UK Riots. Across the pond podcast number 6.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I am more than dat, I am a truth you cannot even comprehend in your wildest playbook fantasy CM.

That's why you are here with your audience of one, claiming that you speak for us all.

I listened to the podcast for once. It's an inherently interesting topic.

The discussion didn't illuminate anything worthy of 30 minutes of a the listeners time.
Nothing came of it. Not one thing. Other than CM's clear lack of regard for the UK's ethnic minorities.
Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
I am more than dat, I am a truth you cannot even comprehend in your wildest playbook fantasy CM.

That's why you are here with your audience of one, claiming that you speak for us all.
No your not. You throw out an abstract word salad not grounded in anything of substance with as much appeal as a a freshly raped cherry pie.


When you're a Alpha, you're an Alpha all the way!
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Its not all about them midwit. English girls were murdered.
Hey tard, women and children are sexually abused on a daily basis here in America, it's disgusting and horrible but its routine and no one pays it much attention unless the offender might be gay or transgender or a darky then it is suddenly the crime of the century and we need to ban books and gather the posse with long rifles and harrass story hour attendees and rant and rave forevermore about the gays and trans.