Something happened in Buffalo...


Domestically feral
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United states
Is Admin a Jew? I touched his soft spot again lol.

I dont agree its jews. Its leftist authoritarianism.

That's the same thing! Yes there are nonj00s involved but the basis has always been in the Tribe.

It's a choice some shit people make. I'm always gonna judge people based on their words and actions.
Of course, but t
Shooter says he is a life long communist supporter and a left wing populist who supports Bernie Sanders. Yet the far left, idiots like Aidsman, keep lying and claiming the shooter was some how a Republican.

Not only that hev was Republican.....but that he is a typical "main stream" Republican who was somehow emboldened by Tucker Carlson.

Even though he openly hates fox news and hates conservatives and even though Tucker never uses violent or extremist language.....unlike most all mainstream leftwing corporate media who incites hatred and violence and division regularly.

Rolling Stone using this shooting as political fodder and literally telling their readers(most of which already harbor viscious hate towards opposition) that this shooter is a typical main stream Republican is more of the same incitement. " see your own neighbors? Hate and fear them". The sad thing is, it works.

They will never get Tucker banned.

It's just disgusting that's the first thing they go to. It's pretty far from the truth.

They are extremists who are good with politcal violence and they accuse their opposition of everything their end does.

Liberals do not view human beings as individuals. They do not believe we all have a unique divinely created soul. They are inherently collectivist; they see only groups. One group oppressing another. That's also why they sound like npcs as they mindlessly latch onto the Current Thing.

Exactly and it's impossible to talk to people who are on such a low frequency and are only interested in destroying opposition.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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"He's a good boy, he's white!"


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Is Admin a Jew? I touched his soft spot again lol.

I dont agree its jews. Its leftist authoritarianism.

That's the same thing! Yes there are nonj00s involved but the basis has always been in the Tribe.

It's a choice some shit people make. I'm always gonna judge people based on their words and actions.
Of course, but t
Shooter says he is a life long communist supporter and a left wing populist who supports Bernie Sanders. Yet the far left, idiots like Aidsman, keep lying and claiming the shooter was some how a Republican.

Not only that hev was Republican.....but that he is a typical "main stream" Republican who was somehow emboldened by Tucker Carlson.

Even though he openly hates fox news and hates conservatives and even though Tucker never uses violent or extremist language.....unlike most all mainstream leftwing corporate media who incites hatred and violence and division regularly.

Rolling Stone using this shooting as political fodder and literally telling their readers(most of which already harbor viscious hate towards opposition) that this shooter is a typical main stream Republican is more of the same incitement. " see your own neighbors? Hate and fear them". The sad thing is, it works.

They will never get Tucker banned.

It's just disgusting that's the first thing they go to. It's pretty far from the truth.

They are extremists who are good with politcal violence and they accuse their opposition of everything their end does.

Liberals do not view human beings as individuals. They do not believe we all have a unique divinely created soul. They are inherently collectivist; they see only groups. One group oppressing another. That's also why they sound like npcs as they mindlessly latch onto the Current Thing.

Says the party that kicks people out with extreme prejudice, if they don't march in lock step.


"Hey let's primary that rino!"


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Is Admin a Jew? I touched his soft spot again lol.

I dont agree its jews. Its leftist authoritarianism.

That's the same thing! Yes there are nonj00s involved but the basis has always been in the Tribe.

It's a choice some shit people make. I'm always gonna judge people based on their words and actions.
Of course, but t
Shooter says he is a life long communist supporter and a left wing populist who supports Bernie Sanders. Yet the far left, idiots like Aidsman, keep lying and claiming the shooter was some how a Republican.

Not only that hev was Republican.....but that he is a typical "main stream" Republican who was somehow emboldened by Tucker Carlson.

Even though he openly hates fox news and hates conservatives and even though Tucker never uses violent or extremist language.....unlike most all mainstream leftwing corporate media who incites hatred and violence and division regularly.

Rolling Stone using this shooting as political fodder and literally telling their readers(most of which already harbor viscious hate towards opposition) that this shooter is a typical main stream Republican is more of the same incitement. " see your own neighbors? Hate and fear them". The sad thing is, it works.

They will never get Tucker banned.

It's just disgusting that's the first thing they go to. It's pretty far from the truth.

They are extremists who are good with politcal violence and they accuse their opposition of everything their end does.

Liberals do not view human beings as individuals. They do not believe we all have a unique divinely created soul. They are inherently collectivist; they see only groups. One group oppressing another. That's also why they sound like npcs as they mindlessly latch onto the Current Thing.

Says the party that kicks people out with extreme prejudice, if they don't march in lock step.


"Hey let's primary that rino!"

Everyone has known who the rinos are.

BTW exactly when did Russel Brand, Jimmy Dore, Joe Rogan, Tim Pool, JK Rowling all become part of "teh right" again? Tulsi Gabbart.

I mean you guys probably think we are just NOW calling the rinos out like this because that's what you guys do. Only you do it for extremist reasons because it's literally because theyve called out ACTUAL lies and bullshit. Where rinos constantly go along with the lies and bullshit.

No shit we call out those who claim to represent certain values and then betray them by supporting establishment values.

You guys go all out witch hunt anytime a person goes against leftwing cult dogma. Like Rowling. That's extreme prejudice.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I've been saying the "home grown sleeper cell" thing for over 5 years now

but people still think I'm crazy

Coincidence that in a critical midterm where dems are predicted to get wiped the fuck out wee have TWO mass shootings a mere 6 months away?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I've been saying the "home grown sleeper cell" thing for over 5 years now

but people still think I'm crazy

Coincidence that in a critical midterm where dems are predicted to get wiped the fuck out wee have TWO mass shootings a mere 6 months away?

Crazy. Did you say Crazy?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Just when you thought a thread might be in danger of devolving into a cesspit of tedium and mindless chatter along comes Mongo to make sure the content remains fresh and appealing

That's our chief content officer and director of interesting written initiatives for ya


Factory Bastard
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You mentioned crazy Stubby. Conspiracy theories are lame, especially the one you just posted.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Mental Manna

In case any of you felt these pearls of wisdom which appear as if dropped out of heaven spontaneously on our dull and uninteresting conversations needed a catch phrase

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
If you happen to be scratching your head in disbelief

just remember. You are the problem


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

:Confederacy: Must be a Republican conspiracy?

Lol, funny, Republicans didnt fly that flag lol.
Do you really feel you are prepared to take on the mental might of mongo?

he can eviscerate and entire legion of libraries with a single well placed meme borrowed off occupy democrats dot com. You know?

It’s just that y’all buy into the lamest shit, and believe it.