Should I screech about this for as long as Dove's been screeching


Domestically feral
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United states
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"Males convicted of sexual and/or violent offenses – one a former inmate and another still behind bars – have been identified as being amongst the foremost activists of the cause to transfer male inmates into US and UK women’s prisons.

Jessica Phoenix Sylvia, an aged 45 inmate incarcerated in Intensive Management Unit/Violator Unit in Washington, pleaded guilty in October 2001 to the offense of Possession Of Child Pornography, and four months later to Fail To Register As Sex Offender. His criminal record also includes charges of Attempted Murder In The First Degree and Interfering With The Reporting Of Domestic Violence, and has received numerous infractions for being “aggressive and abusive” in custody. He was put in solitary confinement in September on suspicion of “starting a riot.” From prison, Sylvia has become an important activist for transgender-identifying inmates, launching the Gender Identity Justice campaign, and blogging extensively about the tribulations of life in prison as a “transgender woman.” Despite being white and labeled white on prison records, Sylvia repeatedly uses the self-descriptor “trans woman of color” Jessica Phoenix Sylvia describes himself as a “trans woman of color”"


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

This is a whole thread with a bunch of links that show examples of how many violent men and sex offenders have a fetish for dressing in womens clothing.

See now they can just SAY they are women and be handed victims in prison.

See leftists do not give a single SHIT about people. Not one. If something pushed by the left is harmful to others and results in things like this or trash womens rights they will STILL put thier ideology first. And mock other people who DO care about it.

They want what they want and dont care.


Factory Bastard
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Right God forbid a man got beat up in male prison.

This totally proves that we should let men tell judges they identify as women(whether they've transitioned at all or not) and send them to female prison and then just straight up ignore women getting assaulted in prison as a result.

How awesome THIS gets an article but the women forced to share cells with men who get beat or raped is just not news worthy or important and it's stupid that anyone would shriek about it. Of course it's way more important to make sure no one harms anyone who claims to be trans... just let WOMEN be forced to sacrifice their safety. Because it's okay for women to suffer. What a dumb thing for anyone to shriek about. We should all know women are expendable garbage.

So what did this trans person do to get in prison?