Mysterious Floriduh Company owns part of Pentagon internet? Say what?


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I just bought 200 rounds of 9mm ammo for 138.00

fucking score.
And yet you still have a micro dick, curious.
But I hear them Floriduh roaches are like huuuuge. Just hope Bigly squiggly doesn't shoot himself in the foot while trying to control his house pet problem.
Actually, the bad ones are in California. Them fuckers FLY!!!!
I lived in CA for a time many years ago. I don't think I ever lived in a place that didn't have them.
Here I have never seen one.
...but evidently the ones in Floriduh are so big they need a 9mil to take them out.

I hardly ever saw a roach in California. Just once every couple of years. I've never seen one in Portugal, and I only saw one rat, hanging out at a big dumpster. New York was a different story.
Is that a half eaten cockroach in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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clear the thread. Admin and Holigay are lubed up and ready to fuck each other

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Holliday Unchained

Trump is probably the biggest roach residing in Floriduh. Perhaps the biggest in the history of that state.

Coming back to spend the summer in Bedminster, New Jersey. I am so damn proud now.
Right down the road from me, Portzie.
We simply mmmMUUUST get together for tea and kebaps.
Careful deport. That means cavity probes and sexually transmitted diseases
Easy, Bigly - it's a long established joke that he's as afraid to meet me as you are.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Trump is probably the biggest roach residing in Floriduh. Perhaps the biggest in the history of that state.

Coming back to spend the summer in Bedminster, New Jersey. I am so damn proud now.
Right down the road from me, Portzie.
We simply mmmMUUUST get together for tea and kebaps.
Careful deport. That means cavity probes and sexually transmitted diseases
Easy, Bigly - it's a long established joke that he's as afraid to meet me as you are.
Yeah I’m not interested in your make on lib affection

Holliday Unchained

Trump is probably the biggest roach residing in Floriduh. Perhaps the biggest in the history of that state.

Coming back to spend the summer in Bedminster, New Jersey. I am so damn proud now.
Right down the road from me, Portzie.
We simply mmmMUUUST get together for tea and kebaps.
Careful deport. That means cavity probes and sexually transmitted diseases
Easy, Bigly - it's a long established joke that he's as afraid to meet me as you are.
Yeah I’m not interested in your make on lib affection

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Trump is probably the biggest roach residing in Floriduh. Perhaps the biggest in the history of that state.

Coming back to spend the summer in Bedminster, New Jersey. I am so damn proud now.
Right down the road from me, Portzie.
We simply mmmMUUUST get together for tea and kebaps.
Careful deport. That means cavity probes and sexually transmitted diseases
Easy, Bigly - it's a long established joke that he's as afraid to meet me as you are.
Yeah I’m not interested in your make on lib affection


Factory Bastard
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Trump is probably the biggest roach residing in Floriduh. Perhaps the biggest in the history of that state.

Coming back to spend the summer in Bedminster, New Jersey. I am so damn proud now.

Proud of what? That Holliday is your neighbor? Or that Trump is the biggest roach in Floriduh?


Factory Bastard
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The plot thickens:

In 2011, Packet Forensics and Saulino, its spokesman, were featured in a
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story because the company was selling an appliance to government agencies and law enforcement that let them spy on people’s web browsing using forged security certificates.

The company continues to sell “lawful intercept” equipment, according to its website. One of its current contracts with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is for “harnessing autonomy for countering cyber-adversary systems.” A contract description says it is investigating “technologies for conducting safe, nondisruptive, and effective active defense operations in cyberspace.” Contract language from 2019 says the program would “investigate the feasibility of creating safe and reliable autonomous software agencies that can effectively counter malicious botnet implants and similar large-scale malware.”

Deepening the mystery is Global Resource Systems’ name. It is identical to that of a firm that independent internet fraud researcher Ron Guilmette says was sending out email spam using the very same internet routing identifier. It shut down more than a decade ago. All that differs is the type of company. This one’s a limited liability corporation. The other was a corporation. Both used the same street address in Plantation, a suburb of Fort Lauderdale.

“It’s deeply suspicious,” said Guilmette, who unsuccessfully sued the previous incarnation of Global Resource Systems in 2006 for unfair business practices. Guilmette considers such masquerading, known as slip-streaming, a ham-handed tactic in this situation. “If they wanted to be more serious about hiding this they could have not used Ray Saulino and this suspicious name.”

Guilmette and Madory were alerted to the mystery when network operators began inquiring about it on an email list in mid-March. But almost everyone involved didn’t want to talk about it. Mike Leber, who owns Hurricane Electric, the internet backbone company handing the address blocks’ traffic, didn’t return emails or phone messages.

Despite an internet address crunch, the Pentagon — which created the internet — has shown no interest in selling any of its address space, and a Defense Department spokesman, Russell Goemaere, told the AP on Saturday that none of the newly announced space has been sold.

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Factory Bastard
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Despite an internet address crunch, the Pentagon — which created the internet
Wait, what
I thought Al Gore created the internet. :Confused4:

..but wait (again)
is this anything like when Bigly was boasting of working of cyber security just prior to the Russian SolarWinds breach?

I bet this is how Strapon got so rich. And why he hasn't renewed the security certificate at SG. And why he hates libs so much.

Holliday Unchained

Despite an internet address crunch, the Pentagon — which created the internet
Wait, what
I thought Al Gore created the internet. :Confused4:

..but wait (again)
is this anything like when Bigly was boasting of working of cyber security just prior to the Russian SolarWinds breach?

I bet this is how Strapon got so rich. And why he hasn't renewed the security certificate at SG. And why he hates libs so much.
I think it's pretty obvious that he and Duhv are on Putin's payroll.

PS: Sadly it occurs to me that it may also be true of our former friend, Deportz.
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Factory Bastard
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Despite an internet address crunch, the Pentagon — which created the internet
Wait, what
I thought Al Gore created the internet. :Confused4:

..but wait (again)
is this anything like when Bigly was boasting of working of cyber security just prior to the Russian SolarWinds breach?

I bet this is how Strapon got so rich. And why he hasn't renewed the security certificate at SG. And why he hates libs so much.
I think it's pretty obvious that he and Duhv are on Putin's payroll.

PS: Sadly it occurs to me that it may also be true of our former friend, Deportz.

Putin, or at least the Deep Corporate State.