Ted Cruz's and Kelly Anne Conway's daughters


Domestically feral
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United states
Kelly Ann should be in prison. That's way deeper than just being the child of politcal douchebags.

Did Ted Cruise verbally abuse his daughter several times on video (so we know its true) and then post her topless on socail media?

Because that's what Conway did and she belongs in fucking prison.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Admin what I said should NOT be confusing.

When your standard of judgement is based solely on politcs and the ONLY thing you can judge as wrong is rooted in a person's politics does it really muddy the waters this bad?

There is a whole aspect to these girls blasting their parents on tik tok that reflects poorly on the public. Turning these girls into props for their politcal preferences. Exploitation of their family issues. A LOT of teens rebel. A LOT of teens are struggling horribly with self harm and mental health.

However the Conway daughter was trying to show people and bring to the public the ABUSE she was enduring at the hands of her PARENTS. Beyond the fact that politcs tore this family to shreds and her parents made her life unbearable.....but the absolutely viscious verbal abuse we all HEARD. The Conway daughter couldnt even get CPS to intervene because her parents were so powerful. And that's a huge problem, Admin. Poor mothers have their children ripped away by the state for far less. For things they cannot even help because they are POOR. Only to be placed in a foster home where they are vastly more likely to experience abuse and/or death.

But Kelly Ann posts a TOPLESS photo of her MINOR daughter on socail media and not a single thing happened to her.

I dont know how this is comparable to Ted Cruises daughter slamming him on the internet except that since they are "cons" that's the only aspect that matters here and if a democrats kid was on Tik Tok doing the same shit it wouldnt even be a topic.

Are you able to look at and evaluate anything without politics being part of it? That's how you judge. And the only thing you judge by.

This is exactly why people point out that if you guys got the one party authoritarian country with centralized federal power of your dreams....no one would be allowed to speak against them and none of them would ever have consequences for anything. You are willing to ignore actual crimes committed by people with the right label and narrative. And crimes committed as a result of something your government allows and wants. Like the anal rape of a minor in her school locker room - I know I know....that's a boring "talking point"...thats not an actual human being who suffered a serious trauma directly due to "progress" of undoing women's and girls civil rights.

These girls arent humans either. Just arrows in the quiver to take the shots at the appropriate partisan offenders.

So Ted Cruiz "blaming his daughters"(he didnt blame his daughters. He didnt want to disappoint them by canceling a trip they had planned....what a douche bag, right? There was absolutely nothing he could have done about that situation that he couldnt have done from Cancun) is somehow equal to Kenny Ann's disturbing abuse of her daughter and posting her daughter NUDE on socail media.

Just insane and disgusting. And Ted is a rino who I dont even support but equating him with Conway is retarded. Especially when we have child predator Hunter Biden who is defended by the media.