The forum has taken a noticeable decline in posting quality since the merry band of elderly trannies, SJW's and general rejects of society minced and hobbled their way onto here from Cucks Badly Triggered.
I'm sure things will pick up again though, as soon as their catheters need emptying and they have to return home.
I too have noticed a winding decline in the quality posting provided by content creators such as @Succubus, @RAVEN @Ice , @realgrimm @SHAMPAIN , @Swamp-Duck , @Jeannie and @UncleDiLF since the TDS tranny train pulled into the station to unload a mini horde of helmet wearing hack eyed geriatric glue eaters
Seems these urine scented mummies have only ONE thing to talk about day in and day out adnauseam
Change the fucking record already you grossly unimaginative sloths. Seriously
You cant start a thread about a car accident within 50 miles of D.C without one of these world renowned shitposters going into a fit of cerebral diarrhea and making it about the man that haunts their dreams at night.
Sadly, my former partner could not see this decay as it was happening and chose instead to cater to their relentless spam.
I'm confident this forum owner sees it for what it is since several of his longstanding members have made similar comments about their deluge of tripping TDS spam
Yeah pretty much. TDS, Covid hysteria and general beta-male faggotry is all these jizz stains have to offer.
I still find it hilarious how they took that creepy raghead perv under their wing and invited him to their weekly anti-Trump meetings at Starbucks.
I don't know what the answer is to send them packing, other than a greeting message on the main board saying 'Leftists not welcome'.
What do you offer that's so fascinating?