Well it's a good thing Wall street invested heavily in the president they needed

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Cause after the obvious manipulation of retail investors someone should be going to jail

but they wont, because the lackey they helped install is running the show

and you progressives are dumb enough to cheer these financial revolutionaries as you witness the very people YOU SUPPORT crush them mercilessly

you people are so fucking stupid it's astonishing

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Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Guess that 74 million really did buy wall street the president they wanted

and you see the little proggie tool bags cheering the reddit fighters for standing up to wall street while simultaneously supporting the administration that is crushing them

you proggies are god awfully stupid

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Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Funny how they never pulled this shit on Trump's watch tho.

That's right proggies.... kick piss and moan about how terrible wall street is while your fellow freedom fights get fucking mauled in the streets by the administration bought and paid for by wall street titans THAT YOU VOTED FOR!

christ... if it weren't so tragic for the little guys losing their shirts it would be hysterically funny
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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No seriously, where is LotusBunghole and the other proggie scum now that we happen to be on the same side when it comes to retail investors standing up to the wall street titans who have been manipulating the market for years?

I thought ""robinhood" was an app supported by proggies that derived it's mission statement from the robinhood tale of old?

what happened? Cause it seems ""robinhood"" got bought out by the Wall Street Titans and the guy who promised us a day of reckoning for wall street if he got elected is choosing to do nothing while people are losing their shirts ILLEGALLY!!!!

why you cunts saying nothing now?

Fucking hypocrite scum.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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THat's right proggies... your liberal white house is standing on the sidelines while Wall Street bullies the little guy

thought you rotten scum were for the little guy?



Factory Bastard
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Cause after the obvious manipulation of retail investors someone should be going to jail

but they wont, because the lackey they helped install is running the show

and you progressives are dumb enough to cheer these financial revolutionaries as you witness the very people YOU SUPPORT crush them mercilessly

you people are so fucking stupid it's astonishing

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I don't cheer ANY of the economic bullshit manufactured and manipulated by the oligarchs and their Wall Street enablers. They brought us the 2008 crisis, and they're creating this one as well. If you had half a brain you would understand this. BOTH parties are completely guilty.

Fuck Biden. Fuck Trump. Fck Pelosi. Fuck McConnel. And totally fuck Wall Street and the Banksters.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Cause after the obvious manipulation of retail investors someone should be going to jail

but they wont, because the lackey they helped install is running the show

and you progressives are dumb enough to cheer these financial revolutionaries as you witness the very people YOU SUPPORT crush them mercilessly

you people are so fucking stupid it's astonishing

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I don't cheer ANY of the economic bullshit manufactured and manipulated by the oligarchs and their Wall Street enablers. They brought us the 2008 crisis, and they're creating this one as well. If you had half a brain you would understand this. BOTH parties are completely guilty.

Fuck Biden. Fuck Trump. Fck Pelosi. Fuck McConnel. And totally fuck Wall Street and the Banksters.
If you truly felt that way you'd be appalled that Biden stole this election on empty promises of defeating wall street and ballot fraud.

You're watching right now how much BIden intends to defeat wall street

The fucking puppets YOU support are standing by idle while the brave souls tried to stand up are being slaughtered

YOu're watching THIS from the comfort of your safe space... only difference is the battle field and the consequences are different

You're not a social justice warrior, you're a piece of shit communist shill and you and your maggot mafia just proved it to the world
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Have some fucking honor for once in your life.

The battlefield will soon change from the financial markets to the streets and you will yet again attempt to play both sides of the coin from the comfort of your ivory towers

you people make me sick.

and I truly mean that


Factory Bastard
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Cause after the obvious manipulation of retail investors someone should be going to jail

but they wont, because the lackey they helped install is running the show

and you progressives are dumb enough to cheer these financial revolutionaries as you witness the very people YOU SUPPORT crush them mercilessly

you people are so fucking stupid it's astonishing

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I don't cheer ANY of the economic bullshit manufactured and manipulated by the oligarchs and their Wall Street enablers. They brought us the 2008 crisis, and they're creating this one as well. If you had half a brain you would understand this. BOTH parties are completely guilty.

Fuck Biden. Fuck Trump. Fck Pelosi. Fuck McConnel. And totally fuck Wall Street and the Banksters.
If you truly felt that way you'd be appalled that Biden stole this election on empty promises of defeating wall street and ballot fraud.

You're watching right now how much BIden intends to defeat wall street

The fucking puppets YOU support are standing by idle while the brave souls tried to stand up are being slaughtered

YOu're watching THIS from the comfort of your safe space... only difference is the battle field and the consequences are different

You're not a social justice warrior, you're a piece of shit communist shill and you and your maggot mafia just proved it to the world

Try to get this through your fucking fat head.

ALL presidential candidates make promises they have no intention of keeping. I am repulsed by all of them. I like virtually NOTHING about Biden. I am going to say it now and I will keep saying it: He is, like ALL of them at least since Reagan, a goddamn Wall Street tool, and he disgusts me. Do you understand that? He disgusts me. I didn't fucking vote for him, or Trump, because they are both oligarchs.

Which puppets do I support, you complete and utter lame brain?
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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If you are not with the revolution you are against the revolution.

You saw the revolution against shit like this play out for 4 years and all you did was attempt to hamstring it any way you could

Don't change coats now and pretend you were on the side of justice all along you morally hollow piece of trash
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Notice how the liberal scum around here has NOTHING to say about their proggie friends at RobinHood and other brokerage houses illegally halting trading for no reason other than to protect Hedge fund scumbags or the liberal White HOuse that is currently turning a blind eye to it

But you'll raise hell to the sky and beyond if a secret servicemen buys a stick of bubblegum at a trump owned business

You people are the worst kind of rodent filth imaginable


Factory Bastard
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Notice how the liberal scum around here has NOTHING to say about their proggie friends at RobinHood and other brokerage houses illegally halting trading for no reason other than to protect Hedge fund scumbags or the liberal White HOuse that is currently turning a blind eye to it

But you'll raise hell to the sky and beyond if a secret servicemen buys a stick of bubblegum at a trump owned business

You people are the worst kind of rodent filth imaginable

Could you link to the evidence that some secret service scumbag bought gum from Trump? I'd like to dox that guy. What a horror.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Notice how the liberal scum around here has NOTHING to say about their proggie friends at RobinHood and other brokerage houses illegally halting trading for no reason other than to protect Hedge fund scumbags or the liberal White HOuse that is currently turning a blind eye to it

But you'll raise hell to the sky and beyond if a secret servicemen buys a stick of bubblegum at a trump owned business

You people are the worst kind of rodent filth imaginable

Could you link to the evidence that some secret service scumbag bought gum from Trump? I'd like to dox that guy. What a horror.
I don't support doxxing of any kind.


Factory Bastard
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Notice how the liberal scum around here has NOTHING to say about their proggie friends at RobinHood and other brokerage houses illegally halting trading for no reason other than to protect Hedge fund scumbags or the liberal White HOuse that is currently turning a blind eye to it

But you'll raise hell to the sky and beyond if a secret servicemen buys a stick of bubblegum at a trump owned business

You people are the worst kind of rodent filth imaginable

Could you link to the evidence that some secret service scumbag bought gum from Trump? I'd like to dox that guy. What a horror.
I don't support doxxing of any kind.

I just want to know who this guy who bought the gum is. He should be on America's most wanted.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Notice how the liberal scum around here has NOTHING to say about their proggie friends at RobinHood and other brokerage houses illegally halting trading for no reason other than to protect Hedge fund scumbags or the liberal White HOuse that is currently turning a blind eye to it

But you'll raise hell to the sky and beyond if a secret servicemen buys a stick of bubblegum at a trump owned business

You people are the worst kind of rodent filth imaginable

Could you link to the evidence that some secret service scumbag bought gum from Trump? I'd like to dox that guy. What a horror.
I don't support doxxing of any kind.

I just want to know who this guy who bought the gum is. He should be on America's most wanted.
Loving the way you ignore completely how your fellow proggies are fucking over the retail investors who believed you leftist scum were really going to hold Wall St accountable

Notice the timing of this fiasco?

YEah, America was sold a fucking bag by you leftist scum
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
well well well... if it aint fellow proggie scum coming to the rescue of the proggie scum

and you guys were saying something about proggie scum working for the little guy?

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Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Here's a good Tweet today from Bernie Sanders:
'Wall Street cannot continue functioning as a gambling casino. It's time for a tax on Wall Street speculation so that we can raise the funds to cancel student debt and make public colleges and universities tuition-free.'

Yup, he speaks my language!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Here's a good Tweet today from Bernie Sanders:
'Wall Street cannot continue functioning as a gambling casino. It's time for a tax on Wall Street speculation so that we can raise the funds to cancel student debt and make public colleges and universities tuition-free.'

Yup, he speaks my language!
The problem with you narrow thinking clowns is you dont realize people always react to your schemes in a way that returns fewer and fewer dollars to you.

BTW, people should have to pay for their education. I even paid for my high school in 11th and 12th grades. Dont be such a pussy.

And get rid of that ethnic appropriation in your avi, hypocrite! Unless you're a jig that is.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Here's a good Tweet today from Bernie Sanders:
'Wall Street cannot continue functioning as a gambling casino. It's time for a tax on Wall Street speculation so that we can raise the funds to cancel student debt and make public colleges and universities tuition-free.'

Yup, he speaks my language!
The problem with you narrow thinking clowns is you dont realize people always react to your schemes in a way that returns fewer and fewer dollars to you.

BTW, people should have to pay for their education. I even paid for my high school in 11th and 12th grades. Dont be such a pussy.

And get rid of that ethnic appropriation in your avi, hypocrite! Unless you're a jig that is.
I am all peoples.
The AV stays.
Damn! I forgot to follow AOC!
Be back soon-
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Here's a good Tweet today from Bernie Sanders:
'Wall Street cannot continue functioning as a gambling casino. It's time for a tax on Wall Street speculation so that we can raise the funds to cancel student debt and make public colleges and universities tuition-free.'

Yup, he speaks my language!
Time to tax whom exactly? The millennials who were beating the breaks off of big wall street because they foolishly believed Biden's bullshit, or the corporate hedge fund smilebags that were getting mauled in the streets after decades of parasitical leeching? That is of course, until the proggie creeps who run those hedge funds ran crying to their paid for puppets and had PROGGIE owned companies like Robinhood shut the retail investors down?

Cause, from where I'm sitting, if you had let the markets be the markets on this one those millennials wouldn't need the government to tax those assholes to pay for their college as the cockroaches would have nothing but belly button lint to confiscate after covering positions sold at 5 bucks a share.

Think, stupid. It's called transference of wealth for a reason

You animals have just witnessed full on proof that Liberal scum has ZERO intentions of helping the average American and you STILL happily gulp down the KOOLAID


Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
AOC didn't Tweet anything good lately. Too bad.
Markets took a hit tho.
Looks like turmoil could be coming.
My Utility is even down a point!
Dividend still gets paid every quarter, that's the important thing.


Domestically feral
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United states
Here's a good Tweet today from Bernie Sanders:
'Wall Street cannot continue functioning as a gambling casino. It's time for a tax on Wall Street speculation so that we can raise the funds to cancel student debt and make public colleges and universities tuition-free.'

Yup, he speaks my language!

Sanders sold out and shoved his tongue so far up the establishments rectum that he is polishing their tonsils.

They stole the primaries from him TWICE, and he told his base to support the gotdamn DNC.

Dont be so blind. You guys were manipulated into hating Trump. Trump was the wrench we threw into the gears of the system, and instead of holding the line through 5 years of the establishment trying to spit him out and preserve itself....you guys just bought into it.

We had a citizen volunteer in office, who kept most of his promises, advocated and helped the workers, minorities and our vets and military, who donated his presidential salary, who campaigned by going and talking to ordinary ass people....and no matter what you guys say, you sided with corporate elitests, the establishment and the whole system you pretend to be fighting. You Biden voters fucked over all of us, because you were mentally weak. Weak enough to swallow the corporate media induced mass hysteria and the political theater that was designed to get him out.

He didnt serve them, he served us. And if you think otherwise.....ask yourself why the entire mainstream and all the corporate elitests endorsed your "side". Are you really dumb enough to think these wealthy ass people voted against their own interests? You think Hollywood is gonna vote to have higher taxes?

It's amazing how you guys would rather have a soulless, demented, racist establishment crook who lies and sells us out......just because Trump wasnt absolute perfection and his tweets were obnoxious.

Just stop pretending like you made a good decision or that you are not politically ignorant. You were gullible and manipulated and acted as a tool of the system. Learn from this and do better. It's not US that are the problem.

You guys were all offended about this "insurrection" that was simply not an insurrection because the establishment wants a reason to criminalize dissent.....and you guys run right along with it, turning on your own countrymen and defending shit bag politicains who created the problems and conditions that led to Trump and led to that protest. But you are quiet when BLM rioters shoot children and destroy communities of poor and marginalized people who are just fucked now. But you are up in arms when citizens go after politicains.....that's where your loyalty is.

And then you guys cheer on the Wall Street insurrection lol. Pick a fucking side and stay on it. You wanna call your countrymen stupid idiots and trash for literally fighting the NWO you complained about or "predicted" but you supported it.

And for those of you who claim Trump is an ogilarch....well even if he is, he was passing policies that benefitted US and keeping his promises. Now everyone is getting fucked. If Trump was still president at least people would still have their jobs, insulin would still be affordable, gas wouldnt be going up and black Americans would have gotten the platinum plan. Now they just get fuck all, as always. Way for everyone to play themselves.
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