Misc. Derbis

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
I don't understand how people view Russia in an ahistorical manner. I just don't. They've wanted and had an empire for hundreds of years. For fucks sakes, they invaded Afghanistan long before we did.

The Russians aren't an innocent party whatsoever. They murder their journalists, any opposition...Putin has had so many people have window accidents. How is that a thing?
Here's what you have to realize. The Ukraine is the bread basket of Russia.
An old saying.
The Crimea is the aircraft carrier of that whole region including The Med.
Ukraine is strategic.


> you
Site Supporter ☠️
. o O
Hey Underscore!
You're next on the Vocaroo list.
I notice you aint bragging about that voice of yours.
Better get scheming...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Here's what you have to realize. The Ukraine is the bread basket of Russia.
An old saying.
The Crimea is the aircraft carrier of that whole region including The Med.
Ukraine is strategic.

Absolutely, I understand that. Russia is the aggressor in this war. Period.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Damn, must be that laid back holler lifestyle tween dem hills keeps the grays aways.
You need some. Give you the Cronkite look.

I reckon?
The only time I seriously dyed my hair technically I didn't do it.
The gal I was dating at the time had dark hair with two blondish streaks in, one on each side. She wanted to put blondish stripes in mine (my hair was much shorter at that time) that wrapped around the sides and met in a point in the bottom center of the back of my head. I enthusiastically agreed because it was just punk rock enough to sound like a good idea.

I rather liked it, honestly, but when my bosses at the USAF base saw it they made me dye it *again* but this time black from above the stripes down and around my whole head. I tried to argue that the regulations only said it couldn't be "an unnatural color" but they wouldn't concede. Fucking assholes.

Stop moving your chair back and forth. Duck tape that fucker it's distracting.

I'm aware.
Believe it or not I've actually gotten better about that. LoL
Don't rush me... it's a process.

Lean forward a little when speaking, especially more so when giving specific points.

You can't see it because apparently using a green-screen type background also "hides" the microphone but it's there and if I lean forward too much I'd just bonk my head or shoulder on it.

Get an oversize cup of coffee to your left.

I don't get it.
What's that supposed to do?

Theme music.

That's already in the intro and outro clips.
Some day I may make a better tune to use but that's not high on my priority list.

DJBlank needs production help.

DBlank (emphatically sans that 'J') isn't trying to be another Jimmy Dore or anything like that.
DBlank appreciates the suggestions though and will consider them.

Adding some humor wouldn't hurt either.

You've obviously never heard me (try to) tell a joke...

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
I reckon?
The only time I seriously dyed my hair technically I didn't do it.
The gal I was dating at the time had dark hair with two blondish streaks in, one on each side. She wanted to put blondish stripes in mine (my hair was much shorter at that time) that wrapped around the sides and met in a point in the bottom center of the back of my head. I enthusiastically agreed because it was just punk rock enough to sound like a good idea.

I rather liked it, honestly, but when my bosses at the USAF base saw it they made me dye it *again* but this time black from above the stripes down and around my whole head. I tried to argue that the regulations only said it couldn't be "an unnatural color" but they wouldn't concede. Fucking assholes.

I'm aware.
Believe it or not I've actually gotten better about that. LoL
Don't rush me... it's a process.

You can't see it because apparently using a green-screen type background also "hides" the microphone but it's there and if I lean forward too much I'd just bonk my head or shoulder on it.

I don't get it.
What's that supposed to do?

That's already in the intro and outro clips.
Some day I may make a better tune to use but that's not high on my priority list.

DBlank (emphatically sans that 'J') isn't trying to be another Jimmy Dore or anything like that.
DBlank appreciates the suggestions though and will consider them.

You've obviously never heard me (try to) tell a joke...
The coffee mug provides a positive focal point, it's your thing anyway, and is better than a swinging chair which is a negative focal point of which you are trying to correct. Maybe put a whole pot next to you and now you have humor as well.
Brah, you're funnier in different ways leave the jokes to me. Be funny as an undercurrent. Unless you're trying to reach an audience of dried up prunes who wouldn't know humor if it hit them in the face with a pile of Dilf poop (Underscore for instance).
I have faith.
I'll look at your YouTube vid on the sight tomorrow I'm going to sleep.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
The coffee mug provides a positive focal point, it's your thing anyway, and is better than a swinging chair which is a negative focal point of which you are trying to correct. Maybe put a whole pot next to you and now you have humor as well.
Brah, you're funnier in different ways leave the jokes to me. Be funny as an undercurrent. Unless you're trying to reach an audience of dried up prunes who wouldn't know humor if it hit them in the face with a pile of Dilf poop (Underscore for instance).
I have faith.
I'll look at your YouTube vid on the sight tomorrow I'm going to sleep.

I'm using a webcam clipped to my computer's monitor... any mug on my desk isn't going to be visible anyway.

Right now I don't have a "target audience". I'm just going on the public record with some views and analysis. The whole point is that I'm putting it out there not who or even if anyone is receiving it. I'm not trying to get monetized or "blow up" or any of that kind of stuff.

But as long as I'm doing it I may as well do it with a little competency, eh? So I really do appreciate the feedback and am listening to it.


Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
I'm using a webcam clipped to my computer's monitor... any mug on my desk isn't going to be visible anyway.

Right now I don't have a "target audience". I'm just going on the public record with some views and analysis. The whole point is that I'm putting it out there not who or even if anyone is receiving it. I'm not trying to get monetized or "blow up" or any of that kind of stuff.

But as long as I'm doing it I may as well do it with a little competency, eh? So I really do appreciate the feedback and am listening to it.



Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
If I remember correctly you have that unboxing as a file (or did)

I definitely did.
Haven't been able to find it yet but I still have some archives of my web site (almost positive I uploaded it there) to go through when I have time. A copy is probably in one of those ../Filez/ folders.


> you
Site Supporter ☠️
. o O
If you didn't upload to FT player must have been hosted on your site. If you did, I have it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
No bubble-wrap...the mug should have had been packed with bubble-wrap or those peanuts that you can't eat.


Site Supporter
I'm using a webcam clipped to my computer's monitor... any mug on my desk isn't going to be visible anyway.

Right now I don't have a "target audience". I'm just going on the public record with some views and analysis. The whole point is that I'm putting it out there not who or even if anyone is receiving it. I'm not trying to get monetized or "blow up" or any of that kind of stuff.

But as long as I'm doing it I may as well do it with a little competency, eh? So I really do appreciate the feedback and am listening to it.

also ... be less boring...pick a subject that does not induce fits of heavy sleep