North Korean defector exposes Cultural Marxism within US academia

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
North Korean defector says 'even North Korea was not this nuts' after attending Ivy League school


"I expected that I was paying this fortune, all this time and energy, to learn how to think. But they are forcing you to think the way they want you to think," Park said in an interview with Fox News. "I realized, wow, this is insane. I thought America was different but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying."

>Those similarities include anti-Western sentiment, collective guilt and suffocating political correctness.

> During orientation, she was scolded by a university staff member for admitting she enjoyed classic literature such as Jane Austen.

>”They said, 'Did you know those writers had a colonial mindset? They were racists and bigots and are subconsciously brainwashing you.’"
> She was also shocked and confused by issues surrounding gender and language, with every class asking students to announce their preferred pronouns.
> "It was chaos," said Yeonmi. "It felt like the regression in civilization."

>"Even North Korea is not this nuts," she admitted. "North Korea was pretty crazy, but not this crazy."

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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Wow. The modern universities are worthless and only serve to produce your lotus buds and admins of the world


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You can point this out all day. People bought into Marxism and wont see it. They are convinced they are fighting a righteous cause

We are gonna need civil war.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Like I keep saying, the left here are no different than hitler, stalin, or mao.

They really are not! And you can draw direct connections and they STILL dont see it and they project it on you.

And we are the small government people.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Guys......fuck fishing liscence and hunting liscences

Why the fuck do we need the government involved in that? We could have hunters associations and govern our damn selves.

It's like people are brainwashed to believe we need the government for everything.

But yeah.. WE are nazis *eyeroll*


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Like I keep saying, the left here are no different than hitler, stalin, or mao.

Except Hitler was a pro-white Nationalist, not a Globohomo Marxist.

But A.....he was indeed a far left socailist.

You know I like you A LOT. I really do. And I respect you. But I everytime I see you defend Hitler it really hurts my heart, man. I feel like I'm about to tell a kid what an asshole psycho their dad is lol.

I dont know if you know this about me, but my grandmother raised me. She was born in the late 20s. So when 1941 rolled around after Pear Harbor, her first husband RAN to join the military. A lot of our men did. He actually died on DDay right on Normandy beach. So he died killing nazis.

My grandmother was a Rosie, if you dont know what is.....during ww2, she was working in factories building parts for planes used in the war. They way she could vividly describe this period. I loved hearing her stories about the war, and she found it VERY important that I understood these authoritarian ideologies. What they are and how they work. In case time ever tried to change the narrative. This really was a concern for her for the future of the country and my children, and their children.

Of course there is always going to be differences in the mainstream narrative vs what really happened. Its EASY to go to somewhere kinda dark when you actively live somewhere where questioning this narrative has consequences. I hate that.....and it fuels mistrust....I live in a free speech country and im always taken aback by how people are treated in other countries regarding speech. Its fucked up.

But it wouldnt surprise me if the version ww2 that I've studied.....and there is A LOT of indeed different in several places than maybe your mainstream version of it. Maybe you guys are not properly educated on it and just given this narrative that you cant question. I can absolutely see how you would question things. And to be fair.....Hitler was actually really GOOD for Germany.....setting aside that whole holocaust/world domination issue.

But the problem was his ideology. He was a socailist dictator. It was never gonna go another way but oppression and war.... it never does. "Nationist Socailism" wasnt ever gonna work out for Germany... .it wasnt sustainable. Hitler knew that. If you read his works, you really see a mad man. At least from my liberty loving American perspective.

People like Hitler can really draw people in....that's how they get as far as they do. I've met people here in the US who kinda went down that same road.....but did come out of it later on. He was very charismatic and talked a good game and that can suck people in.

But no one is lying about what he did. It happened.

You can take this homoglobal Marxism and the spirit and method behind it and alter and rebrand it and you've got Hitler. It all ends in the same place......death and state slavery and more death.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
North Korean defector says 'even North Korea was not this nuts' after attending Ivy League school


"I expected that I was paying this fortune, all this time and energy, to learn how to think. But they are forcing you to think the way they want you to think," Park said in an interview with Fox News. "I realized, wow, this is insane. I thought America was different but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying."

>Those similarities include anti-Western sentiment, collective guilt and suffocating political correctness.

> During orientation, she was scolded by a university staff member for admitting she enjoyed classic literature such as Jane Austen.

>”They said, 'Did you know those writers had a colonial mindset? They were racists and bigots and are subconsciously brainwashing you.’"
> She was also shocked and confused by issues surrounding gender and language, with every class asking students to announce their preferred pronouns.
> "It was chaos," said Yeonmi. "It felt like the regression in civilization."

>"Even North Korea is not this nuts," she admitted. "North Korea was pretty crazy, but not this crazy."

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This is utter bullshit. Jane Austen is taught in English departments all over the country. She's probably ragging on one stupid professor.

Announcing your preferred gender is kind of silly, but it is not going to hurt anyone, or stop people from being conservatives, so get over it.

Also, do you realize that a "university staff member" is not a professor? That's just someone who works at the university.

That woman is just going for clicks.

Your fear of cultural Marxism is riotously funny. It must be exhausting.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Like I keep saying, the left here are no different than hitler, stalin, or mao.

Except Hitler was a pro-white Nationalist, not a Globohomo Marxist.

But A.....he was indeed a far left socailist.

You know I like you A LOT. I really do. And I respect you. But I everytime I see you defend Hitler it really hurts my heart, man. I feel like I'm about to tell a kid what an asshole psycho their dad is lol.

I dont know if you know this about me, but my grandmother raised me. She was born in the late 20s. So when 1941 rolled around after Pear Harbor, her first husband RAN to join the military. A lot of our men did. He actually died on DDay right on Normandy beach. So he died killing nazis.

My grandmother was a Rosie, if you dont know what is.....during ww2, she was working in factories building parts for planes used in the war. They way she could vividly describe this period. I loved hearing her stories about the war, and she found it VERY important that I understood these authoritarian ideologies. What they are and how they work. In case time ever tried to change the narrative. This really was a concern for her for the future of the country and my children, and their children.

Of course there is always going to be differences in the mainstream narrative vs what really happened. Its EASY to go to somewhere kinda dark when you actively live somewhere where questioning this narrative has consequences. I hate that.....and it fuels mistrust....I live in a free speech country and im always taken aback by how people are treated in other countries regarding speech. Its fucked up.

But it wouldnt surprise me if the version ww2 that I've studied.....and there is A LOT of indeed different in several places than maybe your mainstream version of it. Maybe you guys are not properly educated on it and just given this narrative that you cant question. I can absolutely see how you would question things. And to be fair.....Hitler was actually really GOOD for Germany.....setting aside that whole holocaust/world domination issue.

But the problem was his ideology. He was a socailist dictator. It was never gonna go another way but oppression and war.... it never does. "Nationist Socailism" wasnt ever gonna work out for Germany... .it wasnt sustainable. Hitler knew that. If you read his works, you really see a mad man. At least from my liberty loving American perspective.

People like Hitler can really draw people in....that's how they get as far as they do. I've met people here in the US who kinda went down that same road.....but did come out of it later on. He was very charismatic and talked a good game and that can suck people in.

But no one is lying about what he did. It happened.

You can take this homoglobal Marxism and the spirit and method behind it and alter and rebrand it and you've got Hitler. It all ends in the same place......death and state slavery and more death.

Hitler was not a left socialist. Seek help and stop trying so hard to rewrite history. He was, like you said, a mad man. Not a fucking socialist. He was a nationalistic corporate oligarch, not a fucking socialist.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Like I keep saying, the left here are no different than hitler, stalin, or mao.

Except Hitler was a pro-white Nationalist, not a Globohomo Marxist.

But A.....he was indeed a far left socailist.

You know I like you A LOT. I really do. And I respect you. But I everytime I see you defend Hitler it really hurts my heart, man. I feel like I'm about to tell a kid what an asshole psycho their dad is lol.

I dont know if you know this about me, but my grandmother raised me. She was born in the late 20s. So when 1941 rolled around after Pear Harbor, her first husband RAN to join the military. A lot of our men did. He actually died on DDay right on Normandy beach. So he died killing nazis.

My grandmother was a Rosie, if you dont know what is.....during ww2, she was working in factories building parts for planes used in the war. They way she could vividly describe this period. I loved hearing her stories about the war, and she found it VERY important that I understood these authoritarian ideologies. What they are and how they work. In case time ever tried to change the narrative. This really was a concern for her for the future of the country and my children, and their children.

Of course there is always going to be differences in the mainstream narrative vs what really happened. Its EASY to go to somewhere kinda dark when you actively live somewhere where questioning this narrative has consequences. I hate that.....and it fuels mistrust....I live in a free speech country and im always taken aback by how people are treated in other countries regarding speech. Its fucked up.

But it wouldnt surprise me if the version ww2 that I've studied.....and there is A LOT of indeed different in several places than maybe your mainstream version of it. Maybe you guys are not properly educated on it and just given this narrative that you cant question. I can absolutely see how you would question things. And to be fair.....Hitler was actually really GOOD for Germany.....setting aside that whole holocaust/world domination issue.

But the problem was his ideology. He was a socailist dictator. It was never gonna go another way but oppression and war.... it never does. "Nationist Socailism" wasnt ever gonna work out for Germany... .it wasnt sustainable. Hitler knew that. If you read his works, you really see a mad man. At least from my liberty loving American perspective.

People like Hitler can really draw people in....that's how they get as far as they do. I've met people here in the US who kinda went down that same road.....but did come out of it later on. He was very charismatic and talked a good game and that can suck people in.

But no one is lying about what he did. It happened.

You can take this homoglobal Marxism and the spirit and method behind it and alter and rebrand it and you've got Hitler. It all ends in the same place......death and state slavery and more death.

Hitler was not a left socialist. Seek help and stop trying so hard to rewrite history. He was, like you said, a mad man. Not a fucking socialist. He was a nationalistic corporate oligarch, not a fucking socialist.

He most certainly, absolutely WAS. Socailism is a left wing fetish and I challenge you to listen to his speeches. He sounds like our modern left. Nazi literally stood for the socailist party. National Socialist German Workers' Party. That's what "nazi" meant.

Seek a more honest education. Denying it doesnt make it so. Left wingers are trying REAL hard to revise all kinds of history. Especailly with critical theory and that stupid 1619 project. The only ones revising history are leftists. Authoritarian ideologies ALWAYS attack and revise history.

You guys love to play the Hitler card on people who legit stand for small government and liberty.....when it really applies more to the left. As Hitler WAS a far left socailist dictator.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
North Korean defector says 'even North Korea was not this nuts' after attending Ivy League school


"I expected that I was paying this fortune, all this time and energy, to learn how to think. But they are forcing you to think the way they want you to think," Park said in an interview with Fox News. "I realized, wow, this is insane. I thought America was different but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying."

>Those similarities include anti-Western sentiment, collective guilt and suffocating political correctness.

> During orientation, she was scolded by a university staff member for admitting she enjoyed classic literature such as Jane Austen.

>”They said, 'Did you know those writers had a colonial mindset? They were racists and bigots and are subconsciously brainwashing you.’"
> She was also shocked and confused by issues surrounding gender and language, with every class asking students to announce their preferred pronouns.
> "It was chaos," said Yeonmi. "It felt like the regression in civilization."

>"Even North Korea is not this nuts," she admitted. "North Korea was pretty crazy, but not this crazy."

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This is utter bullshit. Jane Austen is taught in English departments all over the country. She's probably ragging on one stupid professor.

Announcing your preferred gender is kind of silly, but it is not going to hurt anyone, or stop people from being conservatives, so get over it.

Also, do you realize that a "university staff member" is not a professor? That's just someone who works at the university.

That woman is just going for clicks.

Your fear of cultural Marxism is riotously funny. It must be exhausting.

A lot of people say the same thing.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Like I keep saying, the left here are no different than hitler, stalin, or mao.

Except Hitler was a pro-white Nationalist, not a Globohomo Marxist.

But A.....he was indeed a far left socailist.

You know I like you A LOT. I really do. And I respect you. But I everytime I see you defend Hitler it really hurts my heart, man. I feel like I'm about to tell a kid what an asshole psycho their dad is lol.

I dont know if you know this about me, but my grandmother raised me. She was born in the late 20s. So when 1941 rolled around after Pear Harbor, her first husband RAN to join the military. A lot of our men did. He actually died on DDay right on Normandy beach. So he died killing nazis.

My grandmother was a Rosie, if you dont know what is.....during ww2, she was working in factories building parts for planes used in the war. They way she could vividly describe this period. I loved hearing her stories about the war, and she found it VERY important that I understood these authoritarian ideologies. What they are and how they work. In case time ever tried to change the narrative. This really was a concern for her for the future of the country and my children, and their children.

Of course there is always going to be differences in the mainstream narrative vs what really happened. Its EASY to go to somewhere kinda dark when you actively live somewhere where questioning this narrative has consequences. I hate that.....and it fuels mistrust....I live in a free speech country and im always taken aback by how people are treated in other countries regarding speech. Its fucked up.

But it wouldnt surprise me if the version ww2 that I've studied.....and there is A LOT of indeed different in several places than maybe your mainstream version of it. Maybe you guys are not properly educated on it and just given this narrative that you cant question. I can absolutely see how you would question things. And to be fair.....Hitler was actually really GOOD for Germany.....setting aside that whole holocaust/world domination issue.

But the problem was his ideology. He was a socailist dictator. It was never gonna go another way but oppression and war.... it never does. "Nationist Socailism" wasnt ever gonna work out for Germany... .it wasnt sustainable. Hitler knew that. If you read his works, you really see a mad man. At least from my liberty loving American perspective.

People like Hitler can really draw people in....that's how they get as far as they do. I've met people here in the US who kinda went down that same road.....but did come out of it later on. He was very charismatic and talked a good game and that can suck people in.

But no one is lying about what he did. It happened.

You can take this homoglobal Marxism and the spirit and method behind it and alter and rebrand it and you've got Hitler. It all ends in the same place......death and state slavery and more death.

Hitler was not a left socialist. Seek help and stop trying so hard to rewrite history. He was, like you said, a mad man. Not a fucking socialist. He was a nationalistic corporate oligarch, not a fucking socialist.
Wow, thats so ignorant, I cant even say for sure its a lie. Its just to easily refuted. The Nazis controlled ALL production. If you didnt do as they said, they rounded you up and imprisoned or shot you. Hitler was a corporate lacky? OMG, you dumb bitch!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Like I keep saying, the left here are no different than hitler, stalin, or mao.

Except Hitler was a pro-white Nationalist, not a Globohomo Marxist.

But A.....he was indeed a far left socailist.

You know I like you A LOT. I really do. And I respect you. But I everytime I see you defend Hitler it really hurts my heart, man. I feel like I'm about to tell a kid what an asshole psycho their dad is lol.

I dont know if you know this about me, but my grandmother raised me. She was born in the late 20s. So when 1941 rolled around after Pear Harbor, her first husband RAN to join the military. A lot of our men did. He actually died on DDay right on Normandy beach. So he died killing nazis.

My grandmother was a Rosie, if you dont know what is.....during ww2, she was working in factories building parts for planes used in the war. They way she could vividly describe this period. I loved hearing her stories about the war, and she found it VERY important that I understood these authoritarian ideologies. What they are and how they work. In case time ever tried to change the narrative. This really was a concern for her for the future of the country and my children, and their children.

Of course there is always going to be differences in the mainstream narrative vs what really happened. Its EASY to go to somewhere kinda dark when you actively live somewhere where questioning this narrative has consequences. I hate that.....and it fuels mistrust....I live in a free speech country and im always taken aback by how people are treated in other countries regarding speech. Its fucked up.

But it wouldnt surprise me if the version ww2 that I've studied.....and there is A LOT of indeed different in several places than maybe your mainstream version of it. Maybe you guys are not properly educated on it and just given this narrative that you cant question. I can absolutely see how you would question things. And to be fair.....Hitler was actually really GOOD for Germany.....setting aside that whole holocaust/world domination issue.

But the problem was his ideology. He was a socailist dictator. It was never gonna go another way but oppression and war.... it never does. "Nationist Socailism" wasnt ever gonna work out for Germany... .it wasnt sustainable. Hitler knew that. If you read his works, you really see a mad man. At least from my liberty loving American perspective.

People like Hitler can really draw people in....that's how they get as far as they do. I've met people here in the US who kinda went down that same road.....but did come out of it later on. He was very charismatic and talked a good game and that can suck people in.

But no one is lying about what he did. It happened.

You can take this homoglobal Marxism and the spirit and method behind it and alter and rebrand it and you've got Hitler. It all ends in the same place......death and state slavery and more death.

Hitler was not a left socialist. Seek help and stop trying so hard to rewrite history. He was, like you said, a mad man. Not a fucking socialist. He was a nationalistic corporate oligarch, not a fucking socialist.

He most certainly, absolutely WAS. Socailism is a left wing fetish and I challenge you to listen to his speeches. He sounds like our modern left. Nazi literally stood for the socailist party.

Seek a more honest education. Denying it doesnt make it so.

I want you to post a reference from a reputable source that proves Hitler was a socialist.

He wasn't. Just because he used the word doesn't mean he adopted the policies. The Clean Water Act allows people to pollute water, you know. The socialist party under Hitler was not Socialist.

Give me evidence or stop. He was NOT in any way, shape, or for, a socialist. Except maybe in the same way Trump was one.

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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Like I keep saying, the left here are no different than hitler, stalin, or mao.

Except Hitler was a pro-white Nationalist, not a Globohomo Marxist.

But A.....he was indeed a far left socailist.

You know I like you A LOT. I really do. And I respect you. But I everytime I see you defend Hitler it really hurts my heart, man. I feel like I'm about to tell a kid what an asshole psycho their dad is lol.

I dont know if you know this about me, but my grandmother raised me. She was born in the late 20s. So when 1941 rolled around after Pear Harbor, her first husband RAN to join the military. A lot of our men did. He actually died on DDay right on Normandy beach. So he died killing nazis.

My grandmother was a Rosie, if you dont know what is.....during ww2, she was working in factories building parts for planes used in the war. They way she could vividly describe this period. I loved hearing her stories about the war, and she found it VERY important that I understood these authoritarian ideologies. What they are and how they work. In case time ever tried to change the narrative. This really was a concern for her for the future of the country and my children, and their children.

Of course there is always going to be differences in the mainstream narrative vs what really happened. Its EASY to go to somewhere kinda dark when you actively live somewhere where questioning this narrative has consequences. I hate that.....and it fuels mistrust....I live in a free speech country and im always taken aback by how people are treated in other countries regarding speech. Its fucked up.

But it wouldnt surprise me if the version ww2 that I've studied.....and there is A LOT of indeed different in several places than maybe your mainstream version of it. Maybe you guys are not properly educated on it and just given this narrative that you cant question. I can absolutely see how you would question things. And to be fair.....Hitler was actually really GOOD for Germany.....setting aside that whole holocaust/world domination issue.

But the problem was his ideology. He was a socailist dictator. It was never gonna go another way but oppression and war.... it never does. "Nationist Socailism" wasnt ever gonna work out for Germany... .it wasnt sustainable. Hitler knew that. If you read his works, you really see a mad man. At least from my liberty loving American perspective.

People like Hitler can really draw people in....that's how they get as far as they do. I've met people here in the US who kinda went down that same road.....but did come out of it later on. He was very charismatic and talked a good game and that can suck people in.

But no one is lying about what he did. It happened.

You can take this homoglobal Marxism and the spirit and method behind it and alter and rebrand it and you've got Hitler. It all ends in the same place......death and state slavery and more death.

Hitler was not a left socialist. Seek help and stop trying so hard to rewrite history. He was, like you said, a mad man. Not a fucking socialist. He was a nationalistic corporate oligarch, not a fucking socialist.
Wow, thats so ignorant, I cant even say for sure its a lie. Its just to easily refuted. The Nazis controlled ALL production. If you didnt do as they said, they rounded you up and imprisoned or shot you. Hitler was a corporate lacky? OMG, you dumb bitch!

They literally all claim every single instance of communism, socialism were somehow "not real" or not what they want.

But you watch them demand the government control everything. And even punish dissenters.

They are so blind.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Like I keep saying, the left here are no different than hitler, stalin, or mao.

Except Hitler was a pro-white Nationalist, not a Globohomo Marxist.

But A.....he was indeed a far left socailist.

You know I like you A LOT. I really do. And I respect you. But I everytime I see you defend Hitler it really hurts my heart, man. I feel like I'm about to tell a kid what an asshole psycho their dad is lol.

I dont know if you know this about me, but my grandmother raised me. She was born in the late 20s. So when 1941 rolled around after Pear Harbor, her first husband RAN to join the military. A lot of our men did. He actually died on DDay right on Normandy beach. So he died killing nazis.

My grandmother was a Rosie, if you dont know what is.....during ww2, she was working in factories building parts for planes used in the war. They way she could vividly describe this period. I loved hearing her stories about the war, and she found it VERY important that I understood these authoritarian ideologies. What they are and how they work. In case time ever tried to change the narrative. This really was a concern for her for the future of the country and my children, and their children.

Of course there is always going to be differences in the mainstream narrative vs what really happened. Its EASY to go to somewhere kinda dark when you actively live somewhere where questioning this narrative has consequences. I hate that.....and it fuels mistrust....I live in a free speech country and im always taken aback by how people are treated in other countries regarding speech. Its fucked up.

But it wouldnt surprise me if the version ww2 that I've studied.....and there is A LOT of indeed different in several places than maybe your mainstream version of it. Maybe you guys are not properly educated on it and just given this narrative that you cant question. I can absolutely see how you would question things. And to be fair.....Hitler was actually really GOOD for Germany.....setting aside that whole holocaust/world domination issue.

But the problem was his ideology. He was a socailist dictator. It was never gonna go another way but oppression and war.... it never does. "Nationist Socailism" wasnt ever gonna work out for Germany... .it wasnt sustainable. Hitler knew that. If you read his works, you really see a mad man. At least from my liberty loving American perspective.

People like Hitler can really draw people in....that's how they get as far as they do. I've met people here in the US who kinda went down that same road.....but did come out of it later on. He was very charismatic and talked a good game and that can suck people in.

But no one is lying about what he did. It happened.

You can take this homoglobal Marxism and the spirit and method behind it and alter and rebrand it and you've got Hitler. It all ends in the same place......death and state slavery and more death.

Hitler was not a left socialist. Seek help and stop trying so hard to rewrite history. He was, like you said, a mad man. Not a fucking socialist. He was a nationalistic corporate oligarch, not a fucking socialist.

He most certainly, absolutely WAS. Socailism is a left wing fetish and I challenge you to listen to his speeches. He sounds like our modern left. Nazi literally stood for the socailist party.

Seek a more honest education. Denying it doesnt make it so.

I want you to post a reference from a reputable source that proves Hitler was a soicalist.

He wasn't. Just because he used the word doesn't mean he adopted the policies. The Clean Water Act allows people to pollute water, you know. The socialist party under Hitler was not Socialist.

Give me evidence or stop. He was NOT in any way, shape, or for, a socialist. Except maybe in the same way Trump was one.

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A "reputable" source?

Hey Lotus......go ahead and list Hitlers policies. Let's tackle this. He was 100 percent a Nationalist Socailist.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Try a little history, @Dove:

Hitler allied himself with leaders of German conservative and nationalist movements, and in January 1933 German President
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appointed him chancellor. Hitler’s
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had been born, and it was entirely
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in character. Within two months Hitler achieved full dictatorial power through the
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. In April 1933 communists, socialists, democrats, and Jews were purged from the German civil service, and
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were outlawed the following month. That July Hitler banned all political parties other than his own, and prominent members of the German
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and the
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were arrested and imprisoned in
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-- Britannica


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Definition of socialism

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

"The fiscal importance of privatization proceeds to 1934-37 Germany can hardly be denied, particularly in comparison to modern privatizations like those applied recently in the European Union countries. However, it is worth noting that the general orientation of the Nazi economic policy was the exact opposite of that of the EU countries in the late 1990s: Whereas the modern privatization in the EU has been parallel to liberalization policies, in Nazi Germany privatization was applied within a framework of increasing control of the state over the whole economy through regulation and political interference. "
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On one hand, the intense growth of governmental regulations on markets, which heavily restricted economic freedom, suggests that the rights inherent to private property were destroyed. As a result, privatization would be of no practical consequences since the state assumed full control of the economic system (e.g. Stolper, 1940, p. 207). On the other hand, the activities of private business organizations and the fact that big business had some power seemed to be grounds for inferring that the Nazis promoted private property. Privatization, in this analysis, was intended to promote the interests of the business sectors that supported the Nazi regime, as well as the interests of the Nazi elites (e.g. Sweezy, 1941, pp. 27-28; Merlin, 1943, p. 207; Neumann, 1944, p. 298).

Guillebaud (1939, p. 55) stresses that the Nazi regime wanted to leave management and risk in business in the sphere of private enterprise, subject to the general direction of the government. Thus, “the State in fact divested itself of a great deal of its previous direct participation in industry....But at the same time state control, regulation and interference in the conduct of the economy affairs was enormously extended.”

Hitler’s solution was to combine autonomy and a large role for private initiative and ownership rights within firms with the total subjection of property rights outside the firm to State control. As Nathan pointed out (1944a, p. 5) “It was a totalitarian system of government control within the framework of private property and private profit. It maintained private enterprise and provided profit incentives as spurs to efficient management. But the traditional freedom of the entrepreneur was narrowly circumscribed.” In other words, there was private initiative in the production process, but no private initiative was allowed in the distribution of the product. Owners could act freely within their firms, but faced tight restrictions in the market.

Hitler explained that “I want everyone to keep what he has earned subject to the principle that the good of the community takes priority over that of the individual. But the State should retain control; every owner should feel himself to be an agent of the State....The Third Reich will always retain the right to control property owners.”

See, I can GIVE you Walmart but if I hold a gun to your head as the leader of a nation and force you to run it our way, thats socialism.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Definition of socialism

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

"The fiscal importance of privatization proceeds to 1934-37 Germany can hardly be denied, particularly in comparison to modern privatizations like those applied recently in the European Union countries. However, it is worth noting that the general orientation of the Nazi economic policy was the exact opposite of that of the EU countries in the late 1990s: Whereas the modern privatization in the EU has been parallel to liberalization policies, in Nazi Germany privatization was applied within a framework of increasing control of the state over the whole economy through regulation and political interference. "
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On one hand, the intense growth of governmental regulations on markets, which heavily restricted economic freedom, suggests that the rights inherent to private property were destroyed. As a result, privatization would be of no practical consequences since the state assumed full control of the economic system (e.g. Stolper, 1940, p. 207). On the other hand, the activities of private business organizations and the fact that big business had some power seemed to be grounds for inferring that the Nazis promoted private property. Privatization, in this analysis, was intended to promote the interests of the business sectors that supported the Nazi regime, as well as the interests of the Nazi elites (e.g. Sweezy, 1941, pp. 27-28; Merlin, 1943, p. 207; Neumann, 1944, p. 298).

Guillebaud (1939, p. 55) stresses that the Nazi regime wanted to leave management and risk in business in the sphere of private enterprise, subject to the general direction of the government. Thus, “the State in fact divested itself of a great deal of its previous direct participation in industry....But at the same time state control, regulation and interference in the conduct of the economy affairs was enormously extended.”

Hitler’s solution was to combine autonomy and a large role for private initiative and ownership rights within firms with the total subjection of property rights outside the firm to State control. As Nathan pointed out (1944a, p. 5) “It was a totalitarian system of government control within the framework of private property and private profit. It maintained private enterprise and provided profit incentives as spurs to efficient management. But the traditional freedom of the entrepreneur was narrowly circumscribed.” In other words, there was private initiative in the production process, but no private initiative was allowed in the distribution of the product. Owners could act freely within their firms, but faced tight restrictions in the market.

Hitler explained that “I want everyone to keep what he has earned subject to the principle that the good of the community takes priority over that of the individual. But the State should retain control; every owner should feel himself to be an agent of the State....The Third Reich will always retain the right to control property owners.”

See, I can GIVE you Walmart but if I hold a gun to your head as the leader of a nation and force you to run it our way, thats socialism.

Horeshit. You don't even understand the passages from the paper you reference. It goes on and on and on about how Hitler PRIVATIZED everything and formed alliances with the corporate structure. That is the opposite of socialism. You can have tyrants from across the political spectrum.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Like I keep saying, the left here are no different than hitler, stalin, or mao.

Except Hitler was a pro-white Nationalist, not a Globohomo Marxist.

But A.....he was indeed a far left socailist.

You know I like you A LOT. I really do. And I respect you. But I everytime I see you defend Hitler it really hurts my heart, man. I feel like I'm about to tell a kid what an asshole psycho their dad is lol.

I dont know if you know this about me, but my grandmother raised me. She was born in the late 20s. So when 1941 rolled around after Pear Harbor, her first husband RAN to join the military. A lot of our men did. He actually died on DDay right on Normandy beach. So he died killing nazis.

My grandmother was a Rosie, if you dont know what is.....during ww2, she was working in factories building parts for planes used in the war. They way she could vividly describe this period. I loved hearing her stories about the war, and she found it VERY important that I understood these authoritarian ideologies. What they are and how they work. In case time ever tried to change the narrative. This really was a concern for her for the future of the country and my children, and their children.

Of course there is always going to be differences in the mainstream narrative vs what really happened. Its EASY to go to somewhere kinda dark when you actively live somewhere where questioning this narrative has consequences. I hate that.....and it fuels mistrust....I live in a free speech country and im always taken aback by how people are treated in other countries regarding speech. Its fucked up.

But it wouldnt surprise me if the version ww2 that I've studied.....and there is A LOT of indeed different in several places than maybe your mainstream version of it. Maybe you guys are not properly educated on it and just given this narrative that you cant question. I can absolutely see how you would question things. And to be fair.....Hitler was actually really GOOD for Germany.....setting aside that whole holocaust/world domination issue.

But the problem was his ideology. He was a socailist dictator. It was never gonna go another way but oppression and war.... it never does. "Nationist Socailism" wasnt ever gonna work out for Germany... .it wasnt sustainable. Hitler knew that. If you read his works, you really see a mad man. At least from my liberty loving American perspective.

People like Hitler can really draw people in....that's how they get as far as they do. I've met people here in the US who kinda went down that same road.....but did come out of it later on. He was very charismatic and talked a good game and that can suck people in.

But no one is lying about what he did. It happened.

You can take this homoglobal Marxism and the spirit and method behind it and alter and rebrand it and you've got Hitler. It all ends in the same place......death and state slavery and more death.

Hitler was not a left socialist. Seek help and stop trying so hard to rewrite history. He was, like you said, a mad man. Not a fucking socialist. He was a nationalistic corporate oligarch, not a fucking socialist.

He most certainly, absolutely WAS. Socailism is a left wing fetish and I challenge you to listen to his speeches. He sounds like our modern left. Nazi literally stood for the socailist party.

Seek a more honest education. Denying it doesnt make it so.

I want you to post a reference from a reputable source that proves Hitler was a soicalist.

He wasn't. Just because he used the word doesn't mean he adopted the policies. The Clean Water Act allows people to pollute water, you know. The socialist party under Hitler was not Socialist.

Give me evidence or stop. He was NOT in any way, shape, or for, a socialist. Except maybe in the same way Trump was one.

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A "reputable" source?

Hey Lotus......go ahead and list Hitlers policies. Let's tackle this. He was 100 percent a Nationalist Socailist.

See, I posted evidence from a reputable source. You've got nothing but the CON propaganda you swallow whole.

Hitler was not a socialist.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Definition of socialism

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

"The fiscal importance of privatization proceeds to 1934-37 Germany can hardly be denied, particularly in comparison to modern privatizations like those applied recently in the European Union countries. However, it is worth noting that the general orientation of the Nazi economic policy was the exact opposite of that of the EU countries in the late 1990s: Whereas the modern privatization in the EU has been parallel to liberalization policies, in Nazi Germany privatization was applied within a framework of increasing control of the state over the whole economy through regulation and political interference. "
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On one hand, the intense growth of governmental regulations on markets, which heavily restricted economic freedom, suggests that the rights inherent to private property were destroyed. As a result, privatization would be of no practical consequences since the state assumed full control of the economic system (e.g. Stolper, 1940, p. 207). On the other hand, the activities of private business organizations and the fact that big business had some power seemed to be grounds for inferring that the Nazis promoted private property. Privatization, in this analysis, was intended to promote the interests of the business sectors that supported the Nazi regime, as well as the interests of the Nazi elites (e.g. Sweezy, 1941, pp. 27-28; Merlin, 1943, p. 207; Neumann, 1944, p. 298).

Guillebaud (1939, p. 55) stresses that the Nazi regime wanted to leave management and risk in business in the sphere of private enterprise, subject to the general direction of the government. Thus, “the State in fact divested itself of a great deal of its previous direct participation in industry....But at the same time state control, regulation and interference in the conduct of the economy affairs was enormously extended.”

Hitler’s solution was to combine autonomy and a large role for private initiative and ownership rights within firms with the total subjection of property rights outside the firm to State control. As Nathan pointed out (1944a, p. 5) “It was a totalitarian system of government control within the framework of private property and private profit. It maintained private enterprise and provided profit incentives as spurs to efficient management. But the traditional freedom of the entrepreneur was narrowly circumscribed.” In other words, there was private initiative in the production process, but no private initiative was allowed in the distribution of the product. Owners could act freely within their firms, but faced tight restrictions in the market.

Hitler explained that “I want everyone to keep what he has earned subject to the principle that the good of the community takes priority over that of the individual. But the State should retain control; every owner should feel himself to be an agent of the State....The Third Reich will always retain the right to control property owners.”

See, I can GIVE you Walmart but if I hold a gun to your head as the leader of a nation and force you to run it our way, thats socialism.

Horeshit. You don't even understand the passages from the paper you reference. It goes on and on and on about how Hitler PRIVATIZED everything and formed alliances with the corporate structure. That is the opposite of socialism. You can have tyrants from across the political spectrum.
Yea dummy. Private ownership is the difference between socialism and communism. Socialists allow private ownership while the government controls what you do while communism takes the next step and takes the ownership away too. hitler believed that he was unburdening the nazi state AND putting money in his coffers by privatizing the owndership. You have got to be the dumbest assed bitch on the fukin planet!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Like I keep saying, the left here are no different than hitler, stalin, or mao.

Except Hitler was a pro-white Nationalist, not a Globohomo Marxist.

But A.....he was indeed a far left socailist.

You know I like you A LOT. I really do. And I respect you. But I everytime I see you defend Hitler it really hurts my heart, man. I feel like I'm about to tell a kid what an asshole psycho their dad is lol.

I dont know if you know this about me, but my grandmother raised me. She was born in the late 20s. So when 1941 rolled around after Pear Harbor, her first husband RAN to join the military. A lot of our men did. He actually died on DDay right on Normandy beach. So he died killing nazis.

My grandmother was a Rosie, if you dont know what is.....during ww2, she was working in factories building parts for planes used in the war. They way she could vividly describe this period. I loved hearing her stories about the war, and she found it VERY important that I understood these authoritarian ideologies. What they are and how they work. In case time ever tried to change the narrative. This really was a concern for her for the future of the country and my children, and their children.

Of course there is always going to be differences in the mainstream narrative vs what really happened. Its EASY to go to somewhere kinda dark when you actively live somewhere where questioning this narrative has consequences. I hate that.....and it fuels mistrust....I live in a free speech country and im always taken aback by how people are treated in other countries regarding speech. Its fucked up.

But it wouldnt surprise me if the version ww2 that I've studied.....and there is A LOT of indeed different in several places than maybe your mainstream version of it. Maybe you guys are not properly educated on it and just given this narrative that you cant question. I can absolutely see how you would question things. And to be fair.....Hitler was actually really GOOD for Germany.....setting aside that whole holocaust/world domination issue.

But the problem was his ideology. He was a socailist dictator. It was never gonna go another way but oppression and war.... it never does. "Nationist Socailism" wasnt ever gonna work out for Germany... .it wasnt sustainable. Hitler knew that. If you read his works, you really see a mad man. At least from my liberty loving American perspective.

People like Hitler can really draw people in....that's how they get as far as they do. I've met people here in the US who kinda went down that same road.....but did come out of it later on. He was very charismatic and talked a good game and that can suck people in.

But no one is lying about what he did. It happened.

You can take this homoglobal Marxism and the spirit and method behind it and alter and rebrand it and you've got Hitler. It all ends in the same place......death and state slavery and more death.

Hitler was not a left socialist. Seek help and stop trying so hard to rewrite history. He was, like you said, a mad man. Not a fucking socialist. He was a nationalistic corporate oligarch, not a fucking socialist.

He most certainly, absolutely WAS. Socailism is a left wing fetish and I challenge you to listen to his speeches. He sounds like our modern left. Nazi literally stood for the socailist party.

Seek a more honest education. Denying it doesnt make it so.

I want you to post a reference from a reputable source that proves Hitler was a soicalist.

He wasn't. Just because he used the word doesn't mean he adopted the policies. The Clean Water Act allows people to pollute water, you know. The socialist party under Hitler was not Socialist.

Give me evidence or stop. He was NOT in any way, shape, or for, a socialist. Except maybe in the same way Trump was one.

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A "reputable" source?

Hey Lotus......go ahead and list Hitlers policies. Let's tackle this. He was 100 percent a Nationalist Socailist.

See, I posted evidence from a reputable source. You've got nothing but the CON propaganda you swallow whole.

Hitler was not a socialist.
He sure as fuck was socialist , dumb assed twat. Your damn brain is having a misfire again!