If people JUST watched "The Greatest story NEVER told" the truth will fuck with them and they'll realise what a fuck up WW2 was...
They'd know why our countries are turning to shit and going MAD!!!
It's too late, this was the LAST great white man and now we're doomed! I just wish people would listen and face the fuckin truth they avoid, the inconvenient truth...
White folk are soo scared of being called RACIST they let themselves be victims of violence, without a voice or opinion, oh and that word "RACIST" was "created" by a fuckin zionist Jew, OF COURSE, IT WAS like everything else I've posted yet folk don't wanna know the truth, completely brainwashed into thinking Adolf Hitler was the devil, I laugh at that I really do... He saw all this coming back then and said "NO! MY PEOPLE COME FIRST AND WON'T BE DEBT SLAVES TO JEWISH BANKS, WON@T BE SUBJECTED TO JEWISH MEDIA PUSHING DEGRADING FILTH! Like we see today, he saw it back then... His famous saying was something like "ONE DAY THE WORLD WILL WAKE UP AND SEE I WAS RIGHT!"
ALWAYS ZIONIST JEWS!!! Jesus wept...