RIP MMPv2.0 I told yous it was a mistake


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Good Lord! The Prowler has been boring since the FT days. I swear, the jackass must have some superpower to induce daytime comas everytime he posts his regurgitated material. It's always..."Lily the leaker this, Lily the leaker that."

Dude, Prowler you have always sucked balls. You're not funny nor are you innovative with the same stale shit you post. No one enjoys reading your outdated replies except you and you're pretty much a joke wherever you fucking go.


j/k He's an incredible dweeb and humiliates himself constantly. I bet he was bullied in school.
I'm sure he was asking to be bullied as he skipped down the hallway singing,

"There's the Leaker! There's another Leaker! And another one!, yet one more Leaker!"

What's embarrassing about the whole Leaker meme is that NO ONE, not even his "buddies" followed him with it. I bet he's autistic and doesn't realize how inconsequential he is to any forum. No one gives a shit. No one.
The fucking moron has been posting the "Lily the leaker," crap for what seems like decades, but in reality it's been about 6 months give or take. I mean fuck, if he was trying to slyly subliminally brainwash us it failed miserably.

Yeah, he pulled it out of his stanky hole and has been stupid with it for awhile now. What a retard. No emotional intelligence whatsoever. He can't pick up the cues from the posters here.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
The Leaker has been called a thousand names and the only one that stuck was Fat Pig.

Pretty hard to compete with that....
That too. How many times do you need to call someone fat? Okay, we get it, you think Lily is a "Fat Leaker." Jesus Christ, find some new material, try looking under your oversized scrotum sack that trails behind you like an all day shadow.

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
The Leaker has been called a thousand names and the only one that stuck was Fat Pig.

Pretty hard to compete with that....
That too. How many times do you need to call someone fat? Okay, we get it, you think Lily is a "Fat Leaker." Jesus Christ, find some new material, try looking under your oversized scrotum sack that trails behind you like an all day shadow.
Thank fucking God someone said it. Jfc we’re not in 5th grade anymore gdi.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The Leaker is trying her best.

Which is.

Not good enough.




Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!

Good Lord! The Prowler has been boring since the FT days. I swear, the jackass must have some superpower to induce daytime comas everytime he posts his regurgitated material. It's always..."Lily the leaker this, Lily the leaker that."

Dude, Prowler you have always sucked balls. You're not funny nor are you innovative with the same stale shit you post. No one enjoys reading your outdated replies except you and you're pretty much a joke wherever you fucking go.


j/k He's an incredible dweeb and humiliates himself constantly. I bet he was bullied in school.
I'm sure he was asking to be bullied as he skipped down the hallway singing,

"There's the Leaker! There's another Leaker! And another one!, yet one more Leaker!"

What's embarrassing about the whole Leaker meme is that NO ONE, not even his "buddies" followed him with it. I bet he's autistic and doesn't realize how inconsequential he is to any forum. No one gives a shit. No one.
The fucking moron has been posting the "Lily the leaker," crap for what seems like decades, but in reality it's been about 6 months give or take. I mean fuck, if he was trying to slyly subliminally brainwash us it failed miserably.

Yeah, he pulled it out of his stanky hole and has been stupid with it for awhile now. What a retard. No emotional intelligence whatsoever. He can't pick up the cues from the posters here.
I mean all to their own with what other people want to post but goddamn...this is a "grown" fucking man prancing up and down the forum calling you "fat" ever single damn day he's logged on and then reverts to that "Leaker" nonsense like it's a pickle rounding out a club sandwich. What kind of "buffoonery" is this?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
The Leaker has been called a thousand names and the only one that stuck was Fat Pig.

Pretty hard to compete with that....
That too. How many times do you need to call someone fat? Okay, we get it, you think Lily is a "Fat Leaker." Jesus Christ, find some new material, try looking under your oversized scrotum sack that trails behind you like an all day shadow.
Thank fucking God someone said it. Jfc we’re not in 5th grade anymore gdi.

He will always be in the 5th grade emotionally.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

Good Lord! The Prowler has been boring since the FT days. I swear, the jackass must have some superpower to induce daytime comas everytime he posts his regurgitated material. It's always..."Lily the leaker this, Lily the leaker that."

Dude, Prowler you have always sucked balls. You're not funny nor are you innovative with the same stale shit you post. No one enjoys reading your outdated replies except you and you're pretty much a joke wherever you fucking go.


j/k He's an incredible dweeb and humiliates himself constantly. I bet he was bullied in school.
I'm sure he was asking to be bullied as he skipped down the hallway singing,

"There's the Leaker! There's another Leaker! And another one!, yet one more Leaker!"

What's embarrassing about the whole Leaker meme is that NO ONE, not even his "buddies" followed him with it. I bet he's autistic and doesn't realize how inconsequential he is to any forum. No one gives a shit. No one.
The fucking moron has been posting the "Lily the leaker," crap for what seems like decades, but in reality it's been about 6 months give or take. I mean fuck, if he was trying to slyly subliminally brainwash us it failed miserably.

Yeah, he pulled it out of his stanky hole and has been stupid with it for awhile now. What a retard. No emotional intelligence whatsoever. He can't pick up the cues from the posters here.
I mean all to their own with what other people want to post but goddamn...this is a "grown" fucking man prancing up and down the forum calling you "fat" ever single damn day he's logged on and then reverts to that "Leaker" nonsense like it's a pickle rounding out a club sandwich. What kind of "buffoonery" is this?

He's a dullard. It's why he has a wife that is a Rosie O'Donnell look a like. Who else but a desperate woman would marry him?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!

Good Lord! The Prowler has been boring since the FT days. I swear, the jackass must have some superpower to induce daytime comas everytime he posts his regurgitated material. It's always..."Lily the leaker this, Lily the leaker that."

Dude, Prowler you have always sucked balls. You're not funny nor are you innovative with the same stale shit you post. No one enjoys reading your outdated replies except you and you're pretty much a joke wherever you fucking go.


j/k He's an incredible dweeb and humiliates himself constantly. I bet he was bullied in school.
I'm sure he was asking to be bullied as he skipped down the hallway singing,

"There's the Leaker! There's another Leaker! And another one!, yet one more Leaker!"

What's embarrassing about the whole Leaker meme is that NO ONE, not even his "buddies" followed him with it. I bet he's autistic and doesn't realize how inconsequential he is to any forum. No one gives a shit. No one.
The fucking moron has been posting the "Lily the leaker," crap for what seems like decades, but in reality it's been about 6 months give or take. I mean fuck, if he was trying to slyly subliminally brainwash us it failed miserably.

Yeah, he pulled it out of his stanky hole and has been stupid with it for awhile now. What a retard. No emotional intelligence whatsoever. He can't pick up the cues from the posters here.
I mean all to their own with what other people want to post but goddamn...this is a "grown" fucking man prancing up and down the forum calling you "fat" ever single damn day he's logged on and then reverts to that "Leaker" nonsense like it's a pickle rounding out a club sandwich. What kind of "buffoonery" is this?

He's a dullard. It's why he has a wife that is a Rosie O'Donnell look a like. Who else but a desperate woman would marry him?
Dang. That's harsh...

...but funay!!!!!!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You are a great poster, Flynn.

The only thing that would make your posts better, dude, is if they were way longer.

I was just thinking that Flynn should use a TLDR either before the manifestos or at the bottom.

And provide an alert. Usually when I do a long one, I'll provide an alert at the top and let people know what the content is going to be and direct them to a TLDR at the bottom.

Did you read that? What is the nucleus?

Lemme try to TLDR that post and someone let me know if I got it.

"Dovey is an ugly whore skank with track marks and she lies. And she violated my sexual moral code and that disturbs me greatly".

Did I get it? Flynn does that sum it up? Lmao.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Fuck dude, you are trying to follow my lead, but you are falling flat on your face.

Ask Uncle Pickles for some advice.
What "lead" would that be? Unimaginative and redundant? If I wanted to do that I'd just post like Dove, which is blaming everyone but herself for her problems and playing innocent while she contradicts herself in public.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I hope you're not decapitated! Unlike Dove, she's gruesome like that.
I didn't say you wanted him decapitated.


What an idiot. That reads nothing like Lily wants "him" decapitated.

He's correcting my trolling. He's the troll monitor. Can't monitor the manatee that his wife is, but he has all the time in the world to monitor me.
On a different note. Who would want to fuck this????


Speaking of trackmarks and foreheads!!!! Looks like Miss Swan from MadTV. Look at that dump she lives in. What a true piece of garbage. Fat arms, man hands and all those collapsed veins. Look at her high ass forhead, makes her look like she has an egg for a head.

What a slob. She was going to her daughter's graduation dressed like that??? That black top is wrinkled as fuck and it clashes with those cheap Walmart pants. Even Dove's shoes are from Payless. What a ghetto whore. To Dove, that's dressed up. I wonder if the slob has running water? I've never seen a "house" with what looks to be crappy hard wood and linoleum flooring. Good lord.

Before anyone complains, my picture was posted so was Lily's on here, so I don't want to fucking hear it...Dovey. Yeah. This is Dovey at past 40.

She’s skinnier than me. Sorry but you cannot say she’s ugly cuz she’s not.
I can totally say she's ugly because she is.

I'm objectively NOT though. I'm better looking than you and Oak.

So this angle of you posting my picture (who hasnt seen my pictures? I've been posting them for years) and talking about track marks that dont exist is kinda sad, dude.

Not many people are gonna agree with you on this, I'm afraid. In fact I'm pretty sure people wonder how I slummed so hard with Poofer.

Clearly hypergamy wasnt a factor on my end. Js.

Again. Dove just said she doesn't "read my threads." You just can't stop fuckibg lying can you? Even to the point of contradicting your dumb self. I knew you couldn't resist.

The day you're "better looking than me" is the day they bury you six feet under and that'll be because a soul, even as ugly as yours is the most beautiful and precious thing in this world. Tell me, how you can be obviously balding and be "prettier" than myself and Oak? Have you seen Oak's beautiful full head of hair? My hair is well cared for while you look like Popeye the Sailor man on smack. You have terrible skin, fat arms and the hands of a lifelong carpenter...i'm sure it's from your many years of stroking dicks for cash.

Trackmarks, collapsed veins, heroin scabs...doesn't matter "dude," you're a fucking junkie living like a fucking junkie. And you think you're attractive? Stop lying to yourself you delusional fuckeit, I've broken mop handles that are more "attractive" than you.

That's the difference between me and you queen of smack, I don't need anyone "agreeing" with me because at the end of the day just knowing that my life is better than yours makes me sleep like a baby wrapped in a loving mother's arms. You need the validation and mob because alone by yourself you're a lying cowardly whiner that can't do shit on her own. You are the perfect example of a codependent nutcase that should be institutionalized. all
Dovid is rough around the edges.

She was a mercy fuck. Nothing more.


I'll just leave at that...duuuuuude.
Well, this whole assumption that morons on these forums would think she’s some hot middle aged chick need to be clarified.

She’s really average. She has a fupa.
She’s the type of shit a guy gets stuck with instead of trying to chase after if that makes any kind of sense.

If you go to the club, say, with four of your friends, she’s the one friend who looks better then that one who looks to have a mustache and doesn’t shave her armpits.

Two outta three ain’t bad, I guess….

Just look at that picture of her and how she lives. She's not even trying to better herself. If she was she'd have my utmost respect but she's a lazy fuck living off handouts and birthing children she can't take care of without welfare. Welfare that I pay into.

There are those people that just pop out a new kid whenever it looks like they might have to contribute to society.
Yeah. She's a Republican alright!!!!!!!

She's looking for more handouts. She basically hates the Democrats because there are rules for how much money you can accumulate while on the public dole. I mean, why can't her and her family save up thousands of dollars AND get money from the taxpayer?!

I'm dead serious, she's posted this before.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Wasnt that Sinister guy from there?

I am not sure. Probably.

The most memorable thing for me about Bawl Hall was when they did a "Forum Raid" in the "Flame Wars" forum on Conquer Club.

They tried to make a big splash with kinda demonic imagery and shocking content, but within several posts it was apparent that their average IQ was about 20 points lower than that of the average "Flame Wars" poster. They were like children trying to battle hardened warriors.

It was pathetic.