SB cont....


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flynn I barely read your posts.

If you want me to answer stupid shit, keep it simple and put it in bullet point form and hope I'm bored enough.

That would go a long way.

And no, I'm NOT wrong. Not one bit. You are having a whole emotional experience here that I'm not having. As it's always been between us. I really cannot be bothered to sit and read your drawn out and intensely angry text walls.

What is it like being so pissed off and involved with someone who really doesn't give a single shit beyond what....a scan at most on a forum? You really get worked up and that isn't normal at all.

As I've said do it to yourself.

That's your problem you don't read anything except your poorly penned pig slop. I will not dumb down my posts for the likes of you. If you have issues with words containg 3 or more letters, I suggest you have your cat read the posts to you.

You have been fucking wrong since day one as you try to make believe that you're actually an intelligent person. What kind of person takes photos of bowel movements and then sends them to someone else? I mean you sit here and try to act like your shit doesn't stink when in fact you're the bat shit crazy one who fucked three people off this forum and one of them was a female. You come on here and pretty much looking for the attention you never got while lodging at your local dog pound.

Oh, you give a shit or you wouldn't be out here trying to rationalize your blatant stupidity.


Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
Though that's a U.K. term. Again, in America "nonce" is described as something meaningless or something that cannot be described.

And sure you can spin it any way you want. After all you are allowed an opinion here, contrary to popular belief.
There's no spin. When you search the term, which many might do- such as me, because I hadn't heard it before, the top results show that it's a British term that means "child sex offender".

People aren't going to scroll down and find a reference that says "in other countries it means something else".

You must know this, you aren't stupid. Just stubborn and unwilling to admit when you messed up. You might want to try it sometime, it's easier than you think and you'll feel better.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
You don't have to be an asshole to enforce forum rules. Just be fair and firm. Judging by your logic anyone in authority over unruly members or employees at their jobs irl must absolutely be a prick to get their point across because of a few bad apples. The other mods here keep things in order and are very good at what they do. I've never seen any of them act like a prick to keep things running smoothly. You don't act like an asshole because you feel that it's the only thing that works, you elect to be that way because it's amusing to you. Below is a screenshot of you disciplining Aryan about ped0 accusations:


Accusing someone of such things can ruin that person's life whether they're innocent or not, but here you are earlier this morning accusing him of being a "nonce".


Why is it permissible for you to break this rule that you expect everyone else to follow or be punished? Why are you so special? I talk with a fair amount of people and YOU are part of the reason that some won't come around anymore. You said yesterday that you are all about making the forum better. Being a prick doesn't help make the forum better. Anyway, you seem content to be an asshole so I guess I'm wasting my time trying to understand you. Can I be a mod who trolls and doesn't have to follow any rules too? PLEASE!!!!
I like BF and respect the guy, I even get why he decided to pick Flynn as a mod, aka to create drama and stir things up. However, drama is a double edged sword and is not everybody's cup of tea. Flynn is a very unpleasant and disruptive individual, who the vast majority of people understandably dislike, so I am in no way surprised about your remarks stating that "she" is the reason why some people no longer post on here.

BF needs to start holding Flynn accountable for it's actions and behaviour, which so far, I haven't seen. Perhaps he does in private? Who knows. One thing is for sure though, his other mods cause zero problems and if it wasn't for their different coloured font, you wouldn't even realise they're mods.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
It's not your forum, you are not a spokesperson for this forum, and you guys wanting everyone you don't like to leave isn't good for the forum.

You are a janitor essentially and you act like it makes you powerful lol. Truly bizzare and sad. That's one of the many reasons I call YOU a narcissist. Most people recognize the humble position of a see it as some power position you have over others. Like a dictator.

And you're not the spokesman for this forum or any other forum either. So what's your point, slut?

Well, you're still here so everyone that we allegedly hate aren't all gone, right dummy?

Well, Dove. I'm sorry that me being a "janitor" irks you so. Should I take a picture of someone's bowel movement and send it to you? Would that make you all warm and tingly inside?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Whatever you say Flynn. Don't expect many new members to join and stay here once they read your posts. @Bastard Factory I respect as an admin and you have always been fair dealing with me, but you really screwed the pooch appointing this nutbar to staff.

You're like the 17th poster to say that about me. I'm getting the feeling you guys don't like me. Is that true?


Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
You're like the 17th poster to say that about me. I'm getting the feeling you guys don't like me. Is that true?
You know what they say. When it seems like it's everyone else, maybe it isn't. Maybe it's you.

I don't have anything against you personally. But you're causing a lot of damage here.

This place could be a lot better.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
There's no spin. When you search the term, which many might do- such as me, because I hadn't heard it before, the top results show that it's a British term that means "child sex offender".

People aren't going to scroll down and find a reference that says "in other countries it means something else".

You must know this, you aren't stupid. Just stubborn and unwilling to admit when you messed up. You might want to try it sometime, it's easier than you think and you'll feel better.

Actually, there's no spin. I'm not from the U.K. so I'm not privy to their words. I showed you what "nonce" mean't. I mean you even spelled "nonce" with a u. That should tell you that you are way off base in your assumption that I knew what it mean't in the U.K.


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
You know what they say. When it seems like it's everyone else, maybe it isn't. Maybe it's you.

I don't have anything against you personally. But you're causing a lot of damage here.

This place could be a lot better.
You got that right.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
When I called M'Adam Shitler a nonce, I genuinely believed that a nonce was a homo. In the future, I'll be more careful to specify that, when I say, "M'Adam Shitler is a nonce," I mean " M'Adam Shitler is a homo. "

I apologize for calling you a nonce, MA'AM Shitler. I meant to call you a homo. I have no proof that you're a nonce so it's unfair of me to say, "MA'AM Shitler is a nonce!"
Nonces are disproportionately common among your rainbow LGBT community....


Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
So you're saying you don't like me? I'm really getting mixed signals here. You're not being clear enough.
This might be a good time to take a deep breath and step away from your computer or mobile device.

Go for a walk, think about some of the things that were said, and maybe adopt a softer tone.

Let's go back to pretending you, me and @Lily are trapped in a basement and we're trying to find a way out.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
You know what they say. When it seems like it's everyone else, maybe it isn't. Maybe it's you.

I don't have anything against you personally. But you're causing a lot of damage here.

This place could be a lot better.

If only I had a penny everytime someone said that.

I guess because of me this forum will surely die a horrid death. You know, I should feel responsible, but I don't.


Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
If only I had a penny everytime someone said that.

I guess because of me this forum will surely die a horrid death. You know, I should feel responsible, but I don't.
I don't think you're going to singlehandedly crush the place.

But (as a Global Moderator) your actions do have consequences here. You're fighting with almost everyone.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
This might be a good time to take a deep breath and step away from your computer or mobile device.

Go for a walk, think about some of the things that were said, and maybe adopt a softer tone.

Let's go back to pretending you, me and @Lily are trapped in a basement and we're trying to find a way out.

Maybe I'll do as I please and you can have a big tall glass of shut the fuck up juice.


Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
Maybe I'll do as I please and you can have a big tall glass of shut the fuck up juice.
I've been nothing but courteous and respectful to you in this thread, pointing out possible ways of improvement, and you tell me to Shut The Fuck Up.

You're a moderator I guess I better listen.

Yes sir Mr. @Flynn I'm sorry it won't happen again please accept my humble apologies for the transgression.


Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
May I ask why? I've always been very nice to you. Where did it go wrong?
It went wrong when you

-abused your Moderator panel privileges
-publically reprimanded members for what you interpret to be your rules
-referring to other members as child sex offenders
-telling members to Shut the Fuck up when they're just commenting on your actions that concern them
-chase members off the forum
-are proud of the fact that you have chased members off the forum

@Alticus clearly doesn't want to see this forum go down the tubes and he's made you aware of his concerns, and you verbally abused him and refused to acknowledge any wrong doing.

There's more but that's for starters


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I don't think you're going to singlehandedly crush the place.

But (as a Global Moderator) your actions do have consequences here. You're fighting with almost everyone.

I know. What can I say. I like fighting with stupid people. It's my vice. I need to pray more I guess.

Wait! I'm a global moderator? Well, how come I can't fly and leap over tall buildings in a single bound? What a letdown!


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I've been nothing but courteous and respectful to you in this thread, pointing out possible ways of improvement, and you tell me to Shut The Fuck Up.

You're a moderator I guess I better listen.

Yes sir Mr. @Flynn I'm sorry it won't happen again please accept my humble apologies for the transgression.

Thanks! I appreciate that. And for your awesome service I promise to not "panel abuse" you today. Because, you know I allegedly do it on a daily basis.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Me too. This is the one and only time you'll ever see Blurt admit to not knowing the meaning of a word. :LOL3:

Nah. There are tons of words whose definitions I don't know just because the contexts in which those words pop up are uninteresting to me. The word "nonce" is but one example. I won't speculate as to why you're so fascinated with the word, though.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
It went wrong when you

-abused your Moderator panel privileges
-publically reprimanded members for what you interpret to be your rules
-referring to other members as child sex offenders
-telling members to Shut the Fuck up when they're just commenting on your actions that concern them
-chase members off the forum
-are proud of the fact that you have chased members off the forum

@Alticus clearly doesn't want to see this forum go down the tubes and he's made you aware of his concerns, and you verbally abused him and refused to acknowledge any wrong doing.

There's more but that's for starters

Oh man! I should really be ashamed of myself...if I were of the catholic faith that is.

I verbally abuse everyone, so I don't understand why Alticus feels soo very special?

Oh. By. The. Way. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
You are so full of shit even your eyes are brown. Don't say that you are all about making the forum better when your conduct says otherwise. I don't know what you have on BF that possessed him to make you a mod, but I know one thing, I was going to link a couple of the guys I play ball with to this site for membership. Not now. Not with you running things. If I want to subject them to disrespect and hostility from a mod that members can't rely on to be fair I'll refer them to a seedy DW site. You can fuck off now.
You are the kind of poster this board needs and I am sure BF would agree.

BF really needs to decide whether having a schizo mod who causes endless conflict and drama is worth having, considering the numerous down sides.