Should anyone who leans left be banned?

Should Lefties get the boot?

  • Yes

  • No

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Bastard of the Century
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We all know you're a full patch Applebee's Apache.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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We all know you're a full patch Applebee's Apache.


Domestically feral
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United states
I dont think anyone thinks anyone should be banned unless they break the TOS in an unredeemable way.

At least not on "teh right" or at least those of us with the Scarlette C(for cOn) branded upon us.

We are for small government so it should go without saying we are also for little interference on forums.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Of course, they're not going to be happy until they work out their childhood traumas on anyone leaning left.

This isn't about politics, it's about ids running around freely working out their daily rage on anyone they perceive as enemies.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
...we are also for little interference on forums.


The racial slurs, homphobia and transphobia are that important.

First of all there is no such thing as "transpobia". That's just another version of "heretic". Men cannot become women. You cannot impose this dangerous and misogynistic idiocy on everyone and brand them "transphobes" when they reject your religion.

You avoid these discussion because you know you'll lose. And you dont care what happens to human beings.

You guys are pretty racist in a few stances and absolutely racist when it comes to degrading and judging based on color. The people who use slurs here do it because they cant stand the racist and unhinged left wing narratives and how everyone gets accused of racism who doesnt agree with you.

You call people faggots on the regular. Not sure how you can use homophobic slurs while condemning others.

The fact is none of you are even slightly capable of having any sort of civil discourse without rage and name calling. Its fucking scary that none of you can see that......because I guarantee you, it's all in text and it's pretty obvious.

It blows my mind that a woman would fork over our sex based rights and protections and have the audacity to pretend they are on the side of civil rights. You are just a basic ass misogynist. You hate women.

The only ones here who want others banned is team blue.....who wants punishment dealt out to everyone who doesnt agree with them.


Put your glasses on!
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I will not answer your poll, because it depends on which vile disgusting Left Leaners we talking about.

But to be fully clear my position, I HATE censorship, with a passion. It is why I will NEVER join Facebook.

I actually was always in the middle. I supported both. Til shit got bad from one side. Then I was shoved further Right.

I can be very civil with anyone, and I like to talk points of view, when civility is involved. But when folks start dropping turds on you, you have to open your umbrella with enough force that the turds fly back on to them.

Right now, no one on this board deserves a ban for simply being a turd. And I think "certain folk" have stirred up a bunch of shit, which has caused a bunch of unnecessary drama and discord here at the great Bastard Factory.

But alas, some folks simply cant read the sign above the door of the sub they walking into. They ready to drop a turd in the bathroom, and yet be in the Dining Hall. If only folks could read the sign, there would be no need for extra mods. And Bastards could be Bastards.

You know me Blurt, I get along with all folks that get along with me. I do not think anyone should be banned for "being Left".

I hate labels too btw. You can take your label and shove it down into your stiletto boots to use another time :GiggleBitch:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I will not answer your poll, because it depends on which vile disgusting Left Leaners we talking about.

But to be fully clear my position, I HATE censorship, with a passion. It is why I will NEVER join Facebook.

I actually was always in the middle. I supported both. Til shit got bad from one side. Then I was shoved further Right.

I can be very civil with anyone, and I like to talk points of view, when civility is involved. But when folks start dropping turds on you, you have to open your umbrella with enough force that the turds fly back on to them.

Right now, no one on this board deserves a ban for simply being a turd. And I think "certain folk" have stirred up a bunch of shit, which has caused a bunch of unnecessary drama and discord here at the great Bastard Factory.

But alas, some folks simply cant read the sign above the door of the sub they walking into. They ready to drop a turd in the bathroom, and yet be in the Dining Hall. If only folks could read the sign, there would be no need for extra mods. And Bastards could be Bastards.

You know me Blurt, I get along with all folks that get along with me. I do not think anyone should be banned for "being Left".

I hate labels too btw. You can take your label and shove it down into your stiletto boots to use another time :GiggleBitch:

Certain folk were following the rules. Really want to be bastards, throw away any rules


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I will not answer your poll, because it depends on which vile disgusting Left Leaners we talking about.

But to be fully clear my position, I HATE censorship, with a passion. It is why I will NEVER join Facebook.

I actually was always in the middle. I supported both. Til shit got bad from one side. Then I was shoved further Right.

I can be very civil with anyone, and I like to talk points of view, when civility is involved. But when folks start dropping turds on you, you have to open your umbrella with enough force that the turds fly back on to them.

Right now, no one on this board deserves a ban for simply being a turd. And I think "certain folk" have stirred up a bunch of shit, which has caused a bunch of unnecessary drama and discord here at the great Bastard Factory.

But alas, some folks simply cant read the sign above the door of the sub they walking into. They ready to drop a turd in the bathroom, and yet be in the Dining Hall. If only folks could read the sign, there would be no need for extra mods. And Bastards could be Bastards.

You know me Blurt, I get along with all folks that get along with me. I do not think anyone should be banned for "being Left".

I hate labels too btw. You can take your label and shove it down into your stiletto boots to use another time :GiggleBitch:

Certain folk were following the rules. Really want to be bastards, throw away any rules

So what rules? No one except Admin can shit post?

Because his shit post threads were allowed to stand and Flynn was picking threads to move from politics to meltdown based on his many feelings about the author.

It was a one sided shit show. One in which you blamed the people you dont personally like.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I voted yes purely for teh LULZ.
Me too. But really I am against anyone ever being banned. It's much moar fun to make them leave the internet forever.


I didnt even think Poofer should have been banned even with the huge dramatic scene he was making and calling my job and openly talking about it.

Anytime someone gets banned on a troll board I always find it lame.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

What the fuck is your point? Do you think I'm gonna be like "Oh no. Kevin said "nobody cares". This is distressing and I should stop posting immediately"?

Do you think people care about what Cluster B whines about?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
In his mind the entire forum hangs on his every word.

It's comical really.

He literally invades a thread to address me.

Could you imagine if they DID "care"? They would be showing up lol (by they I mean Cluster B club that demands to have their feelings validated)


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
I voted yes purely for teh LULZ.
Me too. But really I am against anyone ever being banned. It's much moar fun to make them leave the internet forever.


I didnt even think Poofer should have been banned even with the huge dramatic scene he was making and calling my job and openly talking about it.

Anytime someone gets banned on a troll board I always find it lame.

I didnt think he got banned. The way I remember it, he dug his grave when he got your job involved, and became net dead here for over a year. He was hated that bad by the majority of the members. So he tucked his tail and ran away, whimpering in defeat. He was so defeated, he even had his account at TBC deleted lol. What a lil bitch he was lol.

Do you still got that pic of the "scissors"? lol that shit was funny as fuck. Man, who the fuck takes their kid's game station and leaves it somewhere. Then whines and bitches "you better mail it to me" lol.


I voted yes purely for teh LULZ.
Me too. But really I am against anyone ever being banned. It's much moar fun to make them leave the internet forever.


I didnt even think Poofer should have been banned even with the huge dramatic scene he was making and calling my job and openly talking about it.

Anytime someone gets banned on a troll board I always find it lame.

I didnt think he got banned. The way I remember it, he dug his grave when he got your job involved, and became net dead here for over a year. He was hated that bad by the majority of the members. So he tucked his tail and ran away, whimpering in defeat. He was so defeated, he even had his account at TBC deleted lol. What a lil bitch he was lol.

Do you still got that pic of the "scissors"? lol that shit was funny as fuck. Man, who the fuck takes their kid's game station and leaves it somewhere. Then whines and bitches "you better mail it to me" lol.
He needed 100 bucks or something...

Literally 10% of a Lana de Ray autograph. He should 've just gotten her to write L on a piece of paper instead...


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I voted yes purely for teh LULZ.
Me too. But really I am against anyone ever being banned. It's much moar fun to make them leave the internet forever.


I didnt even think Poofer should have been banned even with the huge dramatic scene he was making and calling my job and openly talking about it.

Anytime someone gets banned on a troll board I always find it lame.

I didnt think he got banned. The way I remember it, he dug his grave when he got your job involved, and became net dead here for over a year. He was hated that bad by the majority of the members. So he tucked his tail and ran away, whimpering in defeat. He was so defeated, he even had his account at TBC deleted lol. What a lil bitch he was lol.

Do you still got that pic of the "scissors"? lol that shit was funny as fuck. Man, who the fuck takes their kid's game station and leaves it somewhere. Then whines and bitches "you better mail it to me" lol.

You mean the Switch over the toilet pic?

Oh yeah I have it. That was hilarious.

I like how he pulled the ole "use the kids to control strangers" and was shrieking like a retard how the picture made his kids cry and since most people are not easily manipulated morons they called him right out for exposing his kids to his adult antics online.

He literally tried to make OTHER people responsible for HIS kids. As if we are obligated to censor our content on an adult forum so his kids wont cry.

Meanwhile his kids didnt even know the Switch was gone. The boy leant it to him so he could play Tetris and had no idea it was here in MI lol. I shipped it directly to the kids mom.

Him and that retard Flynn are both delusional that it was on ME to take care of his fuck up. That's never gonna ever fly ever. These are not rational adults with boundaries. They are predatory abusers and they are STILL pissed off over the lack of control and power.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
I voted yes purely for teh LULZ.
Me too. But really I am against anyone ever being banned. It's much moar fun to make them leave the internet forever.


I didnt even think Poofer should have been banned even with the huge dramatic scene he was making and calling my job and openly talking about it.

Anytime someone gets banned on a troll board I always find it lame.

I didnt think he got banned. The way I remember it, he dug his grave when he got your job involved, and became net dead here for over a year. He was hated that bad by the majority of the members. So he tucked his tail and ran away, whimpering in defeat. He was so defeated, he even had his account at TBC deleted lol. What a lil bitch he was lol.

Do you still got that pic of the "scissors"? lol that shit was funny as fuck. Man, who the fuck takes their kid's game station and leaves it somewhere. Then whines and bitches "you better mail it to me" lol.

You mean the Switch over the toilet pic?

Oh yeah I have it. That was hilarious.

I like how he pulled the ole "use the kids to control strangers" and was shrieking like a retard how the picture made his kids cry and since most people are not easily manipulated morons they called him right out for exposing his kids to his adult antics online.

He literally tried to make OTHER people responsible for HIS kids. As if we are obligated to censor our content on an adult forum so his kids wont cry.

Meanwhile his kids didnt even know the Switch was gone. The boy leant it to him so he could play Tetris and had no idea it was here in MI lol. I shipped it directly to the kids mom.

Him and that retard Flynn are both delusional that it was on ME to take care of his fuck up. That's never gonna ever fly ever. These are not rational adults with boundaries. They are predatory abusers and they are STILL pissed off over the lack of control and power.

Yeah, Switch over the toilet lol. Man he was freaking out lol.

Oh I remember everything lol.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Unless someone is committing some sort of criminal act which could get the board in trouble with the law then bans really shouldn't be used except as a last resort against a long pattern of behavior.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

What the fuck is your point? Do you think I'm gonna be like "Oh no. Kevin said "nobody cares". This is distressing and I should stop posting immediately"?

Do you think people care about what Cluster B whines about?

I think his point is that NOBODY CARES.
