Something happened in Buffalo...


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Historically, white supremacists are Christians.

Historically, non-white supremacists were Christians.

Historically, USA was almost 100% Christian.

did you just have a brain fart?

Concepts of white supremacy were at the heart of the defense of slavery and central to the Lost Cause myth that justified segregation after the fall of the Confederacy.

The KKK is literally comprised of Christian Identity Adherents.

The term “Christian” asserts that white people, not Jewish people, are the true Israelites.
BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You retard, no it doesnt.

Google is your friend :Happy5:
Common sense aint yours!

I research literally every topic I post about at this stage in the game…. Clearly, I’m providing information you’ve never considered and it’s challenging your entire belief system.

Lady, since the majority of the country called themselves "Christian", you could airclaim 19th century serial killers were nearly all "Christian".


NO WE DO NOT. Calling yourself “Christian” is regional to the Midwest and south or it’s a clear sign that you’ve been saved somewhere along the way.

I am a Catholic. We are not as old as the Jews, but we are older than the Jesus freaks who branched off from our denomination along with the Lutherans and a few others.
Catholics, or as I call em, the OG Replacement Theologists!!!

Calling yourself "Christian" is a generalization that also applies to Catholics.

there are numerous demonizations and indicators such as orthodox and conformed that prove your theory to be FALSE

The problem is you’re trying to lump everyone into a cohesive little category that you can comprehend or relate to… which is the natural inclination of the lazy aka unwilling to research tend to do.

Except there is one problem… you can’t grasp the most basic differences of any of the denominations. You’re trying to force us all into the Christian denomination without the slightest inclination as to how or why we are different.

The Catholic Church forbade Jesus hyped worship. Yes, we believe he existed. No, we don’t need to be saved to have faith in God.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Is Admin a Jew? I touched his soft spot again lol.

I dont agree its jews. Its leftist authoritarianism.

That's the same thing! Yes there are nonj00s involved but the basis has always been in the Tribe.

It's a choice some shit people make. I'm always gonna judge people based on their words and actions.

You’re also a hypocrite who condemns anyone who does the same to you… which is borderline blasphemy.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Historically, white supremacists are Christians.

Historically, non-white supremacists were Christians.

Historically, USA was almost 100% Christian.

did you just have a brain fart?

Concepts of white supremacy were at the heart of the defense of slavery and central to the Lost Cause myth that justified segregation after the fall of the Confederacy.

The KKK is literally comprised of Christian Identity Adherents.

The term “Christian” asserts that white people, not Jewish people, are the true Israelites.
BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You retard, no it doesnt.

Google is your friend :Happy5:
Common sense aint yours!

I research literally every topic I post about at this stage in the game…. Clearly, I’m providing information you’ve never considered and it’s challenging your entire belief system.

Lady, since the majority of the country called themselves "Christian", you could airclaim 19th century serial killers were nearly all "Christian".

a concoction of half truths, cut & paste theatrics, and petty, undermining antics with an ulterior motive in every keystroke… compiled by generational dysfunctional trauma, narcissistic tendencies, and sociopathic deflection
Self reflect much? LOL

Nice meatshield. I especially enjoyed reading your “I don’t do this!” claim to Levon :LOL3::GimmeFoods:

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I research literally every topic I post about at this stage in the game…. Clearly, I’m providing information you’ve never considered and it’s challenging your entire belief system.



That is what Murdock 7.5 says....

This is what Murdock 7.5 does....

White supremacists, sovereign citizens, militia extremists and violent anti-abortion adherents use religious concepts and scripture to justify threats, criminal activity and violence… these are the “Christians” I was referring to in my white supremacist comment.

What scripture do white supremacists use to justify threats, criminal activity and violence ?

Murdock said:


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I research literally every topic I post about at this stage in the game…. Clearly, I’m providing information you’ve never considered and it’s challenging your entire belief system.



That is what Murdock 7.5 says....

This is what Murdock 7.5 does....

White supremacists, sovereign citizens, militia extremists and violent anti-abortion adherents use religious concepts and scripture to justify threats, criminal activity and violence… these are the “Christians” I was referring to in my white supremacist comment.

What scripture do white supremacists use to justify threats, criminal activity and violence ?

Murdock said:

It’s too early for you to be shitfaced.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Historically, white supremacists are Christians.

Historically, non-white supremacists were Christians.

Historically, USA was almost 100% Christian.

did you just have a brain fart?

Concepts of white supremacy were at the heart of the defense of slavery and central to the Lost Cause myth that justified segregation after the fall of the Confederacy.

The KKK is literally comprised of Christian Identity Adherents.

The term “Christian” asserts that white people, not Jewish people, are the true Israelites.
BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You retard, no it doesnt.

Google is your friend :Happy5:
Common sense aint yours!

I research literally every topic I post about at this stage in the game…. Clearly, I’m providing information you’ve never considered and it’s challenging your entire belief system.

Lady, since the majority of the country called themselves "Christian", you could airclaim 19th century serial killers were nearly all "Christian".


NO WE DO NOT. Calling yourself “Christian” is regional to the Midwest and south or it’s a clear sign that you’ve been saved somewhere along the way.

I am a Catholic. We are not as old as the Jews, but we are older than the Jesus freaks who branched off from our denomination along with the Lutherans and a few others.
Catholics, or as I call em, the OG Replacement Theologists!!!

Calling yourself "Christian" is a generalization that also applies to Catholics.

there are numerous demonizations and indicators such as orthodox and conformed that prove your theory to be FALSE

The problem is you’re trying to lump everyone into a cohesive little category that you can comprehend or relate to… which is the natural inclination of the lazy aka unwilling to research tend to do.

Except there is one problem… you can’t grasp the most basic differences of any of the denominations. You’re trying to force us all into the Christian denomination without the slightest inclination as to how or why we are different.

The Catholic Church forbade Jesus hyped worship. Yes, we believe he existed. No, we don’t need to be saved to have faith in God.
Bitch, I bet I can go up to 100 Catholics and ask em if they're Christian and 95 or more will immediately say "YES!"

I was raised Catholic till I was in the 8th grade. I'm very familiar with Catholicism and its heretical bullshit. Speaking of heretics, the pope is the vicar of Christ.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
She thinks Catholics do not recognize Jesus as God.

No clue where she gets THAT from but she will talk AT you about why shes right and thousands of years of theology is wrong.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
She thinks Catholics do not recognize Jesus as God.

No clue where she gets THAT from but she will talk AT you about why shes right and thousands of years of theology is wrong.
Right? They taught me that even before they sent me home with a box of virgin mary candles to sell!!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Is Admin a Jew? I touched his soft spot again lol.

I dont agree its jews. Its leftist authoritarianism.

But as long as you guys arent claiming all jews are horrible and it's just the wealthy elite Jews and you arent pushing to take away rights and harm people I dont really care to argue it lol. I dont blame anyone for violent crimes besides the violent criminals.

We literally have watched several dem/prog officails and reporters use violent and extreme rhetoric against other Americans. It's disgusting.

I wonder if the country will ever return to a live and let live mentality.

Like I said earlier, its not all jews, and its not all jews involved.

THEY are the ones funding the shit. What you see, is the Leftist faces, cause they are the ones bought and paid for to be the mouthpiece of their sinister agenda.

You look right past all the non-Jews who are funding shit. It's amazing.

It's the fucking power-mad masters of the universe, Jew AND non-Jew. Thinking that it has to do with one ethnicity is delusional. There are power-mad assholes from every culture, race, and religion.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Historically, white supremacists are Christians.

Historically, non-white supremacists were Christians.

Historically, USA was almost 100% Christian.

did you just have a brain fart?

Concepts of white supremacy were at the heart of the defense of slavery and central to the Lost Cause myth that justified segregation after the fall of the Confederacy.

The KKK is literally comprised of Christian Identity Adherents.

The term “Christian” asserts that white people, not Jewish people, are the true Israelites.
BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You retard, no it doesnt.

Google is your friend :Happy5:
Common sense aint yours!

I research literally every topic I post about at this stage in the game…. Clearly, I’m providing information you’ve never considered and it’s challenging your entire belief system.

Lady, since the majority of the country called themselves "Christian", you could airclaim 19th century serial killers were nearly all "Christian".


NO WE DO NOT. Calling yourself “Christian” is regional to the Midwest and south or it’s a clear sign that you’ve been saved somewhere along the way.

I am a Catholic. We are not as old as the Jews, but we are older than the Jesus freaks who branched off from our denomination along with the Lutherans and a few others.
Catholics, or as I call em, the OG Replacement Theologists!!!

Calling yourself "Christian" is a generalization that also applies to Catholics.

there are numerous demonizations and indicators such as orthodox and conformed that prove your theory to be FALSE

The problem is you’re trying to lump everyone into a cohesive little category that you can comprehend or relate to… which is the natural inclination of the lazy aka unwilling to research tend to do.

Except there is one problem… you can’t grasp the most basic differences of any of the denominations. You’re trying to force us all into the Christian denomination without the slightest inclination as to how or why we are different.

The Catholic Church forbade Jesus hyped worship. Yes, we believe he existed. No, we don’t need to be saved to have faith in God.

They want an enemy that's easy to identify and easy to blame. It's too fucking scary to admit that there is no simple formula, no obvious enemy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

Post Charlottesville, this is your dear leader, you ignorant hicks.

Dont even get me started.

You clearly aint got a clue of what really happened. I live a couple hours away, I know what happened.

Grab your white flag blanky first! Pussy.

Is this Meltdown, or do you normally have Meltys like that, lol. Man, even your spelling is off, TRIGGERED!!!!

I clicked your video, and skimmed it without audio.

Whats wrong with tiki torches, and saying "Jews will not replace us!"? You dont know of the evil cabal that is orchestrating all this?

I suppose it would of been more to your liking, had they caught a dumpster on fire, and rolled into a police station. Or better yet, burned down communities. But that didnt happen, so you got sad meatz.

I see your video goes from Friday night Tiki time, straight to the violence the next day. Only there is one problem, it dont show when the violence actually started.

The good folks came there to peacefully protest, they even had a permit to do so. What happened though, was Soros and Clan bussed in tons of Antifa... who did not have a permit. The city did nothing to stop Antifa, and instead, corralled the folks that came to peacefully protest. As they walked to the monument, Antifa attacked them. Throwing piss balloons, and water bottles full of concrete, batteries, etc. Police still did nothing. They became fenced in, and defended themselves. All while the police were told to stand down. They let Antifa attack them.

Please, sit down and have a nice cocoa. You also might want to turn off your tv, it is rotting your brain.

What's wrong with saying "Jews will not replace us"? Are you fucking serious? That little chant makes the assumption that Jews are trying to replace someone, which is delusional, paranoiac bullshit.

It's weird that you're posting racist crap in a thread about a racist mass murderer. It's almost like you're making excuses for him.

You call me the delusional one, and think we all support this guy that went on a rampage. Pull your head out of your ass.

So its a crime to say out loud what we think is happening? We can no longer talk about the Jew in the room? It is no secret anymore Lotus. While I know its not all Jews, and that all of this isnt orchestrated by all Jews, they do make up the majority of those in top positions pulling the strings. You're blind as a bat if you dont see that.

While we are talking "little chants", how do you think "Black Lives Matter.... no lives matter til black ones do!" sounds? That lil chant makes the assumptions that only blacks are dying, and that is all these other races fault... mostly the white ones.

How many BLM people have gone to a grocery store in a white neighborhood and murdered 10 white people because they hate whites? How many Jews have murdered 10 gentiles just because they're gentiles?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Post Charlottesville, this is your dear leader, you ignorant hicks.

Dont even get me started.

You clearly aint got a clue of what really happened. I live a couple hours away, I know what happened.

Grab your white flag blanky first! Pussy.

Is this Meltdown, or do you normally have Meltys like that, lol. Man, even your spelling is off, TRIGGERED!!!!

I clicked your video, and skimmed it without audio.

Whats wrong with tiki torches, and saying "Jews will not replace us!"? You dont know of the evil cabal that is orchestrating all this?

I suppose it would of been more to your liking, had they caught a dumpster on fire, and rolled into a police station. Or better yet, burned down communities. But that didnt happen, so you got sad meatz.

I see your video goes from Friday night Tiki time, straight to the violence the next day. Only there is one problem, it dont show when the violence actually started.

The good folks came there to peacefully protest, they even had a permit to do so. What happened though, was Soros and Clan bussed in tons of Antifa... who did not have a permit. The city did nothing to stop Antifa, and instead, corralled the folks that came to peacefully protest. As they walked to the monument, Antifa attacked them. Throwing piss balloons, and water bottles full of concrete, batteries, etc. Police still did nothing. They became fenced in, and defended themselves. All while the police were told to stand down. They let Antifa attack them.

Please, sit down and have a nice cocoa. You also might want to turn off your tv, it is rotting your brain.

What's wrong with saying "Jews will not replace us"? Are you fucking serious? That little chant makes the assumption that Jews are trying to replace someone, which is delusional, paranoiac bullshit.

It's weird that you're posting racist crap in a thread about a racist mass murderer. It's almost like you're making excuses for him.

You call me the delusional one, and think we all support this guy that went on a rampage. Pull your head out of your ass.

So its a crime to say out loud what we think is happening? We can no longer talk about the Jew in the room? It is no secret anymore Lotus. While I know its not all Jews, and that all of this isnt orchestrated by all Jews, they do make up the majority of those in top positions pulling the strings. You're blind as a bat if you dont see that.

While we are talking "little chants", how do you think "Black Lives Matter.... no lives matter til black ones do!" sounds? That lil chant makes the assumptions that only blacks are dying, and that is all these other races fault... mostly the white ones.

How many BLM people have gone to a grocery store in a white neighborhood and murdered 10 white people because they hate whites? How many Jews have murdered 10 gentiles just because they're gentiles?

True, Lotus. As we have said, they attack and destroy mostly low income, minority areas and shoot 8 year olds and elderly men.

We would prefer this shooter get the death penalty. No one condones murdering innocent people or the use of violence outside of self defense.

It's just that extremism and terrorism shouldnt be tolerated by ANYONE. So the standards are currently way uneven.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Is Admin a Jew? I touched his soft spot again lol.

I dont agree its jews. Its leftist authoritarianism.

But as long as you guys arent claiming all jews are horrible and it's just the wealthy elite Jews and you arent pushing to take away rights and harm people I dont really care to argue it lol. I dont blame anyone for violent crimes besides the violent criminals.

We literally have watched several dem/prog officails and reporters use violent and extreme rhetoric against other Americans. It's disgusting.

I wonder if the country will ever return to a live and let live mentality.

Like I said earlier, its not all jews, and its not all jews involved.

THEY are the ones funding the shit. What you see, is the Leftist faces, cause they are the ones bought and paid for to be the mouthpiece of their sinister agenda.

You look right past all the non-Jews who are funding shit. It's amazing.

It's the fucking power-mad masters of the universe, Jew AND non-Jew. Thinking that it has to do with one ethnicity is delusional. There are power-mad assholes from every culture, race, and religion.

Please re-read my post, before responding with such ignorance.

Sheesh, if you had read it right, I would think we were on the same page.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter

Post Charlottesville, this is your dear leader, you ignorant hicks.

Dont even get me started.

You clearly aint got a clue of what really happened. I live a couple hours away, I know what happened.

Grab your white flag blanky first! Pussy.

Is this Meltdown, or do you normally have Meltys like that, lol. Man, even your spelling is off, TRIGGERED!!!!

I clicked your video, and skimmed it without audio.

Whats wrong with tiki torches, and saying "Jews will not replace us!"? You dont know of the evil cabal that is orchestrating all this?

I suppose it would of been more to your liking, had they caught a dumpster on fire, and rolled into a police station. Or better yet, burned down communities. But that didnt happen, so you got sad meatz.

I see your video goes from Friday night Tiki time, straight to the violence the next day. Only there is one problem, it dont show when the violence actually started.

The good folks came there to peacefully protest, they even had a permit to do so. What happened though, was Soros and Clan bussed in tons of Antifa... who did not have a permit. The city did nothing to stop Antifa, and instead, corralled the folks that came to peacefully protest. As they walked to the monument, Antifa attacked them. Throwing piss balloons, and water bottles full of concrete, batteries, etc. Police still did nothing. They became fenced in, and defended themselves. All while the police were told to stand down. They let Antifa attack them.

Please, sit down and have a nice cocoa. You also might want to turn off your tv, it is rotting your brain.

What's wrong with saying "Jews will not replace us"? Are you fucking serious? That little chant makes the assumption that Jews are trying to replace someone, which is delusional, paranoiac bullshit.

It's weird that you're posting racist crap in a thread about a racist mass murderer. It's almost like you're making excuses for him.

You call me the delusional one, and think we all support this guy that went on a rampage. Pull your head out of your ass.

So its a crime to say out loud what we think is happening? We can no longer talk about the Jew in the room? It is no secret anymore Lotus. While I know its not all Jews, and that all of this isnt orchestrated by all Jews, they do make up the majority of those in top positions pulling the strings. You're blind as a bat if you dont see that.

While we are talking "little chants", how do you think "Black Lives Matter.... no lives matter til black ones do!" sounds? That lil chant makes the assumptions that only blacks are dying, and that is all these other races fault... mostly the white ones.

How many BLM people have gone to a grocery store in a white neighborhood and murdered 10 white people because they hate whites? How many Jews have murdered 10 gentiles just because they're gentiles?

Would you really like to know? I can tell you. If you're curious.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Shooter says he is a life long communist supporter and a left wing populist who supports Bernie Sanders. Yet the far left, idiots like Aidsman, keep lying and claiming the shooter was some how a Republican.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Is Admin a Jew? I touched his soft spot again lol.

I dont agree its jews. Its leftist authoritarianism.

But as long as you guys arent claiming all jews are horrible and it's just the wealthy elite Jews and you arent pushing to take away rights and harm people I dont really care to argue it lol. I dont blame anyone for violent crimes besides the violent criminals.

We literally have watched several dem/prog officails and reporters use violent and extreme rhetoric against other Americans. It's disgusting.

I wonder if the country will ever return to a live and let live mentality.

Like I said earlier, its not all jews, and its not all jews involved.

THEY are the ones funding the shit. What you see, is the Leftist faces, cause they are the ones bought and paid for to be the mouthpiece of their sinister agenda.

You look right past all the non-Jews who are funding shit. It's amazing.

It's the fucking power-mad masters of the universe, Jew AND non-Jew. Thinking that it has to do with one ethnicity is delusional. There are power-mad assholes from every culture, race, and religion.

Please re-read my post, before responding with such ignorance.

Sheesh, if you had read it right, I would think we were on the same page.

You very clearly said the Jews are the ones fudning the shit. That is bullshit. You also clearly said the Jews have a sinister agenda. You are in need of help.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

Post Charlottesville, this is your dear leader, you ignorant hicks.

Dont even get me started.

You clearly aint got a clue of what really happened. I live a couple hours away, I know what happened.

Grab your white flag blanky first! Pussy.

Is this Meltdown, or do you normally have Meltys like that, lol. Man, even your spelling is off, TRIGGERED!!!!

I clicked your video, and skimmed it without audio.

Whats wrong with tiki torches, and saying "Jews will not replace us!"? You dont know of the evil cabal that is orchestrating all this?

I suppose it would of been more to your liking, had they caught a dumpster on fire, and rolled into a police station. Or better yet, burned down communities. But that didnt happen, so you got sad meatz.

I see your video goes from Friday night Tiki time, straight to the violence the next day. Only there is one problem, it dont show when the violence actually started.

The good folks came there to peacefully protest, they even had a permit to do so. What happened though, was Soros and Clan bussed in tons of Antifa... who did not have a permit. The city did nothing to stop Antifa, and instead, corralled the folks that came to peacefully protest. As they walked to the monument, Antifa attacked them. Throwing piss balloons, and water bottles full of concrete, batteries, etc. Police still did nothing. They became fenced in, and defended themselves. All while the police were told to stand down. They let Antifa attack them.

Please, sit down and have a nice cocoa. You also might want to turn off your tv, it is rotting your brain.

What's wrong with saying "Jews will not replace us"? Are you fucking serious? That little chant makes the assumption that Jews are trying to replace someone, which is delusional, paranoiac bullshit.

It's weird that you're posting racist crap in a thread about a racist mass murderer. It's almost like you're making excuses for him.

You call me the delusional one, and think we all support this guy that went on a rampage. Pull your head out of your ass.

So its a crime to say out loud what we think is happening? We can no longer talk about the Jew in the room? It is no secret anymore Lotus. While I know its not all Jews, and that all of this isnt orchestrated by all Jews, they do make up the majority of those in top positions pulling the strings. You're blind as a bat if you dont see that.

While we are talking "little chants", how do you think "Black Lives Matter.... no lives matter til black ones do!" sounds? That lil chant makes the assumptions that only blacks are dying, and that is all these other races fault... mostly the white ones.

How many BLM people have gone to a grocery store in a white neighborhood and murdered 10 white people because they hate whites? How many Jews have murdered 10 gentiles just because they're gentiles?

Would you really like to know? I can tell you. If you're curious.

Don't "tell" me anything. Post evidence. Not tweets. Not memes. Not Fox "News" lies. Researched and proven facts only.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Is Admin a Jew? I touched his soft spot again lol.

I dont agree its jews. Its leftist authoritarianism.

But as long as you guys arent claiming all jews are horrible and it's just the wealthy elite Jews and you arent pushing to take away rights and harm people I dont really care to argue it lol. I dont blame anyone for violent crimes besides the violent criminals.

We literally have watched several dem/prog officails and reporters use violent and extreme rhetoric against other Americans. It's disgusting.

I wonder if the country will ever return to a live and let live mentality.

Like I said earlier, its not all jews, and its not all jews involved.

THEY are the ones funding the shit. What you see, is the Leftist faces, cause they are the ones bought and paid for to be the mouthpiece of their sinister agenda.

You look right past all the non-Jews who are funding shit. It's amazing.

It's the fucking power-mad masters of the universe, Jew AND non-Jew. Thinking that it has to do with one ethnicity is delusional. There are power-mad assholes from every culture, race, and religion.

Please re-read my post, before responding with such ignorance.

Sheesh, if you had read it right, I would think we were on the same page.

You very clearly said the Jews are the ones fudning the shit. That is bullshit. You also clearly said the Jews have a sinister agenda. You are in need of help.

Nooooo, when I have all caps when I say THEY and THEM, Im referring the Elites/Globalists. Not Jews specifically.

If you dont see the sinister agenda being orchestrated by THEM, then now is the time to put your glasses on.... before its too late.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter

Post Charlottesville, this is your dear leader, you ignorant hicks.

Dont even get me started.

You clearly aint got a clue of what really happened. I live a couple hours away, I know what happened.

Grab your white flag blanky first! Pussy.

Is this Meltdown, or do you normally have Meltys like that, lol. Man, even your spelling is off, TRIGGERED!!!!

I clicked your video, and skimmed it without audio.

Whats wrong with tiki torches, and saying "Jews will not replace us!"? You dont know of the evil cabal that is orchestrating all this?

I suppose it would of been more to your liking, had they caught a dumpster on fire, and rolled into a police station. Or better yet, burned down communities. But that didnt happen, so you got sad meatz.

I see your video goes from Friday night Tiki time, straight to the violence the next day. Only there is one problem, it dont show when the violence actually started.

The good folks came there to peacefully protest, they even had a permit to do so. What happened though, was Soros and Clan bussed in tons of Antifa... who did not have a permit. The city did nothing to stop Antifa, and instead, corralled the folks that came to peacefully protest. As they walked to the monument, Antifa attacked them. Throwing piss balloons, and water bottles full of concrete, batteries, etc. Police still did nothing. They became fenced in, and defended themselves. All while the police were told to stand down. They let Antifa attack them.

Please, sit down and have a nice cocoa. You also might want to turn off your tv, it is rotting your brain.

What's wrong with saying "Jews will not replace us"? Are you fucking serious? That little chant makes the assumption that Jews are trying to replace someone, which is delusional, paranoiac bullshit.

It's weird that you're posting racist crap in a thread about a racist mass murderer. It's almost like you're making excuses for him.

You call me the delusional one, and think we all support this guy that went on a rampage. Pull your head out of your ass.

So its a crime to say out loud what we think is happening? We can no longer talk about the Jew in the room? It is no secret anymore Lotus. While I know its not all Jews, and that all of this isnt orchestrated by all Jews, they do make up the majority of those in top positions pulling the strings. You're blind as a bat if you dont see that.

While we are talking "little chants", how do you think "Black Lives Matter.... no lives matter til black ones do!" sounds? That lil chant makes the assumptions that only blacks are dying, and that is all these other races fault... mostly the white ones.

How many BLM people have gone to a grocery store in a white neighborhood and murdered 10 white people because they hate whites? How many Jews have murdered 10 gentiles just because they're gentiles?

Would you really like to know? I can tell you. If you're curious.

Don't "tell" me anything. Post evidence. Not tweets. Not memes. Not Fox "News" lies. Researched and proven facts only.

Would you like a leg of lamb on a silver platter too?

Lady, you cant even find a pic of the Chinese Nationalist that shot up a Taiwanese church over the weekend, dont you know most everything is suppressed these days?

Fuck Fox, they are compromised. Any one with brains know they are controlled opposition.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Shooter says he is a life long communist supporter and a left wing populist who supports Bernie Sanders. Yet the far left, idiots like Aidsman, keep lying and claiming the shooter was some how a Republican.

Not only that hev was Republican.....but that he is a typical "main stream" Republican who was somehow emboldened by Tucker Carlson.

Even though he openly hates fox news and hates conservatives and even though Tucker never uses violent or extremist language.....unlike most all mainstream leftwing corporate media who incites hatred and violence and division regularly.

Rolling Stone using this shooting as political fodder and literally telling their readers(most of which already harbor viscious hate towards opposition) that this shooter is a typical main stream Republican is more of the same incitement. " see your own neighbors? Hate and fear them". The sad thing is, it works.


Is Admin a Jew? I touched his soft spot again lol.

I dont agree its jews. Its leftist authoritarianism.

That's the same thing! Yes there are nonj00s involved but the basis has always been in the Tribe.

It's a choice some shit people make. I'm always gonna judge people based on their words and actions.
Of course, but t
Shooter says he is a life long communist supporter and a left wing populist who supports Bernie Sanders. Yet the far left, idiots like Aidsman, keep lying and claiming the shooter was some how a Republican.

Not only that hev was Republican.....but that he is a typical "main stream" Republican who was somehow emboldened by Tucker Carlson.

Even though he openly hates fox news and hates conservatives and even though Tucker never uses violent or extremist language.....unlike most all mainstream leftwing corporate media who incites hatred and violence and division regularly.

Rolling Stone using this shooting as political fodder and literally telling their readers(most of which already harbor viscious hate towards opposition) that this shooter is a typical main stream Republican is more of the same incitement. " see your own neighbors? Hate and fear them". The sad thing is, it works.

They will never get Tucker banned.


Domestically feral
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United states
Is Admin a Jew? I touched his soft spot again lol.

I dont agree its jews. Its leftist authoritarianism.

That's the same thing! Yes there are nonj00s involved but the basis has always been in the Tribe.

It's a choice some shit people make. I'm always gonna judge people based on their words and actions.
Of course, but t
Shooter says he is a life long communist supporter and a left wing populist who supports Bernie Sanders. Yet the far left, idiots like Aidsman, keep lying and claiming the shooter was some how a Republican.

Not only that hev was Republican.....but that he is a typical "main stream" Republican who was somehow emboldened by Tucker Carlson.

Even though he openly hates fox news and hates conservatives and even though Tucker never uses violent or extremist language.....unlike most all mainstream leftwing corporate media who incites hatred and violence and division regularly.

Rolling Stone using this shooting as political fodder and literally telling their readers(most of which already harbor viscious hate towards opposition) that this shooter is a typical main stream Republican is more of the same incitement. " see your own neighbors? Hate and fear them". The sad thing is, it works.

They will never get Tucker banned.

It's just disgusting that's the first thing they go to. It's pretty far from the truth.

They are extremists who are good with politcal violence and they accuse their opposition of everything their end does.


Is Admin a Jew? I touched his soft spot again lol.

I dont agree its jews. Its leftist authoritarianism.

That's the same thing! Yes there are nonj00s involved but the basis has always been in the Tribe.

It's a choice some shit people make. I'm always gonna judge people based on their words and actions.
Of course, but t
Shooter says he is a life long communist supporter and a left wing populist who supports Bernie Sanders. Yet the far left, idiots like Aidsman, keep lying and claiming the shooter was some how a Republican.

Not only that hev was Republican.....but that he is a typical "main stream" Republican who was somehow emboldened by Tucker Carlson.

Even though he openly hates fox news and hates conservatives and even though Tucker never uses violent or extremist language.....unlike most all mainstream leftwing corporate media who incites hatred and violence and division regularly.

Rolling Stone using this shooting as political fodder and literally telling their readers(most of which already harbor viscious hate towards opposition) that this shooter is a typical main stream Republican is more of the same incitement. " see your own neighbors? Hate and fear them". The sad thing is, it works.

They will never get Tucker banned.

It's just disgusting that's the first thing they go to. It's pretty far from the truth.

They are extremists who are good with politcal violence and they accuse their opposition of everything their end does.

Liberals do not view human beings as individuals. They do not believe we all have a unique divinely created soul. They are inherently collectivist; they see only groups. One group oppressing another. That's also why they sound like npcs as they mindlessly latch onto the Current Thing.