MTG's Twitter Account Suspended AGAIN!


Factory Bastard
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The Georgia Republican tweeted Monday night that the Food and Drug Administration "should not approve the covid vaccines."
"There are too many reports of infection & spread of #COVID19 among vaccinated people,” Greene
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"These vaccines are failing & do not reduce the spread of the virus & neither do masks.
"Vaccine mandates & passports violate individual freedoms."
Greene's post remained online and Twitter attached a disclaimer to the tweet, saying the congresswoman's comments were "Misleading." The platform also added a link by which users could "learn what health officials say about preventative measures and COVID-19."
A Twitter spokesperson told
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that Greene's tweet "was labeled in line with our COVID-19 misleading information policy. The account will be in read-only mode for a week due to repeated violations of the Twitter Rules."

LOL! I love when Twitter makes NAZI's of themselves!


Domestically feral
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United states
And this, right why democrats are retards

""Why is it 'right and moral' to allow tens of thousands of COVID positive illegal aliens into our country and fly them into every state on the taypayers dime, yet force our childrent to mask up for school? But if I dare says [sic] the truth, Twitter suspends me because the truth is so offensive to the fragile hypocrites all over Twitter!"" -MTG

I mean.....if AOC tweets idiotic misleading shit, just go in the comments and you'll see(among fucking morons agreeing) people correcting her and shredding her post. This is exactly why bad ideas and bad statements should be welcomed with open arms into the public square.

What you DONT do is delete and censor. That's exactly how you radicalize people quickly. Drive them underground into echo chambers. How is Qanon doing? Anyone know? Lol.

I think the goal here to radicalize as many Americans as possible. It took decades to radicalize the left right in universities. Being able to censor and delete is a good way to do it fast.

Shes a politicain. If shes posting misleading things, correct them with facts. People can come along and simply correct it. But no, you have leftists that pile in insulting people, then of course people are going to be defending, and the random few who do provide a coherent and fact based rebuttal are lost under the hatefilled drama.

And now it's just being outright deleted, so the people shes representing wont get to see any balanced counter.

Left wingers fuck up everything. Economies. Pandemic responses. The vaccine mission. Free speech. Democracy itself. Anyone could have easily explained why the vaccine is still valuable even though you can still catch and pass the virus. But nope.....they gotta slap this fact check shit on it or censor it, both of which just doubles people down. Leftists cant do anything except use force and spread hate and make things vastly worst when there are very simple remedies.

Civil discourse is way too difficult for hatefilled establishment bots that only toe their party line but cannot provide a reasoned argument for it. So even when they are right... they STILL cant make an argument. It's like they WANT less people vaccinated. Another perfect opportunity to give a fact based rational argument and maybe get some peoples questions answered all because these cretins are too lazy, dumb and hateful to do anything except attack and censor.
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Domestically feral
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United states
old news really they been going at her for a bit .. They gotta hit list of influencers they shuttin down on the regular

She fell for some Qanon shit before she was even a rep....and posted a few (or liked, who knows) Qanon things and the left just wont let it go, even though she discussed it openly.

She even explained WHY people are getting sucked into conspiracy, and how the media helps with it and peoples mistrust of the media and government.

No one listens to THAT of course, that would be too productive and honest of a conversation to have. So that gets ignored in favor of bullshit partisan shit slinging. The left is real big mad that there are Republicans in office right now who are actually representing their voters rather than just acting as controlled opposition but holding up the democrats.


Factory Bastard
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I dont know fuk all about Q Anon but I'm inclined to support it just because fuk liberals! I'm the same way about MTG. Libs cant say jack shit about her because they all support the squad. Fuk em!


Domestically feral
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United states
I dont know fuk all about Q Anon but I'm inclined to support it just because fuk liberals! I'm the same way about MTG. Libs cant say jack shit about her because they all support the squad. Fuk em!

Qanon is annoying as fuck. I firmly believe the CIA or some shit started it so they could have some fringe bullshit excuse to dismiss any opposition by claiming "oh you are one of those conspiracy idiots!" and to paint Trump a certain way.

They really overblow Qanon.

The truly dangerous conspiracy theories are the left wing ones. Between Russiagate and BLM....these blatant lies and conspiracies have costs the tax payers millions and resulted in destroyed communities, small businesses burned, the lives of innocent citizens destroyed completely and other innocent people who were beaten to the point of hospitalization or murdered.

And yes, BLM spreads a racist conspiracy. Their claims are total bullshit not supported by data. Its revolting how the left will exploit people to spread hate and violence and are never held accountable.

I hope their day is coming.


Domestically feral
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United states
I wouldn't know what it's like to be banned on social media, simply for melting a few snowflakes.

Probably because you stick firmly to The Parties approved narratives.

All the corporate elites, the big tech monopolies, the GovCo establishment supports you in your support of them.

Sometimes a word will hit an algorithm and a short and reversible ban will happen.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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I wouldn't know what it's like to be banned on social media, simply for melting a few snowflakes.

Probably because you stick firmly to The Parties approved narratives.

All the corporate elites, the big tech monopolies, the GovCo establishment supports you in your support of them.

Sometimes a word will hit an algorithm and a short and reversible ban will happen.
I have been partial birth banned right here at Bastard Factory.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I wouldn't know what it's like to be banned on social media, simply for melting a few snowflakes.

Probably because you stick firmly to The Parties approved narratives.

All the corporate elites, the big tech monopolies, the GovCo establishment supports you in your support of them.

Sometimes a word will hit an algorithm and a short and reversible ban will happen.
I have been partial birth banned right here at Bastard Factory.


Is this another example of how you think a privately owned forum with like 50 regular members is the same as big tech monopolies that are directly working with the government and banning any dialog that doesnt thump the party line?

You've been assboxed for spamming nonpolitical threads with partisan attacks. You were banned from SG for ruining someone's thread by spamming off topic memes. It was a TOS violation and would have gotten anyone banned.

Leftwing hive people wont even ALLOW dissenting views in their forums. You get attacked and banned the minute you stray from their group think.

Stop confusing small discussion forums with corporate socail media monopolies. This is an unhinged level of ignorance.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Yes, this is political. Yes, social media companies should be regulated as common carriers and be legally barred from censorship.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I have been partial birth banned right here at Bastard Factory.
for being a slobbering drooling fuckstick of course

not because you suck cock tho

He thinks SG, and BF are comparable to FB and Twitter.

I'm not even kidding. He thinks that's a valid comparison.
Meanwhile you get banned at his little Circlejerk of Broken Trannies just for being a conservative

Talk about making snowflakes melt

Btw, do they still have those shrines dedicated butthurt about me over there?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I wouldn't know what it's like to be banned on social media, simply for melting a few snowflakes.

Probably because you stick firmly to The Parties approved narratives.

All the corporate elites, the big tech monopolies, the GovCo establishment supports you in your support of them.

Sometimes a word will hit an algorithm and a short and reversible ban will happen.
I have been partial birth banned right here at Bastard Factory.


Is this another example of how you think a privately owned forum with like 50 regular members is the same as big tech monopolies that are directly working with the government and banning any dialog that doesnt thump the party line?

You've been assboxed for spamming nonpolitical threads with partisan attacks. You were banned from SG for ruining someone's thread by spamming off topic memes. It was a TOS violation and would have gotten anyone banned.

Leftwing hive people wont even ALLOW dissenting views in their forums. You get attacked and banned the minute you stray from their group think.

Stop confusing small discussion forums with corporate socail media monopolies. This is an unhinged level of ignorance.

Correction: It wasn't just one thread he hijacked with his redundant TDS drool; it was nearly every thread that got him sent packing at SG

Here's he was assboxed for pretty much the same thing and even after repeated warnings he still continues to post mifit drool and dumb shit in inappropriate areas of the forum. he cant even follow simple requests from the fair and unbiased owner of this board