Well okay -- We know Christmas and Easter are reserved for rage but what about Valentines day?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I thought you'd never ask?

Valentines day. 2019.

Tis the cusp of spring and the spry young men, eager to impress their one true love with both song and words of endearment expressed by tongue and letter abound throughout the land. It is a time for joy. A time for proposals. A time to let your companion of the fairer sex know how much she means to you. The one day where every man is expected to look his lovely right in the eyes and say "baby I care"

Or, where such is simply not possible due to a life long battle with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, a corrosive body odor and a body mass index substantially greater than her IQ; ""partners"" of the male disposition are busy as buzzing bees drafting cease and desist letters to be promptly forwarded to avatars, PM utilities, web master addresses etc. etc. Indicating to all parties involved that the heckling must cease immediately. Or, if they neglect to comply they can expect another strongly worded letter of equal force to arrive once again!

And again and again thereafter.

Are you paying attention friends? Do you really wish to have your online handle named a defendant in something as serious as a lolsuit?

I don't

Heed the grave warning and gravity of the happenings. Amen


On a side note.

One simply has to wonder exactly what transpired in the two minutes between the draft of these rage PMs? Did they consult a Lawyers for Dummies manuscript? Together? And determine conclusively that stringing a bunch of words together on a piece of paper beginning with a target and ending with a signature was indeed feasible?

I must say, I was spending my 2019 Valentines day in an entirely different context.

What about you guys?
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Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Sewage Major

redundant shitpost that isn't worth reading

how did I do?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Break my heart. Maybe you’d like to trade with Stubbys donkey?
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I wonder. What would such a cease and desist letter look like?


Dear <Insert Avatar here>

This letter will service as your legal notice pursuant to the leave Oak Alone Act U.S.C § 1975, to cease and desist all further menacing remarks and otherwise hurtful werdz directed at Oak's online persona, Aliases, Avatar and any other forms of identification she chooses to possess while interacting with strangers via the present online medium, but not limited to social media, tiktok, reddit, forums (of all software variants) and websites used to communicate interactively among peers.

References to her disposition, body mass index, points of view etc which are in any way deemed inappropriate by her are strictly prohibited.


Her partner who is a lawyer guy


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Who? Fatso. The twice impeached, one term President who was just indicted? The stupid SOB?

the sheer diversity of the state and federal statutes that Trump may have violated is astounding….

2 federal and 2 criminal investigations

thee biggest embarrassment to the Presidency in a L O N G time


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
the sheer diversity of the state and federal statutes that Trump may have violated is astounding….

2 federal and 2 criminal investigations

thee biggest embarrassment to the Presidency in a L O N G time

I have to disagree.
For all of Trump's shenanigans at least he never sent 100 billion dollars to the most corrupt nation in Europe to arm literal nazis in a proxy war with Russia.

Have you seen the interview of the founder/leader of 'The Mozart Group', one of if not the biggest mercenary organization operating in Ukraine? He gets slurring drunk and lets a few cats out of their bags. Good stuff. Well... for a given value of "good" of course, since we're talking about a US/NATO provoked war that's killing thousands upon thousands in the name of good ol' 'Murican hegemony.

Not since Shrub Jr. lied us into a war of aggression with Iraq has a president fucked up so badly.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
the sheer diversity of the state and federal statutes that Trump may have violated is astounding….

2 federal and 2 criminal investigations

thee biggest embarrassment to the Presidency in a L O N G time

Shush, mouth breathing mongoloid...
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I have to disagree.
For all of Trump's shenanigans at least he never sent 100 billion dollars to the most corrupt nation in Europe to arm literal nazis in a proxy war with Russia.

Have you seen the interview of the founder/leader of 'The Mozart Group', one of if not the biggest mercenary organization operating in Ukraine? He gets slurring drunk and lets a few cats out of their bags. Good stuff. Well... for a given value of "good" of course, since we're talking about a US/NATO provoked war that's killing thousands upon thousands in the name of good ol' 'Murican hegemony.

Not since Shrub Jr. lied us into a war of aggression with Iraq has a president fucked up so badly.
Oh boy, now you've gone and done it sir. you are going to blow their fucking tops off with this contradiction to their programming
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I only tell the truth as I see it.
What happens after that is out of my hands.

...which is good because it leaves my hands free to make more popcorn.
Well, the good news is that the DNC has prepared them with an appropriate counter.

Something like Jan 6th or Tesla stock down down because Musk man bad ought to suffice as a solid rebuttal


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
excellent post sir

But really, do you think a 2 hour documentary abounding with facts and first hand eye witness accounts will sustain once Admong counters with a Twitter snipplet authored by the highly esteemed Cardi B?

It should.
Whether or not it does is not my problem.
If people want to live and die ignorant that's their prerogative.

You can lead an idiot to the truth but you can't *make* them believe it.

No One

Factory Bastard
I have to disagree.
For all of Trump's shenanigans at least he never sent 100 billion dollars to the most corrupt nation in Europe to arm literal nazis in a proxy war with Russia.

Have you seen the interview of the founder/leader of 'The Mozart Group', one of if not the biggest mercenary organization operating in Ukraine? He gets slurring drunk and lets a few cats out of their bags. Good stuff. Well... for a given value of "good" of course, since we're talking about a US/NATO provoked war that's killing thousands upon thousands in the name of good ol' 'Murican hegemony.

Not since Shrub Jr. lied us into a war of aggression with Iraq has a president fucked up so badly.
The entire media and the democrats and half the republicans and the intelligence agencies have been attacking him and trying to find anything to get him and they still have not proven a single charge against him.

So, are they all that incompetent or is TRUMP innocent?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Trump isn't innocent of questionable or unscrupulous dealings but who in their lives is any different in their dealings. I never sell a vehicle without being 100% upfront about any issues it might have, but alternately can't be negotiated down much for what I think it's worth.

It absolves me of any feelings of remorse or fretting about my next life.

However, plenty of family and friends I love and respect won't go that far. They're good people but when it comes to a sale, they're less than forthcoming whether they believe the price is good enough as is, or they conveniently forget about the issues their vehicles may have.

Trump is a businessman but as my father used to tell me in the late 80's, he was fair where it counted. He took Ivana off the Atlantic City Casino project, or demoted her, because she was abusing the contractors. That was his wife at the time and he pulled her out then made nicey with everyone. My dad was amazed how easily he let her into the dealings then easily yanked her chains back.

One could say it was a good cop/bad cop set up, but the impression I got at the time was that he wanted harmony and completion.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I thought you'd never ask?

Valentines day. 2019.

Tis the cusp of spring and the spry young men, eager to impress their one true love with both song and words of endearment expressed by tongue and letter abound throughout the land. It is a time for joy. A time for proposals. A time to let your companion of the fairer sex know how much she means to you. The one day where every man is expected to look his lovely right in the eyes and say "baby I care"

Or, where such is simply not possible due to a life long battle with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, a corrosive body odor and a body mass index substantially greater than her IQ; ""partners"" of the male disposition are busy as buzzing bees drafting cease and desist letters to be promptly forwarded to avatars, PM utilities, web master addresses etc. etc. Indicating to all parties involved that the heckling must cease immediately. Or, if they neglect to comply they can expect another strongly worded letter of equal force to arrive once again!

And again and again thereafter.

Are you paying attention friends? Do you really wish to have your online handle named a defendant in something as serious as a lolsuit?

I don't

Heed the grave warning and gravity of the happenings. Amen


On a side note.

One simply has to wonder exactly what transpired in the two minutes between the draft of these rage PMs? Did they consult a Lawyers for Dummies manuscript? Together? And determine conclusively that stringing a bunch of words together on a piece of paper beginning with a target and ending with a signature was indeed feasible?

I must say, I was spending my 2019 Valentines day in an entirely different context.

What about you guys?

DEAN USED TO TAKE OUT GROUPS on MSN so did a few others. There is only one thing you can do to these censor nutters and that is to instantaneously ban them on the spot. No ifs, no butts about it.

These forum assassins need to find another forum that is more suited to their prissy characters.

It is very, very disappointing to learn Oak is one of these types... I don't know about you but if I hate a place, I just don't post there long term.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
the sheer diversity of the state and federal statutes that Trump may have violated is astounding….

2 federal and 2 criminal investigations

thee biggest embarrassment to the Presidency in a L O N G time

Of course it'll have nothing to do with lawyers making a shit load of money, right?

That is what is behind all this.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I have to disagree.
For all of Trump's shenanigans at least he never sent 100 billion dollars to the most corrupt nation in Europe to arm literal nazis in a proxy war with Russia.

Have you seen the interview of the founder/leader of 'The Mozart Group', one of if not the biggest mercenary organization operating in Ukraine? He gets slurring drunk and lets a few cats out of their bags. Good stuff. Well... for a given value of "good" of course, since we're talking about a US/NATO provoked war that's killing thousands upon thousands in the name of good ol' 'Murican hegemony.

Not since Shrub Jr. lied us into a war of aggression with Iraq has a president fucked up so badly.

Lol... are you trying to say 6,000 + nuclear war heads Russia is some type of innocent victim in invading his zero nuclear headed neighbour...?

And the west is to blame?

Oh boy...*rolls eyes*

Tell me you aren't that silly!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I only tell the truth as I see it.
What happens after that is out of my hands.

...which is good because it leaves my hands free to make more popcorn.

Just what a portly smoker needs. another pound of butter.