Libtards mark your calendars and be sure to tune in and masturbate furiously to episode 1,342,342 of "someone said Trump did something bad"


Factory Bastard
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Fatso spent 3.7 million on Lawyers in March. $end more money suckers


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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The democrats are 100% responsible for Trump.

First, they ran a widely despised corrupt war criminal against him in 2016. The one person in the entire country who could have lost to Trump which is ironic since we know elevating Trump and a couple of other "radical" primary candidates was hatched in Hillary's "pied piper" strategy, abetted by certain outlets in the corporate media of course. Channels like CNN and MSNBC gave Trump billions of dollars worth of free air time, including several infamous "empty podium" events where instead of covering, say, an in-progress Bernie rally they'd show a live feed of an empty podium at a Trump campaign event.

Big brain plays, democrats. The biggest, that much I can tell you.
So big you wouldn't believe; people are saying they're the biggest brain plays in the history of plays.
YUGE! So yuge.


Then after Hillary unsurprisingly lost to the orange game show host the Clinton team along with their accomplices in the democrat party, "intelligence" agencies, and corporate media concocted the Russiagate bullshit and gnawed on that bone the entire fucking time Trump was in office. As that narrative inevitably fell apart it fed right into Trump's complaint that the democrats and the "deep state" were out to get him.

The democrats and their accomplices have now thrown everything *including* the kitchen sink at Trump but it's all been so flimsy and out-of-bounds that he skipped away from one backstabbing attempt after another, gaining another layer of armor against scandal each time.

Now Trump's returned and look who the democrats have literally insisted, even foregoing the tiniest semblance of a primary process, on running against him again: Genocide Joe Biden the doddering pathological liar and war criminal who's achieved fuckall during his presidency aside from alienating most of the democrats' core voter blocs.

So yeah- this one's squarely on the democrats' plate no matter how much they try to blame it on Russian interference, or Chinese interference, or spoiler candidates, or whatever the fuck.

The democrats served up this shit sandwich so they don't get to complain about the taste.

@Garraty_47 willing to suck cock for Youtube Likes and Subscribes.