To where will you exile the ones who are constantly posting accusations of sexual perversion and homoerotic porn and animals shitting or any other juvenile stuff like that?Interesting idea. I hope there's a good methodology for determining who they are.You're all on equal footing and fortunate I don't give a fuck about your political views.
All I know is we can't threadjack non political threads.
We might need to create a Political Exile User Group for the baddies.
Anyone who repeatedly hijacks a thread with politics from the time its created forward... blue/red whatever.
Something like three times gets exiled to politics forum for 3+ days.
Members can report perps, etc. Have to think it out, make it interesting.
...or are you condoning that sort of eight-wit behavior?
Dude :Confused3:
You're in the @Bastard Factory
Not the 'Watchholligaysfeelz factory fyi :rightON: