One Piece live action series on Netflix.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
I would never in a million years watch Monkey D. Luffy or The One Piece anime, but I am very pleasantly surprised by the Netflix live action series. The first two episodes are kinda slow, it really picks up steam after that. Perhaps one of the things that has got me hooked are the plot twists. In that regard it reminds me of a toned down Riverdale, but One Piece has it's share of gore and violence. I only recognize a few of the actors and can tell that this series was produced in Asia, which isn't a bad thing.

I really like the way the series includes flashbacks on the central characters explaining why they act a certain way. Of course there are some silly moments, but this isn't a typical cheaply made series. Some real writing talent went into making this production. It'll be a hit with the 12+ age group though I think it should be rated R, because of some violence, cussing and nudity.

If you're looking for something different, I suggest you give One Piece a peek.