Well it's a good thing Wall street invested heavily in the president they needed


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
*sips coffee while waiting for am american to explain "true Capitalism" as Google is giving me such things as "No child labour laws, no minimum wage, no govt. interference in the making of profit for the private individual."*

You can have child labor laws with true capitalism.

Laws that protect the rights of individuals have nothing to do with taxing the fuck out of everyone.

Our democratic socailist/capitalism blend is using third world slave labor to keep down costs. ..so.. .its not like that is working.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Now, this is getting confusing, what is "True Capitalism"?
I get this when I google "Capitalism"; an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

So by that definition, everything should be in private owners hands, yes?

And when I google socialism;
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

UNLESS you're a Marxist, then socialism means;
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

And I'm fairly certain no one here is a filthy Marxist and believes socialism = communism..or maybe there are Marxists in here.. I don't know.

But I'd be curious to see what a pure capitalist country would look like. Roads privately owned, Healthcare, ambulance and emergency services...all privately owned.
Ohhh, Imagine the variety of privately owned armies in a purely Capitalist society. The advancements made in weaponry would be through the roof.

We already have the democratic socailism people say they want. And the socailist programs we have are mismanaged to hell.

Every single state has it's own socailist medical system. It varies from state to state. I can tell you, if an uninsured poor as fuck person went to the ER they would be treated and there are socail workers that would come and help them get started on getting covered. That's part of my husbands job.

I'm not against the community paying for roads and public services. But it needs to be managed more efficiently. We pay tons of taxes for roads in my state and theyve been busted up for years. There is constant construction.

Whitmer basically won because she promised to fix the roads and make recreational weed legal. As far as roads all she did was tax on gas.....and as of now shes put hundreds of small businesses out of business and killed off a bunch of nursing home residents.

The problem with socailism(and I didnt even bring up communism, though socailism is bad enough and eventually just becomes communism. It just gets added to and expanded) is that people are corrupt. People will always be corrupt. And these systems intended to remedy inequality really only cause deeper inequality. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

We should give true capitalism a shot.

I get really frustrated when people start yelling to tax churches. That would be disgusting. And it would take money that has already been taxed that could be directly helping the poor.

I know people who have gotten divorced so they could receive enough benefits to survive, and also refuse extra hours or a higher paying position because they would lose benefits and still come up short. And many times prices go up because of tax. Like raising taxes on a landlord would raise the rent.

Dovey, again, you don't know what you're talking about. The US does not already have free higher ed or single payer health care. Those are two very important and fundamental issues. You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. If anything is mismanaged, we the people need to fix that rather than give up on important issues. Free higher ed is what made America a super power, and now it's gone.

We're not talking about raising taxes on landlords. We're talking about forcing corporations like Apple and GE and Amazon to actually pay taxes, and for billionaires to pay more than teachers, for fuck's sake. You don't know anything about economics.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Now, this is getting confusing, what is "True Capitalism"?
I get this when I google "Capitalism"; an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

So by that definition, everything should be in private owners hands, yes?

And when I google socialism;
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

UNLESS you're a Marxist, then socialism means;
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

And I'm fairly certain no one here is a filthy Marxist and believes socialism = communism..or maybe there are Marxists in here.. I don't know.

But I'd be curious to see what a pure capitalist country would look like. Roads privately owned, Healthcare, ambulance and emergency services...all privately owned.
Ohhh, Imagine the variety of privately owned armies in a purely Capitalist society. The advancements made in weaponry would be through the roof.

We already have the democratic socailism people say they want. And the socailist programs we have are mismanaged to hell.

Every single state has it's own socailist medical system. It varies from state to state. I can tell you, if an uninsured poor as fuck person went to the ER they would be treated and there are socail workers that would come and help them get started on getting covered. That's part of my husbands job.

I'm not against the community paying for roads and public services. But it needs to be managed more efficiently. We pay tons of taxes for roads in my state and theyve been busted up for years. There is constant construction.

Whitmer basically won because she promised to fix the roads and make recreational weed legal. As far as roads all she did was tax on gas.....and as of now shes put hundreds of small businesses out of business and killed off a bunch of nursing home residents.

The problem with socailism(and I didnt even bring up communism, though socailism is bad enough and eventually just becomes communism. It just gets added to and expanded) is that people are corrupt. People will always be corrupt. And these systems intended to remedy inequality really only cause deeper inequality. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

We should give true capitalism a shot.

I get really frustrated when people start yelling to tax churches. That would be disgusting. And it would take money that has already been taxed that could be directly helping the poor.

I know people who have gotten divorced so they could receive enough benefits to survive, and also refuse extra hours or a higher paying position because they would lose benefits and still come up short. And many times prices go up because of tax. Like raising taxes on a landlord would raise the rent.
Illinois governors have swiped money meant for roads in previous years and used it to pay for handouts.

And my ex brother in law and his wife got divorced because she wound up getting THOUSANDS more back on taxes. They got re-married after the kid moved out I think.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
*sips coffee while waiting for am american to explain "true Capitalism" as Google is giving me such things as "No child labour laws, no minimum wage, no govt. interference in the making of profit for the private individual."*
I'm not interested in even discussing something that we're not in danger of having. Why? Well because we have been moving LEFT for 150 years. Not much danger in having a full on lurch into Capitalism, is there.

Now its a REAL possibility that between leftist woke culture and the already raging bureaucracy we have in place that controls what crops farmers can grow and what products corporations can produce, allows businesses to be charged more for utilities than joe sixpack, forces companies to pay half of SSI and Medicaid contributions, forces businesses to remove state and federal taxes from a workers check BEFORE the worker is paid, and awards gubmint contracts based on race, WILL lead up to open socialism and most likely communism.

Lets focus on that since thats reality.

It is strange that they claim to be against the corrupt establishment....but then want these corrupt cronies to take more of our earnings and put more regulations on us.

They want to hand all control of our medical options and access to these corrupt as fuck people.

They have way too much trust in these people. And the countries they point to have more capitalist systems lol.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
*sips coffee while waiting for am american to explain "true Capitalism" as Google is giving me such things as "No child labour laws, no minimum wage, no govt. interference in the making of profit for the private individual."*
I'm not interested in even discussing something that we're not in danger of having. Why? Well because we have been moving LEFT for 150 years. Not much danger in having a full on lurch into Capitalism, is there.

Now its a REAL possibility that between leftist woke culture and the already raging bureaucracy we have in place that controls what crops farmers can grow and what products corporations can produce, allows businesses to be charged more for utilities than joe sixpack, forces companies to pay half of SSI and Medicaid contributions, forces businesses to remove state and federal taxes from a workers check BEFORE the worker is paid, and awards gubmint contracts based on race, WILL lead up to open socialism and most likely communism.

Lets focus on that since thats reality.

It is strange that they claim to be against the corrupt establishment....but then want these corrupt cronies to take more of our earnings and put more regulations on us.

They want to hand all control of our medical options and access to these corrupt as fuck people.

They have way too much trust in these people. And the countries they point to have more capitalist systems lol.

You're parroting doctors, who don't want to see any impact on their incomes. You're a good little lemming for the 1%.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Now, this is getting confusing, what is "True Capitalism"?
I get this when I google "Capitalism"; an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

So by that definition, everything should be in private owners hands, yes?

And when I google socialism;
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

UNLESS you're a Marxist, then socialism means;
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

And I'm fairly certain no one here is a filthy Marxist and believes socialism = communism..or maybe there are Marxists in here.. I don't know.

But I'd be curious to see what a pure capitalist country would look like. Roads privately owned, Healthcare, ambulance and emergency services...all privately owned.
Ohhh, Imagine the variety of privately owned armies in a purely Capitalist society. The advancements made in weaponry would be through the roof.

We already have the democratic socailism people say they want. And the socailist programs we have are mismanaged to hell.

Every single state has it's own socailist medical system. It varies from state to state. I can tell you, if an uninsured poor as fuck person went to the ER they would be treated and there are socail workers that would come and help them get started on getting covered. That's part of my husbands job.

I'm not against the community paying for roads and public services. But it needs to be managed more efficiently. We pay tons of taxes for roads in my state and theyve been busted up for years. There is constant construction.

Whitmer basically won because she promised to fix the roads and make recreational weed legal. As far as roads all she did was tax on gas.....and as of now shes put hundreds of small businesses out of business and killed off a bunch of nursing home residents.

The problem with socailism(and I didnt even bring up communism, though socailism is bad enough and eventually just becomes communism. It just gets added to and expanded) is that people are corrupt. People will always be corrupt. And these systems intended to remedy inequality really only cause deeper inequality. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

We should give true capitalism a shot.

I get really frustrated when people start yelling to tax churches. That would be disgusting. And it would take money that has already been taxed that could be directly helping the poor.

I know people who have gotten divorced so they could receive enough benefits to survive, and also refuse extra hours or a higher paying position because they would lose benefits and still come up short. And many times prices go up because of tax. Like raising taxes on a landlord would raise the rent.

Dovey, again, you don't know what you're talking about. The US does not already have free higher ed or single payer health care. Those are two very important and fundamental issues. You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. If anything is mismanaged, we the people need to fix that rather than give up on important issues. Free higher ed is what made America a super power, and now it's gone.

We're not talking about raising taxes on landlords. We're talking about forcing corporations like Apple and GE and Amazon to actually pay taxes, and for billionaires to pay more than teachers, for fuck's sake. You don't know anything about economics.

No I do know what I'm talking about.

Why would we make higher education free, Lotus? Why? And how are those priviledged going to be ran with no income?

And government ran health care would be absolutely horrible here. State medical insurance was better before Obama care. I want my medical decisions to be made between me and my doctor. Not by government pricks trying to decide what a good use of resources is.

We have well off people from Canada who come here to Michigan to get dialysis and chemo treatments because they have to wait a ridiculous amount of time getting that in Canada. WHY invite that problem here?

Lowering costs was a great step in a very good direction but Biden just wiped his ass with that and there is very little outrage from those who voted for him. Must be people who can afford insulin and dont have to care about those who cant.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
*sips coffee while waiting for am american to explain "true Capitalism" as Google is giving me such things as "No child labour laws, no minimum wage, no govt. interference in the making of profit for the private individual."*
I'm not interested in even discussing something that we're not in danger of having. Why? Well because we have been moving LEFT for 150 years. Not much danger in having a full on lurch into Capitalism, is there.

Now its a REAL possibility that between leftist woke culture and the already raging bureaucracy we have in place that controls what crops farmers can grow and what products corporations can produce, allows businesses to be charged more for utilities than joe sixpack, forces companies to pay half of SSI and Medicaid contributions, forces businesses to remove state and federal taxes from a workers check BEFORE the worker is paid, and awards gubmint contracts based on race, WILL lead up to open socialism and most likely communism.

Lets focus on that since thats reality.

It is strange that they claim to be against the corrupt establishment....but then want these corrupt cronies to take more of our earnings and put more regulations on us.

They want to hand all control of our medical options and access to these corrupt as fuck people.

They have way too much trust in these people. And the countries they point to have more capitalist systems lol.

You're parroting doctors, who don't want to see any impact on their incomes. You're a good little lemming for the 1%.

Well yanno, lemmings dont jump off cliffs. That was propaganda spread on purpose to see how easily people would accept falsehoods.

Just like thinking that 1% will suddenly become trustworthy I'd we hand them MORE control

Doctors dont want to become government workers, Lotus. They practice an art, a skill. Medicine is always evolving. It needs to be left in the hands of doctors....not taken and handed to the government.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Lotus is too stupid to understand why ppl like Bloomberg and Bezos support cunts like Biden

Are you fucking serious? You are obviously too fucking stupid to understand anything I ever say here. I fucking detest Bezos. He's evil lizard person number 1. And I have never, ever been a fan of Bloomberg. What the fuck is your actual problem with comprehension?
Hey stupid. The statement was not
Did you take my comment as an insult? I was just saying America doesnt have true capitalism.

America has the oligarchs' favored version of capitalism. The US is going to completely implode if they don't knock it the fuck off.
With the likes of AOC and Biden in gov we most certainly will

Oh, because everything was going great with Trump in there. |Watch it here, folks. The fucking fiasco that the US has been for the last 12 years, since the housing crisis, is now all going to be Biden's fault.

It's ALL of them, you ignorant twat. Trump did as much that was bad as any of them, including W, Clinton. Obama, and Bush I. Biden will just continue the tradition. That is ALL he will do. But he won't act as stupid and utterly moronic as Trump.
Economy was good on Trumps watch

The economy was NOT good for working Americans.
It was good for every single non lazy working AMerican I know


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Now, this is getting confusing, what is "True Capitalism"?
I get this when I google "Capitalism"; an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

So by that definition, everything should be in private owners hands, yes?

And when I google socialism;
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

UNLESS you're a Marxist, then socialism means;
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

And I'm fairly certain no one here is a filthy Marxist and believes socialism = communism..or maybe there are Marxists in here.. I don't know.

But I'd be curious to see what a pure capitalist country would look like. Roads privately owned, Healthcare, ambulance and emergency services...all privately owned.
Ohhh, Imagine the variety of privately owned armies in a purely Capitalist society. The advancements made in weaponry would be through the roof.

We already have the democratic socailism people say they want. And the socailist programs we have are mismanaged to hell.

Every single state has it's own socailist medical system. It varies from state to state. I can tell you, if an uninsured poor as fuck person went to the ER they would be treated and there are socail workers that would come and help them get started on getting covered. That's part of my husbands job.

I'm not against the community paying for roads and public services. But it needs to be managed more efficiently. We pay tons of taxes for roads in my state and theyve been busted up for years. There is constant construction.

Whitmer basically won because she promised to fix the roads and make recreational weed legal. As far as roads all she did was tax on gas.....and as of now shes put hundreds of small businesses out of business and killed off a bunch of nursing home residents.

The problem with socailism(and I didnt even bring up communism, though socailism is bad enough and eventually just becomes communism. It just gets added to and expanded) is that people are corrupt. People will always be corrupt. And these systems intended to remedy inequality really only cause deeper inequality. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

We should give true capitalism a shot.

I get really frustrated when people start yelling to tax churches. That would be disgusting. And it would take money that has already been taxed that could be directly helping the poor.

I know people who have gotten divorced so they could receive enough benefits to survive, and also refuse extra hours or a higher paying position because they would lose benefits and still come up short. And many times prices go up because of tax. Like raising taxes on a landlord would raise the rent.

Dovey, again, you don't know what you're talking about. The US does not already have free higher ed or single payer health care. Those are two very important and fundamental issues. You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. If anything is mismanaged, we the people need to fix that rather than give up on important issues. Free higher ed is what made America a super power, and now it's gone.

We're not talking about raising taxes on landlords. We're talking about forcing corporations like Apple and GE and Amazon to actually pay taxes, and for billionaires to pay more than teachers, for fuck's sake. You don't know anything about economics.

No I do know what I'm talking about.

Why would we make higher education free, Lotus? Why? And how are those priviledged going to be ran with no income?

And government ran health care would be absolutely horrible here. State medical insurance was better before Obama care. I want my medical decisions to be made between me and my doctor. Not by government pricks trying to decide what a good use of resources is.

We have well off people from Canada who come here to Michigan to get dialysis and chemo treatments because they have to wait a ridiculous amount of time getting that in Canada. WHY invite that problem here?

Lowering costs was a great step in a very good direction but Biden just wiped his ass with that and there is very little outrage from those who voted for him. Must be people who can afford insulin and dont have to care about those who cant.

Goddamnit it, Dovey! Do you understand that all public universities in the USA used to be tuition free? Do you know this about our history? Do you understand what has happened to cause them to cost tens of thousands of dollars? Do you also know that we became a superpower due to advancements made by our country during the era when higher ed was free? Do you? Fuck!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Now, this is getting confusing, what is "True Capitalism"?
I get this when I google "Capitalism"; an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

So by that definition, everything should be in private owners hands, yes?

And when I google socialism;
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

UNLESS you're a Marxist, then socialism means;
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

And I'm fairly certain no one here is a filthy Marxist and believes socialism = communism..or maybe there are Marxists in here.. I don't know.

But I'd be curious to see what a pure capitalist country would look like. Roads privately owned, Healthcare, ambulance and emergency services...all privately owned.
Ohhh, Imagine the variety of privately owned armies in a purely Capitalist society. The advancements made in weaponry would be through the roof.

We already have the democratic socailism people say they want. And the socailist programs we have are mismanaged to hell.

Every single state has it's own socailist medical system. It varies from state to state. I can tell you, if an uninsured poor as fuck person went to the ER they would be treated and there are socail workers that would come and help them get started on getting covered. That's part of my husbands job.

I'm not against the community paying for roads and public services. But it needs to be managed more efficiently. We pay tons of taxes for roads in my state and theyve been busted up for years. There is constant construction.

Whitmer basically won because she promised to fix the roads and make recreational weed legal. As far as roads all she did was tax on gas.....and as of now shes put hundreds of small businesses out of business and killed off a bunch of nursing home residents.

The problem with socailism(and I didnt even bring up communism, though socailism is bad enough and eventually just becomes communism. It just gets added to and expanded) is that people are corrupt. People will always be corrupt. And these systems intended to remedy inequality really only cause deeper inequality. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

We should give true capitalism a shot.

I get really frustrated when people start yelling to tax churches. That would be disgusting. And it would take money that has already been taxed that could be directly helping the poor.

I know people who have gotten divorced so they could receive enough benefits to survive, and also refuse extra hours or a higher paying position because they would lose benefits and still come up short. And many times prices go up because of tax. Like raising taxes on a landlord would raise the rent.

Dovey, again, you don't know what you're talking about. The US does not already have free higher ed or single payer health care. Those are two very important and fundamental issues. You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. If anything is mismanaged, we the people need to fix that rather than give up on important issues. Free higher ed is what made America a super power, and now it's gone.

We're not talking about raising taxes on landlords. We're talking about forcing corporations like Apple and GE and Amazon to actually pay taxes, and for billionaires to pay more than teachers, for fuck's sake. You don't know anything about economics.

No I do know what I'm talking about.

Why would we make higher education free, Lotus? Why? And how are those priviledged going to be ran with no income?

And government ran health care would be absolutely horrible here. State medical insurance was better before Obama care. I want my medical decisions to be made between me and my doctor. Not by government pricks trying to decide what a good use of resources is.

We have well off people from Canada who come here to Michigan to get dialysis and chemo treatments because they have to wait a ridiculous amount of time getting that in Canada. WHY invite that problem here?

Lowering costs was a great step in a very good direction but Biden just wiped his ass with that and there is very little outrage from those who voted for him. Must be people who can afford insulin and dont have to care about those who cant.

Goddamnit it, Dovey! Do you understand that all public universities in the USA used to be tuition free? Do you know this about our history? Do you understand what has happened to cause them to cost tens of thousands of dollars? Do you also know that we became a superpower due to advancements made by our country during the era when higher ed was free? Do you? Fuck!

I asked you exactly how we are going to run them on no income.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Now, this is getting confusing, what is "True Capitalism"?
I get this when I google "Capitalism"; an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

So by that definition, everything should be in private owners hands, yes?

And when I google socialism;
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

UNLESS you're a Marxist, then socialism means;
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

And I'm fairly certain no one here is a filthy Marxist and believes socialism = communism..or maybe there are Marxists in here.. I don't know.

But I'd be curious to see what a pure capitalist country would look like. Roads privately owned, Healthcare, ambulance and emergency services...all privately owned.
Ohhh, Imagine the variety of privately owned armies in a purely Capitalist society. The advancements made in weaponry would be through the roof.

We already have the democratic socailism people say they want. And the socailist programs we have are mismanaged to hell.

Every single state has it's own socailist medical system. It varies from state to state. I can tell you, if an uninsured poor as fuck person went to the ER they would be treated and there are socail workers that would come and help them get started on getting covered. That's part of my husbands job.

I'm not against the community paying for roads and public services. But it needs to be managed more efficiently. We pay tons of taxes for roads in my state and theyve been busted up for years. There is constant construction.

Whitmer basically won because she promised to fix the roads and make recreational weed legal. As far as roads all she did was tax on gas.....and as of now shes put hundreds of small businesses out of business and killed off a bunch of nursing home residents.

The problem with socailism(and I didnt even bring up communism, though socailism is bad enough and eventually just becomes communism. It just gets added to and expanded) is that people are corrupt. People will always be corrupt. And these systems intended to remedy inequality really only cause deeper inequality. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

We should give true capitalism a shot.

I get really frustrated when people start yelling to tax churches. That would be disgusting. And it would take money that has already been taxed that could be directly helping the poor.

I know people who have gotten divorced so they could receive enough benefits to survive, and also refuse extra hours or a higher paying position because they would lose benefits and still come up short. And many times prices go up because of tax. Like raising taxes on a landlord would raise the rent.

Dovey, again, you don't know what you're talking about. The US does not already have free higher ed or single payer health care. Those are two very important and fundamental issues. You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. If anything is mismanaged, we the people need to fix that rather than give up on important issues. Free higher ed is what made America a super power, and now it's gone.

We're not talking about raising taxes on landlords. We're talking about forcing corporations like Apple and GE and Amazon to actually pay taxes, and for billionaires to pay more than teachers, for fuck's sake. You don't know anything about economics.

No I do know what I'm talking about.

Why would we make higher education free, Lotus? Why? And how are those priviledged going to be ran with no income?

And government ran health care would be absolutely horrible here. State medical insurance was better before Obama care. I want my medical decisions to be made between me and my doctor. Not by government pricks trying to decide what a good use of resources is.

We have well off people from Canada who come here to Michigan to get dialysis and chemo treatments because they have to wait a ridiculous amount of time getting that in Canada. WHY invite that problem here?

Lowering costs was a great step in a very good direction but Biden just wiped his ass with that and there is very little outrage from those who voted for him. Must be people who can afford insulin and dont have to care about those who cant.

Goddamnit it, Dovey! Do you understand that all public universities in the USA used to be tuition free? Do you know this about our history? Do you understand what has happened to cause them to cost tens of thousands of dollars? Do you also know that we became a superpower due to advancements made by our country during the era when higher ed was free? Do you? Fuck!

I asked you exactly how we are going to run them on no income.

The same way we ran them before. It would be simple if we cut out corporate welfare and stopped giving the military profiteers trillions of dollars. And if we stopped letting banksters profit off of higher ed, which they are doing bigtime right now. It wouldn't raise your taxes one penny. That's what you don't seem to understand.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Lotus is too stupid to understand why ppl like Bloomberg and Bezos support cunts like Biden

Are you fucking serious? You are obviously too fucking stupid to understand anything I ever say here. I fucking detest Bezos. He's evil lizard person number 1. And I have never, ever been a fan of Bloomberg. What the fuck is your actual problem with comprehension?
Hey stupid. The statement was not
Did you take my comment as an insult? I was just saying America doesnt have true capitalism.

America has the oligarchs' favored version of capitalism. The US is going to completely implode if they don't knock it the fuck off.
With the likes of AOC and Biden in gov we most certainly will

Oh, because everything was going great with Trump in there. |Watch it here, folks. The fucking fiasco that the US has been for the last 12 years, since the housing crisis, is now all going to be Biden's fault.

It's ALL of them, you ignorant twat. Trump did as much that was bad as any of them, including W, Clinton. Obama, and Bush I. Biden will just continue the tradition. That is ALL he will do. But he won't act as stupid and utterly moronic as Trump.
Economy was good on Trumps watch

The economy was NOT good for working Americans.
It was good for every single non lazy working AMerican I know

Most of the Trump supporters are working Americans who have said over and over how Trumps policies and economy was good for them.

People that just hate Trump argue with it and say "no you are wrong!" Even though it's been obviously better for your family.

The establishment hates Trump. So the corporate media had a shockingly impactful propaganda campaign. I honestly cannot believe how easily people are manipulated.

Q said he was immune to propaganda, while blaming Trump for 400k Covid deaths. People who think they are immune get taken the hardest.

All that pride. It will wreck the country. It IS wrecking the country.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Now, this is getting confusing, what is "True Capitalism"?
I get this when I google "Capitalism"; an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

So by that definition, everything should be in private owners hands, yes?

And when I google socialism;
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

UNLESS you're a Marxist, then socialism means;
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

And I'm fairly certain no one here is a filthy Marxist and believes socialism = communism..or maybe there are Marxists in here.. I don't know.

But I'd be curious to see what a pure capitalist country would look like. Roads privately owned, Healthcare, ambulance and emergency services...all privately owned.
Ohhh, Imagine the variety of privately owned armies in a purely Capitalist society. The advancements made in weaponry would be through the roof.

We already have the democratic socailism people say they want. And the socailist programs we have are mismanaged to hell.

Every single state has it's own socailist medical system. It varies from state to state. I can tell you, if an uninsured poor as fuck person went to the ER they would be treated and there are socail workers that would come and help them get started on getting covered. That's part of my husbands job.

I'm not against the community paying for roads and public services. But it needs to be managed more efficiently. We pay tons of taxes for roads in my state and theyve been busted up for years. There is constant construction.

Whitmer basically won because she promised to fix the roads and make recreational weed legal. As far as roads all she did was tax on gas.....and as of now shes put hundreds of small businesses out of business and killed off a bunch of nursing home residents.

The problem with socailism(and I didnt even bring up communism, though socailism is bad enough and eventually just becomes communism. It just gets added to and expanded) is that people are corrupt. People will always be corrupt. And these systems intended to remedy inequality really only cause deeper inequality. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

We should give true capitalism a shot.

I get really frustrated when people start yelling to tax churches. That would be disgusting. And it would take money that has already been taxed that could be directly helping the poor.

I know people who have gotten divorced so they could receive enough benefits to survive, and also refuse extra hours or a higher paying position because they would lose benefits and still come up short. And many times prices go up because of tax. Like raising taxes on a landlord would raise the rent.

Dovey, again, you don't know what you're talking about. The US does not already have free higher ed or single payer health care. Those are two very important and fundamental issues. You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. If anything is mismanaged, we the people need to fix that rather than give up on important issues. Free higher ed is what made America a super power, and now it's gone.

We're not talking about raising taxes on landlords. We're talking about forcing corporations like Apple and GE and Amazon to actually pay taxes, and for billionaires to pay more than teachers, for fuck's sake. You don't know anything about economics.

No I do know what I'm talking about.

Why would we make higher education free, Lotus? Why? And how are those priviledged going to be ran with no income?

And government ran health care would be absolutely horrible here. State medical insurance was better before Obama care. I want my medical decisions to be made between me and my doctor. Not by government pricks trying to decide what a good use of resources is.

We have well off people from Canada who come here to Michigan to get dialysis and chemo treatments because they have to wait a ridiculous amount of time getting that in Canada. WHY invite that problem here?

Lowering costs was a great step in a very good direction but Biden just wiped his ass with that and there is very little outrage from those who voted for him. Must be people who can afford insulin and dont have to care about those who cant.

Goddamnit it, Dovey! Do you understand that all public universities in the USA used to be tuition free? Do you know this about our history? Do you understand what has happened to cause them to cost tens of thousands of dollars? Do you also know that we became a superpower due to advancements made by our country during the era when higher ed was free? Do you? Fuck!

I asked you exactly how we are going to run them on no income.

The same way we ran them before. It would be simple if we cut out corporate welfare and stopped giving the military profiteers trillions of dollars. And if we stopped letting banksters profit off of higher ed, which they are doing bigtime right now. It wouldn't raise your taxes one penny. That's what you don't seem to understand.

Are you saying tuition costs go towards corporate welfare?
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Lotus is too stupid to understand why ppl like Bloomberg and Bezos support cunts like Biden

Are you fucking serious? You are obviously too fucking stupid to understand anything I ever say here. I fucking detest Bezos. He's evil lizard person number 1. And I have never, ever been a fan of Bloomberg. What the fuck is your actual problem with comprehension?
Hey stupid. The statement was not
Did you take my comment as an insult? I was just saying America doesnt have true capitalism.

America has the oligarchs' favored version of capitalism. The US is going to completely implode if they don't knock it the fuck off.
With the likes of AOC and Biden in gov we most certainly will

Oh, because everything was going great with Trump in there. |Watch it here, folks. The fucking fiasco that the US has been for the last 12 years, since the housing crisis, is now all going to be Biden's fault.

It's ALL of them, you ignorant twat. Trump did as much that was bad as any of them, including W, Clinton. Obama, and Bush I. Biden will just continue the tradition. That is ALL he will do. But he won't act as stupid and utterly moronic as Trump.
Economy was good on Trumps watch

The economy was NOT good for working Americans.
It was good for every single non lazy working AMerican I know

Most off the Trump supporters are working Americans who have said over and over how Trumps policies and economy was good for them.

People that just hate Trump argue with it and say "no you are wrong!" Even though it's been obviously better for your family.

The establishment hates Trump. So the corporate media had a shockingly impactful propaganda campaign. I honestly cannot believe how easily people are manipulated.

Q said he was immune to propaganda, while blaming Trump for 400k Covid deaths. People who think they are immune get taken the hardest.

All that pride. It will wreck the country. It IS wrecking the country.

LotusBrokenBrain STILL does not understand WHY people like Bloomberg and Bezos support the democrat shills fraudulently installed in gov

Can you imagine all the young impressionable minds in the CA school system this witch ruined with her rhetoric ?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Lotus is too stupid to understand why ppl like Bloomberg and Bezos support cunts like Biden

Are you fucking serious? You are obviously too fucking stupid to understand anything I ever say here. I fucking detest Bezos. He's evil lizard person number 1. And I have never, ever been a fan of Bloomberg. What the fuck is your actual problem with comprehension?
Hey stupid. The statement was not
Did you take my comment as an insult? I was just saying America doesnt have true capitalism.

America has the oligarchs' favored version of capitalism. The US is going to completely implode if they don't knock it the fuck off.
With the likes of AOC and Biden in gov we most certainly will

Oh, because everything was going great with Trump in there. |Watch it here, folks. The fucking fiasco that the US has been for the last 12 years, since the housing crisis, is now all going to be Biden's fault.

It's ALL of them, you ignorant twat. Trump did as much that was bad as any of them, including W, Clinton. Obama, and Bush I. Biden will just continue the tradition. That is ALL he will do. But he won't act as stupid and utterly moronic as Trump.
Economy was good on Trumps watch

The economy was NOT good for working Americans.
It was good for every single non lazy working AMerican I know

Most off the Trump supporters are working Americans who have said over and over how Trumps policies and economy was good for them.

People that just hate Trump argue with it and say "no you are wrong!" Even though it's been obviously better for your family.

The establishment hates Trump. So the corporate media had a shockingly impactful propaganda campaign. I honestly cannot believe how easily people are manipulated.

Q said he was immune to propaganda, while blaming Trump for 400k Covid deaths. People who think they are immune get taken the hardest.

All that pride. It will wreck the country. It IS wrecking the country.

Saying something over and over doesn't make it true.

The lives of working stiffs did not improve under Trump except for their paltry, TEMPORARY tax cut, that was designed to shut people up while Trump gave hundreds of billions in permanent tax cuts to billionaires. Why didn't he push for a 15 buck minimum age if he cared about US workers so much? I'll tell you why: he never gave half of one fuck about any of you. Don't be such a partisan hack.

The lives of working stiffs won't improve under Biden, either, unless he gets forced to help people by the people themselves. This will only happen if Dems are better than Trumpsters, and admit that their President is a hack.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Now, this is getting confusing, what is "True Capitalism"?
I get this when I google "Capitalism"; an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

So by that definition, everything should be in private owners hands, yes?

And when I google socialism;
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

UNLESS you're a Marxist, then socialism means;
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

And I'm fairly certain no one here is a filthy Marxist and believes socialism = communism..or maybe there are Marxists in here.. I don't know.

But I'd be curious to see what a pure capitalist country would look like. Roads privately owned, Healthcare, ambulance and emergency services...all privately owned.
Ohhh, Imagine the variety of privately owned armies in a purely Capitalist society. The advancements made in weaponry would be through the roof.

We already have the democratic socailism people say they want. And the socailist programs we have are mismanaged to hell.

Every single state has it's own socailist medical system. It varies from state to state. I can tell you, if an uninsured poor as fuck person went to the ER they would be treated and there are socail workers that would come and help them get started on getting covered. That's part of my husbands job.

I'm not against the community paying for roads and public services. But it needs to be managed more efficiently. We pay tons of taxes for roads in my state and theyve been busted up for years. There is constant construction.

Whitmer basically won because she promised to fix the roads and make recreational weed legal. As far as roads all she did was tax on gas.....and as of now shes put hundreds of small businesses out of business and killed off a bunch of nursing home residents.

The problem with socailism(and I didnt even bring up communism, though socailism is bad enough and eventually just becomes communism. It just gets added to and expanded) is that people are corrupt. People will always be corrupt. And these systems intended to remedy inequality really only cause deeper inequality. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

We should give true capitalism a shot.

I get really frustrated when people start yelling to tax churches. That would be disgusting. And it would take money that has already been taxed that could be directly helping the poor.

I know people who have gotten divorced so they could receive enough benefits to survive, and also refuse extra hours or a higher paying position because they would lose benefits and still come up short. And many times prices go up because of tax. Like raising taxes on a landlord would raise the rent.

Dovey, again, you don't know what you're talking about. The US does not already have free higher ed or single payer health care. Those are two very important and fundamental issues. You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. If anything is mismanaged, we the people need to fix that rather than give up on important issues. Free higher ed is what made America a super power, and now it's gone.

We're not talking about raising taxes on landlords. We're talking about forcing corporations like Apple and GE and Amazon to actually pay taxes, and for billionaires to pay more than teachers, for fuck's sake. You don't know anything about economics.

No I do know what I'm talking about.

Why would we make higher education free, Lotus? Why? And how are those priviledged going to be ran with no income?

And government ran health care would be absolutely horrible here. State medical insurance was better before Obama care. I want my medical decisions to be made between me and my doctor. Not by government pricks trying to decide what a good use of resources is.

We have well off people from Canada who come here to Michigan to get dialysis and chemo treatments because they have to wait a ridiculous amount of time getting that in Canada. WHY invite that problem here?

Lowering costs was a great step in a very good direction but Biden just wiped his ass with that and there is very little outrage from those who voted for him. Must be people who can afford insulin and dont have to care about those who cant.

Goddamnit it, Dovey! Do you understand that all public universities in the USA used to be tuition free? Do you know this about our history? Do you understand what has happened to cause them to cost tens of thousands of dollars? Do you also know that we became a superpower due to advancements made by our country during the era when higher ed was free? Do you? Fuck!

I asked you exactly how we are going to run them on no income.

The same way we ran them before. It would be simple if we cut out corporate welfare and stopped giving the military profiteers trillions of dollars. And if we stopped letting banksters profit off of higher ed, which they are doing bigtime right now. It wouldn't raise your taxes one penny. That's what you don't seem to understand.

Are you saying tuition costs go towards corporate welfare?

SMH. No. I'll let you try to sort that out. LMAO
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Warren's got some great lip service here

BUt the real question remains: Would RObinHood have pulled this illegal bullshit if Trump were still in office?

I don't think so.

And that right there tells you everything you need to know.

At the end of the day Those redditors believed Gerbil JOe was on their side and got sold the fuck up the river by liberal scum yet again

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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Lotus is too stupid to understand why ppl like Bloomberg and Bezos support cunts like Biden

Are you fucking serious? You are obviously too fucking stupid to understand anything I ever say here. I fucking detest Bezos. He's evil lizard person number 1. And I have never, ever been a fan of Bloomberg. What the fuck is your actual problem with comprehension?
Hey stupid. The statement was not
Did you take my comment as an insult? I was just saying America doesnt have true capitalism.

America has the oligarchs' favored version of capitalism. The US is going to completely implode if they don't knock it the fuck off.
With the likes of AOC and Biden in gov we most certainly will

Oh, because everything was going great with Trump in there. |Watch it here, folks. The fucking fiasco that the US has been for the last 12 years, since the housing crisis, is now all going to be Biden's fault.

It's ALL of them, you ignorant twat. Trump did as much that was bad as any of them, including W, Clinton. Obama, and Bush I. Biden will just continue the tradition. That is ALL he will do. But he won't act as stupid and utterly moronic as Trump.
Economy was good on Trumps watch

The economy was NOT good for working Americans.
It was good for every single non lazy working AMerican I know

Most off the Trump supporters are working Americans who have said over and over how Trumps policies and economy was good for them.

People that just hate Trump argue with it and say "no you are wrong!" Even though it's been obviously better for your family.

The establishment hates Trump. So the corporate media had a shockingly impactful propaganda campaign. I honestly cannot believe how easily people are manipulated.

Q said he was immune to propaganda, while blaming Trump for 400k Covid deaths. People who think they are immune get taken the hardest.

All that pride. It will wreck the country. It IS wrecking the country.

LotusBrokenBrain STILL does not understand WHY people like Bloomberg and Bezos support the democrat shills fraudulently installed in gov

Can you imagine all the young impressionable minds in the CA school system this witch ruined with her rhetoric ?

It kills me.

They claim the wealthy are selfish and corrupt and dont care about the little guy.

Then they just kinda ignore how they are on the same side as these people.

Like you can point this out all day.....how they are being deceived, how they repeating pro establishment propaganda, how they are aligned with whole system and they think we are the bad ones.

We are treasonous now. Does 2+2=5?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Lotus is too stupid to understand why ppl like Bloomberg and Bezos support cunts like Biden

Are you fucking serious? You are obviously too fucking stupid to understand anything I ever say here. I fucking detest Bezos. He's evil lizard person number 1. And I have never, ever been a fan of Bloomberg. What the fuck is your actual problem with comprehension?
Hey stupid. The statement was not
Did you take my comment as an insult? I was just saying America doesnt have true capitalism.

America has the oligarchs' favored version of capitalism. The US is going to completely implode if they don't knock it the fuck off.
With the likes of AOC and Biden in gov we most certainly will

Oh, because everything was going great with Trump in there. |Watch it here, folks. The fucking fiasco that the US has been for the last 12 years, since the housing crisis, is now all going to be Biden's fault.

It's ALL of them, you ignorant twat. Trump did as much that was bad as any of them, including W, Clinton. Obama, and Bush I. Biden will just continue the tradition. That is ALL he will do. But he won't act as stupid and utterly moronic as Trump.
Economy was good on Trumps watch

The economy was NOT good for working Americans.
It was good for every single non lazy working AMerican I know

Most off the Trump supporters are working Americans who have said over and over how Trumps policies and economy was good for them.

People that just hate Trump argue with it and say "no you are wrong!" Even though it's been obviously better for your family.

The establishment hates Trump. So the corporate media had a shockingly impactful propaganda campaign. I honestly cannot believe how easily people are manipulated.

Q said he was immune to propaganda, while blaming Trump for 400k Covid deaths. People who think they are immune get taken the hardest.

All that pride. It will wreck the country. It IS wrecking the country.

LotusBrokenBrain STILL does not understand WHY people like Bloomberg and Bezos support the democrat shills fraudulently installed in gov

Can you imagine all the young impressionable minds in the CA school system this witch ruined with her rhetoric ?

Dumbass, you still don't understand that I am not a Dem and I hate Bezos and Bloomberg. How fucking stupid are you?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Now, this is getting confusing, what is "True Capitalism"?
I get this when I google "Capitalism"; an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

So by that definition, everything should be in private owners hands, yes?

And when I google socialism;
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

UNLESS you're a Marxist, then socialism means;
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

And I'm fairly certain no one here is a filthy Marxist and believes socialism = communism..or maybe there are Marxists in here.. I don't know.

But I'd be curious to see what a pure capitalist country would look like. Roads privately owned, Healthcare, ambulance and emergency services...all privately owned.
Ohhh, Imagine the variety of privately owned armies in a purely Capitalist society. The advancements made in weaponry would be through the roof.

We already have the democratic socailism people say they want. And the socailist programs we have are mismanaged to hell.

Every single state has it's own socailist medical system. It varies from state to state. I can tell you, if an uninsured poor as fuck person went to the ER they would be treated and there are socail workers that would come and help them get started on getting covered. That's part of my husbands job.

I'm not against the community paying for roads and public services. But it needs to be managed more efficiently. We pay tons of taxes for roads in my state and theyve been busted up for years. There is constant construction.

Whitmer basically won because she promised to fix the roads and make recreational weed legal. As far as roads all she did was tax on gas.....and as of now shes put hundreds of small businesses out of business and killed off a bunch of nursing home residents.

The problem with socailism(and I didnt even bring up communism, though socailism is bad enough and eventually just becomes communism. It just gets added to and expanded) is that people are corrupt. People will always be corrupt. And these systems intended to remedy inequality really only cause deeper inequality. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

We should give true capitalism a shot.

I get really frustrated when people start yelling to tax churches. That would be disgusting. And it would take money that has already been taxed that could be directly helping the poor.

I know people who have gotten divorced so they could receive enough benefits to survive, and also refuse extra hours or a higher paying position because they would lose benefits and still come up short. And many times prices go up because of tax. Like raising taxes on a landlord would raise the rent.

Dovey, again, you don't know what you're talking about. The US does not already have free higher ed or single payer health care. Those are two very important and fundamental issues. You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. If anything is mismanaged, we the people need to fix that rather than give up on important issues. Free higher ed is what made America a super power, and now it's gone.

We're not talking about raising taxes on landlords. We're talking about forcing corporations like Apple and GE and Amazon to actually pay taxes, and for billionaires to pay more than teachers, for fuck's sake. You don't know anything about economics.

No I do know what I'm talking about.

Why would we make higher education free, Lotus? Why? And how are those priviledged going to be ran with no income?

And government ran health care would be absolutely horrible here. State medical insurance was better before Obama care. I want my medical decisions to be made between me and my doctor. Not by government pricks trying to decide what a good use of resources is.

We have well off people from Canada who come here to Michigan to get dialysis and chemo treatments because they have to wait a ridiculous amount of time getting that in Canada. WHY invite that problem here?

Lowering costs was a great step in a very good direction but Biden just wiped his ass with that and there is very little outrage from those who voted for him. Must be people who can afford insulin and dont have to care about those who cant.

Goddamnit it, Dovey! Do you understand that all public universities in the USA used to be tuition free? Do you know this about our history? Do you understand what has happened to cause them to cost tens of thousands of dollars? Do you also know that we became a superpower due to advancements made by our country during the era when higher ed was free? Do you? Fuck!

I asked you exactly how we are going to run them on no income.

The same way we ran them before. It would be simple if we cut out corporate welfare and stopped giving the military profiteers trillions of dollars. And if we stopped letting banksters profit off of higher ed, which they are doing bigtime right now. It wouldn't raise your taxes one penny. That's what you don't seem to understand.

Are you saying tuition costs go towards corporate welfare?

SMH. No. I'll let you try to sort that out. LMAO

I'd like you to explain it, it's your position.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Now, this is getting confusing, what is "True Capitalism"?
I get this when I google "Capitalism"; an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

So by that definition, everything should be in private owners hands, yes?

And when I google socialism;
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

UNLESS you're a Marxist, then socialism means;
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

And I'm fairly certain no one here is a filthy Marxist and believes socialism = communism..or maybe there are Marxists in here.. I don't know.

But I'd be curious to see what a pure capitalist country would look like. Roads privately owned, Healthcare, ambulance and emergency services...all privately owned.
Ohhh, Imagine the variety of privately owned armies in a purely Capitalist society. The advancements made in weaponry would be through the roof.

We already have the democratic socailism people say they want. And the socailist programs we have are mismanaged to hell.

Every single state has it's own socailist medical system. It varies from state to state. I can tell you, if an uninsured poor as fuck person went to the ER they would be treated and there are socail workers that would come and help them get started on getting covered. That's part of my husbands job.

I'm not against the community paying for roads and public services. But it needs to be managed more efficiently. We pay tons of taxes for roads in my state and theyve been busted up for years. There is constant construction.

Whitmer basically won because she promised to fix the roads and make recreational weed legal. As far as roads all she did was tax on gas.....and as of now shes put hundreds of small businesses out of business and killed off a bunch of nursing home residents.

The problem with socailism(and I didnt even bring up communism, though socailism is bad enough and eventually just becomes communism. It just gets added to and expanded) is that people are corrupt. People will always be corrupt. And these systems intended to remedy inequality really only cause deeper inequality. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

We should give true capitalism a shot.

I get really frustrated when people start yelling to tax churches. That would be disgusting. And it would take money that has already been taxed that could be directly helping the poor.

I know people who have gotten divorced so they could receive enough benefits to survive, and also refuse extra hours or a higher paying position because they would lose benefits and still come up short. And many times prices go up because of tax. Like raising taxes on a landlord would raise the rent.

Dovey, again, you don't know what you're talking about. The US does not already have free higher ed or single payer health care. Those are two very important and fundamental issues. You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. If anything is mismanaged, we the people need to fix that rather than give up on important issues. Free higher ed is what made America a super power, and now it's gone.

We're not talking about raising taxes on landlords. We're talking about forcing corporations like Apple and GE and Amazon to actually pay taxes, and for billionaires to pay more than teachers, for fuck's sake. You don't know anything about economics.

No I do know what I'm talking about.

Why would we make higher education free, Lotus? Why? And how are those priviledged going to be ran with no income?

And government ran health care would be absolutely horrible here. State medical insurance was better before Obama care. I want my medical decisions to be made between me and my doctor. Not by government pricks trying to decide what a good use of resources is.

We have well off people from Canada who come here to Michigan to get dialysis and chemo treatments because they have to wait a ridiculous amount of time getting that in Canada. WHY invite that problem here?

Lowering costs was a great step in a very good direction but Biden just wiped his ass with that and there is very little outrage from those who voted for him. Must be people who can afford insulin and dont have to care about those who cant.

Goddamnit it, Dovey! Do you understand that all public universities in the USA used to be tuition free? Do you know this about our history? Do you understand what has happened to cause them to cost tens of thousands of dollars? Do you also know that we became a superpower due to advancements made by our country during the era when higher ed was free? Do you? Fuck!

I asked you exactly how we are going to run them on no income.

The same way we ran them before. It would be simple if we cut out corporate welfare and stopped giving the military profiteers trillions of dollars. And if we stopped letting banksters profit off of higher ed, which they are doing bigtime right now. It wouldn't raise your taxes one penny. That's what you don't seem to understand.

Are you saying tuition costs go towards corporate welfare?

SMH. No. I'll let you try to sort that out. LMAO

I'd like you to explain it, it's your position.

But it's not my position. I never said that.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Lotus, you can disagree with my post but you YOURSELF just parroted corporate media bullshit about Trump telling people to consume disinfectant.

Every single mainstream source pushed that obviously lie.

You know propaganda works by manipulating feelings. That way, they can influence people to be against anyone. Their own neighbors. Half the country.

You understand the whole establishment is anti Trump? All you have to do is review how this administration was covered to see the glaring inflammatory, divisive propaganda.

Now they have people.....Americans....who view the people who showed up in DC to protest politicains and dirty elections as TERRORIST.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Now, this is getting confusing, what is "True Capitalism"?
I get this when I google "Capitalism"; an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

So by that definition, everything should be in private owners hands, yes?

And when I google socialism;
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

UNLESS you're a Marxist, then socialism means;
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

And I'm fairly certain no one here is a filthy Marxist and believes socialism = communism..or maybe there are Marxists in here.. I don't know.

But I'd be curious to see what a pure capitalist country would look like. Roads privately owned, Healthcare, ambulance and emergency services...all privately owned.
Ohhh, Imagine the variety of privately owned armies in a purely Capitalist society. The advancements made in weaponry would be through the roof.

We already have the democratic socailism people say they want. And the socailist programs we have are mismanaged to hell.

Every single state has it's own socailist medical system. It varies from state to state. I can tell you, if an uninsured poor as fuck person went to the ER they would be treated and there are socail workers that would come and help them get started on getting covered. That's part of my husbands job.

I'm not against the community paying for roads and public services. But it needs to be managed more efficiently. We pay tons of taxes for roads in my state and theyve been busted up for years. There is constant construction.

Whitmer basically won because she promised to fix the roads and make recreational weed legal. As far as roads all she did was tax on gas.....and as of now shes put hundreds of small businesses out of business and killed off a bunch of nursing home residents.

The problem with socailism(and I didnt even bring up communism, though socailism is bad enough and eventually just becomes communism. It just gets added to and expanded) is that people are corrupt. People will always be corrupt. And these systems intended to remedy inequality really only cause deeper inequality. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

We should give true capitalism a shot.

I get really frustrated when people start yelling to tax churches. That would be disgusting. And it would take money that has already been taxed that could be directly helping the poor.

I know people who have gotten divorced so they could receive enough benefits to survive, and also refuse extra hours or a higher paying position because they would lose benefits and still come up short. And many times prices go up because of tax. Like raising taxes on a landlord would raise the rent.

Dovey, again, you don't know what you're talking about. The US does not already have free higher ed or single payer health care. Those are two very important and fundamental issues. You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. If anything is mismanaged, we the people need to fix that rather than give up on important issues. Free higher ed is what made America a super power, and now it's gone.

We're not talking about raising taxes on landlords. We're talking about forcing corporations like Apple and GE and Amazon to actually pay taxes, and for billionaires to pay more than teachers, for fuck's sake. You don't know anything about economics.

No I do know what I'm talking about.

Why would we make higher education free, Lotus? Why? And how are those priviledged going to be ran with no income?

And government ran health care would be absolutely horrible here. State medical insurance was better before Obama care. I want my medical decisions to be made between me and my doctor. Not by government pricks trying to decide what a good use of resources is.

We have well off people from Canada who come here to Michigan to get dialysis and chemo treatments because they have to wait a ridiculous amount of time getting that in Canada. WHY invite that problem here?

Lowering costs was a great step in a very good direction but Biden just wiped his ass with that and there is very little outrage from those who voted for him. Must be people who can afford insulin and dont have to care about those who cant.

Goddamnit it, Dovey! Do you understand that all public universities in the USA used to be tuition free? Do you know this about our history? Do you understand what has happened to cause them to cost tens of thousands of dollars? Do you also know that we became a superpower due to advancements made by our country during the era when higher ed was free? Do you? Fuck!

I asked you exactly how we are going to run them on no income.

The same way we ran them before. It would be simple if we cut out corporate welfare and stopped giving the military profiteers trillions of dollars. And if we stopped letting banksters profit off of higher ed, which they are doing bigtime right now. It wouldn't raise your taxes one penny. That's what you don't seem to understand.

Are you saying tuition costs go towards corporate welfare?

SMH. No. I'll let you try to sort that out. LMAO

I'd like you to explain it, it's your position.

But it's not my position. I never said that.

It's not your position that higher education should be free?

I'm asking how we would run this with no income. Exactly how would this work?

I'm not talking about the past. I'm not saying I agree with it being grossly expensive.

Im asking how we would run it for free.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Now, this is getting confusing, what is "True Capitalism"?
I get this when I google "Capitalism"; an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

So by that definition, everything should be in private owners hands, yes?

And when I google socialism;
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

UNLESS you're a Marxist, then socialism means;
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

And I'm fairly certain no one here is a filthy Marxist and believes socialism = communism..or maybe there are Marxists in here.. I don't know.

But I'd be curious to see what a pure capitalist country would look like. Roads privately owned, Healthcare, ambulance and emergency services...all privately owned.
Ohhh, Imagine the variety of privately owned armies in a purely Capitalist society. The advancements made in weaponry would be through the roof.

We already have the democratic socailism people say they want. And the socailist programs we have are mismanaged to hell.

Every single state has it's own socailist medical system. It varies from state to state. I can tell you, if an uninsured poor as fuck person went to the ER they would be treated and there are socail workers that would come and help them get started on getting covered. That's part of my husbands job.

I'm not against the community paying for roads and public services. But it needs to be managed more efficiently. We pay tons of taxes for roads in my state and theyve been busted up for years. There is constant construction.

Whitmer basically won because she promised to fix the roads and make recreational weed legal. As far as roads all she did was tax on gas.....and as of now shes put hundreds of small businesses out of business and killed off a bunch of nursing home residents.

The problem with socailism(and I didnt even bring up communism, though socailism is bad enough and eventually just becomes communism. It just gets added to and expanded) is that people are corrupt. People will always be corrupt. And these systems intended to remedy inequality really only cause deeper inequality. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

We should give true capitalism a shot.

I get really frustrated when people start yelling to tax churches. That would be disgusting. And it would take money that has already been taxed that could be directly helping the poor.

I know people who have gotten divorced so they could receive enough benefits to survive, and also refuse extra hours or a higher paying position because they would lose benefits and still come up short. And many times prices go up because of tax. Like raising taxes on a landlord would raise the rent.

Dovey, again, you don't know what you're talking about. The US does not already have free higher ed or single payer health care. Those are two very important and fundamental issues. You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. If anything is mismanaged, we the people need to fix that rather than give up on important issues. Free higher ed is what made America a super power, and now it's gone.

We're not talking about raising taxes on landlords. We're talking about forcing corporations like Apple and GE and Amazon to actually pay taxes, and for billionaires to pay more than teachers, for fuck's sake. You don't know anything about economics.

No I do know what I'm talking about.

Why would we make higher education free, Lotus? Why? And how are those priviledged going to be ran with no income?

And government ran health care would be absolutely horrible here. State medical insurance was better before Obama care. I want my medical decisions to be made between me and my doctor. Not by government pricks trying to decide what a good use of resources is.

We have well off people from Canada who come here to Michigan to get dialysis and chemo treatments because they have to wait a ridiculous amount of time getting that in Canada. WHY invite that problem here?

Lowering costs was a great step in a very good direction but Biden just wiped his ass with that and there is very little outrage from those who voted for him. Must be people who can afford insulin and dont have to care about those who cant.

Goddamnit it, Dovey! Do you understand that all public universities in the USA used to be tuition free? Do you know this about our history? Do you understand what has happened to cause them to cost tens of thousands of dollars? Do you also know that we became a superpower due to advancements made by our country during the era when higher ed was free? Do you? Fuck!

I asked you exactly how we are going to run them on no income.

The same way we ran them before. It would be simple if we cut out corporate welfare and stopped giving the military profiteers trillions of dollars. And if we stopped letting banksters profit off of higher ed, which they are doing bigtime right now. It wouldn't raise your taxes one penny. That's what you don't seem to understand.

Are you saying tuition costs go towards corporate welfare?

SMH. No. I'll let you try to sort that out. LMAO

I'd like you to explain it, it's your position.

But it's not my position. I never said that.

It's not your position that higher education should be free?

I'm asking how we would run this with no income. Exactly how would this work?

I'm not talking about the past. I'm not saying I agree with it being grossly expensive.

Im asking how we would run it for free.

I answered that question, Dovey. I'm not into playing your circular reasoning BS right now. Look that up: "circular reasoning."
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
The lives of working stiffs won't improve under Biden, either, unless he gets forced to help people by the people themselves. This will only happen if Dems are better than Trumpsters, and admit that their President is a hack.

Um.... 5.2 million reddit users were helping themselves and raping the greedy scum on wall street in the process.

And what happened? Wall street got on the secret line with Janet Yellen and were assured they could instruct RObinHOold to cancel all new orders and initiate sell orders WITHOUT permission and remain immune to legal consequence

Again, who's blessing did they receive, shill?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You can have child labor laws with true capitalism.

Laws that protect the rights of individuals have nothing to do with taxing the fuck out of everyone.

Our democratic socailist/capitalism blend is using third world slave labor to keep down costs. ..so.. .its not like that is working.
Wouldn't such laws considered government interference in a true Capitalistic society? That would be interfering in the profit that could be made on increased production. Essentially interfering in the enterprise of the owners utilizing an unused resource, yes?

So, if I understand this correctly, owners, in a true capitalistic society, should be exempt from taxes (govt. interference in production) where as labourers should be utilized to their maximum potential, increasing more profit for the Owners.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Lotus is too stupid to understand why ppl like Bloomberg and Bezos support cunts like Biden

Are you fucking serious? You are obviously too fucking stupid to understand anything I ever say here. I fucking detest Bezos. He's evil lizard person number 1. And I have never, ever been a fan of Bloomberg. What the fuck is your actual problem with comprehension?
Hey stupid. The statement was not
Did you take my comment as an insult? I was just saying America doesnt have true capitalism.

America has the oligarchs' favored version of capitalism. The US is going to completely implode if they don't knock it the fuck off.
With the likes of AOC and Biden in gov we most certainly will

Oh, because everything was going great with Trump in there. |Watch it here, folks. The fucking fiasco that the US has been for the last 12 years, since the housing crisis, is now all going to be Biden's fault.

It's ALL of them, you ignorant twat. Trump did as much that was bad as any of them, including W, Clinton. Obama, and Bush I. Biden will just continue the tradition. That is ALL he will do. But he won't act as stupid and utterly moronic as Trump.
Economy was good on Trumps watch

The economy was NOT good for working Americans.
It was good for every single non lazy working AMerican I know

Most off the Trump supporters are working Americans who have said over and over how Trumps policies and economy was good for them.

People that just hate Trump argue with it and say "no you are wrong!" Even though it's been obviously better for your family.

The establishment hates Trump. So the corporate media had a shockingly impactful propaganda campaign. I honestly cannot believe how easily people are manipulated.

Q said he was immune to propaganda, while blaming Trump for 400k Covid deaths. People who think they are immune get taken the hardest.

All that pride. It will wreck the country. It IS wrecking the country.

Saying something over and over doesn't make it true.

The lives of working stiffs did not improve under Trump except for their paltry, TEMPORARY tax cut, that was designed to shut people up while Trump gave hundreds of billions in permanent tax cuts to billionaires. Why didn't he push for a 15 buck minimum age if he cared about US workers so much? I'll tell you why: he never gave half of one fuck about any of you. Don't be such a partisan hack.

The lives of working stiffs won't improve under Biden, either, unless he gets forced to help people by the people themselves. This will only happen if Dems are better than Trumpsters, and admit that their President is a hack.

He did a lot more than tax cuts(which were not temporary ...that's just damage control for Biden restoring the status quo).

It doesnt matter how many times actual working Americans who support Trump bluntly list WHY they do. Because they either get called stupid or racist.

And it doesnt matter if they give direct examples of policies and how those have improved their lives directly, because you guys go off on all these mental gymnastics telling people why they are wrong.

It wouldnt and doesnt matter how well Trumps policies helped working Americans. Those determined to hate him wont ever listen or actually care about this. Trump is on the wrong ticket and on the shit end of the establishment elites so the goal was to destroy him and get him out. And that's been accomplished.

So now it's back to watching leftist pretend to care while supporting the establishment.

We have already lost more than 70k jobs. It's just a matter of time before gas is insanely high. Property tax will rise. Insulin hoarding will become an issue again. Medical costs will go back up. Unemployment will keep climbing.

I have no clue how anyone could convince themselves that jobs and lowered costs doesnt improve the lives of workers. I'm glad I'm not on my own with kids again....let's just say that.

Also there are gonna be more uninsured people now and everything that goes with that is going to drive up costs. Farmers are getting fucked too.

Yanno maybe taking the time to understand what's important to workers would help? Having an actual job is pretty important. If Trumps policies were not good enough for YOU....maybe biting the bullet for another 4 years would have been better than Biden destroying everything Trump did that indeed helped workers until a better candidate showed up.

If you have just decided that everyone who has said Trumps policies improved their lives is just a "partisan hack" and they are lying.....than I guess your opinion of workers is pretty low and you are assuming they dont know what helps them as well as you do.

Or.....that's your heavy partisan bias you are projecting.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You can have child labor laws with true capitalism.

Laws that protect the rights of individuals have nothing to do with taxing the fuck out of everyone.

Our democratic socailist/capitalism blend is using third world slave labor to keep down costs. ..so.. .its not like that is working.
Wouldn't such laws considered government interference in a true Capitalistic society? That would be interfering in the profit that could be made on increased production. Essentially interfering in the enterprise of the owners utilizing an unused resource, yes?

So, if I understand this correctly, owners, in a true capitalistic society, should be exempt from taxes (govt. interference in production) where as labourers should be utilized to their maximum potential, increasing more profit for the Owners.

No. The governments only real job is defending constitutional rights and human rights.

Laws against abuse and exploitation are more about human rights/constitutional rights than about the market.

Just because you have a true capitalist society, doesnt mean everything has to be legal or its "government interfering with profits" that's kinda of a comical stretch.

Especailly considering socailism makes you state property and undermines the rights of individuals for the greater good of the community. Hitler was a socailist whose speeches and arguments are all about the greater good of the community. How many people have actually studies him and the Nazi Movement? The meaning of "nazi" has been propagandized into something it really wasnt. It was far more about socailism. It was a far left movement.

Under our current system, 3rd world slave labor is used. Nike is horrible. So it's not like what we do now is so noble.
Last edited:
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Notice how Lotus completely ignores the posts with the difficult questions and salient points

and when she happens to respond to them she isolates a single phrase that she feels she can easily twist into something not being said by the author

typical proggie bullshitter that one is