Something happened in Buffalo...


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
What? NY?

But like Chicago.....they have some of the strictest gun control laws. Isnt that supposed to stop this?

Theyll be making arguments that since gun control doesnt work, we need to regulate and ban guns on a federal level.

So EVERYWHERE people can be as vulnerable to violent crime. And so ALL women can be extra vulnerable to violent sexual crimes from men.

We lost our single sex spaces and rights. They are gonna come for our 2A rights and take away our only neutralizer and means of self defense.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
WTF does yet another fucking mass shooting in the most fucked up country on earth have to do with single sex spaces? WHAT?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Well, at least not everything that came outta there was bad.
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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Oh it's just a mass shooting, I thought maybe someone was acknowledging minority sexual orientations.

And the International Restroom Rape News Service, is reporting they have captured the Trump supporter responsible. (Of course he was captured alive, he's white you silly Guppy, lol)


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
WTF does yet another fucking mass shooting in the most fucked up country on earth have to do with single sex spaces? WHAT?

Stripping women of their ability to defend themselves while you people have allowed men into spaces for women.

Just because you are ignoring sexual violence against women doesnt mean we all are. I'm SURE this is an easy thing for everyone to get except the left.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Oh it's just a mass shooting, I thought maybe someone was acknowledging minority sexual orientations.

And the International Restroom Rape News Service, is reporting they have captured the Trump supporter responsible. (Of course he was captured alive, he's white you silly Guppy, lol)

Explain what his color has to do with him being taken in alive?

And be very clear.

Realize how BAD that claim is when one of your ilk contradicts it by noting how many BLACK men are in prison.

TRY to understand how that IS a contradiction.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Oh it's just a mass shooting, I thought maybe someone was acknowledging minority sexual orientations.

And the International Restroom Rape News Service, is reporting they have captured the Trump supporter responsible. (Of course he was captured alive, he's white you silly Guppy, lol)

Explain what his color has to do with him being taken in alive?

And be very clear.

Realize how BAD that claim is when one of your ilk contradicts it by noting how many BLACK men are in prison.

TRY to understand how that IS a contradiction.
I think you're confusing the classic point/counterpoint model of discussion, with point/non sequitur, which is only found regionally in red states. Try to keep up.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Oh it's just a mass shooting, I thought maybe someone was acknowledging minority sexual orientations.

And the International Restroom Rape News Service, is reporting they have captured the Trump supporter responsible. (Of course he was captured alive, he's white you silly Guppy, lol)

Explain what his color has to do with him being taken in alive?

And be very clear.

Realize how BAD that claim is when one of your ilk contradicts it by noting how many BLACK men are in prison.

TRY to understand how that IS a contradiction.
I think you're confusing the classic point/counterpoint model of discussion, with point/non sequitur, which is only found regionally in red states. Try to keep up.

I was asking you clarify your point. There was no no sequitur there.

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If anyone is guilty of non sequitur, its you. The mans skin color has nothing to do with him being arrested alive. It doesn't follow that because he was white....he was arrested alive. For that to be a thing? That would mean there are no black people in prison. Because blacks dont get arrested alive.

Specifically there would be no black murderers or shooters alive in prisons. Because they all die by cop. Yet.....there are plenty.

The logical reason is, he had on a bullet proof vest, he did not resists arrest or attack police.

What isnt logical? Is claiming if the shooter was black he would be dead. Because of blackness and shit.

Maybe it's not red states drawing non sequiturs.....perhaps it just looks that way when they reiterate yours?

You cant change the laws of logic to accommodate your biases and narratives. Perhaps that's why you guys get so frustrated so quickly.


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More conservative bullshit debunked:

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The Senate and Civil Rights: Cloture and Final Passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
To pass a civil rights bill in 1964, the Senate proponents of that bill developed a
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. First, Majority Leader
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maneuvered the bill away from the Judiciary Committee and made it the Senate’s pending business. Second, a bipartisan legislative team of senators and staff, led by Majority Whip
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and Minority Whip
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, developed a plan
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. Finally, they enlisted the aid of Minority Leader
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. Only Dirksen could provide the Republican votes needed to
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and bring about passage of the bill. “The bill can’t pass unless you get Ev Dirksen,” President Lyndon Johnson told Hubert Humphrey. “You get in there to see Dirksen. You drink with Dirksen! You talk with Dirksen. You listen to Dirksen.”
In an era when there were many factional divisions within both political parties, the biggest headaches for Democratic leader Mike Mansfield often came not from Republicans but from the conservative bloc of his own party caucus. The filibuster that threatened to derail the civil rights bill in 1964 was not led by the opposition party, but by an opposing faction within the majority party. To invoke cloture on the civil rights bill, Democratic proponents of the bill needed strong Republican support. If the bipartisan team could gain the support of Dirksen, a small-government conservative from Illinois, they might win over other conservatives.
. read on......

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Democrats introduced, led passage of the Civil right Act
Shortly after President John F. Kennedy publicly called for a robust Civil Rights Act, Emmanuel Celler, a New York Democrat, introduced the House version of the bill on June 19, 1963, according to an article in the
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Following Kennedy’s assassination, President Lyndon B. Johnson strongly pushed for the measure and
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a joint session in Congress days later, urging members to pass the bill.

The House passed the measure in February 1964. Once it hit the Senate, it was met with opposition from a group of southern Democratic senators.

The group, known as "the Southern bloc" of the party, represented former Confederate states and was predominantly led by West Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd, a former member of the Ku Klux Klan.

At the time, a two-thirds vote, or 67 senators, were required to invoke cloture and end the debate. That happened on June 10, when a coalition of 27 Republicans and 44 Democrats ended the filibuster with
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On June 12, 1964, 46 Democrats and 27 Republicans
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for the legislation, and 21 Democrats and 6 Republicans voted against. It was signed into law July 2, 1964.

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The Civil Rights Act of 1964, which ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin, is considered one of the crowning legislative achievements of the civil rights movement. First proposed by President
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, it survived strong opposition from southern members of Congress and was then signed into law by Kennedy’s successor,
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. In subsequent years, Congress expanded the act and passed additional civil rights legislation such as the
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Of course, it was also Democrats who helped usher the bill through the House, Senate, and ultimately a Democratic president who signed it into law. The bill wouldn't have passed without the support of Majority Leader
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of Montana, a Democrat. Majority Whip
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, who basically split the Democratic party in two with his 1948 Democratic National Convention speech calling for equal rights for all, kept tabs on individual members to ensure the bill had the numbers to overcome the filibuster.

Put another way, party affiliation seems to be somewhat predictive, but something seems to be missing. So, what factor did best predicting voting?

You don't need to know too much history to understand that the South from the civil war to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 tended to be opposed to minority rights. This factor was separate from party identification or ideology. We can easily control for this variable by breaking up the voting by those states that were part of the confederacy and those that were not.

You can see that geography was far more predictive of voting coalitions on the Civil Rights than party affiliation. What linked Dirksen and Mansfield was the fact that they weren't from the south. In fact, 90% of members of Congress from states (or territories) that were part of the Union voted in favor of the act, while less than 10% of members of Congress from the old Confederate states voted for it. This 80pt difference between regions is far greater than the 15pt difference between parties.

But what happens when we control for both party affiliation and region? As Sean Trende
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, "sometimes relationships become apparent only after you control for other factors".




Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Oh it's just a mass shooting, I thought maybe someone was acknowledging minority sexual orientations.

And the International Restroom Rape News Service, is reporting they have captured the Trump supporter responsible. (Of course he was captured alive, he's white you silly Guppy, lol)

Explain what his color has to do with him being taken in alive?

And be very clear.

Realize how BAD that claim is when one of your ilk contradicts it by noting how many BLACK men are in prison.

TRY to understand how that IS a contradiction.
I think you're confusing the classic point/counterpoint model of discussion, with point/non sequitur, which is only found regionally in red states. Try to keep up.
LMAO. Excellent post!


PS: Debate lasted 60 days - not a filibuster the longest in US history being 24 hrs.

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Civil Rights Filibuster Ended

June 10, 1964

At 9:51 on the morning of June 10, 1964, Senator
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completed an address that he had begun 14 hours and 13 minutes earlier. The subject was the pending
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, a measure that occupied the Senate for 60 working days, including seven Saturdays. A day earlier, Senate whips
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(D-MN) and
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(R-CA), the bill's floor managers, concluded they had the 67 votes required at that time to end the debate.
The Civil Rights Act provided protection of voting rights; banned discrimination in public facilities—including private businesses offering public services—such as lunch counters, hotels, and theaters; and established equal employment opportunity as the law of the land.
As Senator Byrd took his seat, House members, former senators, and others—150 of them—vied for limited standing space at the back of the chamber. With all gallery seats taken, hundreds waited outside in hopelessly extended lines.
Georgia Democrat
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offered the final arguments in opposition. Minority Leader
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, who had enlisted the Republican votes that made cloture a realistic option,
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. Noting that the day marked the 100th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's nomination to a second term, the Illinois Republican proclaimed, in the words of Victor Hugo, "Stronger than all the armies is an idea whose time has come." He continued, "The time has come for equality of opportunity in sharing in government, in education, and in employment. It will not be stayed or denied. It is here!"

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Domestically feral
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United states
I like how H just cherry picks and adds bias sources in where he needs to in order to paint this ridiculous narrative that everything wrong is because of "cOnZ" and "cOnZ" are all the people who dont agree with his politcs.

The dumb ass even notes how it was Democrats who opposed the civil rights act that would not have passed without Republicans.


So in conclusion one can easily see that the critical factor was Northern Liberalism vs Southern conservatism, and that even within party votes that in both regions that Democrats voted to pass at a higher rate than Republicans (none of whom voted to pass in the south). Democrats as seen had to work very hard to cajole Republicans into voting yea.

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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
So in conclusion one can easily see that the critical factor was Northern Liberalism vs Southern conservatism, and that even within party votes that in both regions that Democrats voted to pass at a higher rate than Republicans (none of whom voted to pass in the south). Democrats as seen had to work very hard to cajole Republicans into voting yea.

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H, you are so fucking erudite!


H, you are so fucking erudite!
You are soooo generous, really.

Say, do you remember my ID "the H" which I used briefly back on maybe CBT? I think there - maybe BY.
.The AV was a beautiful letter H artistically drawn and incorporating in the design a hummingbird.
Sadly I can not locate that actual piece of art.


.There was a hook to the posting which was the judicious use of colored letters - maybe only one per post at random.

Perhaps I will give enough time that this post be forgotten and revive that presentation.
.This place could use a splash of art.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
H, you are so fucking erudite!
You are soooo generous, really.

Say, do you remember my ID "the H" which I used briefly back on maybe CBT? I think there - maybe BY.
.The AV was a beautiful letter H artistically drawn and incorporating in the design a hummingbird.
Sadly I can not locate that actual piece of art.


.There was a hook to the posting which was the judicious use of colored letters - maybe only one per post at random.

Perhaps I will give enough time that this post be forgotten and revive that presentation.
.This place could use a splash of art.
That does harken back to those hazy crazy days of yore.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
some person did some thing.
I am sorry this typical mass shooter, did not allow you the opportunity to manifest your racism.


Maybe you can use racail slurs and go cheer on the violent, racist and disturbingly sexual verbal attacks against black people who dont support democrats(the party of jim crow and segregation).

It will add that extra flavor to the celebrations over racail violence all you leftoids are engaging in.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
some person did some thing.
I am sorry this typical mass shooter, did not allow you the opportunity to manifest your racism.

Its cool. I bet niggers let more lead fly in The Chicongo yesterday.

It's literally only worth discussing if it's some white psychopath who is confirmed not left.

All the other murders and violence is.....meh.
I literally DGAF about these events any longer. I used to.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
some person did some thing.
I am sorry this typical mass shooter, did not allow you the opportunity to manifest your racism.

Its cool. I bet niggers let more lead fly in The Chicongo yesterday.

It's literally only worth discussing if it's some white psychopath who is confirmed not left.

All the other murders and violence is.....meh.
I literally DGAF about these events any longer. I used to.

I know. I've been shutting down giving any fucks myself. When you give fucks....its the same as exposing your vulnerabilities to sociopaths.

Because NONE of these people genuinely care about any of it.

I'm actually more convinced they are happy about this incident because it's a white guy who....for once....isnt a leftwing psycho, so they think they can push this brutality as some face of their opposition. They are GLAD it happened because they think its useful to confirm their bias and hatred of everyone who just doesnt support their politcs.

If it was violence and human life they cared about? ALL violent acts would be met with the same response.

Could you imagine how badly this country could deteriorate if these people got their way and completely took it over? The violence, the rape and assault of women, abuse of children and poverty would be overwhelming and they would have you locked up for speaking out long before they would stand up against any of it.