Wannabe Dicktater Praises Putin's Invasion of Ukraine



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Former President Trump continued his criticism of President Biden on Wednesday, saying in a statement that Russian leader Vladimir Putin is “playing” him “like a drum.”

“It is not a pretty thing to watch!” Trump said.

His comments come a day after the former commander in chief went well beyond most Republicans by not just criticizing Biden’s handling of Russia’s aggression toward an invasion of Ukraine, but also lionizing President Putin.

In a separate statement Tuesday after Biden’s
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Trump claimed such events would never have occurred during his presidency.

And in
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published Tuesday, Trump called it “genius” of Putin to recognize two enclaves in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region as independent breakaway republics on Monday, adding that Putin is “very savvy.”

Trump’s former secretary of State, Michael R. Pompeo, tweeted Wednesday that “allowing these thugs, autocrats, and dictators to move around freely is not in America’s best interest.”

But Tuesday,
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was widely circulated. Over the last month, he has called Putin “savvy,” “shrewd” and a “talented statesman” for whom he has “enormous respect.”

Republicans parroting Trump’s comments about Putin are “cowards” repeating “the nonsense that is fed to Trump by his handlers,” former Trump White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci tweeted Wednesday.

“Trump down deep laughs at all this,” Scaramucci said. “He can’t believe he has this level of sway.”

The recent rhetoric from Trump and Pompeo, his once-top diplomat, goes far beyond what most Republicans have said.

“As still ‘technically’ a member of house Republicans, let me, with all my might, condemn this damn awful tweet during this crisis,” retiring Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) wrote. “You can criticize policy but this is insane and feeds into Putins narrative.”

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), who was voted out of GOP leadership for opposing Trump and whose primary opponent is backed by Trump and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield), said Trump’s “adulation” of Putin “aids our enemies.”

“Trump’s interests don’t seem to align with the interests of the United States of America,” she said.

This story originally appeared in
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Former President Trump continued his criticism of President Biden on Wednesday, saying in a statement that Russian leader Vladimir Putin is “playing” him “like a drum.”

“It is not a pretty thing to watch!” Trump said.

His comments come a day after the former commander in chief went well beyond most Republicans by not just criticizing Biden’s handling of Russia’s aggression toward an invasion of Ukraine, but also lionizing President Putin.

In a separate statement Tuesday after Biden’s
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Trump claimed such events would never have occurred during his presidency.

And in
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published Tuesday, Trump called it “genius” of Putin to recognize two enclaves in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region as independent breakaway republics on Monday, adding that Putin is “very savvy.”

Trump’s former secretary of State, Michael R. Pompeo, tweeted Wednesday that “allowing these thugs, autocrats, and dictators to move around freely is not in America’s best interest.”

But Tuesday,
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was widely circulated. Over the last month, he has called Putin “savvy,” “shrewd” and a “talented statesman” for whom he has “enormous respect.”

Republicans parroting Trump’s comments about Putin are “cowards” repeating “the nonsense that is fed to Trump by his handlers,” former Trump White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci tweeted Wednesday.

“Trump down deep laughs at all this,” Scaramucci said. “He can’t believe he has this level of sway.”

The recent rhetoric from Trump and Pompeo, his once-top diplomat, goes far beyond what most Republicans have said.

“As still ‘technically’ a member of house Republicans, let me, with all my might, condemn this damn awful tweet during this crisis,” retiring Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) wrote. “You can criticize policy but this is insane and feeds into Putins narrative.”

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), who was voted out of GOP leadership for opposing Trump and whose primary opponent is backed by Trump and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield), said Trump’s “adulation” of Putin “aids our enemies.”

“Trump’s interests don’t seem to align with the interests of the United States of America,” she said.

This story originally appeared in
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Factory Bastard
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Former President Trump continued his criticism of President Biden on Wednesday, saying in a statement that Russian leader Vladimir Putin is “playing” him “like a drum.”

“It is not a pretty thing to watch!” Trump said.

His comments come a day after the former commander in chief went well beyond most Republicans by not just criticizing Biden’s handling of Russia’s aggression toward an invasion of Ukraine, but also lionizing President Putin.

In a separate statement Tuesday after Biden’s
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Trump claimed such events would never have occurred during his presidency.

And in
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published Tuesday, Trump called it “genius” of Putin to recognize two enclaves in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region as independent breakaway republics on Monday, adding that Putin is “very savvy.”

Trump’s former secretary of State, Michael R. Pompeo, tweeted Wednesday that “allowing these thugs, autocrats, and dictators to move around freely is not in America’s best interest.”

But Tuesday,
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was widely circulated. Over the last month, he has called Putin “savvy,” “shrewd” and a “talented statesman” for whom he has “enormous respect.”

Republicans parroting Trump’s comments about Putin are “cowards” repeating “the nonsense that is fed to Trump by his handlers,” former Trump White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci tweeted Wednesday.

“Trump down deep laughs at all this,” Scaramucci said. “He can’t believe he has this level of sway.”

The recent rhetoric from Trump and Pompeo, his once-top diplomat, goes far beyond what most Republicans have said.

“As still ‘technically’ a member of house Republicans, let me, with all my might, condemn this damn awful tweet during this crisis,” retiring Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) wrote. “You can criticize policy but this is insane and feeds into Putins narrative.”

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), who was voted out of GOP leadership for opposing Trump and whose primary opponent is backed by Trump and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield), said Trump’s “adulation” of Putin “aids our enemies.”

“Trump’s interests don’t seem to align with the interests of the United States of America,” she said.

This story originally appeared in
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LMFAO! biden is STILL putins bitch! Now that the brain dead jackass cut oil production and Trumps excellent work against china, china and putin have the keys to the kingdom. America may wind up a smoldering ruin but hey, at least Bad Orange Man has been cheated out of office!! Right? Just remember, when you cunts expect people like me to help you fight against foreign invaders, we're cutting YOUR heads off first. ENJOY!!


Domestically feral
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United states


Main stream Media has peaceful bias!

Conservatives know how to make the money. Peace isn't the answer apparently.
Yes, conservatives love their guns and violence in general, and for those of you who are still confused and think "conservative" implies a party affiliation (because you're a partisan hack), allow this little reminded that selfishness, what's in it for ME, how will *I* benefit by acquiring greater material wealth, is part and parcel of conservatism. It knows no race, party, country, or religion other than personal greed.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Trump’s businesses are full of dirty Russian money. The scandal is that it’s legal.
Shell companies put figures from Putin’s Mafia into Trump Tower. Should that be worrying?

Collusion or not, President Trump and the Russians are thick as thieves.
What I mean is that for more than three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to the Russian Mafia held the deeds to, lived in or ran criminal operations out of Trump Tower in New York or other Trump properties. I mean that many of them used Trump-branded real estate to launder vast amounts of money by buying multimillion-dollar condos through anonymous shell companies. I mean that the
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, a real estate development company that was based in Trump Tower and had ties to the Kremlin, came up with a new business model to franchise Trump condos after he lost billions of dollars in his Atlantic City casino developments, and helped make him rich again.

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Domestically feral
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United states

Translation: "in Soviet America.....you cant just go into any community and help protect business from political violence".

Hey Admin? Who the fuck invited BLM to Kenosha? The douchebags Kyle shot didnt even live in that area of the country.

Smh. Did the asshole who broke a 70 year old mans jaw because he was begging for his business to be spared get invited?

Heartless pieces of shit.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Trump’s businesses are full of dirty Russian money. The scandal is that it’s legal.
Shell companies put figures from Putin’s Mafia into Trump Tower. Should that be worrying?

Collusion or not, President Trump and the Russians are thick as thieves.
What I mean is that for more than three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to the Russian Mafia held the deeds to, lived in or ran criminal operations out of Trump Tower in New York or other Trump properties. I mean that many of them used Trump-branded real estate to launder vast amounts of money by buying multimillion-dollar condos through anonymous shell companies. I mean that the
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, a real estate development company that was based in Trump Tower and had ties to the Kremlin, came up with a new business model to franchise Trump condos after he lost billions of dollars in his Atlantic City casino developments, and helped make him rich again.

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"Collusion or not"

Translation: "well we are gonna ditch this collusion thing to push this new propaganda, our readers don't really care anyway"


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Translation: "in Soviet America.....you cant just go into any community and help protect business from political violence".

Hey Admin? Who the fuck invited BLM to Kenosha?
Despite your misguided theories, for the most part BLM is akin to Antifa, in that it is an simply an idea, the Black citizens of Kenosha decided for themselves that they are tired of being targets of opportunity for angry cops, so they protested, just like the Truck Drivers are doing now.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Trump’s businesses are full of dirty Russian money. The scandal is that it’s legal.
Shell companies put figures from Putin’s Mafia into Trump Tower. Should that be worrying?

Collusion or not, President Trump and the Russians are thick as thieves.
What I mean is that for more than three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to the Russian Mafia held the deeds to, lived in or ran criminal operations out of Trump Tower in New York or other Trump properties. I mean that many of them used Trump-branded real estate to launder vast amounts of money by buying multimillion-dollar condos through anonymous shell companies. I mean that the
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, a real estate development company that was based in Trump Tower and had ties to the Kremlin, came up with a new business model to franchise Trump condos after he lost billions of dollars in his Atlantic City casino developments, and helped make him rich again.

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"Collusion or not"

Translation: "well we are gonna ditch this collusion thing to push this new propaganda, our readers don't really care anyway"
Read the article goofball, it is well known and documented that Trump has been in bed with Russian Elites for decades.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Main stream Media has peaceful bias!

Conservatives know how to make the money. Peace isn't the answer apparently.
Yes, conservatives love their guns and violence in general, and for those of you who are still confused and think "conservative" implies a party affiliation (because you're a partisan hack), allow this little reminded that selfishness, what's in it for ME, how will *I* benefit by acquiring greater material wealth, is part and parcel of conservatism. It knows no race, party, country, or religion other than personal greed.

Guess what? The world hates Biden and calls us the United snakes of America.

It pays to not have your brain scrambled by US government propaganda all day. You can see things as they are.

Nice gaslight. So defending the 2A MUST mean we are all violent and war supporters. Because you know.....you gotta have something to explain away the FACT your "team" is ALWAYS involved in war and conflict. Always.

This is what we get from your dipshits. WW3. Expensive gas. And crack pipes.

Good job.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Translation: "in Soviet America.....you cant just go into any community and help protect business from political violence".

Hey Admin? Who the fuck invited BLM to Kenosha?
Despite your misguided theories, for the most part BLM is akin to Antifa, in that it is an simply an idea, the Black citizens of Kenosha decided for themselves that they are tired of being targets of opportunity for angry cops, so they protested, just like the Truck Drivers are doing now.

Despite YOUR misguided theories, the black people of Kenosha are STILL pissed their business were destroyed by leftwing activists who were NOT welcome.

THATS reality. You really believe people are so fucking grateful their towns look like warzones and they get nothing while BLM skips off with millions? You really think that?

Completely disconnected and out of touch.

Go there, Admin. Go find out how welcome that shit was. Do it.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️

Translation: "in Soviet America.....you cant just go into any community and help protect business from political violence".

Hey Admin? Who the fuck invited BLM to Kenosha?
Despite your misguided theories, for the most part BLM is akin to Antifa, in that it is an simply an idea, the Black citizens of Kenosha decided for themselves that they are tired of being targets of opportunity for angry cops, so they protested, just like the Truck Drivers are doing now.

Despite YOUR misguided theories, the black people of Kenosha are STILL pissed their business were destroyed by leftwing activists who were NOT welcome.

THATS reality. You really believe people are so fucking grateful their towns look like warzones and they get nothing while BLM skips off with millions? You really think that?

Completely disconnected and out of touch.

Go there, Admin. Go find out how welcome that shit was. Do it.
sounds like conservatives making up more things to be angry about.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Who rallied support for a RAPIST piece of shit Jacob Blake who was being arrested for sexual assault?

I guess you guys didnt catch the TRUTH? Didnt see the victims(a black woman btw) family shitting on BLM over that.

If it's not funneled to you through your preferred perspectives and total bullshit.....you'll have nothing to do with it.

You guys have money. Leave your bubbles and go TALK to the people in Kenosha. Find out how honest your info is.

Better still? Video the convos and put them YouTube and watch them get wiped off. You guys have ZERO clue what happened there. None. Yet you'll look at the aftermath and STILL support the American modern brownshirts.