Sad news


Beaner coffee farmer
Site Supporter ☠️
I just had confirmation that CW has passed away on July the 15th, I found her obituary. I had searched it before, but it came up only now

I know many here didn't see her the same way I did, but all I can say, she had a heart of gold and she helped a young man from Africa. A lot.

She deserves to be remembered as such. Someone who spent her last days helping others.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
What a shock! We didn't always get on, but I never wished bad things for her. I was also truly convinced that she was taking a long break from here like some do.

I am sad for the overall news. I'm especially sad for you @RANCIDMILKO ™ ®©. I know you two were great friends. My condolences to you and the same for her family. I'll put that energy out into the ethereal space between time on Earth and time out there beyond our understanding.


Mr. Excitement
Moderator ☠️
This is a sad day for our community and her loved ones no doubt. Even though she and I didn't always see eye to eye on things she brought a certain energy to the forum, especially in the shoutbox. Her death is a prime example of just how truly fragile life is. Nobody on earth is guaranteed a tomorrow which is why we should do our very best to live life to the fullest and appreciate everything good that we have. RM I know that you and cw were close and I'm sorry to hear this news, I really am. All we can do now is try and focus on the good times we had when she was here and thank God for every day we have on this planet because as we can see you just never know when your time is up.


Factory Bastard
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United States
I just had confirmation that CW has passed away on July the 15th, I found her obituary. I had searched it before, but it came up only now

I know many here didn't see her the same way I did, but all I can say, she had a heart of gold and she helped a young man from Africa. A lot.

She deserves to be remembered as such. Someone who spent her last days helping others.RIP CW I been telling yoo all this!


Beaner coffee farmer
Site Supporter ☠️
@Weeg I was almost certain she was gone too, but I needed confirmation first. Part of me still hoped that she was just taking some time, but I knew she wouldn't have disappeared like that without telling me anything.

At least it seems like she didn't suffer, it seems like it was quick and painless.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
I just gave the bad news to the young man she helped, he's devastated

She did more for him than he could have ever expected from anyone in this life, he said she was his 2nd mom.

Over the years I've often considered sponsoring a young person or family with direct assistance. Not knowing how to connect with someone without being scammed or giving money to some charity that would keep the bulk of the money for themselves, I never have. But she did and that is amazing.

That's quite an impact she had on his life and a legacy to leave behind. I imagine his life will be different because of it.

She was a grander person than we knew.

Adam Hitler

Aidsman sucks homeless cock
Factory Bastard
New Swabia
Sad news. I didn't really have an opinion on CW, but she was a good mod, aka a person who you barely even knew had a panel and just performed mod duties with minimal fuss and drama.


Sorry also for Rancid, I know you were close with her bro... I kinda expected that you were going to meAT up to be honest.


Factory Bastard
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☠️Private Forum Access
I just had confirmation that CW has passed away on July the 15th, I found her obituary. I had searched it before, but it came up only now

I know many here didn't see her the same way I did, but all I can say, she had a heart of gold and she helped a young man from Africa. A lot.

She deserves to be remembered as such. Someone who spent her last days helping others.
Wow. So sad. I am very sorry to hear that. I liked her. She was posting here that day.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Her and I got along. We had a few laughs and she knew that I loved stirring the pot. I wasn’t going to say anything out of complete respect to her, but here goes:

CW you may have looked like my ex-wife physically when you were young, but you had your head screwed on correctly. You were like chalk and cheese.

May you be forever be remembered as a gentle soul that didn’t stand for shit. A spark in the dark. And thanks heaps for tolerating all the idiots that you came across, making them second-guess themselves. I don’t know why you tolerated this absolute prat, @Blandscape , the bloke that had the thesaurus up his arsehole and still nobody could make heads or tails of what the fuck he was trying to say either way…but I’m sure you had your reasons. I commend you for that.

Please forgive the fickle biatches that are pretending now to give an actual damn most recently, but were oblivious for the past month, when we (you know who we are) that were really concerned, gave an actual damn about your wellbeing.

Peace and may the kindness of your actions stay with us for eternity…or at least until we ourselves kick the bucket.

Peace out CW xx

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Beaner coffee farmer
Site Supporter ☠️
Damn sad to hear, RIP CW

And condolences tou you @RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© never easy, its easy to see "forum friends" as not real friends, but ive been surprised over the years at how much the passing of a select few affected me more than i thought it would have.
Yeah, I see many here as friends. way too long posting in these boards and we discuss a great deal of personal things here, so we end up having real feelings for each other. Sometimes it's love, sometimes it's spite

But CW truly became someone special for me a couple years ago, don't know why at first, but then I understood it when I got to know her more


Beaner coffee farmer
Site Supporter ☠️
She joined July 15, 2018. Her last post was on July 15, 2024.

Her last post was to Rancid.

LOL the world can go to shit, I'll still love you babe ♥♥♥

The dates are really mind boggling.

I had a very brief dream with her, she was just standing there, looking at me

That's why I immediately got worried


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
The dates are really mind boggling.

I had a very brief dream with her, she was just standing there, looking at me

That's why I immediately got worried

My bestie strongly believes that the people we love come to us in our dreams. His mom passed in Costa Rica, shortly before he found out, he dreamt about her coming to him to reassure him about something.