This is what people in BOTH parties should be doing


Factory Bastard
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My mother spent a lifetime trying to teach me to stand for what is right. “You do the right thing because it is the right thing,” she would tell me, “no matter how hard it might be. You will be better and stronger for having done so.”

I became a Republican in part because those values seemed inherently aligned with the Republican Party as I understood it: a voice for equality, freedom and constitutional conservatism, with a rich history of fighting for what was right because it was right.

I ran for Congress and became
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running on these beliefs. I was elected to two terms as the chairman of the New Hampshire Republican party advancing these values. I have spent the past 20 years engaged in the fight for these foundational American principles — as a Republican.

Support for dismantling democracy

For the past five years, however, I have found myself fighting for what I thought were the principles of my party in the face of the ever-deteriorating character and integrity of party representatives. They have revealed their impotence and decrepitude as they have fallen, one by one, at the feet of the most corrupt, destructive and unstable president in the history of our country.

It seems there is no assault on human dignity too great, no attack on democracy too extreme, to inspire the Republican weaklings in Congress to speak up or stand up to President Donald Trump.

Not the same party:
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With very few exceptions, elected Republicans have been silent in the face of this president's most contemptuous and at times barbaric actions. They have defended and excused his impeachable betrayals.

Worst of all, they have openly supported his attempts to sabotage the Constitution and dismantle democracy as we know it. Trump’s post-election attempts to invalidate
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through an abuse of the judicial system amount to no less than an attempted coup and has been openly encouraged and supported by every level of the Republican Party.

I have been asked thousands of times how I can continue to call myself a Republican in the face of such dangerous, anti-American actions.

The truth is, I cannot.

-- Jennifer Horn

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Factory Bastard
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There's another Republican who left the party over the same issue:

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(CNN)In an exclusive interview, Rep. Paul Mitchell, Republican of Michigan, told CNN that his disgust and disappointment with President Donald Trump's efforts to overturn the results of the election have led him to request that the Clerk of the House change his party affiliation to "independent,"
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that he is withdrawing his "engagement and association with the Republican Party at both the national and state level."
"This party has to stand up for democracy first, for our Constitution first, and not political considerations," Mitchell said on CNN's "The Lead."
"Not to protect a candidate. Not simply for raw political power, and that's what I feel is going on and I've had enough."
Mitchell, who
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says he fears that the House GOP leadership's participation in the outgoing President's conspiracy theories and attempts to disenfranchise millions of American voters to
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could cause "long-term harm to our democracy."

It is "unacceptable for political candidates to treat our election system as though we are a third-world nation and incite distrust of something so basic as the sanctity of our vote," Mitchell wrote in his letter, which was sent Monday.
Mitchell noted that Republican leaders had been "collectively sit(ting) back and tolerat(ing) unfounded conspiracy theories and 'stop the steal' rallies without speaking out for our electoral process," and the last straw for him seemed to be "the leadership of the Republican Party and our Republican Conference in the House actively participating in at least some of those efforts."
He echoed that message later Monday, saying on CNN that, "Anybody that gets in politics has to be willing to accept winning and losing with some level of grace or maturity. I've done both. Losing is brutal, it's personal, it hurts, but if you're not willing to accept that, you should not be in political leadership."
"This country needs it desperately and, unfortunately, we haven't seen it demonstrated as much as we should."

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Yet you continue to support democrat scum

A bit disengenious if you there, Lotusbucktooth


Domestically feral
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United states
Trump has been the first guy in decades to stand up to the establishment.

Our definitions of the "right thing" may be pretty different.

No one said shit when Obama was doing a shit ton of horrifically corrupt shit. I just cant take anyone seriously who refers to Trump as "the most corrupt" when they stood silent through western imperialism and spying on Americans.

Trump HAS to pardon Assange.

This letter. Its like.....when corrupt establishment status quo gets challenged, and the "right thing" is actually the wrong thing. So backwards. So sad.

Fuck em all.....the DNC/GOP isnt different. Never was. And they do not care about any of us.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Trump was a real American patriot.

A true hero.

The bitter scum on the left will always hate real American heros. Mostly because they themselves are treasonous scum


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I like how people who supported genocide in Yemen are all wanting to do the right thing and blast Trump as corrupt before he can bring Troops out of Afganistan.

Smdh. Fuck this joker. Is she gonna also write a letter standing up to fucking Pelosi and get the people their gotdamn stimulus checks?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Trump was a real American patriot.

A true hero.

The bitter scum on the left will always hate real American heros. Mostly because they themselves are treasonous scum

Yeah. And Jesus was a Saint.

so what's your point?

Trump simply didn't know what he was doing.

Trump was incompetent and the Republican Party should've replaced him with Mike Pence back in March.

And that might've put the Republicans back in contention.

It's quite conceivable that Pence could have netted the Republicans Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia.

And that would've given the Republicans the presidency.

All that GOP support that went to the Democrats would've quickly evaporated had Pence been your candidate.

I somewhat agree that Biden was lacking as a candidate. But that a candidate as underwhelming as Biden was able to defeat an incumbent reveals that Trump was unappealing to much of the population, including his own party many supporters of which deserted them for Biden.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

No.....Trump didnt serve the interest of the establishment. He served OUR interest.

THAT is why he was ganged up on and attacked.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

No.....Trump didnt serve the interest of the establishment. He served OUR interest.

THAT is why he was ganged up on and attacked.

I think Pence would have defeated Biden.

Anyways, Pence is a religious Conservative like yourself.

Wouldn't you have voted for Mike Pence anyways, Dovey?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Trump was a real American patriot.

A true hero.

The bitter scum on the left will always hate real American heros. Mostly because they themselves are treasonous scum

Yeah. And Jesus was a Saint.

so what's your point?

Trump simply didn't know what he was doing.

Trump was incompetent and the Republican Party should've replaced him with Mike Pence back in March.

And that might've put the Republicans back in contention.

It's quite conceivable that Pence could have netted the Republicans Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia.

And that would've given the Republicans the presidency.

All that GOP support that went to the Democrats would've quickly evaporated had Pence been your candidate.

I somewhat agree that Biden was lacking as a candidate. But that a candidate as underwhelming as Biden was able to defeat an incumbent reveals that Trump was unappealing to much of the population, including his own party many supporters of which deserted them for Biden.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

No.....Trump didnt serve the interest of the establishment. He served OUR interest.

THAT is why he was ganged up on and attacked.

I think Pence would have defeated Biden.

Anyways, Pence is a religious Conservative like yourself.

Wouldn't you have voted for Mike Pence anyways, Dovey?

I mean it's hard for to see it because you are in Canada.

It was gonna be Biden, Joe. And he is gonna get 25thed out and we will have Harris.

May as well cheapen the whole country while ruining it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Trump has been the first guy in decades to stand up to the establishment.

Our definitions of the "right thing" may be pretty different.

No one said shit when Obama was doing a shit ton of horrifically corrupt shit. I just cant take anyone seriously who refers to Trump as "the most corrupt" when they stood silent through western imperialism and spying on Americans.

Trump HAS to pardon Assange.

This letter. Its like.....when corrupt establishment status quo gets challenged, and the "right thing" is actually the wrong thing. So backwards. So sad.

Fuck em all.....the DNC/GOP isnt different. Never was. And they do not care about any of us.

Tiresome Trump delusion, except the part about pardoning Assange ^^^^^^ Trump served no one's interests except his own. Period.

Fuck Obama, btw

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Trump has been the first guy in decades to stand up to the establishment.

Our definitions of the "right thing" may be pretty different.

No one said shit when Obama was doing a shit ton of horrifically corrupt shit. I just cant take anyone seriously who refers to Trump as "the most corrupt" when they stood silent through western imperialism and spying on Americans.

Trump HAS to pardon Assange.

This letter. Its like.....when corrupt establishment status quo gets challenged, and the "right thing" is actually the wrong thing. So backwards. So sad.

Fuck em all.....the DNC/GOP isnt different. Never was. And they do not care about any of us.

Tiresome Trump delusion, except the part about pardoning Assange ^^^^^^

Fuck Obama, btw

Hello, Satan.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
I agree with Lotus that he served no ones interests but his own here. This little presidency stunt was supposed to propel the Trump family into Kennedy notoriety.

It speeks volumes that every actor and actress in Hollywood speaks out publicly against him. He is the equivalent of an attention seeking, thirsty ass Kardashian and an embarrassment to this country. His wall and speeches are a joke (um, hello dumbshit you can’t build a wall thorough the Rio Grande).

I hope his wife leaves him because he is an accused rapist PIG (what’s the count of women accusers now, 22+?!?!??) born with a silver spoon shoved up his big fat white honkey ass. He has paid people to silence his accusers and if that isn’t an obstruction of justice... I don’t know what is.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

No.....Trump didnt serve the interest of the establishment. He served OUR interest.

THAT is why he was ganged up on and attacked.

I think Pence would have defeated Biden.

Anyways, Pence is a religious Conservative like yourself.

Wouldn't you have voted for Mike Pence anyways, Dovey?

I mean it's hard for to see it because you are in Canada.

It was gonna be Biden, Joe. And he is gonna get 25thed out and we will have Harris.

May as well cheapen the whole country while ruining it.

I don't think Harris would last that long as President.

She's Window Dressing for the Democrats so they could help get Biden elected.

If she planned to run for the DNC nomination in 2024, she very well might not get it as other challengers will probably come forward.

Somehow, I don't think she has the appeal nor the strength to run your country.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

No.....Trump didnt serve the interest of the establishment. He served OUR interest.

THAT is why he was ganged up on and attacked.

I think Pence would have defeated Biden.

Anyways, Pence is a religious Conservative like yourself.

Wouldn't you have voted for Mike Pence anyways, Dovey?

I mean it's hard for to see it because you are in Canada.

It was gonna be Biden, Joe. And he is gonna get 25thed out and we will have Harris.

May as well cheapen the whole country while ruining it.

I don't think Harris would last that long as President.

She's Window Dressing for the Democrats so they could help get Biden elected.

If she planned to run for the DNC nomination in 2024, she very well might not get it as other challengers will probably come forward.

Somehow, I don't think she has the appeal nor the strength to run your country.

She would be a shit show. She's just another Nancy Pelosi. An ambitious bullshitter who talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. She's too busy selling her soul. I hope it doesn't come to that. If Biden survives 4 years, they need to find a damn good candidate for 2024, or they're done. I hope a viable third party gets built in the meantime.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Trump has been the first guy in decades to stand up to the establishment.

Our definitions of the "right thing" may be pretty different.

No one said shit when Obama was doing a shit ton of horrifically corrupt shit. I just cant take anyone seriously who refers to Trump as "the most corrupt" when they stood silent through western imperialism and spying on Americans.

Trump HAS to pardon Assange.

This letter. Its like.....when corrupt establishment status quo gets challenged, and the "right thing" is actually the wrong thing. So backwards. So sad.

Fuck em all.....the DNC/GOP isnt different. Never was. And they do not care about any of us.

Tiresome Trump delusion, except the part about pardoning Assange ^^^^^^ Trump served no one's interests except his own. Period.

Fuck Obama, btw

So exactly how did Trumps years as president benefit him? He would have been way better off had he never bothered.

So you dont think lowering the cost of insulin and ending the insulin hoarding and those deaths benefitted diabetics? Or getting rid of the horrible fine people were slapped with if they couldnt afford insurance?

How about keeping us out of war?

I think everyone will benefit not having to wait years for a Covid vaccine.

Making animal abuse a felony and those peace deals are pretty beneficial. As is school choice and first step reform.

It's not helpful to tell people who have benefited from policy for the first time in decades that its delusional.

I think it's awesome that you've never had to chose between splurging on groceries and going to work for a week because that 5 dollar a gallon gas was a few hundred bucks out of your families income. But that doesnt make people who benefitted from Trumps policies delusional.

The government doesnt give a rip shit about us. ...and good luck getting AND keeping any canidate in there that does. They will be ruthlessly smeared and reported on very unfairly until they are gone.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

No.....Trump didnt serve the interest of the establishment. He served OUR interest.

THAT is why he was ganged up on and attacked.

I think Pence would have defeated Biden.

Anyways, Pence is a religious Conservative like yourself.

Wouldn't you have voted for Mike Pence anyways, Dovey?

I mean it's hard for to see it because you are in Canada.

It was gonna be Biden, Joe. And he is gonna get 25thed out and we will have Harris.

May as well cheapen the whole country while ruining it.

I don't think Harris would last that long as President.

She's Window Dressing for the Democrats so they could help get Biden elected.

If she planned to run for the DNC nomination in 2024, she very well might not get it as other challengers will probably come forward.

Somehow, I don't think she has the appeal nor the strength to run your country.

She would be a shit show. She's just another Nancy Pelosi. An ambitious bullshitter who talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. She's too busy selling her soul. I hope it doesn't come to that. If Biden survives 4 years, they need to find a damn good candidate for 2024, or they're done. I hope a viable third party gets built in the meantime.

I thought Amy Klobuchar was the Democrats' best hope as a successor to Biden.

But then she got tainted by that police scandal & the subsequent death of George Floyd.

Gretchen Whitmer looked promising, but then she seems to have a difficult time containing some of the constituents in her own state, some who even want to kill her. So perhaps she doesn't have enough experience for the job of President.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

No.....Trump didnt serve the interest of the establishment. He served OUR interest.

THAT is why he was ganged up on and attacked.

I think Pence would have defeated Biden.

Anyways, Pence is a religious Conservative like yourself.

Wouldn't you have voted for Mike Pence anyways, Dovey?

I mean it's hard for to see it because you are in Canada.

It was gonna be Biden, Joe. And he is gonna get 25thed out and we will have Harris.

May as well cheapen the whole country while ruining it.

I don't think Harris would last that long as President.

She's Window Dressing for the Democrats so they could help get Biden elected.

If she planned to run for the DNC nomination in 2024, she very well might not get it as other challengers will probably come forward.

Somehow, I don't think she has the appeal nor the strength to run your country.

She would be a shit show. She's just another Nancy Pelosi. An ambitious bullshitter who talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. She's too busy selling her soul. I hope it doesn't come to that. If Biden survives 4 years, they need to find a damn good candidate for 2024, or they're done. I hope a viable third party gets built in the meantime.

Biden and Harris will get enough mainstream tongue baths to stay in office. Sadly.

Anyone either of us would consider "good" will never be able to get in there and if they wont be more than one term.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

No.....Trump didnt serve the interest of the establishment. He served OUR interest.

THAT is why he was ganged up on and attacked.

I think Pence would have defeated Biden.

Anyways, Pence is a religious Conservative like yourself.

Wouldn't you have voted for Mike Pence anyways, Dovey?

I mean it's hard for to see it because you are in Canada.

It was gonna be Biden, Joe. And he is gonna get 25thed out and we will have Harris.

May as well cheapen the whole country while ruining it.

I don't think Harris would last that long as President.

She's Window Dressing for the Democrats so they could help get Biden elected.

If she planned to run for the DNC nomination in 2024, she very well might not get it as other challengers will probably come forward.

Somehow, I don't think she has the appeal nor the strength to run your country.

She would be a shit show. She's just another Nancy Pelosi. An ambitious bullshitter who talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. She's too busy selling her soul. I hope it doesn't come to that. If Biden survives 4 years, they need to find a damn good candidate for 2024, or they're done. I hope a viable third party gets built in the meantime.

I thought Amy Klobuchar was the Democrats' best hope as a successor to Biden.

But then she got tainted by that police scandal & the subsequent death of George Floyd.

Gretchen Whitmer looked promising, but then she seems to have a difficult time containing some of the constituents in her own state, some who even want to kill her. So perhaps she doesn't have enough experience for the job of President.

Seriously? You think Whitmer would have been a good choice?

Even the people that voted for her here hate her. Many of them were out there "storming the capital" with the rest of Michigans "far right" fire arm owners. I have pictures of them. "Democrats dumping Whitmer"

She actually DID and is mismanaging this pandemic and has ruined the lives of hundreds of thousands of Michiganders.

Literally no one outside of Ann Arbor and Ferndale even trusts our votes matter.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Trump has been the first guy in decades to stand up to the establishment.

Our definitions of the "right thing" may be pretty different.

No one said shit when Obama was doing a shit ton of horrifically corrupt shit. I just cant take anyone seriously who refers to Trump as "the most corrupt" when they stood silent through western imperialism and spying on Americans.

Trump HAS to pardon Assange.

This letter. Its like.....when corrupt establishment status quo gets challenged, and the "right thing" is actually the wrong thing. So backwards. So sad.

Fuck em all.....the DNC/GOP isnt different. Never was. And they do not care about any of us.

Tiresome Trump delusion, except the part about pardoning Assange ^^^^^^ Trump served no one's interests except his own. Period.

Fuck Obama, btw

So exactly how did Trumps years as president benefit him? He would have been way better off had he never bothered.

So you dont think lowering the cost of insulin and ending the insulin hoarding and those deaths benefitted diabetics? Or getting rid of the horrible fine people were slapped with if they couldnt afford insurance?

How about keeping us out of war?

I think everyone will benefit not having to wait years for a Covid vaccine.

Making animal abuse a felony and those peace deals are pretty beneficial. As is school choice and first step reform.

It's not helpful to tell people who have benefited from policy for the first time in decades that its delusional.

I think it's awesome that you've never had to chose between splurging on groceries and going to work for a week because that 5 dollar a gallon gas was a few hundred bucks out of your families income. But that doesnt make people who benefitted from Trumps policies delusional.

The government doesnt give a rip shit about us. ...and good luck getting AND keeping any canidate in there that does. They will be ruthlessly smeared and reported on very unfairly until they are gone.
Dovey, I really can't believe you're so naive. It's stunning.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Gretchen Whitmer looked promising, but then she seems to have a difficult time containing some of the constituents in her own state, some who even want to kill her. So perhaps she doesn't have enough experience for the job of President.

I'm gonna be sick now


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

No.....Trump didnt serve the interest of the establishment. He served OUR interest.

THAT is why he was ganged up on and attacked.

I think Pence would have defeated Biden.

Anyways, Pence is a religious Conservative like yourself.

Wouldn't you have voted for Mike Pence anyways, Dovey?

I mean it's hard for to see it because you are in Canada.

It was gonna be Biden, Joe. And he is gonna get 25thed out and we will have Harris.

May as well cheapen the whole country while ruining it.

I don't think Harris would last that long as President.

She's Window Dressing for the Democrats so they could help get Biden elected.

If she planned to run for the DNC nomination in 2024, she very well might not get it as other challengers will probably come forward.

Somehow, I don't think she has the appeal nor the strength to run your country.

She would be a shit show. She's just another Nancy Pelosi. An ambitious bullshitter who talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. She's too busy selling her soul. I hope it doesn't come to that. If Biden survives 4 years, they need to find a damn good candidate for 2024, or they're done. I hope a viable third party gets built in the meantime.

I thought Amy Klobuchar was the Democrats' best hope as a successor to Biden.

But then she got tainted by that police scandal & the subsequent death of George Floyd.

Gretchen Whitmer looked promising, but then she seems to have a difficult time containing some of the constituents in her own state, some who even want to kill her. So perhaps she doesn't have enough experience for the job of President.

Seriously? You think Whitmer would have been a good choice?

Even the people that voted for her here hate her. Many of them were out there "storming the capital" with the rest of Michigans "far right" fire arm owners. I have pictures of them. "Democrats dumping Whitmer"

She actually DID and is mismanaging this pandemic and has ruined the lives of hundreds of thousands of Michiganders.

Literally no one outside of Ann Arbor and Ferndale even trusts our votes matter.

No, now that I think about it, I don't think Whitmer would have been a good choice as VP running mate for the reasons you cited. Initially I thought so, but not anymore.

She may have pushed her state residents too far to their limit & that may have brought the blowback she received.

A leader in any state or country of any political persuasion walks a fine line in knowing when to push down on the gas pedal and when to let up.

And I think the reactions of her residents showed that she was too inexperienced in that regard and perhaps unprepared for the reaction she received. Her measures appear to have been too much for your fellow residents to take.


not of sound mind
the insubstantial
Humans are politically quite foolish. Both candidates are not allowed upstairs, nor are any of their friends or friends' friends. We see Washington D.C. as a board game whose winning prize is to go downstairs.