Post a Picture of Yourself!


Adam Hitler which Oingo Boingo song, pumps you up?
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Beaner coffee farmer
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Factory Bastard


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis

Lunch with the Cuz.

How much do you weigh? I bet I could bench press you with one arm, no joke.
It's weird, you picture someone in your head and it's totally different to what they look like...
I think that pic is a troll shmaps, jus my 2 cens
I hope not, it's good to put a face to the characters... I think it's brave to post yourself on a board like this, could look like Brad Pitt and still get slaughtered hahahaha

Adam Hitler

Adm1n appreciates the youth
Avatar Hack'd
New Swabia


Adam Hitler which Oingo Boingo song, pumps you up?
Site Supporter

Lunch with the Cuz.

How much do you weigh? I bet I could bench press you with one arm, no joke.
It's weird, you picture someone in your head and it's totally different to what they look like...
I think that pic is a troll shmaps, jus my 2 cens

Judging by the Miami Vice shirt, the photo was taken in 1986.
My pics from 1986 are much too pretty to share here.


Factory Bastard
Goderator ☠️
De donde me da la gana.


Beaner coffee farmer
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard

Lunch with the Cuz.

How much do you weigh? I bet I could bench press you with one arm, no joke.
It's weird, you picture someone in your head and it's totally different to what they look like...
I think that pic is a troll shmaps, jus my 2 cens

Nope, that's "Admin". He's very tall and lanky. I think he's about 6 ft 3"
He kinda resembles Tom Hanks in that pic


Factory Bastard
Goderator ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

Lunch with the Cuz.

How much do you weigh? I bet I could bench press you with one arm, no joke.
It's weird, you picture someone in your head and it's totally different to what they look like...
I think that pic is a troll shmaps, jus my 2 cens

Nope, that's "Admin". He's very tall and lanky. I think he's about 6 ft 3"
He kinda resembles Tom Hanks in that pic

He sort of does...


Adam Hitler which Oingo Boingo song, pumps you up?
Site Supporter

Lunch with the Cuz.
Noodle neck fag. Lol. You look like a fucking sauropod

Perhaps you're brave enough to post a picture of yourself.
How about posting a pic of yourself you misreable whale

Lol. Or does the camera crack everytime you try?

Why? It's already been posted by people I never shared it with.

How about you? I'm not on this thread talking shit about what anyone looks like. Unlike you, heckler from the cheap seats.
Too most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on!; didn't read

Admitting you have a problem is the first step.
Getting on a treadmill is the first step

Have you tried it yet? I think you refuse to post a picture because you can't handle everyone seeing how most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! you are.
No Yooo,

Your friends have shared that you're under 5 ft 9 and most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on!. And those are people that have seen you. And that your wife was most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on!.

Again, with friends like those...
Your picture has shared that you're 4' 2" and mega obese with a pair of heels on that look like they're groaning for dear life

Why do you refuse to post a pic of your cootie-alopeciatic ravaged scalp?
I bet you can suck cock around bathroom stalls and all with that long noodle neck, huh sailor?

no seriously tho, you look like a fucking clown that gets slapped around by faggots in your neighborhood

Is this you flirting?
does your neck make up for 88% of your height?

@SHAMPAIN Isn't this the childish drivel you were concerned about screwing up an otherwise friendly and neutral zone? One would think a several times over Ex Moderator of all people would know better. Far be it from me to suggest that this poster needs time away from the forum to reflect, is in order, way over my pay grade, Boss Man.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast

Lunch with the Cuz.
Noodle neck fag. Lol. You look like a fucking sauropod

Perhaps you're brave enough to post a picture of yourself.
How about posting a pic of yourself you misreable whale

Lol. Or does the camera crack everytime you try?

Why? It's already been posted by people I never shared it with.

How about you? I'm not on this thread talking shit about what anyone looks like. Unlike you, heckler from the cheap seats.
You misspelled Meat Head with Can of Spam Under His Hat.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
We all get stick for our photos it comes with the territory haha although I think BF is going to start enforcing better behaviour and thread following very soon... We want people to share pics of themselves on this thread without cheeky comments...

Maybe you could start with the very next pic after yer comment.


Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy
Site Supporter
this should be the post a pic and be ridiculed thread


Vape Nation
Site Supporter
Halfway Up Ben Nevis

Lunch with the Cuz.
Noodle neck fag. Lol. You look like a fucking sauropod

Perhaps you're brave enough to post a picture of yourself.
How about posting a pic of yourself you misreable whale

Lol. Or does the camera crack everytime you try?

Why? It's already been posted by people I never shared it with.

How about you? I'm not on this thread talking shit about what anyone looks like. Unlike you, heckler from the cheap seats.
Too most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on!; didn't read

Admitting you have a problem is the first step.
Getting on a treadmill is the first step

Have you tried it yet? I think you refuse to post a picture because you can't handle everyone seeing how most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! you are.
No Yooo,

Your friends have shared that you're under 5 ft 9 and most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on!. And those are people that have seen you. And that your wife was most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on!.

Again, with friends like those...
Your picture has shared that you're 4' 2" and mega obese with a pair of heels on that look like they're groaning for dear life

Why do you refuse to post a pic of your cootie-alopeciatic ravaged scalp?
I bet you can suck cock around bathroom stalls and all with that long noodle neck, huh sailor?

no seriously tho, you look like a fucking clown that gets slapped around by faggots in your neighborhood

Is this you flirting?
does your neck make up for 88% of your height?

@SHAMPAIN Isn't this the childish drivel you were concerned about screwing up an otherwise friendly and neutral zone? One would think a several times over Ex Moderator of all people would know better. Far be it from me to suggest that this poster needs time away from the forum to reflect, is in order, way over my pay grade, Boss Man.
I left this comment so I could reply...

I dunno why you're giving me abuse, I was sleeping ffs



Such is life...
Great Southern Land

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Factory Bastard
York, P.A.
2 years ago and yes I was staying in a cheap motel.

Awesome, I’m tattooed up myself. Looking good! :ThumbsUp1:

Thanks. I'm still not quite finished. SUpposed to have to finished sleeves but decided to dump my husband and move out on my own so funds are tight.

Tattooing one’s body is a work in progress…forever! Lol

100% truth. My last piece is on my shoulder blade. My daughter and I got matching Yin & Yang cats in the shape of a crescent moon tattoos. I don't have pics, unfortunately. I know that's odd lol