I am a very forgiving man, the one thing I will not accept is intentional disrespect. My wife and I made very clear that dinner was at 5:30pm. The one thing which will get me upset as all get go is when I tell a child that dinner is served and they ignore me.. This is not an option, this is the lord of the manner has spoken and you had better obey, or else.
When the eldest, who is 17 year olds challenged me I asked him what he would do, when he said he would hit me, well, I kind of lost it, I told him him I had fought in two wars and would gladly break my plate across his face if he failed to listen to me... He got upset but didn't do anything as my wife protected him. Look, if you live in my house when I say your mother has cooked dinner and it is time to come eat that means the time is now. It does not mean 20 minutes later if you feel like it. It especially doesn't mean the day after you have a tantrum and refuse to come with us when we plan on going shopping to buy you clothes that you again disrespect me and disobey me in my own house.
Damn, right, I will cause a major stink. You will obey my minor commands, such as it is dinner time, or else I will cause a huge incident if you disrespect me. I pay for everything, you need me far more than I need you, and you shall obey.