We don't have a democracy to lose.
Our government doesn't represent us.
Our government doesn't serve us.
They don't, in fact, give any fucks about us beyond a resource to be extracted.
I've always been anti-duopoly.
*This* shit, what we have now, is exactly what we deserve because nowhere near enough people have been anti-duopoly enough to prevent things from getting this bad.
Just because our situation is now fucked up to the point that it's approaching collapse isn't a good reason to *start* supporting the very system that created these problems. I would argue that it is exactly the time for everyone else to stop playing that stupid game.
But they won't.
Because they're stuck.
Hopelessly brainwashed.
Paralyzed with fear injected into their brains by the same people benefiting from the status quo.
Buy their bullshit if you like.
I won't be wasting any of my time, energy, or *votes* on those psychopathic fuckheads.
Any of them.