This thread is not about Dovey!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Even though he wasn't remotely white, if he ever existed, which you also seem unable to prove.

Of course he was white. It's why he gave them permission to kill all the blacks, browns, reds and yellows they could get away with.

That is racist ^^^^^

I'm sorry you're not aware of the numbers of black, brown, red (virtually eliminated) and yellow that have been killed at the hand of whites.

It doesn't say much for Australian education.

well don't piss white people off and then you won't get beheaded...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Even though he wasn't remotely white, if he ever existed, which you also seem unable to prove.

Of course he was white. It's why he gave them permission to kill all the blacks, browns, reds and yellows they could get away with.

That is racist ^^^^^

I'm sorry you're not aware of the numbers of black, brown, red (virtually eliminated) and yellow that have been killed at the hand of whites.

It doesn't say much for Australian education.

well don't piss white people off and then you won't get beheaded...

I'm sure you think that's clever. It simply is not.

Is this your "entertaining content", Omnipretense?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
We have over 90% vaccnated in MULTICULTURAL Australia which means we have supposidly looked after every tribe... oh dear.... Has America achieved those stats yet?

How is the USA medicare system doing?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
We have over 90% vaccnated in MULTICULTURAL Australia which means we have supposidly looked after every tribe... oh dear.... Has America achieved those stats yet?

How is the USA medicare system doing?

What does that have to do with race, Omnipretense? We have ignorant people here motivated by politics. Interestingly, those are the type of people you warm up to on these forums.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
When will dat be Foxy? When I definitely expect it?

whatever drugs are making you act like this, stop taking them.

Poppy is not going to set up playdates for you, and why would someone writing on another website come in here and engage in childish insults with a spazzing out man baby.

Sit the fuck down.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Even though he wasn't remotely white, if he ever existed, which you also seem unable to prove.

Of course he was white. It's why he gave them permission to kill all the blacks, browns, reds and yellows they could get away with.

Who gave Pol Pot permission to kill millions in Cambodia then?

I don't believe he was Christian, so I have no idea. Maybe Pol Pot was self-motivated?
Or maybe it's just rotten men's nature to rape, pillage and plunder and nothing to do with skin colour or religion... does that sound better to you?

And you don't see many non Christians organising food drops on natural disasters now do you? Those fucking obnoxious Christians and their organised food drops.

I feel like racists just have smaller brains. They just cant see anything outside their very narrow views and they constantly project.
its not about racism, but when the poop hits the propeller u stick with your tribe

I dont view tribalism as the same as racism.

I think about my church, really. And its diverse as far as color and we are all like minded.

I wouldn't be like "hood tribe" with gangs and all that shit. Or in some skin head tribe of actual racists.

Everyone over preoccupied with skin color gives me bad vibes. That applies to black racists the most. Black racists are FUCKED in the head with some of the most bizzare racist cult beliefs I've ever heard. And they have a much more brutal edge to them than white ones......which could very well be my perception based on how I experience them as a white person. Or at least a person seen as more white to the black racists.....while white racists arent sure if I'm white or not.

I have euro features ....and "ethnic" hair.

I've experienced racism from both ends of this and the white ones are always more "forgiving" I guess you could call it. The black ones view you as an evil natural abomination that was made by a scientist that needs to be raped too death. (For clarity....I'm talking about racist supremacists).

I mean I'd go off with Aryan and Shamp with their white nationalism long before I'd be around the kind of black people that plow down parades. A decision that doesnt rely on MY view of race but their view of it.

My "tribe" is gonna always be the body of Christ. In all her colors. All the people across the globe like minded in the Lord are the ones who are winning this in the end.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Just to update Blur, Foxy has supplied the link.

Nope. Still can't find it.

Of course you can, pick any poetry site in a Google search, and Poppet lives there. She is a construct...not a reality.

stay in your lane. know your limits. never leave the "community"

Why would I leave the community? I am a father figure to you, even though I am 20 years younger. You have learned so much from me over the years, while learning nuffing.

Regan is definitely more in my age group. I can smell the gen X on every post lol.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
We have over 90% vaccnated in MULTICULTURAL Australia which means we have supposidly looked after every tribe... oh dear.... Has America achieved those stats yet?

How is the USA medicare system doing?

What does that have to do with race, Omnipretense? We have ignorant people here motivated by politics. Interestingly, those are the type of people you warm up to on these forums.

The right on this forum have higher morals that attract me on some things/issues. Regardless of politics, I'm an independant and look to the future and don't dwell on the pasts wrongs as an excuse for shitty attitudes now.

It's just sick watching you and Blankscape use Jesus and da bad white man and blame them for the planets ills. It just shows you guys have an obtuse countenance and about being globally informed, well you are just ignorantly barren really. And just flat out globally uninformed . ..... but maybe there is cure for your worldly blindness. Ya neva know!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Even though he wasn't remotely white, if he ever existed, which you also seem unable to prove.

Of course he was white. It's why he gave them permission to kill all the blacks, browns, reds and yellows they could get away with.

Who gave Pol Pot permission to kill millions in Cambodia then?

I don't believe he was Christian, so I have no idea. Maybe Pol Pot was self-motivated?
Or maybe it's just rotten men's nature to rape, pillage and plunder and nothing to do with skin colour or religion... does that sound better to you?

And you don't see many non Christians organising food drops on natural disasters now do you? Those fucking obnoxious Christians and their organised food drops.

I feel like racists just have smaller brains. They just cant see anything outside their very narrow views and they constantly project.
its not about racism, but when the poop hits the propeller u stick with your tribe

I dont view tribalism as the same as racism.

I think about my church, really. And its diverse as far as color and we are all like minded.

I wouldn't be like "hood tribe" with gangs and all that shit. Or in some skin head tribe of actual racists.

Everyone over preoccupied with skin color gives me bad vibes. That applies to black racists the most. Black racists are FUCKED in the head with some of the most bizzare racist cult beliefs I've ever heard. And they have a much more brutal edge to them than white ones......which could very well be my perception based on how I experience them as a white person. Or at least a person seen as more white to the black racists.....while white racists arent sure if I'm white or not.

I have euro features ....and "ethnic" hair.

I've experienced racism from both ends of this and the white ones are always more "forgiving" I guess you could call it. The black ones view you as an evil natural abomination that was made by a scientist that needs to be raped too death. (For clarity....I'm talking about racist supremacists).

I mean I'd go off with Aryan and Shamp with their white nationalism long before I'd be around the kind of black people that plow down parades. A decision that doesnt rely on MY view of race but their view of it.

My "tribe" is gonna always be the body of Christ. In all her colors. All the people across the globe like minded in the Lord are the ones who are winning this in the end.

Israel is made up of 12 tribes... Tribes is another word for teams I guess. 'racist' is probably a modern term. In Africa... the tribes warred amongest themselves... and also the European tribes warred amongst themselves. It's what men do.

The two dimwits, Lily and Blankbot love giggling over white Christians. It was funny when you posted black singing in you showed up the scottoosh tard his prejudices.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
We have over 90% vaccnated in MULTICULTURAL Australia which means we have supposidly looked after every tribe... oh dear.... Has America achieved those stats yet?

How is the USA medicare system doing?

What does that have to do with race, Omnipretense? We have ignorant people here motivated by politics. Interestingly, those are the type of people you warm up to on these forums.

The right on this forum have higher morals that attract me on some things/issues. Regardless of politics, I'm an independant and look to the future and don't dwell on the pasts wrongs as an excuse for shitty attitudes now.

It's just sick watching you and Blankscape use Jesus and da bad white man and blame them for the planets ills. It just shows you guys have an obtuse countenance and about being globally informed, well you are just ignorantly barren really. And just flat out globally uninformed . ..... but maybe there is cure for your worldly blindness. Ya neva know!!!

I'm really convinced they are unreachable. They have this very narrow view, and they are convinced they are correct, more enlightened, more open minded and smarter than anyone outside their political views.

Its irony because they really are the most closed minded and hypocritical.

They LOVE associating Christianity and Jesus with white people....specifically racists, which makes absolutely no sense and like you globally ignorant. The reasons they are so hateful towards Christian's is they accuse Christains of being judgemental and sanctimonious, and hypocritical. Evidently these traits are only a problem if a person is Christian.....because these people are not bothered by harsh judgements and sanctimony and hypocrisy from people on their own team.

Christians are aware of their imperfections and the HUMAN condition of being in sin. They know the world is fallen and humans are sinful, broken beings. They point to Jesus Christ as the hope and for us all. They are much MORE likely to admit their own faults. We all know it's a struggle. We KNOW human nature is sinful....and that includes ourselves.

Righteous Christian judgement comes with grace, mercy and forgiveness. This leftwing cult judgement is devoid of mercy, is fueled by hatred and resentment, is spiteful and the pride they have is incredible. They literally demand humility from other people and see themselves as above needing to have their own. They are right, we are wrong and stupid and everything wrong in the world is OUR fault.

And they do not apply the same standards to themselves that they push on others. They give themselves a pass for their lack of humility and basic respect for other people. They feel entitled to be as crass, insulting, condescending, as racist as they want to be.

There is really no way to talk to people like this. Their goals are to degrade and put down opposition. Not understand them and discuss things honestly. They are just hateful. All that can soften their hearts and open their minds is the God they hate so much.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Even though he wasn't remotely white, if he ever existed, which you also seem unable to prove.

Of course he was white. It's why he gave them permission to kill all the blacks, browns, reds and yellows they could get away with.

Who gave Pol Pot permission to kill millions in Cambodia then?

I don't believe he was Christian, so I have no idea. Maybe Pol Pot was self-motivated?
Or maybe it's just rotten men's nature to rape, pillage and plunder and nothing to do with skin colour or religion... does that sound better to you?

And you don't see many non Christians organising food drops on natural disasters now do you? Those fucking obnoxious Christians and their organised food drops.

I feel like racists just have smaller brains. They just cant see anything outside their very narrow views and they constantly project.
its not about racism, but when the poop hits the propeller u stick with your tribe

I dont view tribalism as the same as racism.

I think about my church, really. And its diverse as far as color and we are all like minded.

I wouldn't be like "hood tribe" with gangs and all that shit. Or in some skin head tribe of actual racists.

Everyone over preoccupied with skin color gives me bad vibes. That applies to black racists the most. Black racists are FUCKED in the head with some of the most bizzare racist cult beliefs I've ever heard. And they have a much more brutal edge to them than white ones......which could very well be my perception based on how I experience them as a white person. Or at least a person seen as more white to the black racists.....while white racists arent sure if I'm white or not.

I have euro features ....and "ethnic" hair.

I've experienced racism from both ends of this and the white ones are always more "forgiving" I guess you could call it. The black ones view you as an evil natural abomination that was made by a scientist that needs to be raped too death. (For clarity....I'm talking about racist supremacists).

I mean I'd go off with Aryan and Shamp with their white nationalism long before I'd be around the kind of black people that plow down parades. A decision that doesnt rely on MY view of race but their view of it.

My "tribe" is gonna always be the body of Christ. In all her colors. All the people across the globe like minded in the Lord are the ones who are winning this in the end.

Israel is made up of 12 tribes... Tribes is another word for teams I guess. 'racist' is probably a modern term. In Africa... the tribes warred amongest themselves... and also the European tribes warred amongst themselves. It's what men do.

The two dimwits, Lily and Blankbot love giggling over white Christians. It was funny when you posted black singing in you showed up the scottoosh tard his prejudices.

The body of Christ has been around for a very long time and isnt interested in race, or culture....none of it.

Yeshua is the most uniting force in the world. AND....also the most divisive. He told His disciples to go forth and spread the gospel and make disciples of ALL nations. And that's exactly what's been happening ever since.

Human beings all over this world, of all different cultures, colors, languages all call out to Yahweh and it's beautiful.

Jesus said the world hated Him first, and will hate us because they hate Him. And we sure see that.

It's so irrational, isnt it? God is so good, and so merciful and forgiving and long suffering and His followers have been tirelessly serving the wounded, the poor, the hurting all over the world for hundreds of years. And they screech and whine that Christian's dont do anything when they've been dominating charity for centuries. But they focus on fringe groups to condemn everyone or paint this narrow minded ignorant picture of these white Christian's slaughtering millions(lol wut?!) for "white Jesus". Its completely ignorant. It's just an excuse for their hatred.

It's funny how the ones who pretend to be civil rights people have such a hatred and disrespect for Christianity when so many black people love Jesus. And the countless hispanics and Christian's who come here from middle eastern countries to escape the oppression Christian's face over there.

They really try so hard to force this view of Christianity as some "white man" religion and it's so off base it's incredible. They dont really CARE about the truth. They dont apply any of their ridiculous standards evenly as it is.....they are more than willing to look away from violence and abuse and hatred on their "team". WE believe in fair justice, individual rights and liberties.

Look how many times I've responded to this demonic fixation on race they have. He just keeps going as if nothing was said. He cant think anything outside his narrow minded bigotry.

It's sad, really.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
My sister is coming around in in 10 minutes..... It's my birthday..

Lord God personal name is Yahweh in Hebrew and Jehovah in English.,

Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus, God's first born..


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
My sister is coming around in in 10 minutes..... It's my birthday..

Lord God personal name is Yahweh in Hebrew and Jehovah in English.,

Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus, God's first born..

Happy Birthday!

And yep, it is. We actually get "Jesus" from the Greek translation of Yeshua. The English translation of Yeshua is Joshua.

I always found the names of God interesting :D


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Even though he wasn't remotely white, if he ever existed, which you also seem unable to prove.

Of course he was white. It's why he gave them permission to kill all the blacks, browns, reds and yellows they could get away with.

That is racist ^^^^^

I'm sorry you're not aware of the numbers of black, brown, red (virtually eliminated) and yellow that have been killed at the hand of whites.

It doesn't say much for Australian education.
Have you seen the murder stats recently fuckface? Your version of history is fuckin bent as well, every race has murdered other races in wars etc yet you single whites out because we were the best at it!


Factory Bastard
Even though he wasn't remotely white, if he ever existed, which you also seem unable to prove.

Of course he was white. It's why he gave them permission to kill all the blacks, browns, reds and yellows they could get away with.

Who gave Pol Pot permission to kill millions in Cambodia then?

I don't believe he was Christian, so I have no idea. Maybe Pol Pot was self-motivated?
Or maybe it's just rotten men's nature to rape, pillage and plunder and nothing to do with skin colour or religion... does that sound better to you?

And you don't see many non Christians organising food drops on natural disasters now do you? Those fucking obnoxious Christians and their organised food drops.

I feel like racists just have smaller brains. They just cant see anything outside their very narrow views and they constantly project.
its not about racism, but when the poop hits the propeller u stick with your tribe

I dont view tribalism as the same as racism.

I think about my church, really. And its diverse as far as color and we are all like minded.

I wouldn't be like "hood tribe" with gangs and all that shit. Or in some skin head tribe of actual racists.

Everyone over preoccupied with skin color gives me bad vibes. That applies to black racists the most. Black racists are FUCKED in the head with some of the most bizzare racist cult beliefs I've ever heard. And they have a much more brutal edge to them than white ones......which could very well be my perception based on how I experience them as a white person. Or at least a person seen as more white to the black racists.....while white racists arent sure if I'm white or not.

I have euro features ....and "ethnic" hair.

I've experienced racism from both ends of this and the white ones are always more "forgiving" I guess you could call it. The black ones view you as an evil natural abomination that was made by a scientist that needs to be raped too death. (For clarity....I'm talking about racist supremacists).

I mean I'd go off with Aryan and Shamp with their white nationalism long before I'd be around the kind of black people that plow down parades. A decision that doesnt rely on MY view of race but their view of it.

My "tribe" is gonna always be the body of Christ. In all her colors. All the people across the globe like minded in the Lord are the ones who are winning this in the end.

Israel is made up of 12 tribes... Tribes is another word for teams I guess. 'racist' is probably a modern term. In Africa... the tribes warred amongest themselves... and also the European tribes warred amongst themselves. It's what men do.

The two dimwits, Lily and Blankbot love giggling over white Christians. It was funny when you posted black singing in you showed up the scottoosh tard his prejudices.

The body of Christ has been around for a very long time and isnt interested in race, or culture....none of it.

Yeshua is the most uniting force in the world. AND....also the most divisive. He told His disciples to go forth and spread the gospel and make disciples of ALL nations. And that's exactly what's been happening ever since.

Human beings all over this world, of all different cultures, colors, languages all call out to Yahweh and it's beautiful.

Jesus said the world hated Him first, and will hate us because they hate Him. And we sure see that.

It's so irrational, isnt it? God is so good, and so merciful and forgiving and long suffering and His followers have been tirelessly serving the wounded, the poor, the hurting all over the world for hundreds of years. And they screech and whine that Christian's dont do anything when they've been dominating charity for centuries. But they focus on fringe groups to condemn everyone or paint this narrow minded ignorant picture of these white Christian's slaughtering millions(lol wut?!) for "white Jesus". Its completely ignorant. It's just an excuse for their hatred.

It's funny how the ones who pretend to be civil rights people have such a hatred and disrespect for Christianity when so many black people love Jesus. And the countless hispanics and Christian's who come here from middle eastern countries to escape the oppression Christian's face over there.

They really try so hard to force this view of Christianity as some "white man" religion and it's so off base it's incredible. They dont really CARE about the truth. They dont apply any of their ridiculous standards evenly as it is.....they are more than willing to look away from violence and abuse and hatred on their "team". WE believe in fair justice, individual rights and liberties.

Look how many times I've responded to this demonic fixation on race they have. He just keeps going as if nothing was said. He cant think anything outside his narrow minded bigotry.

It's sad, really.

But if God only ever invented one sin Nurse Dovey, and that was to be born another colour, that wasn't white, then I would still profess that even sinners have a soul in regard to the New Testament.

All you ever do is confuse human civility, with the racism it can imbue.

Dat's what makes you unable to answer a simple question.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Even though he wasn't remotely white, if he ever existed, which you also seem unable to prove.

Of course he was white. It's why he gave them permission to kill all the blacks, browns, reds and yellows they could get away with.

Who gave Pol Pot permission to kill millions in Cambodia then?

I don't believe he was Christian, so I have no idea. Maybe Pol Pot was self-motivated?
Or maybe it's just rotten men's nature to rape, pillage and plunder and nothing to do with skin colour or religion... does that sound better to you?

And you don't see many non Christians organising food drops on natural disasters now do you? Those fucking obnoxious Christians and their organised food drops.

I feel like racists just have smaller brains. They just cant see anything outside their very narrow views and they constantly project.
its not about racism, but when the poop hits the propeller u stick with your tribe

I dont view tribalism as the same as racism.

I think about my church, really. And its diverse as far as color and we are all like minded.

I wouldn't be like "hood tribe" with gangs and all that shit. Or in some skin head tribe of actual racists.

Everyone over preoccupied with skin color gives me bad vibes. That applies to black racists the most. Black racists are FUCKED in the head with some of the most bizzare racist cult beliefs I've ever heard. And they have a much more brutal edge to them than white ones......which could very well be my perception based on how I experience them as a white person. Or at least a person seen as more white to the black racists.....while white racists arent sure if I'm white or not.

I have euro features ....and "ethnic" hair.

I've experienced racism from both ends of this and the white ones are always more "forgiving" I guess you could call it. The black ones view you as an evil natural abomination that was made by a scientist that needs to be raped too death. (For clarity....I'm talking about racist supremacists).

I mean I'd go off with Aryan and Shamp with their white nationalism long before I'd be around the kind of black people that plow down parades. A decision that doesnt rely on MY view of race but their view of it.

My "tribe" is gonna always be the body of Christ. In all her colors. All the people across the globe like minded in the Lord are the ones who are winning this in the end.

Israel is made up of 12 tribes... Tribes is another word for teams I guess. 'racist' is probably a modern term. In Africa... the tribes warred amongest themselves... and also the European tribes warred amongst themselves. It's what men do.

The two dimwits, Lily and Blankbot love giggling over white Christians. It was funny when you posted black singing in you showed up the scottoosh tard his prejudices.

The body of Christ has been around for a very long time and isnt interested in race, or culture....none of it.

Yeshua is the most uniting force in the world. AND....also the most divisive. He told His disciples to go forth and spread the gospel and make disciples of ALL nations. And that's exactly what's been happening ever since.

Human beings all over this world, of all different cultures, colors, languages all call out to Yahweh and it's beautiful.

Jesus said the world hated Him first, and will hate us because they hate Him. And we sure see that.

It's so irrational, isnt it? God is so good, and so merciful and forgiving and long suffering and His followers have been tirelessly serving the wounded, the poor, the hurting all over the world for hundreds of years. And they screech and whine that Christian's dont do anything when they've been dominating charity for centuries. But they focus on fringe groups to condemn everyone or paint this narrow minded ignorant picture of these white Christian's slaughtering millions(lol wut?!) for "white Jesus". Its completely ignorant. It's just an excuse for their hatred.

It's funny how the ones who pretend to be civil rights people have such a hatred and disrespect for Christianity when so many black people love Jesus. And the countless hispanics and Christian's who come here from middle eastern countries to escape the oppression Christian's face over there.

They really try so hard to force this view of Christianity as some "white man" religion and it's so off base it's incredible. They dont really CARE about the truth. They dont apply any of their ridiculous standards evenly as it is.....they are more than willing to look away from violence and abuse and hatred on their "team". WE believe in fair justice, individual rights and liberties.

Look how many times I've responded to this demonic fixation on race they have. He just keeps going as if nothing was said. He cant think anything outside his narrow minded bigotry.

It's sad, really.

But if God only ever invented one sin Nurse Dovey, and that was to be born another colour, that wasn't white, then I would still profess that even sinners have a soul in regard to the New Testament.

All you ever do is confuse human civility, with the racism it can imbue.

Dat's what makes you unable to answer a simple question.

You really are a sick and sad person, Bland.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
What about Jews? Are they eligible?
Asked the Jew...


Factory Bastard
Even though he wasn't remotely white, if he ever existed, which you also seem unable to prove.

Of course he was white. It's why he gave them permission to kill all the blacks, browns, reds and yellows they could get away with.

Who gave Pol Pot permission to kill millions in Cambodia then?

I don't believe he was Christian, so I have no idea. Maybe Pol Pot was self-motivated?
Or maybe it's just rotten men's nature to rape, pillage and plunder and nothing to do with skin colour or religion... does that sound better to you?

And you don't see many non Christians organising food drops on natural disasters now do you? Those fucking obnoxious Christians and their organised food drops.

I feel like racists just have smaller brains. They just cant see anything outside their very narrow views and they constantly project.
its not about racism, but when the poop hits the propeller u stick with your tribe

I dont view tribalism as the same as racism.

I think about my church, really. And its diverse as far as color and we are all like minded.

I wouldn't be like "hood tribe" with gangs and all that shit. Or in some skin head tribe of actual racists.

Everyone over preoccupied with skin color gives me bad vibes. That applies to black racists the most. Black racists are FUCKED in the head with some of the most bizzare racist cult beliefs I've ever heard. And they have a much more brutal edge to them than white ones......which could very well be my perception based on how I experience them as a white person. Or at least a person seen as more white to the black racists.....while white racists arent sure if I'm white or not.

I have euro features ....and "ethnic" hair.

I've experienced racism from both ends of this and the white ones are always more "forgiving" I guess you could call it. The black ones view you as an evil natural abomination that was made by a scientist that needs to be raped too death. (For clarity....I'm talking about racist supremacists).

I mean I'd go off with Aryan and Shamp with their white nationalism long before I'd be around the kind of black people that plow down parades. A decision that doesnt rely on MY view of race but their view of it.

My "tribe" is gonna always be the body of Christ. In all her colors. All the people across the globe like minded in the Lord are the ones who are winning this in the end.

Israel is made up of 12 tribes... Tribes is another word for teams I guess. 'racist' is probably a modern term. In Africa... the tribes warred amongest themselves... and also the European tribes warred amongst themselves. It's what men do.

The two dimwits, Lily and Blankbot love giggling over white Christians. It was funny when you posted black singing in you showed up the scottoosh tard his prejudices.

The body of Christ has been around for a very long time and isnt interested in race, or culture....none of it.

Yeshua is the most uniting force in the world. AND....also the most divisive. He told His disciples to go forth and spread the gospel and make disciples of ALL nations. And that's exactly what's been happening ever since.

Human beings all over this world, of all different cultures, colors, languages all call out to Yahweh and it's beautiful.

Jesus said the world hated Him first, and will hate us because they hate Him. And we sure see that.

It's so irrational, isnt it? God is so good, and so merciful and forgiving and long suffering and His followers have been tirelessly serving the wounded, the poor, the hurting all over the world for hundreds of years. And they screech and whine that Christian's dont do anything when they've been dominating charity for centuries. But they focus on fringe groups to condemn everyone or paint this narrow minded ignorant picture of these white Christian's slaughtering millions(lol wut?!) for "white Jesus". Its completely ignorant. It's just an excuse for their hatred.

It's funny how the ones who pretend to be civil rights people have such a hatred and disrespect for Christianity when so many black people love Jesus. And the countless hispanics and Christian's who come here from middle eastern countries to escape the oppression Christian's face over there.

They really try so hard to force this view of Christianity as some "white man" religion and it's so off base it's incredible. They dont really CARE about the truth. They dont apply any of their ridiculous standards evenly as it is.....they are more than willing to look away from violence and abuse and hatred on their "team". WE believe in fair justice, individual rights and liberties.

Look how many times I've responded to this demonic fixation on race they have. He just keeps going as if nothing was said. He cant think anything outside his narrow minded bigotry.

It's sad, really.

But if God only ever invented one sin Nurse Dovey, and that was to be born another colour, that wasn't white, then I would still profess that even sinners have a soul in regard to the New Testament.

All you ever do is confuse human civility, with the racism it can imbue.

Dat's what makes you unable to answer a simple question.

You really are a sick and sad person, Bland.

You still haven't answered the question. Can a black man inherit the Kingdom of God?