Well, the polls show Donny Losing to Kammy


peace through anarchy
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You'd do a better job showing how meaningless I was by not responding, doncha think?
Engaging is an endless discussion.

Telling people to "shut up" as you do is more meaningless than any extinction known.

You want to quell debate.

I want to light a fucking fire under debate's ass.

Raise me a toast, Hun. For Humanity's sake.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Engaging is an endless discussion.

Telling people to "shut up" as you do is more meaningless than any extinction known.

You want to quell debate.

I want to light a fucking fire under debate's ass.

Raise me a toast, Hun. For Humanity's sake.

I want you to stop boring everyone to death.


Factory Bastard
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A Ballot that allows me to choose my two faves instead of tip top choice one will eliminate the need for jets and tour buses and rally stadiums and staff and ad buys? That sounds incredible, tell me more, tell me more!
Fuck term limits. That's absolute stupidity. But RCV, if the country went for it, would certainly put a giant dent in the need to spend billions on campaigns. I think it would change the whole landscape so profoundly, they would seriously have to rethink that nonsense. Also, the election cycle should be waaaaaaaayyyy shorter than it is.

RCV lets you rank every single person who is on the ballot. Top to bottom. They count all votes for one round and throw out the bottom vote getter. Then they do round 2, and throw out the bottom. Then count round 3, etc, until there is a clear winner. Every single person who votes has had the opportunity to rank all candidates, so if a Bernie Sanders were running, he could actually win. It shouldn't change anything about how the three branches of government run. It's just a far more egalitarian way to vote. And truly fuck the electoral college. No need for that shit, ever.


When you're a Alpha, you're an Alpha all the way!
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Fuck term limits. That's absolute stupidity. But RCV, if the country went for it, would certainly put a giant dent in the need to spend billions on campaigns. I think it would change the whole landscape so profoundly, they would seriously have to rethink that nonsense. Also, the election cycle should be waaaaaaaayyyy shorter than it is.

RCV lets you rank every single person who is on the ballot. Top to bottom. They count all votes for one round and throw out the bottom vote getter. Then they do round 2, and throw out the bottom. Then count round 3, etc, until there is a clear winner. Every single person who votes has had the opportunity to rank all candidates, so if a Bernie Sanders were running, he could actually win. It shouldn't change anything about how the three branches of government run. It's just a far more egalitarian way to vote. And truly fuck the electoral college. No need for that shit, ever.
Statistically there must be a percentage of voters that drop out after each round, I mean as it is now we sometimes have voter participation way below 50%


peace through anarchy
Site Supporter ☠️
I want you to stop boring everyone to death.
I may bore you, you may bore me, but you will diminish my opinion, while I will elevate yours, because any opinion is an opinion worthy of the soul who espouses it.

I respect opinions. Do you?

Or tldr in absentia?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I may bore you, you may bore me, but you will diminish my opinion, while I will elevate yours, because any opinion is an opinion worthy of the soul who espouses it.

I respect opinions. Do you?

Or tldr in absentia?
Even you is not gonna stop it. Why? Because your hero is a loser. No reflection on you of course


Factory Bastard
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Statistically there must be a percentage of voters that drop out after each round, I mean as it is now we sometimes have voter participation way below 50%
They only vote once. They rank everyone that one time. They count the votes over a number of rounds and eliminate candidates after each count.


peace through anarchy
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Fuck term limits. That's absolute stupidity. But RCV, if the country went for it, would certainly put a giant dent in the need to spend billions on campaigns. I think it would change the whole landscape so profoundly, they would seriously have to rethink that nonsense. Also, the election cycle should be waaaaaaaayyyy shorter than it is.

RCV lets you rank every single person who is on the ballot. Top to bottom. They count all votes for one round and throw out the bottom vote getter. Then they do round 2, and throw out the bottom. Then count round 3, etc, until there is a clear winner. Every single person who votes has had the opportunity to rank all candidates, so if a Bernie Sanders were running, he could actually win. It shouldn't change anything about how the three branches of government run. It's just a far more egalitarian way to vote. And truly fuck the electoral college. No need for that shit, ever.
Democracy isn't the answer.

Democracy is the question.

And the answer is democracy.

More choice > less cboice.


When you're a Alpha, you're an Alpha all the way!
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I may bore you, you may bore me, but you will diminish my opinion, while I will elevate yours, because any opinion is an opinion worthy of the soul who espouses it.

I respect opinions. Do you?

Or tldr in absentia?
You're assuming we actually read your pathetic attention seeking drivel.



When you're a Alpha, you're an Alpha all the way!
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Democracy isn't the answer.

Democracy is the question.

And the answer is democracy.

More choice > less cboice.
Sometimes in primaries there are well over a dozen candidates many of them look qualified on paper!



peace through anarchy
Site Supporter ☠️
Jesus Chriiiist. Never volunteer at a suicide hotline. Please.
My willingness to listen far outshines my need to open my mouth.

I appreciate ears & eyes exceed the mouth 2 to 1.

Remember you told me to shut up.

You said kindly shut up while I embraced endless voices upon an endless spectrum.

Don't envoke Jesus as as as an open ended question in your close ended dead end failure.

Jesus is not amused.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
My willingness to listen far outshines my need to open my mouth.

I appreciate ears & eyes exceed the mouth 2 to 1.

Remember you told me to shut up.

You said kindly shut up while I embraced endless voices upon an endless spectrum.

Don't envoke Jesus as as as an open ended question in your close ended dead end failure.

Jesus is not amused.

Says the maroon that can't stop blowing hot air.



When you're a Alpha, you're an Alpha all the way!
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Where The Alpha Men Are!
Interviewer: How do you feel about the economy, and how will you fix it sir?
Sir: She’s Crazy


When you're a Alpha, you're an Alpha all the way!
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Let me ask you a question. Do you generally care what the hell happens when they have elections?
I do, even though I basically understand the National Offices don't have as direct of an impact on my day to day life, natis are the most visible and therefor the most emotionally charged fun.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
I do, even though I basically understand the National Offices don't have as direct of an impact on my day to day life, natis are the most visible and therefor the most emotionally charged fun.

I don't, not really. I notice, but since it has no bearing on what happens here and I have no voice, I kind of shrug it off.