Misogynistic women


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Hey did you guys ever read about that tribe that's never had contact with the outside world because they'll kill you if you go by their island? They killed that missionary guy and no one could even get the body back?

Adaman Islands in the Indian ocean.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Hey did you guys ever read about that tribe that's never had contact with the outside world because they'll kill you if you go by their island? They killed that missionary guy and no one could even get the body back?

Adaman Islands in the Indian ocean.

Yeah, they are Indians and I believe the Australian Aborigines are from India as well much to the horror of Aborigines and leftists.

With DNA inspection, I could be proved wrong in a day.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Let's hope the no-hopers get a very loooonnnggg time in prison.

Their mother is a lunatic. I don't know if the description 'misogynist' fits her. To me she looked like she was enjoying the notoriety making her video. I saw her almost smiling in the video. She's probably a sociopath or a narcissist.

I like what the black dude said at the end of the video about turning people over to the police. I wonder if he is the eldest son and child of his parents...

When I 14, I ran away from home. I came back the next day and my mother took me to the police station where I was lectured by a female detective who was very kind actually... I think my mum would like the black dude very much....lol kindred spirits.

I'm sad for the police woman who did NOT deserve a death sentence. Did she have kids? I feel sick for her family and friends loved her. RIP Officer French.

I'm saying misogynist because her sons murdered a woman and were probably abusers and she just strikes me hard as one of those women that always makes excuses for abusive men and trashes other women.

Sorry I get how that could have been confusing. I had a good rant lol.

Yes its heart breaking this officer was murdered.

You know what's comin' to a neighborhood near you one day, Dovey?



...due to a shortage of applicants, high turnover & high fatalities.

Your Police Forces will be staffed by a bunch of androids or robots.

And then the gangsters will complain as they get gunned down by them that the robots 'showed no compassion' towards them.

It's a comin' ta neigborhoods in the USA soon I predict.

The few reaming human policemen/women will sit in the safety of their squad cars while they dispatch Robby the Robot to combat the gangsters.

The gangsters will bring it upon themselves, and they'll have no one else to blame for it.

No joke. Leftist and black "activists" claimed this was "racist"! :GiggleBitch:

There was a case where a police robot actually killed a criminal in Texas, and it was criticized as being 'inhumane':