Operation Rescue Admins meme stash(another political meme thread)



Domestically feral
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United states

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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whoa... what's with his hand down that little girl's pants?

It's totally cool when the monoparty is evil. But anyone who opposes them gets accused of all the shit that they do.

Even when it photochopped lies.
Are you seeing that now that the whole "defund the police" movement is backfiring they're saying it was Trump and the republican party that were promoting it?

and imbeciles like lotus will gobble it up hook line and sinker


Factory Bastard
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I guess we are just not open minded and deep thinking enough to understand these mental gymnastics.

But yanno .....their whole movement is completely embraced by everything...the whole system so of course they are the ones fighting the system! Derp!

I know you don't like Biden much, Dovey.

But I actually think he's the Best thing the Democrats have going for them at this time.

Other than that, some of their more radical elements and the people who influence them come across as a bunch of nut jobs.

I think Biden's done a decent job of pushing the Democrats from spinning of control and going totally woke a la Bernie Sanders or AOC. Or that nutty women who takes credit for the Critical Race Theory.

The main undoing of the Democratic Party would be if they let these nut jobs take over.

So in that kind of situation, the Republicans wouldn't even have to lift a finger because the Democrats could shott themselves in the foot.


Domestically feral
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United states

But these sociopathic liars want us to take very questionable claims with zero evidence against Trump and Kavanaugh.....hell anyone NOT left seriously when they dont have a single shred of outrage over proven or supported cases of democrats and progs being sex abusers.

They use rape as a partisan weapon and it's so disgusting.


Domestically feral
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United states
I guess we are just not open minded and deep thinking enough to understand these mental gymnastics.

But yanno .....their whole movement is completely embraced by everything...the whole system so of course they are the ones fighting the system! Derp!

I know you don't like Biden much, Dovey.

But I actually think he's the Best thing the Democrats have going for them at this time.

Other than that, some of their more radical elements and the people who influence them come across as a bunch of nut jobs.

I think Biden's done a decent job of pushing the Democrats from spinning of control and going totally woke a la Bernie Sanders or AOC. Or that nutty women who takes credit for the Critical Race Theory.

The main undoing of the Democratic Party is they let these nut jobs take over.

So in that kindf of situation, the Republicans wouldn't even have to lift a finger because the Democrats could shott themselves in the foot.

That tells you it's time for the Democrats to call it a day and make room for another party.

Btw.....Tulsi Gabbart is the best thing they have going for them IF they gave a shit about the PEOPLE instead of their own interest and compulsive power grabbing.


Factory Bastard
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I guess we are just not open minded and deep thinking enough to understand these mental gymnastics.

But yanno .....their whole movement is completely embraced by everything...the whole system so of course they are the ones fighting the system! Derp!

I know you don't like Biden much, Dovey.

But I actually think he's the Best thing the Democrats have going for them at this time.

Other than that, some of their more radical elements and the people who influence them come across as a bunch of nut jobs.

I think Biden's done a decent job of pushing the Democrats from spinning of control and going totally woke a la Bernie Sanders or AOC. Or that nutty women who takes credit for the Critical Race Theory.

The main undoing of the Democratic Party is they let these nut jobs take over.

So in that kindf of situation, the Republicans wouldn't even have to lift a finger because the Democrats could shott themselves in the foot.

That tells you it's time for the Democrats to call it a day and make room for another party.

Btw.....Tulsi Gabbart is the best thing they have going for them IF they gave a shit about the PEOPLE instead of their own interest and compulsive power grabbing.

Yeah...I kinda see your point.

Here they gota man in Biden who's granted them all they asked for.

and the radicals appear to want to push the envelope even further.

"Hey, we got Juneteenth, Biden to condemn the police force, new laws favor us. So let's impose....Critical Race Theory!"

"Yeah!, that's a great idea!"

....so as you indicate, some factions within thei party are getting greedy and they want the whole pie.

Isn't that what they cal "Having your cake and being able to eat it."?

Anyways, that's pushing things way over the top...against even the wishes of some Blacks too.
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Domestically feral
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United states
I guess we are just not open minded and deep thinking enough to understand these mental gymnastics.

But yanno .....their whole movement is completely embraced by everything...the whole system so of course they are the ones fighting the system! Derp!

I know you don't like Biden much, Dovey.

But I actually think he's the Best thing the Democrats have going for them at this time.

Other than that, some of their more radical elements and the people who influence them come across as a bunch of nut jobs.

I think Biden's done a decent job of pushing the Democrats from spinning of control and going totally woke a la Bernie Sanders or AOC. Or that nutty women who takes credit for the Critical Race Theory.

The main undoing of the Democratic Party is they let these nut jobs take over.

So in that kindf of situation, the Republicans wouldn't even have to lift a finger because the Democrats could shott themselves in the foot.

That tells you it's time for the Democrats to call it a day and make room for another party.

Btw.....Tulsi Gabbart is the best thing they have going for them IF they gave a shit about the PEOPLE instead of their own interest and compulsive power grabbing.

Yeah...I kinda see your point.

Here they gota man in Biden who's granted them all they asked for.

and the radicals appear to want to push the envelope even further.

""ey, we got Juneteenth, Biden to condemn the police force, new laws favor us. So let's impose....Critical Race Theory!"

"Yeah!, that's a great idea!"

....so as you indicate, some factions within thei party are getting greedy and they want the whole pie.

Isn't that what they cal "Having your cake and being able to eat it."?

We are headed into authoritarianism. Sadly.

Jim Crow Joe is a just tool. People who actually give a fuck about America dont get in there.....Trump wasnt supposed to win. In fact my father in law has the "Madame President" Time mag that had Clinto as the winner.

And you see what happened when someone who cares about the country gets in. It's a nonstop smear campaign and flat out lies.

Its pathetic that people bought into it. I do know some people who hated Trump get weirded out and suspicious of the constant obsession with slamming him so they looked into everything and came out a supporter.

People need to do their leg work and get as factually informed as possible. Hyperpartisan tribalism is destroying the country and when people are silent on domestic terror that's getting innocent people killed and destroying communities....that's just sociopathy. Brainwashing.


Domestically feral
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United states

One of endless examples of how they stand for NOTHING. They just are here to spread hate and oppose things others stand for.


Can any of you imagine how many mumphs it took theDuhv to put that together?

. Months longer than it takes to write a song that will be played
. long after this thread's foolishness is forgotten.



Domestically feral
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United states


^^This man and his wife are very good friends of mine and his uncle lives(well lived) right outside Kenosha and his business was completely destroyed. Which wrecked his life.

This is also how I know BLM savages tried to burn down a building that was occupied and had children inside.

Leftists are just liars....they are completely heartless. They dont care about anything or anyone but themselves and their opinions.


Domestically feral
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United states
Funny my friend pointed out how the views of these fucking people is formed by movies and music.

Its completely true. Their shitty views were marketed to them and they think they are so "open minded". They dont notice only other leftists agree with them.....because they are SO open minded they cant even discuss it with people who dont already agree with them.

It's the party of narcissists.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Can any of you imagine how many mumphs it took theDuhv to put that together?

. Months longer than it takes to write a song that will be played
. long after this thread's foolishness is forgotten.

^^^ Holiday has been mixing bath salts and anal lube again


They dont care about anything or anyone but themselves and their opinions.
You calling them conservatives?

PS: You know the bs story about burning the house with kids inside was debunked by the fire chief who put that little fire out, don't you Duhv?
We've been all through this before.

Please stop lying for Putin.
Start caring about America.


Domestically feral
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United states
They dont care about anything or anyone but themselves and their opinions.
You calling them conservatives?

PS: You know the bs story about burning the house with kids inside was debunked by the fire chief who put that little fire out, don't you Duhv.

Please stop lying for Putin.
Start caring about America.

It was a building in Kenosha and....no it wasnt.

I'm not gonna sit here and argue with a robot who thinks the end all be all of the info in the world is what MSM reports to you and who is so partisan brainwashed they have no actual standards.

Stop crying in my meme thread. I know truth hurts. Enjoy it.

I dont care if you are only offended by evil if it's done by your political opposition. You guys are nothing but smug, lying, heartless hypocrites.


Factory Bastard
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BLM are so vigilant about the rights of Blacks in America, but then fail to bring up Slavery of their Black Brothers in Africa by Islamic Fundamentlists.

Why do they overlook thiis gaping hole in Human Justice?

BLM should be slamming the Slaveowners/Traders hard over there to put an end to it.