Capitalism working correctly, yes?
Did someone break the Capitalism?
*chews popcorn slowly and watches*
You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.
Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.
No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.
Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.
Good grief
Now, this is getting confusing, what is "True Capitalism"?
I get this when I google "Capitalism";
an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
So by that definition, everything should be in private owners hands, yes?
And when I google socialism;
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
UNLESS you're a Marxist, then socialism means;
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
And I'm fairly certain no one here is a filthy Marxist and believes socialism = communism..or maybe there are Marxists in here.. I don't know.
But I'd be curious to see what a pure capitalist country would look like. Roads privately owned, Healthcare, ambulance and emergency services...all privately owned.
Ohhh, Imagine the variety of privately owned armies in a purely Capitalist society. The advancements made in weaponry would be through the roof.
We already have the democratic socailism people say they want. And the socailist programs we have are mismanaged to hell.
Every single state has it's own socailist medical system. It varies from state to state. I can tell you, if an uninsured poor as fuck person went to the ER they would be treated and there are socail workers that would come and help them get started on getting covered. That's part of my husbands job.
I'm not against the community paying for roads and public services. But it needs to be managed more efficiently. We pay tons of taxes for roads in my state and theyve been busted up for years. There is constant construction.
Whitmer basically won because she promised to fix the roads and make recreational weed legal. As far as roads all she did was tax on gas.....and as of now shes put hundreds of small businesses out of business and killed off a bunch of nursing home residents.
The problem with socailism(and I didnt even bring up communism, though socailism is bad enough and eventually just becomes communism. It just gets added to and expanded) is that people are corrupt. People will always be corrupt. And these systems intended to remedy inequality really only cause deeper inequality. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
We should give true capitalism a shot.
I get really frustrated when people start yelling to tax churches. That would be disgusting. And it would take money that has already been taxed that could be directly helping the poor.
I know people who have gotten divorced so they could receive enough benefits to survive, and also refuse extra hours or a higher paying position because they would lose benefits and still come up short. And many times prices go up because of tax. Like raising taxes on a landlord would raise the rent.