horrified by bigots.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I know people are hard, arent they? They dont all fit nicely into your labeled boxes no matter how scary you find that.

HAHAHAHAHA physician, heal thyself.

From what? Your raging bias?

"Everyone I don't like is right wing Qanon!"

Cite please.
I don't fit in yer box, actually you don't HAVE a box I fit in.

You are in my box of partisan people that think they are objective, but get angry enough at people who have opinions different from theirs to put them on ignore.

I love how it's always us "far right Qanon cOnZ" who lump everyone in, put people in "boxes" and who are the ones with extreme bias blindness.

WHY would you put me on ignore rather than just dealing with and addressing what I'm saying?

I'm only gonna tell you this one more time. I only put people on ignore when I have politely addressed the content of their posts multiple times over factual or logical impossibilities, only to have them ignore my comment or else escalate their rhetoric with a bunch of "you guys are all alike" crap which is also not factual nor do you ever actually support any of those allegations.

I don't like reading posts from people who are SO Teflon, SO defended against any views contrary to theirs that they will resort to bullshit and gaslighting, and even double down on the stupid, when they are challenged.

It ain't about me getting angry, only about me getting bored shitless.

Don't take it personally though. You're not the only one this year, just one of a small number.

You never politely addressed my content. You got pissed off because when I went to address you, Oak and Admin I said "you guys" and you accused me of lumping you in with whatever.

And literally every single time you DO address me its starts with "I'm only gonna tell you this one more time". Its patronizing and you very often wrong in your interpretations of my posts. And I'm pretty sure we both know why.

You dont exactly extend yourself to understand before you get defensive and condescending.

Are you aware that most of the time you come off as lecturing and maybe entertain the possibility that is what's being responded to?

I'm a literal reader, Dove. When you say "literally every single time" I take that to mean "literally" and "every single time." I'm not very good at taking it as some emo Dovey jargon that means something other than the words say. So logically speaking, I only need one example in the archives here of me NOT saying that, for it to be untrue. That's the peril of hyperbole.

Same with "you never politely addressed my content" because NEVER is a very exclusionary and absolute word in most people's lexicon. And I can easily go thru my old posts and show that to be false also.

I do admit that I often come off as pedantic and irritating. It's a Peaches trademark, you know, and I'm still here to give the Peaches fans what they like to hate.

Three paragraphs to address only 1 thing I said.

And you DONT want me to lump you in with basic establishment shilling mental midgets when you do the same shit?

Do any of you guys ever respond directly to what people say?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
I know people are hard, arent they? They dont all fit nicely into your labeled boxes no matter how scary you find that.

HAHAHAHAHA physician, heal thyself.

From what? Your raging bias?

"Everyone I don't like is right wing Qanon!"

Cite please.
I don't fit in yer box, actually you don't HAVE a box I fit in.

You are in my box of partisan people that think they are objective, but get angry enough at people who have opinions different from theirs to put them on ignore.

I love how it's always us "far right Qanon cOnZ" who lump everyone in, put people in "boxes" and who are the ones with extreme bias blindness.

WHY would you put me on ignore rather than just dealing with and addressing what I'm saying?

I'm only gonna tell you this one more time. I only put people on ignore when I have politely addressed the content of their posts multiple times over factual or logical impossibilities, only to have them ignore my comment or else escalate their rhetoric with a bunch of "you guys are all alike" crap which is also not factual nor do you ever actually support any of those allegations.

I don't like reading posts from people who are SO Teflon, SO defended against any views contrary to theirs that they will resort to bullshit and gaslighting, and even double down on the stupid, when they are challenged.

It ain't about me getting angry, only about me getting bored shitless.

Don't take it personally though. You're not the only one this year, just one of a small number.

You never politely addressed my content. You got pissed off because when I went to address you, Oak and Admin I said "you guys" and you accused me of lumping you in with whatever.

And literally every single time you DO address me its starts with "I'm only gonna tell you this one more time". Its patronizing and you very often wrong in your interpretations of my posts. And I'm pretty sure we both know why.

You dont exactly extend yourself to understand before you get defensive and condescending.

Are you aware that most of the time you come off as lecturing and maybe entertain the possibility that is what's being responded to?

I'm a literal reader, Dove. When you say "literally every single time" I take that to mean "literally" and "every single time." I'm not very good at taking it as some emo Dovey jargon that means something other than the words say. So logically speaking, I only need one example in the archives here of me NOT saying that, for it to be untrue. That's the peril of hyperbole.

Same with "you never politely addressed my content" because NEVER is a very exclusionary and absolute word in most people's lexicon. And I can easily go thru my old posts and show that to be false also.

I do admit that I often come off as pedantic and irritating. It's a Peaches trademark, you know, and I'm still here to give the Peaches fans what they like to hate.

Three paragraphs to address only 1 thing I said.

And you DONT want me to lump you in with basic establishment shilling mental midgets when you do the same shit?

Do any of you guys ever respond directly to what people say?
git guddar material


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
what a try too hard fuckhead without a nose :facepalm: :facepalm:
The doesn't try at all fuckhead says what?
The don't need to try because he's surrounded by dumb liberal cretins says you don't have a nose and that's pretty fucking disgusting

^^^ votes for draft dodgers
^^^ votes for geriatric cripples who give eulogies for KKK klansmen

And wrote the crime bill.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I know people are hard, arent they? They dont all fit nicely into your labeled boxes no matter how scary you find that.

HAHAHAHAHA physician, heal thyself.

From what? Your raging bias?

"Everyone I don't like is right wing Qanon!"

Cite please.
I don't fit in yer box, actually you don't HAVE a box I fit in.

You are in my box of partisan people that think they are objective, but get angry enough at people who have opinions different from theirs to put them on ignore.

I love how it's always us "far right Qanon cOnZ" who lump everyone in, put people in "boxes" and who are the ones with extreme bias blindness.

WHY would you put me on ignore rather than just dealing with and addressing what I'm saying?

I'm only gonna tell you this one more time. I only put people on ignore when I have politely addressed the content of their posts multiple times over factual or logical impossibilities, only to have them ignore my comment or else escalate their rhetoric with a bunch of "you guys are all alike" crap which is also not factual nor do you ever actually support any of those allegations.

I don't like reading posts from people who are SO Teflon, SO defended against any views contrary to theirs that they will resort to bullshit and gaslighting, and even double down on the stupid, when they are challenged.

It ain't about me getting angry, only about me getting bored shitless.

Don't take it personally though. You're not the only one this year, just one of a small number.

You never politely addressed my content. You got pissed off because when I went to address you, Oak and Admin I said "you guys" and you accused me of lumping you in with whatever.

And literally every single time you DO address me its starts with "I'm only gonna tell you this one more time". Its patronizing and you very often wrong in your interpretations of my posts. And I'm pretty sure we both know why.

You dont exactly extend yourself to understand before you get defensive and condescending.

Are you aware that most of the time you come off as lecturing and maybe entertain the possibility that is what's being responded to?

I'm a literal reader, Dove. When you say "literally every single time" I take that to mean "literally" and "every single time." I'm not very good at taking it as some emo Dovey jargon that means something other than the words say. So logically speaking, I only need one example in the archives here of me NOT saying that, for it to be untrue. That's the peril of hyperbole.

Same with "you never politely addressed my content" because NEVER is a very exclusionary and absolute word in most people's lexicon. And I can easily go thru my old posts and show that to be false also.

I do admit that I often come off as pedantic and irritating. It's a Peaches trademark, you know, and I'm still here to give the Peaches fans what they like to hate.

Three paragraphs to address only 1 thing I said.

And you DONT want me to lump you in with basic establishment shilling mental midgets when you do the same shit?

Do any of you guys ever respond directly to what people say?
git guddar material

Earn it, cock sucker.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
what a try too hard fuckhead without a nose :facepalm: :facepalm:
The doesn't try at all fuckhead says what?
The don't need to try because he's surrounded by dumb liberal cretins says you don't have a nose and that's pretty fucking disgusting

^^^ votes for draft dodgers
^^^ votes for geriatric cripples who give eulogies for KKK klansmen

I didn’t vote for Biden… but I did pray every night my BEST prayers that Donnie Dump would lose.

I’m also pretty sure in 50 years from now he will be revered as the biggest flop assclown to ever hold office.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
what a try too hard fuckhead without a nose :facepalm: :facepalm:
The doesn't try at all fuckhead says what?
The don't need to try because he's surrounded by dumb liberal cretins says you don't have a nose and that's pretty fucking disgusting

^^^ votes for draft dodgers
^^^ votes for geriatric cripples who give eulogies for KKK klansmen

I didn’t vote for Biden…


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
what a try too hard fuckhead without a nose :facepalm: :facepalm:
The doesn't try at all fuckhead says what?
The don't need to try because he's surrounded by dumb liberal cretins says you don't have a nose and that's pretty fucking disgusting

^^^ votes for draft dodgers
^^^ votes for geriatric cripples who give eulogies for KKK klansmen

I didn’t vote for Biden…

I took a political stance when I was 15 to never vote and you know this. However, the forum is searchable….

Key words:

Desert Storm
LA National Cemetery
Grave of 18 yo soldier


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I smell vodka and low self esteem.

So either there is gonna be more ten year old private info getting a NPD make over to be blathered OR some lucky leftarded "male" is gonna make a quick 500 :LOL3:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
what a try too hard fuckhead without a nose :facepalm: :facepalm:
The doesn't try at all fuckhead says what?
The don't need to try because he's surrounded by dumb liberal cretins says you don't have a nose and that's pretty fucking disgusting

^^^ votes for draft dodgers
^^^ votes for geriatric cripples who give eulogies for KKK klansmen

I didn’t vote for Biden…

I took a political stance when I was 15 to never vote and you know this. However, the forum is searchable….

Key words:

Desert Storm
LA National Cemetery
Grave of 18 yo soldier
I know you're doubling down on your bullshit


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
what a try too hard fuckhead without a nose :facepalm: :facepalm:
The doesn't try at all fuckhead says what?
The don't need to try because he's surrounded by dumb liberal cretins says you don't have a nose and that's pretty fucking disgusting

^^^ votes for draft dodgers
^^^ votes for geriatric cripples who give eulogies for KKK klansmen

I didn’t vote for Biden…

I took a political stance when I was 15 to never vote and you know this. However, the forum is searchable….

Key words:

Desert Storm
LA National Cemetery
Grave of 18 yo soldier
I know you're doubling down on your bullshit

go fetch… you’re losing your touch

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
what a try too hard fuckhead without a nose :facepalm: :facepalm:
The doesn't try at all fuckhead says what?
The don't need to try because he's surrounded by dumb liberal cretins says you don't have a nose and that's pretty fucking disgusting

^^^ votes for draft dodgers
^^^ votes for geriatric cripples who give eulogies for KKK klansmen

I didn’t vote for Biden…

I took a political stance when I was 15 to never vote and you know this. However, the forum is searchable….

Key words:

Desert Storm
LA National Cemetery
Grave of 18 yo soldier
I know you're doubling down on your bullshit

go fetch… you’re losing your touch
whereas you lost yours long long ago


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
what a try too hard fuckhead without a nose :facepalm: :facepalm:
The doesn't try at all fuckhead says what?
The don't need to try because he's surrounded by dumb liberal cretins says you don't have a nose and that's pretty fucking disgusting

^^^ votes for draft dodgers
^^^ votes for geriatric cripples who give eulogies for KKK klansmen

I didn’t vote for Biden…

I took a political stance when I was 15 to never vote and you know this. However, the forum is searchable….

Key words:

Desert Storm
LA National Cemetery
Grave of 18 yo soldier
I know you're doubling down on your bullshit

These people simply do not care about working Americans. I explained that a Biden presidency would make life extremely difficult and unaffordable for many people. And here we are. I was not prepared for the vulgar fuckery in Afganistan though .....and I'm floored how any of that can be defended. And it says a lot doesnt it?

They dont care. They wanna FEEL GOOD. They want appearances. They simply do not care about policy, peoples lives....anything. Just selfish simple minded people who think more of themselves than they should who are easily led and manipulated by establishment media.

They dont want a cohesive country where everyone is properly represented. They want their way and theyll force it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The QAnon people who are definitely not Trump supporters, but just randomly happen to look to Trump for guidance and leadership

A QAnon follower wrote an open letter to Trump complaining that the movement's predictions kept turning out to be false

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No fucknut, we all KNOW they are all Trump supporters. You HAVE to be a Trump supporter to buy the Qanon conspiracy.

Where YOU go full fucking retard is where you think just because Qanon is made up of Trump supporters .....that ALL Trump supporters are Qanon.

You think the fringe is the standard.

And you stick to this superficial thinking because you have been instructed to and you think it sheilds YOUR insane and authoritarian beliefs from valid scrunity because you can dismiss all opposition as "Qanon". Its exactly why Qanon exists. It's the scapegoat for a lying flippy flopping establishment.

Qanons are fringe on the Trump side. They are not even all "right wing". They are simply herd thinkers.....much like you guys. Only with you numb skulls the herd thinking is the mainstream where as on our "team" herd thinking is a fringe.

The existence of a basic bitch political cult doesnt prove any of OUR positions wrong. It doesnt make the vile lies and violence from team blue OKAY.

I know people are hard, arent they? They dont all fit nicely into your labeled boxes no matter how scary you find that.

^^Idiocy personified. ^^ She thinks ALL those leaning left are the "woke" fringe...

she can’t even comprehend what “stay woke” was initially utilized for…

Why they refuse to admit they are racist is beyond my comprehension. The blatant DENIAL followed-up with the immediate justifications and BLM bashing is foul AF.
pipe down, nigger bitch.

Your anal warts must be acting up again.
WTF does you being a nigger bitch have to do with anal warts?

Take 2 of these and call us in the morning:

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And all
The entire world is stupider for my having scrolled through this thread.

It was fun to watch the racist, hate-filled Registered Democrat Leftist scum desperately flail to deny their overt racism.

Especially Lily. What hate that poor Tex-Mex girl has to live with.

I'm glad I make your butt hurt. Yay me! And you're always wrong about me. I have Tex-Mex heritage, but I am a California "girl" through and through.

My butt's just fine. I don't have to carry around a bagful of hate because of the color of my skin like you do.
Because you think your melanin levels are better than hers?

Reggie isnt YOU, Admin. We dont care about skin color. That nonissue you people are obsessed and driven into hatred over.

Actually, Reggie has a fifteen year track record that contradicts you. And your third sentence is merely purple prose, and factually wrong. Go to a MAGA rally sometime and see who is "obsessed and driven into hatred over" skin color and genetic heritage.

And also, isn't @Aryan part of your "we" also? His track record is all over this forum, you know.

They believe that redressing racial inequality is a form of anti-white racism.

This is the face of modern racism.
"blah blah blah, nigger"
"blah blah blah, nigger"
"blah blah blah, nigger"

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
In other news

Fredo just got shitcanned from CNN

guess he just wasn't woke or gay enough

he certainly had it in the stupidity department tho


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
what a try too hard fuckhead without a nose :facepalm: :facepalm:
The doesn't try at all fuckhead says what?
The don't need to try because he's surrounded by dumb liberal cretins says you don't have a nose and that's pretty fucking disgusting

^^^ votes for draft dodgers
^^^ votes for geriatric cripples who give eulogies for KKK klansmen

I didn’t vote for Biden…

I took a political stance when I was 15 to never vote and you know this. However, the forum is searchable….

Key words:

Desert Storm
LA National Cemetery
Grave of 18 yo soldier
I know you're doubling down on your bullshit

go fetch… you’re losing your touch
whereas you lost yours long long ago

Now that’s a strange turn of events since according to you I never had one… but I digress….

In the midst of chaos and liminality… I want to save the dying planet, make sure that all citizens experience liberty and justice… and be a genuinely good person.

Whereas you harass a nam vet, a navy vet, and a 2nd generation college educated Chicana on a daily basis and have the audacity to call yourself a “patriot.”


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
And all
The entire world is stupider for my having scrolled through this thread.

It was fun to watch the racist, hate-filled Registered Democrat Leftist scum desperately flail to deny their overt racism.

Especially Lily. What hate that poor Tex-Mex girl has to live with.

I'm glad I make your butt hurt. Yay me! And you're always wrong about me. I have Tex-Mex heritage, but I am a California "girl" through and through.

My butt's just fine. I don't have to carry around a bagful of hate because of the color of my skin like you do.
Because you think your melanin levels are better than hers?

Reggie isnt YOU, Admin. We dont care about skin color. That nonissue you people are obsessed and driven into hatred over.

Actually, Reggie has a fifteen year track record that contradicts you. And your third sentence is merely purple prose, and factually wrong. Go to a MAGA rally sometime and see who is "obsessed and driven into hatred over" skin color and genetic heritage.

And also, isn't @Aryan part of your "we" also? His track record is all over this forum, you know.

They believe that redressing racial inequality is a form of anti-white racism.

This is the face of modern racism.
"blah blah blah, nigger"
"blah blah blah, nigger"
"blah blah blah, nigger"

^^^ I think he really likes me


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
And all
The entire world is stupider for my having scrolled through this thread.

It was fun to watch the racist, hate-filled Registered Democrat Leftist scum desperately flail to deny their overt racism.

Especially Lily. What hate that poor Tex-Mex girl has to live with.

I'm glad I make your butt hurt. Yay me! And you're always wrong about me. I have Tex-Mex heritage, but I am a California "girl" through and through.

My butt's just fine. I don't have to carry around a bagful of hate because of the color of my skin like you do.
Because you think your melanin levels are better than hers?

Reggie isnt YOU, Admin. We dont care about skin color. That nonissue you people are obsessed and driven into hatred over.

Actually, Reggie has a fifteen year track record that contradicts you. And your third sentence is merely purple prose, and factually wrong. Go to a MAGA rally sometime and see who is "obsessed and driven into hatred over" skin color and genetic heritage.

And also, isn't @Aryan part of your "we" also? His track record is all over this forum, you know.

They believe that redressing racial inequality is a form of anti-white racism.

This is the face of modern racism.
"blah blah blah, nigger"
"blah blah blah, nigger"
"blah blah blah, nigger"

^^^ I think he really likes me
I thought he was homogay? Maybe he's a Hair Stylist.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Whereas you harass a nam vet, a navy vet, and a 2nd generation college educated Chicana on a daily basis and have the audacity to call yourself a “patriot.”
I do. ANd I don't give the first fuck how much you cry about it either


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
In other news

Fredo just got shitcanned from CNN

guess he just wasn't woke or gay enough

he certainly had it in the stupidity department tho
If they rehabilitated some fag jerkin off on camera during a zoom meeting, they'll eventually rehab Fredo too.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Btw BLM is a racist cult supported ONLY by racists.

I dont buy for one fucking second people who support that murderous violent group give a single rip shit about black people. The fake tears over Martin just are not convincing when you dismiss Secoriea Turner the many innocent people beat, murdered, businesses destroyed

BLM is the new KKK. Different tactic.....same end result. Only dumb as fuck real racists fall for the obvious grifting bullshit.
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