There is actually a story here. About how Borian here had a full psychotic break and got banned from SG.
Regardless of their idiotic narrative(they are liars), I had absolutely nothing to do with Boriangay getting banned.
During one of my attempts to drop the shit with that drooling stalker Chode, Doriandumbfuck showed up at SG and proceeded to rage spam the board for three days with nothing walls of tears and rage about the whole Chode drama. It was like watching a mental patient wipe its own shit on the walls. Hahaha. It was nuts.
This knuckledragging psycho melted so hard that it started threatening board wars, and libel lawsuits. So Big and I were poking at it while it essentially took over the entire board.
Now you would think that Flea, being the owner, wouldnt want this spammy rage fest in EVERY thread. This fucktard was raging in every thread. That was fine.
It was me and Big she started bitching at. Then the bizzare claims that I was "crying to admins" lol. I give full permission for these mythical tearful pms to be posted, btw. Id love to see it. Hahaha. It was an obvious meatshield because homeboy here was nuclear. It was incredible. It's all still there, too.
So eventually Flea said the next person to bring up Chode would be banned. I'm thinking she somehow has convinced herself that I'm the one who initiates this....but I never am. So I dropped it when she said she wanted it dropped.
Well Borianspazz here continued going off like a Big banned the dumb fuck. As per FLEAS wishes. SHE is the one who wanted the next person to keep it going banned.
So after Big did exactly what she asked, she got pissed off and started blaming me. Shes now painting this as if I were crying to Big and rules didnt apply to me(no clue where that came from) and he favors me so he banned the dumbass.
Except that's not at all what happened. And it all took place right on the board. We have showed her the link a few times to remind her that she is the one that got Borianspazz banned.
But reality doesnt matter to these people because they are entirely disconnected from it.
You can watch them literally accuse other people of the shit they do, and blame other for the shit they do. Like right as they do it sometimes.
Like Flea bitching about people using PI and bringing up family when the only ones coming in doing it is Casket, Peechode and spazzoid fucktard here. That's fine and good until someone hits back....then shes tagging the board owner and blaming others of the shit they are the ones doing.
They even blame their meltdowns on other people, as you see them doing.
It's a real fucking trainwreck.
There really needs to be a board therapist to take this mess too.