Well, the polls show Donny Losing to Kammy


peace through anarchy
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That was a rare event. Very few people are ever going to go from one term as state senator and one term as US senator to prez. Having new people in congress every few years would hardly be good for the country. The thing that WOULD be good would be to outlaw and enforce profiting from being in office, AND to completely eliminate the whole fundraising machine.
Two terms for president is the limit. 8 years. We could do two tems for Senate. 12 years. Maybe three to four terms as Rep. 6 to 8 years. What's the problem? Why are you progressives afraid of a little CHANGE? Why are you lot against term limits for congress?

If you really think anyone like Biden or McConnell needs to be in government for fifty years then how can I take your ranked voting seriously?

Be real.

Government was never meant to be a lifetime career.


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Two terms for president is the limit. 8 years. We could do two tems for Senate. 12 years. Maybe three to four terms as Rep. 6 to 8 years. What's the problem? Why are you progressives afraid of a little CHANGE? Why are you lot against term limits for congress?

If you really think anyone like Biden or McConnell needs to be in government for fifty years then how can I take your ranked voting seriously?

Be real.

Government was never meant to be a lifetime career.
Explain your confidence in eliminating the institutional memory experience and leadership, over a series of n00bs?

Imho, we already have term limits.


We need to resolve the money in politics issue, before we reinvent the wheel.


peace through anarchy
Site Supporter ☠️
Explain your confidence in eliminating the institutional memory experience and leadership, over a series of n00bs?

Imho, we already have term limits.


We need to resolve the money in politics issue, before we reinvent the wheel.
Same argument your kind always give.

60 some percent of voters vote. Not nearly enough.

Funny how gung ho you are to throw term limits at the Supreme Court.

Try this.

I say term limits.
You say ballot box.
You say term limits for Supreme Court.
I say ballot box.

Back to square one, Brother.

Term limits for everything or nothing.

Good for the goose. Good for the gander. Good for the peacock with a peacock.

You know I'm right.


peace through anarchy
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Yeah. Very different.

The problem is IRV (RCV) is difficult to explain and most people don't know about it. But it works very well when implemented and is far more democratic than voting out of fear of the candidate you hate.

Since Biden was Pres this time, no Dems came out since he was the incumbent.

But answer me this seriously, Lily.

If Kamala Harris, who couldn't even win a delegate in her home state is "the pick" now, you all rally behind, what if RCV was in place and you could rank vote all Dems who ran against Trump in 2019?

Chances are: in a total ranked vote at the end of the line in November, you would put Biden above Kamala and both of them above Trump.

But no matter who we all ranked, whichever one ended up as President, can still fuck us with who as an asshat is their VP pick.

Hear me out.....


I just won the fucking internet. Here, Admin, you can have it for a day.


When you're a Alpha, you're an Alpha all the way!
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Since Biden was Pres this time, no Dems came out since he was the incumbent.

But answer me this seriously, Lily.

If Kamala Harris, who couldn't even win a delegate in her home state is "the pick" now, you all rally behind, what if RCV was in place and you could rank vote all Dems who ran against Trump in 2019?

Chances are: in a total ranked vote at the end of the line in November, you would put Biden above Kamala and both of them above Trump.

But no matter who we all ranked, whichever one ended up as President, can still fuck us with who as an asshat is their VP pick.

Hear me out.....


I just won the fucking internet. Here, Admin, you can have it for a day.
So someone that runs for office this cycle and loses, are marked with the scarlet letter and should never ever consider running for that office ever again? Why do you hate Grover Cleveland?


peace through anarchy
Site Supporter ☠️
So someone that runs for office this cycle and loses, are marked with the scarlet letter and should never ever consider running for that office ever again? Why do you hate Grover Cleveland?
Term limits means run as much as you want but you won't be in gov't forever even when you win.

Ranked voting means we all choose best to worst for everything.

Money in politics would be eliminated by ranked voting and term limits.

Term limits means even if someone makes some coin, they only make SOME coin. Not a lifetime of coin.

Ranked voting for all may even weed out those looking to make the limited amount of coin they can garner by the term limits they are held within.

Lily & just had a democratic baby and its head popped off in a patriotic demonstration of gushing ranked ballot stuffing display unseen the likes of which hanging the hanging chads of Florida ballots were hung as much as the hanging chads that Admin tries to date but they are already in love with moi instead.


When you're a Alpha, you're an Alpha all the way!
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Where The Alpha Men Are!
Term limits means run as much as you want but you won't be in gov't forever even when you win.

Ranked voting means we all choose best to worst for everything.

Money in politics would be eliminated by ranked voting and term limits.

Term limits means even if someone makes some coin, they only make SOME coin. Not a lifetime of coin.

Ranked voting for all may even weed out those looking to make the limited amount of coin they can garner by the term limits they are held within.

Lily & just had a democratic baby and its head popped off in a patriotic demonstration of gushing ranked ballot stuffing display unseen the likes of which hanging the hanging chads of Florida ballots were hung as much as the hanging chads that Admin tries to date but they are already in love with moi instead.
A Ballot that allows me to choose my two faves instead of tip top choice one will eliminate the need for jets and tour buses and rally stadiums and staff and ad buys? That sounds incredible, tell me more, tell me more!


peace through anarchy
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When do we get to vote for SCOTUS? I must have missed that.
You know the genius Greeks invented TRUE democracy in which EVERYONE VOTED FOR EVERYTHING.

The more we water it down. The more the populace has other things to do than their due diligence in voting.

Of course you know voting Kamala means your SCOTUS vote is already cast.

Does anyone else remember conservatives considering stacking the court with more than 9 members when it was more liberal?

Does anyone else remember conservatives considering term limits on the court when it was more liberal?

Does anyone else remember conservatives considering an impeachment upon the court when it was more liberal?

Uhhhhhhh..... anyways.

Good thing for you I'm more open minded than you and when you say let's vote for them, I say, fucking go for it!

Change the change. Fuck stagnation. No stagnation for this nation.

You dig?


peace through anarchy
Site Supporter ☠️
A Ballot that allows me to choose my two faves instead of tip top choice one will eliminate the need for jets and tour buses and rally stadiums and staff and ad buys? That sounds incredible, tell me more, tell me more!
Why not?

Humans are not binary.


In fact, you want to go so far as to be non binary.

Fuck sex, fuck gender, fuck orientation.

Vote your two best and the two best are stuck with each other but who cares?


Same with all government. Including the not so supreme, Supremes.

Amazing how I throw out an eye opening idea and you try to shoot it down as a far reach.

My dear friend, Admin, if our reach didn't exceed our grasp, then we would always be stuck with (and settle for) what we cling to, rather than saying fuck that, there is a higher ledge worth jumping for.

Obama said conservatives stubbornly cling to guns & religion.

The majority of the world believes in a higher power so his bad for mistaking religion as a throwaway.

The greatest weapon, greater than a gun or a religion is a choice.

Don't denigrate anyone based upon their belief but rather exalt their choice as it is the greatest form of individuality & expression of liberty & humanism than one can exude.

I trust everyone to vote for everything. Do you?

Your turn.
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
Why not?

Humans are not binary.


In fact, you want to go so far as to be non binary.

Fuck sex, fuck gender, fuck orientation.

Vote your two best and the two best are stuck with each other but who cares?


Same with all government. Including the not so supreme, Supremes.

Amazing how I throw out an eye opening idea and you try to shoot it down as a far reach.

My dear friend, Admin, if our reach didn't exceed our grasp, then we would always be stuck with (and settle for) what we cling to, rather than saying fuck that, there is a higher ledge worth jumping for.

Obama said conservatives stubbornly cling to guns & religion.

The majority of the world believes in a higher power so his bad for mistaking religion as a throwaway.

The greatest weapon, greater than a gun or a religion is a choice.

Don't denigrate anyone based upon their belief but rather exalt their choice as it is the greatest form of individuality & expression of liberty & humanism than one can exude.

I trust everyone to vote for everything. Do you?

Your turn.

Why don't you kindly shut up. You go on and on, with no one, absolutely no one, taking you seriously.

You do have the case of the Duhvs.


peace through anarchy
Site Supporter ☠️
Why don't you kindly shut up. You go on and on, with no one, absolutely no one, taking you seriously.

You do have the case of the Duhvs.
Posted like a true inclusive open minded progressive protecting safe spaces for all in a diverse equity.

I will always listen to what you say.

Ecclesiastes 7:5: It is better to heed a wise man's rebuke than listen to a song of fools.

False praise is the worthless currency.

I will listen to you. I will listen to Lotus Bud. I will listen to Admin. Hell, I'll even listen to Sea Major.

What I will not do is discount your voice as "not worth taking seriously.

The difference between you & I are that you discount differences of opinion as not to be taken seriously while I include differences of opinion into my formula for a greater understanding of everything.

When you say not to take me seriously, I want to understand what taken seriously means to you.

I want to build the bridge you are so intent on closing & burning.

Lincoln was a masterclass in rebukes.


Memes, trends, likes, thumbs up, clout, means shit.

Tell me your story and I will lend you both my ears & all of my support.

I would love to hear what you have to say is infinitely more valuable than kindly shut up...

To the ears, the eyes, & to the understanding of humanity...

Let us move on rather than never move.

Overcome what has come than become what has transpired.

Be an open future, rather than an extinct past.

Relic vs resilience.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
Posted like a true inclusive open minded progressive protecting safe spaces for all in a diverse equity.

I will always listen to what you say.

Ecclesiastes 7:5: It is better to heed a wise man's rebuke than listen to a song of fools.

False praise is the worthless currency.

I will listen to you. I will listen to Lotus Bud. I will listen to Admin. Hell, I'll even listen to Sea Major.

What I will not do is discount your voice as "not worth taking seriously.

The difference between you & I are that you discount differences of opinion as not to be taken seriously while I include differences of opinion into my formula for a greater understanding of everything.

When you say not to take me seriously, I want to understand what taken seriously means to you.

I want to build the bridge you are so intent on closing & burning.

Lincoln was a masterclass in rebukes.


Memes, trends, likes, thumbs up, clout, means shit.

Tell me your story and I will lend you both my ears & all of my support.

I would love to hear what you have to say is infinitely more valuable than kindly shut up...

To the ears, the eyes, & to the understanding of humanity...

Let us move on rather than never move.

Overcome what has come than become what has transpired.

Be an open future, rather than an extinct past.

Relic vs resilience.