Nikkie Minaj - Just another redneck Maga Trumpster refusing to get the vaccine



Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
I've been reading about this on Pol, apparently some journo whore from CNN threatened to dox her family or something and instead of caving, they retaliated with a big Fuck You and the MSM is whining about it's fake news whores being threatened Lulz.


Domestically feral
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United states

I softened towards her when she rapped about abortion regret and took some shit for it(since women arent allowed to grieve abortions if we have regret).

Now I think shes just a bad ass. Cant stand that "music" though lol


Domestically feral
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United states
Every celebrity coming out swinging on the establishment is being called mentally ill.

She nails it. It IS a cult.

This isnt even left/right. It's the cult and the not the cult lol


Domestically feral
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United states
Why are those Patriots wearing masks?

It's not masks people oppose. Its government mandates. I've pointed this out a few times.

As well many of these people probably voted Democrat.

So they are abiding to the law, as they protest it? Makes perfect sense

It makes total sense for people to still wear a mask if they wish while being opposed to the government forcing it.

What doesn't make sense is the government mandating something that isnt even working. It's just being used as a partisan weapon.


Domestically feral
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United states

I loved Smashing Pumpkins in middle/high school and now I know Corgan made "Fuck you Cooper" shirts I still love him lol


Domestically feral
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United states
So the corporate media starts lying about her, her family starts getting threats, and when Tucker offers her a platform to speak on....she gets accused of talking to a "white supremacist".

Where the fuck do these people get off calling TUCKER a "white supremacist"? These people use that label on everyone who doesnt agree with them politically. That's all it is. I think people should be able to sue when they are label falsely by dems/progs. Have some real accountability



Domestically feral
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United states

So media was harrassing and threatening her family.

Then another leftwing corporate called her twitter posts "unhinged". Lol are you kidding? The only thing about this that is unhinged is the left wing response. Lying, gaslighting, threatening....all because she is pointing out you cant even ask questions without getting attacked?

How many times have I pointed that out? How many times have other people pointed this out? You cannot even ask a left winger to clarify their own position without them getting defensive and attacking.

And Joy Reid(?) Legit straight up fucking LIED (as the media does) and said Tucker and people who listen to him hate hip hop and hip hop fans. Literally she played cult leader cards (they all hate you and think you are scum....but not us. We accept you and care about, JUST us...dont talk to or listen to them they hate you) that I'd actual brainwashing. This is how CULTS operate. How do people NOT see that?

Then when Nicki pointed out that you cant talk to people from the other party without democrats attacking you Joy called that a "right wing talking point" um no, its fucking TRUE. We see it ALL the time. And Joy herself was actively doing exactly THAT.

And Joy tried to claim we dont really care about Nickis free speech(dont you love when THEY tell US what we think? All they do is gaslight) but Tucker and Shapiro just want Nicki to encourage people to not get vaccinated. O. M. F. G.

First, Nicki NEVER fucking said NOT to get vaccinated. She said not to let other people bully you into it. Which is perfectly correct.

Also Tucker and Shapiro are NOT against the vaccine. They both ARE vaccinated. And these stupid brainwashed MORONS are posting "Even Tucker is vaccinated" as if Tucker is pretending to be against the vaccine. Same as Shapiro.

They have NEVER said to not get it. They are opposing FORCE. They have both said they support the vaccine and they have it. But that it needs to be a choice. That's the SAME thing Nicki said.....dont get a shot you dont want because of pressure and that its OKAY to ask question.

But these people are fucking LIARS and predators, and their indoctrinated base NEVER checks these people. They take everything corporatists say as gospel truth and they are viscious towards people that do not. They are STILL claiming we are all "anti vax" and lying.

Its SAD and its SCARY how these people are so partisan brainwashed that Joy Reid openly talks to them like shes an abusive narcissist boyfriend and they just swallow it like its truth. Completely oblivious of how it's all completely manipulative lies.

Smh. Guys this is SO bad. It's bad enough to where splitting the country is the only real solution. Unless we want to give up and live under leftwing authoritarianism and rename America "Oceana".