Misogynistic women


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
That always defend garbage ass abusive men are worse than actual misogynist men.

Why the fuck do women do this?

Tatum is 100 percent correct here. I cannot believe this SHIT garbage fucking mom. "Just remember there are two sides" bitch your sons were driving in a car with expired tags, open alcohol and stolen guns and now a WOMAN police officer, who contributed FAR more to HER community is DEAD. Because of her shit fucking parenting and her dangerous scum bag crotch goblins.

You can bet if that officer had been able to defend herself and shot them first? This unbelievable piece of shit would be screaming "Black lives matter" and there would be more riots. There wouldnt be no "two sides" here. This is all about enabling, protecting and giving more rights to dangerous predatory murderers and rapists. Those are the BLM heros.

But because the trash murdered a cop, it's two sides. What the fuck ever. Fuck your scum bag womb nuggets.

Watch this disgusting, narcissistic trash heap walk onto the hospital floor her precious shit bags are on, start live streaming, and then make an embarrassing scene running and screaming for her piece of shit "sons". No wonder she raised such fuck ups. Smdh.

Death penalty. They are not just responsible for this bad ass officers death.....but for everyone she would have gone on to serve and save.

And he is right about this trash mentality women have that "he can do no wrong". Making pathetic excuses for monstrous men who abuse and murder. Women who do this are a special kind of stupid, low self esteem misogynist. There is a whole mentality here and its pathetic.

If only abusive trash men could just end up with these kinds of women and THEY can be the ONLY ones hurt by these bags of shit, since these women love eating shit in the dumpster so much. Take your demons go live away from the rest of us.

People "scared" of police do not drive around with illegal tags with open intoxicants and stolen guns. And fuck every gun control advocate for stomping on the constitutional rights of law abiding citizens to protect themselves against psychos like this. The only ones with guns in areas like this are criminals and BABIES are shot on a regular basis. Smh.
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Let's hope the no-hopers get a very loooonnnggg time in prison.

Their mother is a lunatic. I don't know if the description 'misogynist' fits her. To me she looked like she was enjoying the notoriety making her video. I saw her almost smiling in the video. She's probably a sociopath or a narcissist.

I like what the black dude said at the end of the video about turning people over to the police. I wonder if he is the eldest son and child of his parents...

When I 14, I ran away from home. I came back the next day and my mother took me to the police station where I was lectured by a female detective who was very kind actually... I think my mum would like the black dude very much....lol kindred spirits.

I'm sad for the police woman who did NOT deserve a death sentence. Did she have kids? I feel sick for her family and friends who loved her. RIP Officer French.
Last edited:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Let's hope the no-hopers get a very loooonnnggg time in prison.

Their mother is a lunatic. I don't know if the description 'misogynist' fits her. To me she looked like she was enjoying the notoriety making her video. I saw her almost smiling in the video. She's probably a sociopath or a narcissist.

I like what the black dude said at the end of the video about turning people over to the police. I wonder if he is the eldest son and child of his parents...

When I 14, I ran away from home. I came back the next day and my mother took me to the police station where I was lectured by a female detective who was very kind actually... I think my mum would like the black dude very much....lol kindred spirits.

I'm sad for the police woman who did NOT deserve a death sentence. Did she have kids? I feel sick for her family and friends loved her. RIP Officer French.

I'm saying misogynist because her sons murdered a woman and were probably abusers and she just strikes me hard as one of those women that always makes excuses for abusive men and trashes other women.

Sorry I get how that could have been confusing. I had a good rant lol.

Yes its heart breaking this officer was murdered.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
That always defend garbage ass abusive men are worse than actual misogynist men.

Why the fuck do women do this?

Tatum is 100 percent correct here. I cannot believe this SHIT garbage fucking mom. "Just remember there are two sides" bitch your sons were driving in a car with expired tags, open alcohol and stolen guns and now a WOMAN police officer, who contributed FAR more to HER community is DEAD. Because of her shit fucking parenting and her dangerous scum bag crotch goblins.

You can bet if that officer had been able to defend herself and shot them first? This unbelievable piece of shit would be screaming "Black lives matter" and there would be more riots. There wouldnt be no "two sides" here. This is all about enabling, protecting and giving more rights to dangerous predatory murderers and rapists. Those are the BLM heros.

But because the trash murdered a cop, it's two sides. What the fuck ever. Fuck your scum bag womb nuggets.

Watch this disgusting, narcissistic trash heap walk onto the hospital floor her precious shit bags are on, start live streaming, and then make an embarrassing scene running and screaming for her piece of shit "sons". No wonder she raised such fuck ups. Smdh.

Death penalty. They are not just responsible for this bad ass officers death.....but for everyone she would have gone on to serve and save.

And he is right about this trash mentality women have that "he can do no wrong". Making pathetic excuses for monstrous men who abuse and murder. Women who do this are a special kind of stupid, low self esteem misogynist. There is a whole mentality here and its pathetic.

If only abusive trash men could just end up with these kinds of women and THEY can be the ONLY ones hurt by these bags of shit, since these women love eating shit in the dumpster so much. Take your demons go live away from the rest of us.

People "scared" of police do not drive around with illegal tags with open intoxicants and stolen guns. And fuck every gun control advocate for stomping on the constitutional rights of law abiding citizens to protect themselves against psychos like this. The only ones with guns in areas like this are criminals and BABIES are shot on a regular basis. Smh.

I saw that video and officer Tatum it the nail right on the head with his analysis of that stank cunt.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
my MIL ceiling fell down and the water was 11 inch deep throughout her unit. Now she's been put up in a fully decked out AIRB&B paid by the government or insurance or both....It's a government property that's water pipes broke in the ceiling and the mother-in-law has 70k contents insurane so the water damage of her personal stuff will be covered... thank goodness.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
That always defend garbage ass abusive men are worse than actual misogynist men.

Why the fuck do women do this?

Tatum is 100 percent correct here. I cannot believe this SHIT garbage fucking mom. "Just remember there are two sides" bitch your sons were driving in a car with expired tags, open alcohol and stolen guns and now a WOMAN police officer, who contributed FAR more to HER community is DEAD. Because of her shit fucking parenting and her dangerous scum bag crotch goblins.

You can bet if that officer had been able to defend herself and shot them first? This unbelievable piece of shit would be screaming "Black lives matter" and there would be more riots. There wouldnt be no "two sides" here. This is all about enabling, protecting and giving more rights to dangerous predatory murderers and rapists. Those are the BLM heros.

But because the trash murdered a cop, it's two sides. What the fuck ever. Fuck your scum bag womb nuggets.

Watch this disgusting, narcissistic trash heap walk onto the hospital floor her precious shit bags are on, start live streaming, and then make an embarrassing scene running and screaming for her piece of shit "sons". No wonder she raised such fuck ups. Smdh.

Death penalty. They are not just responsible for this bad ass officers death.....but for everyone she would have gone on to serve and save.

And he is right about this trash mentality women have that "he can do no wrong". Making pathetic excuses for monstrous men who abuse and murder. Women who do this are a special kind of stupid, low self esteem misogynist. There is a whole mentality here and its pathetic.

If only abusive trash men could just end up with these kinds of women and THEY can be the ONLY ones hurt by these bags of shit, since these women love eating shit in the dumpster so much. Take your demons go live away from the rest of us.

People "scared" of police do not drive around with illegal tags with open intoxicants and stolen guns. And fuck every gun control advocate for stomping on the constitutional rights of law abiding citizens to protect themselves against psychos like this. The only ones with guns in areas like this are criminals and BABIES are shot on a regular basis. Smh.

I saw that video and officer Tatum it the nail right on the head with his analysis of that stank cunt.

The way that scum bag went into the hospital, started live streaming online and then ran down the hall yelling and causing a scene was DISGUSTING.

How selfish, and entitled and inconsiderate. Shes total trash. Fuck her.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
She had no children but was engaged to be married.

That officers mother should have the legal right to beat the absolute FUCK out of that shit mom of the monsters who murdered her daughter.

If that had been my daughter and I saw the mother acting like that I would be enraged beyond reason.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
That always defend garbage ass abusive men are worse than actual misogynist men.

Why the fuck do women do this?

Tatum is 100 percent correct here. I cannot believe this SHIT garbage fucking mom. "Just remember there are two sides" bitch your sons were driving in a car with expired tags, open alcohol and stolen guns and now a WOMAN police officer, who contributed FAR more to HER community is DEAD. Because of her shit fucking parenting and her dangerous scum bag crotch goblins.

You can bet if that officer had been able to defend herself and shot them first? This unbelievable piece of shit would be screaming "Black lives matter" and there would be more riots. There wouldnt be no "two sides" here. This is all about enabling, protecting and giving more rights to dangerous predatory murderers and rapists. Those are the BLM heros.

But because the trash murdered a cop, it's two sides. What the fuck ever. Fuck your scum bag womb nuggets.

Watch this disgusting, narcissistic trash heap walk onto the hospital floor her precious shit bags are on, start live streaming, and then make an embarrassing scene running and screaming for her piece of shit "sons". No wonder she raised such fuck ups. Smdh.

Death penalty. They are not just responsible for this bad ass officers death.....but for everyone she would have gone on to serve and save.

And he is right about this trash mentality women have that "he can do no wrong". Making pathetic excuses for monstrous men who abuse and murder. Women who do this are a special kind of stupid, low self esteem misogynist. There is a whole mentality here and its pathetic.

If only abusive trash men could just end up with these kinds of women and THEY can be the ONLY ones hurt by these bags of shit, since these women love eating shit in the dumpster so much. Take your demons go live away from the rest of us.

People "scared" of police do not drive around with illegal tags with open intoxicants and stolen guns. And fuck every gun control advocate for stomping on the constitutional rights of law abiding citizens to protect themselves against psychos like this. The only ones with guns in areas like this are criminals and BABIES are shot on a regular basis. Smh.

I saw that video and officer Tatum it the nail right on the head with his analysis of that stank cunt.

The way that scum bag went into the hospital, started live streaming online and then ran down the hall yelling and causing a scene was DISGUSTING.

How selfish, and entitled and inconsiderate. Shes total trash. Fuck her.

Go fundme and 100K new Instagram followers on deck.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
That always defend garbage ass abusive men are worse than actual misogynist men.

Why the fuck do women do this?

Tatum is 100 percent correct here. I cannot believe this SHIT garbage fucking mom. "Just remember there are two sides" bitch your sons were driving in a car with expired tags, open alcohol and stolen guns and now a WOMAN police officer, who contributed FAR more to HER community is DEAD. Because of her shit fucking parenting and her dangerous scum bag crotch goblins.

You can bet if that officer had been able to defend herself and shot them first? This unbelievable piece of shit would be screaming "Black lives matter" and there would be more riots. There wouldnt be no "two sides" here. This is all about enabling, protecting and giving more rights to dangerous predatory murderers and rapists. Those are the BLM heros.

But because the trash murdered a cop, it's two sides. What the fuck ever. Fuck your scum bag womb nuggets.

Watch this disgusting, narcissistic trash heap walk onto the hospital floor her precious shit bags are on, start live streaming, and then make an embarrassing scene running and screaming for her piece of shit "sons". No wonder she raised such fuck ups. Smdh.

Death penalty. They are not just responsible for this bad ass officers death.....but for everyone she would have gone on to serve and save.

And he is right about this trash mentality women have that "he can do no wrong". Making pathetic excuses for monstrous men who abuse and murder. Women who do this are a special kind of stupid, low self esteem misogynist. There is a whole mentality here and its pathetic.

If only abusive trash men could just end up with these kinds of women and THEY can be the ONLY ones hurt by these bags of shit, since these women love eating shit in the dumpster so much. Take your demons go live away from the rest of us.

People "scared" of police do not drive around with illegal tags with open intoxicants and stolen guns. And fuck every gun control advocate for stomping on the constitutional rights of law abiding citizens to protect themselves against psychos like this. The only ones with guns in areas like this are criminals and BABIES are shot on a regular basis. Smh.

I saw that video and officer Tatum it the nail right on the head with his analysis of that stank cunt.

The way that scum bag went into the hospital, started live streaming online and then ran down the hall yelling and causing a scene was DISGUSTING.

How selfish, and entitled and inconsiderate. Shes total trash. Fuck her.

Go fundme and 100K new Instagram followers on deck.

Officer Frenches mother should be allowed to beat the fuck out of her and have the GoFundMe funds.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
That always defend garbage ass abusive men are worse than actual misogynist men.

Why the fuck do women do this?

Tatum is 100 percent correct here. I cannot believe this SHIT garbage fucking mom. "Just remember there are two sides" bitch your sons were driving in a car with expired tags, open alcohol and stolen guns and now a WOMAN police officer, who contributed FAR more to HER community is DEAD. Because of her shit fucking parenting and her dangerous scum bag crotch goblins.

You can bet if that officer had been able to defend herself and shot them first? This unbelievable piece of shit would be screaming "Black lives matter" and there would be more riots. There wouldnt be no "two sides" here. This is all about enabling, protecting and giving more rights to dangerous predatory murderers and rapists. Those are the BLM heros.

But because the trash murdered a cop, it's two sides. What the fuck ever. Fuck your scum bag womb nuggets.

Watch this disgusting, narcissistic trash heap walk onto the hospital floor her precious shit bags are on, start live streaming, and then make an embarrassing scene running and screaming for her piece of shit "sons". No wonder she raised such fuck ups. Smdh.

Death penalty. They are not just responsible for this bad ass officers death.....but for everyone she would have gone on to serve and save.

And he is right about this trash mentality women have that "he can do no wrong". Making pathetic excuses for monstrous men who abuse and murder. Women who do this are a special kind of stupid, low self esteem misogynist. There is a whole mentality here and its pathetic.

If only abusive trash men could just end up with these kinds of women and THEY can be the ONLY ones hurt by these bags of shit, since these women love eating shit in the dumpster so much. Take your demons go live away from the rest of us.

People "scared" of police do not drive around with illegal tags with open intoxicants and stolen guns. And fuck every gun control advocate for stomping on the constitutional rights of law abiding citizens to protect themselves against psychos like this. The only ones with guns in areas like this are criminals and BABIES are shot on a regular basis. Smh.

I saw that video and officer Tatum it the nail right on the head with his analysis of that stank cunt.

The way that scum bag went into the hospital, started live streaming online and then ran down the hall yelling and causing a scene was DISGUSTING.

How selfish, and entitled and inconsiderate. Shes total trash. Fuck her.

Go fundme and 100K new Instagram followers on deck.

Officer Frenches mother should be allowed to beat the fuck out of her and have the GoFundMe funds.

that piece of filth should have been shot by fellow officers in the hallway


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
We should raise money for Officer French's family. And the Chicago police.

And we should ALL be doing our part to seriously complicate this scum bag getting any charity pay out. Complain so hard to GoFundMe that they take her shit down.

It goes against fundraising sites TOS to raise funds involving criminals. She has no fucking right making a single penny off of this!

Cancel this exploitive cunt!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Let's hope the no-hopers get a very loooonnnggg time in prison.

Their mother is a lunatic. I don't know if the description 'misogynist' fits her. To me she looked like she was enjoying the notoriety making her video. I saw her almost smiling in the video. She's probably a sociopath or a narcissist.

I like what the black dude said at the end of the video about turning people over to the police. I wonder if he is the eldest son and child of his parents...

When I 14, I ran away from home. I came back the next day and my mother took me to the police station where I was lectured by a female detective who was very kind actually... I think my mum would like the black dude very much....lol kindred spirits.

I'm sad for the police woman who did NOT deserve a death sentence. Did she have kids? I feel sick for her family and friends loved her. RIP Officer French.

I'm saying misogynist because her sons murdered a woman and were probably abusers and she just strikes me hard as one of those women that always makes excuses for abusive men and trashes other women.

Sorry I get how that could have been confusing. I had a good rant lol.

Yes its heart breaking this officer was murdered.

You know what's comin' to a neighborhood near you one day, Dovey?



...due to a shortage of applicants, high turnover & high fatalities.

Your Police Forces will be staffed by a bunch of androids or robots.

And then the gangsters will complain as they get gunned down by them that the robots 'showed no compassion' towards them.

It's a comin' ta neigborhoods in the USA soon I predict.

The few reaming human policemen/women will sit in the safety of their squad cars while they dispatch Robby the Robot to combat the gangsters.

The gangsters will bring it upon themselves, and they'll have no one else to blame for it.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
We should raise money for Officer French's family. And the Chicago police.

And we should ALL be doing our part to seriously complicate this scum bag getting any charity pay out. Complain so hard to GoFundMe that they take her shit down.

It goes against fundraising sites TOS to raise funds involving criminals. She has no fucking right making a single penny off of this!

Cancel this exploitive cunt!
If you see a gofundme she's involved with I'll be the first to drop dime on her

Hey, remember the heart attacks admin had when I got him banned for 10 days here?

that was hysterical


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Let's hope the no-hopers get a very loooonnnggg time in prison.

Their mother is a lunatic. I don't know if the description 'misogynist' fits her. To me she looked like she was enjoying the notoriety making her video. I saw her almost smiling in the video. She's probably a sociopath or a narcissist.

I like what the black dude said at the end of the video about turning people over to the police. I wonder if he is the eldest son and child of his parents...

When I 14, I ran away from home. I came back the next day and my mother took me to the police station where I was lectured by a female detective who was very kind actually... I think my mum would like the black dude very much....lol kindred spirits.

I'm sad for the police woman who did NOT deserve a death sentence. Did she have kids? I feel sick for her family and friends loved her. RIP Officer French.

I'm saying misogynist because her sons murdered a woman and were probably abusers and she just strikes me hard as one of those women that always makes excuses for abusive men and trashes other women.

Sorry I get how that could have been confusing. I had a good rant lol.

Yes its heart breaking this officer was murdered.

You know what's comin' to a neighborhood near you one day, Dovey?



...due to a shortage of applicants, high turnover & high fatalities.

Your Police Forces will be staffed by a bunch of androids or robots.

And then the gangsters will complain as they get gunned down by them that the robots 'showed no compassion' towards them.

It's a comin' ta neigborhoods in the USA soon I predict.

The few reaming human policemen/women will sit in the safety of their squad cars while they dispatch Robby the Robot to combat the gangsters.

The gangsters will bring it upon themselves, and they'll have no one else to blame for it.

They are going to just crime run amok.....and use it for campaigning.

Democrats actively create the problems and promise solutions that never come.

If you watch them through history it's all they've ever done.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Let's hope the no-hopers get a very loooonnnggg time in prison.

Their mother is a lunatic. I don't know if the description 'misogynist' fits her. To me she looked like she was enjoying the notoriety making her video. I saw her almost smiling in the video. She's probably a sociopath or a narcissist.

I like what the black dude said at the end of the video about turning people over to the police. I wonder if he is the eldest son and child of his parents...

When I 14, I ran away from home. I came back the next day and my mother took me to the police station where I was lectured by a female detective who was very kind actually... I think my mum would like the black dude very much....lol kindred spirits.

I'm sad for the police woman who did NOT deserve a death sentence. Did she have kids? I feel sick for her family and friends loved her. RIP Officer French.

I'm saying misogynist because her sons murdered a woman and were probably abusers and she just strikes me hard as one of those women that always makes excuses for abusive men and trashes other women.

Sorry I get how that could have been confusing. I had a good rant lol.

Yes its heart breaking this officer was murdered.

You know what's comin' to a neighborhood near you one day, Dovey?



...due to a shortage of applicants, high turnover & high fatalities.

Your Police Forces will be staffed by a bunch of androids or robots.

And then the gangsters will complain as they get gunned down by them that the robots 'showed no compassion' towards them.

It's a comin' ta neigborhoods in the USA soon I predict.

The few reaming human policemen/women will sit in the safety of their squad cars while they dispatch Robby the Robot to combat the gangsters.

The gangsters will bring it upon themselves, and they'll have no one else to blame for it.

No joke. Leftist and black "activists" claimed this was "racist"! :GiggleBitch:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
my MIL ceiling fell down and the water was 11 inch deep throughout her unit. Now she's been put up in a fully decked out AIRB&B paid by the government or insurance or both....It's a government property that's water pipes broke in the ceiling and the mother-in-law has 70k contents insurane so the water damage of her personal stuff will be covered... thank goodness.

LOL, that should be 1 inch not 11... typo.

and insurance....lol I hate my TV web browser. It double's letters too.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
She had no children but was engaged to be married.

That officers mother should have the legal right to beat the absolute FUCK out of that shit mom of the monsters who murdered her daughter.

If that had been my daughter and I saw the mother acting like that I would be enraged beyond reason.

In an old aborigine custom, the tribes women were allowed to beat up a guy they didn't like. True story.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
She had no children but was engaged to be married.

That officers mother should have the legal right to beat the absolute FUCK out of that shit mom of the monsters who murdered her daughter.

If that had been my daughter and I saw the mother acting like that I would be enraged beyond reason.

In an old aborigine custom, the tribes women were allowed to beat up a guy they didn't like. True story.
Now that is classic. My business partner is part arborigine...he has some great stories about the various tribal customs around NSW.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
She had no children but was engaged to be married.

That officers mother should have the legal right to beat the absolute FUCK out of that shit mom of the monsters who murdered her daughter.

If that had been my daughter and I saw the mother acting like that I would be enraged beyond reason.

In an old aborigine custom, the tribes women were allowed to beat up a guy they didn't like. True story.
Now that is classic. My business partner is part arborigine...he has some great stories about the various tribal customs around NSW.

I meant to add, once a year, to that custom.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
She had no children but was engaged to be married.

That officers mother should have the legal right to beat the absolute FUCK out of that shit mom of the monsters who murdered her daughter.

If that had been my daughter and I saw the mother acting like that I would be enraged beyond reason.

In an old aborigine custom, the tribes women were allowed to beat up a guy they didn't like. True story.
Now that is classic. My business partner is part arborigine...he has some great stories about the various tribal customs around NSW.

I meant to add, once a year, to that custom.
Hahahaha...how bad is this beating? We’re not talking about face-sitting or stiletto heels on the scrotum are we?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
She had no children but was engaged to be married.

That officers mother should have the legal right to beat the absolute FUCK out of that shit mom of the monsters who murdered her daughter.

If that had been my daughter and I saw the mother acting like that I would be enraged beyond reason.

In an old aborigine custom, the tribes women were allowed to beat up a guy they didn't like. True story.
Now that is classic. My business partner is part arborigine...he has some great stories about the various tribal customs around NSW.

I meant to add, once a year, to that custom.
Hahahaha...how bad is this beating? We’re not talking about face-sitting or stiletto heels on the scrotum are we?

I dunno... you probably can google it somewhere. Aboriginal custom, women beating up the men.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
She had no children but was engaged to be married.

That officers mother should have the legal right to beat the absolute FUCK out of that shit mom of the monsters who murdered her daughter.

If that had been my daughter and I saw the mother acting like that I would be enraged beyond reason.

In an old aborigine custom, the tribes women were allowed to beat up a guy they didn't like. True story.
Now that is classic. My business partner is part arborigine...he has some great stories about the various tribal customs around NSW.

I meant to add, once a year, to that custom.
Hahahaha...how bad is this beating? We’re not talking about face-sitting or stiletto heels on the scrotum are we?

I dunno... you probably can google it somewhere. Aboriginal custom, women beating up the men.
The bloody men are probably getting off on it!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I've been trying to find it. This is trouble, there are groups who run around the net changing history or anything negative about different groups and what they practiced formerly but I found this amusing...

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Tribal punishments


One of the traditional tribal punishments is spearing where the victim gets speared into the thigh or calf. This type of punishment is often shown in Aboriginal movies. The crime determined what kind of wound the offender received.

The most serious form of payback (prior to invasion) was a revenge expedition that set out to kill the offender ritually. [1]

Aboriginal man Henry Long knows a thing or two about receiving a spearing.

"I got speared in the leg, too, for being cheeky. I got hit on the head, too, by all my old people. The spear came out of the calf of the leg. My old father did that. I was a cheeky bloke fighting the other fellas over some silly things I been doing in my young days. I was going with the wrong girls. My skin group is Milangka. I was with someone from a wrong skin group...

"After you've taken your punishment then people don't worry about you."

Source: Tribal punishment, customary law & payback - Creative Spirits, retrieved from
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abo worry about skin colour... who knew?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Hey did you guys ever read about that tribe that's never had contact with the outside world because they'll kill you if you go by their island? They killed that missionary guy and no one could even get the body back?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
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I really wanted to root for the missionary.......but I cant. I'm positive he could have killed the whole tribe with a head cold.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Hey did you guys ever read about that tribe that's never had contact with the outside world because they'll kill you if you go by their island? They killed that missionary guy and no one could even get the body back?

That has happened in a few places. My Indonesian uncle from Samartra said the first Christian missionaries we killed and eaten... Savages don't deserve the Kingdom... it makes me sick what African savages do to their neighbours as well.

I watch the World News and saw one poor African young lady who had been raped by 23 Ethiopians or Sudanese soldiers... All those sick barbarians do all day is, go from village to village, sexually assaulting young women. If anyone needs arming, it's the African women.

The doctors there are crying out for world help. They were treating the women who would not stop bleeding.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Hey did you guys ever read about that tribe that's never had contact with the outside world because they'll kill you if you go by their island? They killed that missionary guy and no one could even get the body back?

That has happened in a few places. My Indonesian uncle from Samartra said the first Christian missionaries we killed and eaten... Savages don't deserve the Kingdom... it makes me sick what African savages do to their neighbours as well.

I watch the World News and saw one poor African young lady who had been raped by 23 Ethiopians or Sudanese soldiers... All those sick barbarians do all day is, go from village to village, sexually assaulting young women. If anyone needs arming, it's the African women.

The doctors there are crying out for world help. They were treating the women who would not stop bleeding.


I know this shit happens everyday in this world.... .and I hate thinking about it. Basically because I cant do anything but pray.

The brutalities committed against children, babies, animals will seriously keep me up and stressed if I let myself linger on it.

I never let myself feel grateful in light of the suffering of others but it's hard not to be glad that I won a sort of life lottery simply by being born in America. But I HATE knowing helpless beings are suffering things that should never be happening anywhere.

If we dont protect what we have, it will continue devolve and become less and less civil and we will be no better off.