Vaccine is bad juju



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People having heart attacks, ongoing joint inflammation, severe rashes, weakness, fainting, people who have just died within days.

...yeah that's what I have right now.
Mainly in the fingers, sometimes the knees.
Affects mostly the left side of the body where I got the shot.

It's not severe. I've taken some Aleve/Ibuprofen to bring the swelling down. It helps a bit.
But when I stop taking it, the joints in my hands swell up again.
Sometimes the muscles in my legs and forearm feels tight.
It's like some induced arthritis or gout.
But I never had these symptoms before I had the shot.
Felt better and normal before it.
Never had a vaccine do this to me before, and I've had quite a few in the past.

Haven't got any headaches or severe symptoms. Less severe than when I got the shot.
But...the symptoms haven't gone away.
Saw the Doctor. Said it wasn't a blood clot.

....still waiting for them to.
One can only hope!

Oh well.
I’m too at risk to take that chance. I already have a shit meat allergy to deal with. Nobody should be a guinea pig when it comes to disease or infection. Sorry that you have to experience these side-effects and uncertainty. Not the way to live mate. Shame on the government and those that try and control society in such a numbskullish way. Disgusting behaviour really. A liberal fuck you and the consequences chump attitude on their behalf.

I wouldn't recommend, shame or force people to get the vaccine.
Cuz if something goes wrong, I wouldn't wanna feel responsible.

Kinda think that it could even send someone to their death.

I'd feel bad if something like that happened and it would haunt me for the rest of my life.
So I'd never want to have that on my conscience.

It should just be a voluntary individual choice.
Absolutely. I’m getting my wife to find out what her blood type is to see if she’s adversely susceptible in the event that she may contract Covid. As weird as it sounds, many Australians don’t even know what blood type they have. 8/10 people that I’ve asked over a span of nearly 30 years don’t know their blood type. It’s fucking ludicrous! I need to know for myself because if my O + blood is compatible, she stands a better chance of kicking the virus. O + blood boosts the immunity like you won’t believe. It’s a super blood and the key blood for the survival of the human race in any catastrophic event.

Im O+ ! I know because I use to donate plasma.


Domestically feral
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United states
People having heart attacks, ongoing joint inflammation, severe rashes, weakness, fainting, people who have just died within days.

...yeah that's what I have right now.
Mainly in the fingers, sometimes the knees.
Affects mostly the left side of the body where I got the shot.

It's not severe. I've taken some Aleve/Ibuprofen to bring the swelling down. It helps a bit.
But when I stop taking it, the joints in my hands swell up again.
Sometimes the muscles in my legs and forearm feels tight.
It's like some induced arthritis or gout.
But I never had these symptoms before I had the shot.
Felt better and normal before it.
Never had a vaccine do this to me before, and I've had quite a few in the past.

Haven't got any headaches or severe symptoms. Less severe than when I got the shot.
But...the symptoms haven't gone away.
Saw the Doctor. Said it wasn't a blood clot.

....still waiting for them to.
One can only hope!

Oh well.
I’m too at risk to take that chance. I already have a shit meat allergy to deal with. Nobody should be a guinea pig when it comes to disease or infection. Sorry that you have to experience these side-effects and uncertainty. Not the way to live mate. Shame on the government and those that try and control society in such a numbskullish way. Disgusting behaviour really. A liberal fuck you and the consequences chump attitude on their behalf.

I wouldn't recommend, shame or force people to get the vaccine.
Cuz if something goes wrong, I wouldn't wanna feel responsible.

Kinda think that it could even send someone to their death.

I'd feel bad if something like that happened and it would haunt me for the rest of my life.
So I'd never want to have that on my conscience.

It should just be a voluntary individual choice.

Which is exactly why coercion or forced medical intervention is so unethical.

The entire campaign with the covid vaccine is unethical. It's way more political than medical at this point.

If news media was more news media and less partisan entertainment media....that has pfizer/moderna reps working with medua btw, and the info we were getting was more objective and there was a single narrative being aggressively protected(censoring any opposing narratives. The misinfo, some of it that turned out to NOT be misinfo) we would have better vaccination rates.

People need to be given more info about the vaccine when they get it. Such as how it's only approved for emergency use and some of the POSSIBLE side effects and adverse reactions that COULD be from the vaccine.

Ignoring these things and censoring "misinfo" and the news entertainment that reads like medical drama episodes is really sabotaging this endeavor.

Misinfo should always be allowed. If its misinfo, bring it into the light and destroy it with correct info. That way bad and false ideas do not thrive and grow. But with our current hyperpartisan division that needed trust in reporting is gone. This is exactly why news media needs to be objective and stick to only facts.

Why would anyone outside a hard core leftists trust anything left of center at this point? From the get go....Democrats and media were dishonest to the point of being flat out liars. They should not be giving any medical advice whatsoever. They covered for governors putting Covid patients in nursing homes, and governors blocking doctors from using hydroxy. Seeing plainly how these people will play politics with the lives of human beings unchecked like they have? People just dont trust anything they say and calling people stupid, calling them murderers, all that shaming and hate will only double people down and cause others seeing this to not get it.

It's the flip flopping narratives, the censoring and the hostility putting people off.


Factory Bastard
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I wouldn't recommend, shame or force people to get the vaccine.
Cuz if something goes wrong, I wouldn't wanna feel responsible.

Kinda think that it could even send someone to their death.

I'd feel bad if something like that happened and it would haunt me for the rest of my life.
So I'd never want to have that on my conscience.

It should just be a voluntary individual choice.
Absolutely. I’m getting my wife to find out what her blood type is to see if she’s adversely susceptible in the event that she may contract Covid. As weird as it sounds, many Australians don’t even know what blood type they have. 8/10 people that I’ve asked over a span of nearly 30 years don’t know their blood type. It’s fucking ludicrous! I need to know for myself because if my O + blood is compatible, she stands a better chance of kicking the virus. O + blood boosts the immunity like you won’t believe. It’s a super blood and the key blood for the survival of the human race in any catastrophic event.

The effects of COVID are unpredictable & so are the after effects of the vaccine.

Hits some people hard & others not at all or mildly.

A family friend got COVID, went into a coma and he died. He was 52.

However my niece got it, recovered and she's fine. She even got the vaccine as well.

It's just one of those things they don't know how it will affect each person - COVID & the vaccine.

Any event, whichever one a person gets, either is a risk.

But like playing Russian Roulette I guess.


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
I wouldn't recommend, shame or force people to get the vaccine.
Cuz if something goes wrong, I wouldn't wanna feel responsible.

Kinda think that it could even send someone to their death.

I'd feel bad if something like that happened and it would haunt me for the rest of my life.
So I'd never want to have that on my conscience.

It should just be a voluntary individual choice.
Absolutely. I’m getting my wife to find out what her blood type is to see if she’s adversely susceptible in the event that she may contract Covid. As weird as it sounds, many Australians don’t even know what blood type they have. 8/10 people that I’ve asked over a span of nearly 30 years don’t know their blood type. It’s fucking ludicrous! I need to know for myself because if my O + blood is compatible, she stands a better chance of kicking the virus. O + blood boosts the immunity like you won’t believe. It’s a super blood and the key blood for the survival of the human race in any catastrophic event.

The effects of COVID are unpredictable & so are the after effects of the vaccine.

Hits some people hard & others not at all or mildly.

A family friend got COVID, went into a coma and he died. He was 52.

However my niece got it, recovered and she's fine. She even got the vaccine as well.

It's just one of those things they don't know how it will affect each person - COVID & the vaccine.

Any event, whichever one a person gets, either is a risk.

But like playing Russian Roulette I guess.
Agreed, but blood type plays an important role on whether you’re going to have a rough ride or a walk in the park. I’m daily amazed at how many people go through life with blinkers on, particularly in this day and age.


Put your glasses on!
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I know no one who had died of Covid.

I know people who have died of the "Experimental Gene Therapy" (its not a vax)

People are getting sick with the vax.

I will not get the EGT.

Im out in the world EVERY day, LIVING life!!!! Join me!!!


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Pay attention fuckers......

Dude have you ever listened to a big pharma ad on the tv? 75% of the verbiage is all the horrible shit the drug could possibly do to fuck you up, no matter how slight the chances are.

Definition of life: A lot of shit can happen.


You could argue all you like, but the fact remains, we all really don’t know what the fuck is in the various vaccines for a start, or how detrimental it could be to one’s health down the track. It’s not worth it for those two points alone, never mind the scams and other lies these fuckwits are poisoning us with.

Got your vaccine? Good! Leave the unvaccinated alone so we can enjoy living... kisses and hugs. XxOoXx

I am not bothering anyone by stating facts am I? The unvaccinated aren't being made to do anything.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Pay attention fuckers......

Dude have you ever listened to a big pharma ad on the tv? 75% of the verbiage is all the horrible shit the drug could possibly do to fuck you up, no matter how slight the chances are.

Right.. and in those instances you DON'T have the government trying to shove it inside you like the last dildo that was up your leaky asshole

You're starting to get the point now

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Are you lost or something, little girl?


Put your glasses on!
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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I'm really wondering why libs are so wholly dedicated to the acceptance of a vaccine that doesn't stop a person from getting nor passing the virus onto others

I mean, it's like they've been preprogrammed to love this fucking thing despite it's obvious uselessness and potential side effects


Domestically feral
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United states
More people die from the covid jab than any other vax. FACT!

And even more die from Covid itself. That's also a fact.


Imagine that, when the tests couldnt tell the difference between Covid and the flu. Your numbers are flawed.

Imagine if you weren't ignorant. I can't.

Are you looking in the mirror and saying that? Dumbass.

Aren't you so glad when the CA lefties come to us straight from their throne to let us all know how stupid, ignorant and even how trashy we all are compared to them? As their state becomes a third world shit hole with unchecked sex abuse and people shooting up right on the sidewalk?

I bet Fredrick Douglass and all the heros history took every opportunity to share their contempt and disdain for others as well. It's the right thing to do from the right side of history.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
More people die from the covid jab than any other vax. FACT!

And even more die from Covid itself. That's also a fact.


Imagine that, when the tests couldnt tell the difference between Covid and the flu. Your numbers are flawed.

Imagine if you weren't ignorant. I can't.

Are you looking in the mirror and saying that? Dumbass.

Aren't so glad when the CA lefties come to us straight from their throne to let us all know how stupid, ignorant and even how trashy we all are compared to them? As their state becomes a third world shit hole with unchecked sex abuse and people shooting up right on the sidewalk?

I bet Fredrick Douglass and all the heros history took every opportunity to share their contempt and disdain for others as well. It's the right thing to do from the right side of history.

I bet those heroes shot up heroin too!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'm really wondering why libs are so wholly dedicated to the acceptance of a vaccine that doesn't stop a person from getting nor passing the virus onto others

I mean, it's like they've been preprogrammed to love this fucking thing despite it's obvious uselessness and potential side effects

Naaaahhhh you are just dumb and ignorant.

That's why when they take a break from congratulating and blowing eachother, they come here not to share their superior wisdom, but to shame the ignorant peasents who are so far below them. ♡


Domestically feral
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United states
More people die from the covid jab than any other vax. FACT!

And even more die from Covid itself. That's also a fact.


Imagine that, when the tests couldnt tell the difference between Covid and the flu. Your numbers are flawed.

Imagine if you weren't ignorant. I can't.

Are you looking in the mirror and saying that? Dumbass.

Aren't so glad when the CA lefties come to us straight from their throne to let us all know how stupid, ignorant and even how trashy we all are compared to them? As their state becomes a third world shit hole with unchecked sex abuse and people shooting up right on the sidewalk?

I bet Fredrick Douglass and all the heros history took every opportunity to share their contempt and disdain for others as well. It's the right thing to do from the right side of history.

I bet those heroes shot up heroin too!

They probably would if they were alive today.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
More people die from the covid jab than any other vax. FACT!

And even more die from Covid itself. That's also a fact.


Imagine that, when the tests couldnt tell the difference between Covid and the flu. Your numbers are flawed.

Imagine if you weren't ignorant. I can't.

Are you looking in the mirror and saying that? Dumbass.

Aren't so glad when the CA lefties come to us straight from their throne to let us all know how stupid, ignorant and even how trashy we all are compared to them? As their state becomes a third world shit hole with unchecked sex abuse and people shooting up right on the sidewalk?

I bet Fredrick Douglass and all the heros history took every opportunity to share their contempt and disdain for others as well. It's the right thing to do from the right side of history.

I bet those heroes shot up heroin too!

They probably would if they were alive today.

Sure they would, they were morally weak like that. Ha!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
More people die from the covid jab than any other vax. FACT!

And even more die from Covid itself. That's also a fact.


Imagine that, when the tests couldnt tell the difference between Covid and the flu. Your numbers are flawed.

Imagine if you weren't ignorant. I can't.

Are you looking in the mirror and saying that? Dumbass.

Aren't so glad when the CA lefties come to us straight from their throne to let us all know how stupid, ignorant and even how trashy we all are compared to them? As their state becomes a third world shit hole with unchecked sex abuse and people shooting up right on the sidewalk?

I bet Fredrick Douglass and all the heros history took every opportunity to share their contempt and disdain for others as well. It's the right thing to do from the right side of history.

I bet those heroes shot up heroin too!

They probably would if they were alive today.

Sure they would, they were morally weak like that. Ha!

Of course!

Addicts are just morally weak and probably really stupid. It's not a disorder or anything. They are not NEARLY as righteous and moral as you CA leftwingers.

Are you guys kicking them when you pass them on your streets or still just stepping over them?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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I gotta admit I feel bad for people who cannot afford to live on their own.

Some times it makes me even want to give up my 6 bedroom mansion with Olympic size swimming pool & 8 person spa and two luxury cars and donate my time to charity

But then I have a glass of Orange Juice, return to my senses and continue living my life again