Painful truth

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
"This 42-year-long process, with Reagan’s original massive tax cuts amplified by trillions more in tax cuts for the morbidly rich from the George W. Bush and Donald Trump administrations, has produced a $50 trillion transfer of real wealth from the middle class to the top 1%.

You read that right: they’ve taken $50 trillion dollars out of our pockets over the past 40 years and stashed it in their money bins.

When Reagan was elected there wasn’t a single billionaire in America; now they’re appearing like popcorn, while all around us homelessness spreads like a relentless fungus, destroying the lives of millions of Americans — particularly millennials.

The bottom line, my dear millennial friends, is that you’ve been had by the GOP.

And now that Republicans have handed all that money over to the top 1% — and five Republicans on the Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United that billionaires and corporations owning politicians isn’t corruption or bribery but “free speech” — its getting harder and harder to do anything about it.

Every time any sort of reform — even modest, reasonable reforms — come before Congress, a united block of Republicans in the Senate haul in another billion dollars in campaign contributions and Mitch McConnell and his friends kill it in the Senate.
" -the hartmann report
Get with the program @LotusBud ......this thread is about trashing Republican Presidents and queefing about tax cuts for the rich........

Start your own thread to bitch about people bitching about taxes.

I like it when my taxes pay for improved roads, protection from criminals, fire and accidents and all the conveniences and services I feel are important to me.

Sad that others do not enjoy the same.......but then again......they voted for it.


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Get with the program @LotusBud ......this thread is about trashing Republican Presidents and queefing about tax cuts for the rich........

Start your own thread to bitch about people bitching about taxes.

I like it when my taxes pay for improved roads, protection from criminals, fire and accidents and all the conveniences and services I feel are important to me.

Sad that others do not enjoy the same.......but then again......they voted for it.
What are you babbling about now you stupid fat person?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
We all don't get to pay taxes for the things we individually believe should be covered.

It doesn't work that way, otherwise I'd have the DOD not just audited, but cut.

The fact if the matter is that we had a strong middle class, good public schools (generally), infrastructure, etc when the wealthy paid more taxes...

Reagan and the likes of Grover Norquist have worked to transfer the taxes from the wealthy to the disappearing middle class...and the dupes in the middle class keep supporting their own demise whilst moaning about feeding poor American children a free school lunch.

MAGAtards actually hate children and love fetuses.


Factory Bastard
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Get with the program @LotusBud ......this thread is about trashing Republican Presidents and queefing about tax cuts for the rich........

Start your own thread to bitch about people bitching about taxes.

I like it when my taxes pay for improved roads, protection from criminals, fire and accidents and all the conveniences and services I feel are important to me.

Sad that others do not enjoy the same.......but then again......they voted for it.
Fuck off. I will go off topic at least as much as you and your ilk if I feel so inclined, so just don't bother with trying to control how I post.


Factory Bastard
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"I'll buy you a used car for a good pegging!"
A very small space, indeed. I bet he could get a buck three eighty for that.


Factory Bastard
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The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Fuck off. I will go off topic at least as much as you and your ilk if I feel so inclined, so just don't bother with trying to control how I post. seem pissed......LOL

So typical of the Leftist Libtard.......projecting what they are actually all about.

Angry hateful people......what a sad way to, all seem so dead inside.

This, and the other bedwetters fixated on the notion I am an ALT in another thread is amusing.....way to go!



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Where The Alpha Men Are! seem pissed......LOL

So typical of the Leftist Libtard.......projecting what they are actually all about.

Angry hateful people......what a sad way to, all seem so dead inside.

This, and the other bedwetters fixated on the notion I am an ALT in another thread is amusing.....way to go!

@The Atomic Punk sucks cock


An Claidheam Anam
Factory Bastard
Regarding the second quote, it's post addresses something it changed the discussion to include .........taxation as a whole after being reminded it made a living off public trough from the tax money collected by taxpayers. Funny it mentions law enforcement in a political environment that seeks to defund and diminish protection available to the public. Funny it suggest people could steal your stuff with impunity........isn't that what is going on now in major cities throughout the US?

Either it is simply out of touch (which will happen when you flee the country) or it is an utter moron.

It's mostly the second one, but the first one applies a bit too. I will give Lotus credit for dredging up tropes from ancient arguments on long-dead boards in her response. Poking Leftist filth vermin with the sharp stick that most of them have sucked their living from the taxpayer most of their lives always sets them off, as the meme-spam from the usual suspects after the post I am responding too clearly shows.


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It's mostly the second one, but the first one applies a bit too. I will give Lotus credit for dredging up tropes from ancient arguments on long-dead boards in her response. Poking Leftist filth vermin with the sharp stick that most of them have sucked their living from the taxpayer most of their lives always sets them off, as the meme-spam from the usual suspects after the post I am responding too clearly shows.
Ragey Al Cohollick fucked himself out of pension, smooth move Ex Lax! :Awesomeness:


An Claidheam Anam
Factory Bastard
Ragey Al Cohollick fucked himself out of pension, smooth move Ex Lax! :Awesomeness:
It took you five minutes to come up with that?

I don't know what's more pathetic. That you monitor one of the obscurest of obscure message boards to leap into a fast response -- or that it took five whole minutes to come up with a response that is less interesting and creative than reading the graffiti on passing train cars when you're stopped at a crossing and have nothing else to look at.


Factory Bastard
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It's mostly the second one, but the first one applies a bit too. I will give Lotus credit for dredging up tropes from ancient arguments on long-dead boards in her response. Poking Leftist filth vermin with the sharp stick that most of them have sucked their living from the taxpayer most of their lives always sets them off, as the meme-spam from the usual suspects after the post I am responding too clearly shows.
OMG. You are a broken record, Reg. I think I've seen this exact post from you for over 10 years now.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
It took you five minutes to come up with that?

I don't know what's more pathetic. That you monitor one of the obscurest of obscure message boards to leap into a fast response -- or that it took five whole minutes to come up with a response that is less interesting and creative than reading the graffiti on passing train cars when you're stopped at a crossing and have nothing else to look at.

You say that like you have not read an @Admin. post before....

5 minutes for a shit response is Exceeding Expectations for that fucktard.


An Claidheam Anam
Factory Bastard
OMG. You are a broken record, Reg. I think I've seen this exact post from you for over 10 years now.
No, dear. Every single post I make is fresh and new. I remember you Leftist vermin -- not you, you specifically, but Leftist filth in general -- always accusing me of plagiarizing. I dared any of you to cite the source of my superior and stellar oratory and rhetoric. Not a single Leftist rose to the challenge.

Spoon tried -- oh did he try -- but he always failed miserably in the face of my superior grasp of every issue and the relentless hammer of logic that I brought to every debate.

But thanks for the nostalgia. I'm glad you remember those back and forths from long ago.


Factory Bastard
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No, dear. Every single post I make is fresh and new. I remember you Leftist vermin -- not you, you specifically, but Leftist filth in general -- always accusing me of plagiarizing. I dared any of you to cite the source of my superior and stellar oratory and rhetoric. Not a single Leftist rose to the challenge.

Spoon tried -- oh did he try -- but he always failed miserably in the face of my superior grasp of every issue and the relentless hammer of logic that I brought to every debate.

But thanks for the nostalgia. I'm glad you remember those back and forths from long ago.
You think people think you were plagiarizing because you have such superior intelligence? LMAO.

You know I never accused you of plagiarizing. Furthermore, I have never found your oratory and rhetoric to be anything more than full of hot air. But keep dreaming, sweetie.


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You think people think you were plagiarizing because you have such superior intelligence? LMAO.

You know I never accused you of plagiarizing. Furthermore, I have never found your oratory and rhetoric to be anything more than full of hot air. But keep dreaming, sweetie.
His anger over screwing himself out of a pension has rendered him senseless.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Very good two whole sentences not containing “Corvette” You go boy!


To anyone paying attention, 98% of the time I talk about my 2023 Arctic White C8 Corvette with the Z51 Performance Package is in response to you talking about my 2023 Arctic White C8 Corvette with the Z51 Performance Package.

You are obsessed because you are so envious. It is pathetic.



Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Over-reliance on government-provided statistical data is problematic, especially when it comes to issues related to the economy. It's been shown over and over that the formulae used to arrive at numbers like the unemployment rate are massaged and reconfigured to hide the true numbers and give an "optimistic" outcome that's only useful as a talking point in political campaigns.

In other words... propaganda.

Concepts like the GDP or "average" income estimates also fail to contextualize the real effects of historic income inequality. If the obscenely rich are taken out of the equation the "average" household income drops dramatically.

Any so-called civilization that bases its success on how well the top 1% is doing instead of how all of its citizens are experiencing the society is being run by greedy psychopaths and deserves to fail.

Jesus boy, you really did just go out a hunting one day and fucking disappeared down the rabbit hole of your insignificance, while screaming at everyone else to mind their footfall.

You my friend, are a Trumpist. You always were. How embarrassing is dat?

GDP is a measure of fuck all really, once you have attained a certain level of GDP, expect a world credit agencies proclamation of its temporary value in you. Debt is a meaningless concept as a western measure of trade...I mean totally irrelevant.

You talk about propaganda as if you know what it you peddle it here.You a Trumpist, like the nusk hiding the Musk of fascism, and the 2025 Project.

You do know Harris is going to win boy. Don't ye? There be no conspiracy involved. The West has had enough of your propaganda, you had four failed, and tried to overthrow simple counting.