MultiMember DuaL TroLL Account KILLFiLe


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Suck it up buttercup... What you dish out, you get back, mmmkay? :) You want your ass pampered? Go to fagbook. :D... I hope you don't but.. geesh.. stop crying all over the place :rolleyes:


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Scouse won't ever join, though.

He's a full-on coward.

Just you watch.

Do you really think that your primary school level attempts of reverse pyschology are going to work on me? :LOL1:


You're still a full-on coward, though.

Says the guy who has been hiding behind an alt until recently...
Um, no.

Many people knew exactly who Cisco Gene was.

Don't befuddle the issue of your abject cowardice with your complete cluelessness.

You're a retarded rat running a million-kilometer maze here.

Funny thing is, the food pellet at the end of it all won't help you save your tooth.
Bastard Factory

Bastard Factory

Chairman of the Bored
Vegas Strip

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Suck it up buttercup... What you dish out, you get back, mmmkay? :) You want your ass pampered? Go to fagbook. :D... I hope you don't but.. geesh.. stop crying all over the place :rolleyes:
Who you talkin' to?


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Why did I get melted down isn't there supposed to be a thing that comes up here when someone does that or am I just being unfairly targeted for being a Biden supporter here?
There's a discussion by the admin on this thread that might be helpful.

I doubt it's got much to do with Biden as there are other NeverTrumpers that hang out here.

Jake this place hadn't been poisoned by politics until your lot showed up leaking anususs'ss and all
That's not true.
I was chastised back in August for being a Biden supporter, plus two women dropped n-bombs on my ass, and I barely said shit about anything.
You were a dick right off the bat.
Max and Seabro were the only hospitable posters here.

Hold up, I've been fairly hospitable lol.

Scrawny The Ghost

Interdimensional UltraMegaRich Luxury BLTQ+ Banker
Dimension-1218 19.20363 E 50.0266 N
Hi, we are the fractal plural system consisting of hundreds of personalities. We go by many names; Scrawny, Ghost, Plural Chan, Wariat, Thotgirl, Lasagnabread and our pronouns are it/it/its! You can use either for us., we also identify as a robot.

It/its pronouns are strange, contentious, and unusual. My pronouns are my pronouns and I can make them whatever I want. This post is mostly focused on why I've made this decision. I want to be open and honest with y'all about what's led me to where I am.

HOW? But Scron, it/its pronouns are for like, bugs, and robots, and things that are less than human! You can't use them, that's not how it works!

I came up with a way of coping. I really like robots. That's something you probably know about me. For my whole life they've been around, whether it be Star Wars or Megaman or LEGO Mindstorms or whatever. In my worst hours, I find comfort in their perfection. Sleek metal, intentional, carefully tested programming, working exactly as intended with no strange blips. If there are strange blips, they get diagnosed and fixed! Permanently, even! Robots are really beautiful in that way - they're clean, and intentional, and they make sense. When I'm saddled with fear, hopelessness, confusion, disgust with my own body, whatever, sometimes I map that robotic perfection onto myself for comfort. If I could have sleek metal in a good, sensible shape instead of weird flubby soft skin, bug-free programming instead of a mess of weirdness carved by millions of years of random chance evolution, then things would make sense, and I'd be happy?

If that doesn't make any sense, I understand. I like pretending to be a robot. It helps me overcome my bad emotions. It's a bit odd, sure, but is it really that bad?

The shortest answer: we're a plural beep boop! many names, many personalities.

Our fractal plural system would like to collectively apologize for all the confusion, this happens everywhere we go. We understand if our plurality is not accepted by this community. We have a very difficult time in certain digital spaces that have a lot of restrictions and rules on user accounts.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Why did I get melted down isn't there supposed to be a thing that comes up here when someone does that or am I just being unfairly targeted for being a Biden supporter here?
There's a discussion by the admin on this thread that might be helpful.

I doubt it's got much to do with Biden as there are other NeverTrumpers that hang out here.

Jake this place hadn't been poisoned by politics until your lot showed up leaking anususs'ss and all
That's not true.
I was chastised back in August for being a Biden supporter, plus two women dropped n-bombs on my ass, and I barely said shit about anything.
You were a dick right off the bat.
Max and Seabro were the only hospitable posters here.

Hold up, I've been fairly hospitable lol.
You don't count lol


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Why did I get melted down isn't there supposed to be a thing that comes up here when someone does that or am I just being unfairly targeted for being a Biden supporter here?
There's a discussion by the admin on this thread that might be helpful.

I doubt it's got much to do with Biden as there are other NeverTrumpers that hang out here.

Jake this place hadn't been poisoned by politics until your lot showed up leaking anususs'ss and all
That's not true.
I was chastised back in August for being a Biden supporter, plus two women dropped n-bombs on my ass, and I barely said shit about anything.
You were a dick right off the bat.
Max and Seabro were the only hospitable posters here.

Hold up, I've been fairly hospitable lol.
You don't count lol




Idk what the deal is with outting mults here. The Lasagna Bread nic was hilarious.
God bless you! she is my sister. I know even @Bastard Factory wants to tap that but after his latest PM to me I will have my sister totally reject his cock. Deal with dat soon. Oh I will never delete that PM since its filled with many death threats against the pets I have own or still own. I got the screen shots dude. You is fucked if you rock dis boat ever again. Yeah I just totally threatened you but I ain't afraid of the wiggers on yo asses block that might cum and meAT me or worse. I ain't scared. You should be I bring you major dollars like thats a lot. Yoy know. I could give you 100 or so more consistent posters if I could only remember all the forums I go to consistently. I am major league threat. Oh on that P.M. since you it all twisted as always I REJECT the modship you BEGGED more over and over to take. I reject the salary of 100 pesos an hour too. I spit on all offers. I will rule of this site til I pass out and or die of a heart attack. You are DOOMED like OL Ralphie would say in Friday the 13ths. Yes I'm leaving still but your PM got me all riled up and all the other unjustices I see on here. Release my sister or else...

I will get a few rejects to spamacide your whole forum with a billion profiles. You will have such an EPIC headache over it. You won't be seen again for like a Year OR SO. I got you in the afraids. I will be back with my kill the n.W.o. forever.


Happy New Year bitches!!


thats not what your gf said to me a few seconds ago...

i will fight you fung fu panda style any time. you is a baby panda cumpared to me. Unless thats it your jelly I show your gf show and invade so much cockadoodle doo in her yet you wanna meAT me?? it can be arrange at a good price. if i get preggo i kill you and your gf though. i don't need access baggage in life right now. just sayin. no hatin.


Which alts posts they're lady bits?? .. quit fuckin around thats what alts were for lazy cunts
Ask Badger, Dr Pepper, Eat shit and nudes are out there. Somewhere. Just know anything on Efukt you might find on me is all a lie. I stole those nudes off a Toronto cunt. Oops. Sorry ass bitch had it coming....

Oopsie. She is my cousin. Oh shit stop posting now fool.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
thats not what your gf said to me a few seconds ago...

i will fight you fung fu panda style any time. you is a baby panda cumpared to me. Unless thats it your jelly I show your gf show and invade so much cockadoodle doo in her yet you wanna meAT me?? it can be arrange at a good price. if i get preggo i kill you and your gf though. i don't need access baggage in life right now. just sayin. no hatin.


thats not what your gf said to me a few seconds ago...

i will fight you fung fu panda style any time. you is a baby panda cumpared to me. Unless thats it your jelly I show your gf show and invade so much cockadoodle doo in her yet you wanna meAT me?? it can be arrange at a good price. if i get preggo i kill you and your gf though. i don't need access baggage in life right now. just sayin. no hatin.
Not sure how to respond with this or some other laying around profile I "borrowed" from a friend. She was so might pretty huh? you wanted to fuck her didn't you? LasagnaBreath is such a fucking slut in our family


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
thats not what your gf said to me a few seconds ago...

i will fight you fung fu panda style any time. you is a baby panda cumpared to me. Unless thats it your jelly I show your gf show and invade so much cockadoodle doo in her yet you wanna meAT me?? it can be arrange at a good price. if i get preggo i kill you and your gf though. i don't need access baggage in life right now. just sayin. no hatin.
Not sure how to respond with this or some other laying around profile I "borrowed" from a friend. She was so might pretty huh? you wanted to fuck her didn't you? LasagnaBreath is such a fucking slut in our family

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Why did I get melted down isn't there supposed to be a thing that comes up here when someone does that or am I just being unfairly targeted for being a Biden supporter here?
There's a discussion by the admin on this thread that might be helpful.

I doubt it's got much to do with Biden as there are other NeverTrumpers that hang out here.

Jake this place hadn't been poisoned by politics until your lot showed up leaking anususs'ss and all
That's not true.
I was chastised back in August for being a Biden supporter, plus two women dropped n-bombs on my ass, and I barely said shit about anything.
You were a dick right off the bat.
Max and Seabro were the only hospitable posters here.

Fella come on, Marxipad is a degenerate weirdo.

You're right about X though, he's an irritating shitstain.


Exclusive Member of...
Meltdown in Progress
Nowhere specific