When Smoking Joe Biden Speaks, he gets to the point, and stays on point.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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1) He didn't break his arm patting himself on the back. 2) He didn't suggest we listen to the MyPillow guy or Dr. Demon Semen. 3) He declined the opportunity to settle petty grudges, and didn't undermine his own experts. 4) He outlined a timeline and expects us to do our part. 5) End of speech.

Cue The Living Brain Dead, to whimper, pout, mewl, caterwaul and talk about gay stuff, and guns.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Biden can barely speak which is why he's always on a teleprompter and they never let him take questions.


Factory Bastard
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LOL! biden is a vegetable. His fukin IQ is on a sliding scale somewhere between turnip and coconut depending on how much junk he's infused with.


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
1) He didn't break his arm patting himself on the back. 2) He didn't suggest we listen to the MyPillow guy or Dr. Demon Semen. 3) He declined the opportunity to settle petty grudges, and didn't undermine his own experts. 4) He outlined a timeline and expects us to do our part. 5) End of speech.

Cue The Living Brain Dead, to whimper, pout, mewl, caterwaul and talk about gay stuff, and guns.
He’s an incontinent old man and a means to an end. 2024 seems so far away.


Domestically feral
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United states
Biden lied. A few times.

"I know it's been hard. I truly know. As I've told you before, I carry a card in my pocket with the number of Americans who have died from COVID to date. It's on the back of my schedule. As of now, total deaths in America, 527,726. That's more deaths than in World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War and 9/11 combined."

So.....is he just gonna keep saying this until it's true? We have a loonngg way to go still. No one is gonna call this out?

"A year ago, we were hit with a virus that was met with silence." No. A year ago, less than a week after the first case was reported to the president, he assembled a team of experts and created a Coronavirus Taskforce that immediately began pursuing a multi-level response, that included travel bans, quarantines, testing expansion and the mobilization of resources. Rather than silence, there was controversy as the president attempted to address a problem and the Democrats accused him of Xenaphobia and went to Chinatown.

"Denials for days, weeks, months." No. The same exact message that came from the CDC and the WHO. That we had cases, that the risk to Americans was considered low, that they seemed to be under control, but that it was possible that we could see real hardship. In January and February. Meanwhile, we were acting and by march had cut red tape, mobilized resources, worked with the private sector to address PPE shortages, which under Trump turned into surpluses, expanded testing, accelerated work on vaccines and medicines, bolstered our medical workforce, set up new facilities, increased pandemic funding and on and on and on. Meanwhile, Democrats like Cuomo were putting Covid patients into nursing homes, fighting FDA authorization for drugs Trump asked to have fast-tracked and trying to scare people away from vaccines. And that last one includes Biden himself.

"While it was different for everyone, we all lost something -- a collective suffering, a collective sacrifice, a year filled with the loss of life and the loss of living for all of us. But in the loss, we saw how much there was to gain in appreciation, respect, and gratitude. Finding light in the darkness is a very American thing to do."

But that isn't what you guys did, is it? You demonized President Trump at every turn. You demonized conservatives. You found the bad in everything. When Trump spoke of having "hope" he was denounced for giving people "false hope." When he said he hoped the virus might be gone by spring, the Democrats gnashed their teeth. When he told Woodward, to avoid causing panic, he liked playing up positive news regarding the virus, he was accused of treason among other things. Respect? Gratitude? Where on earth was any of that? Appreciation?

Your party supported hate, violence, division and opposition throughout the last four years. It did everything it could to stop Trump from getting anything done. It wasted time on impeachments it knew would go nowhere. It launched hearings that relied on falsified evidence and gossip.

Federal buildings, workers and officers were targeted with violence for periods of more than 100 days at a time. In Minneapolis, the 3rd precinct was burnt down and police were sent fleeing. All over the country, innocent people had their homes and businesses burnt down because of anger your party supported and exxacerbated.

Rather than finding "light" anywhere, he has demonized everyone who shows so much as a hint of opposition. He decided not to celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday, for crying out loud. Who on earth is supposed to believe this? Oh. I forgot. Your base.
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Domestically feral
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United states
Biden can barely speak which is why he's always on a teleprompter and they never let him take questions.
People are saying Joe is the the most eloquent President is history.

People are liars. He is one of the most scattered.

And even if he was "eloquent".....that shouldn't even be a priority. It shouldn't matter. What matters is what they do for the people.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Biden can barely speak which is why he's always on a teleprompter and they never let him take questions.

He had a speech mpediment as a child (stuttering) and he hasn't gotten over it, really.

He still stutters. Struggles in public speaking. that s evident.

No doubt, Trump is a better speaker.

But the Pandemic took this advantage away.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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I just got notice of an eft deposit into my Checking acct. God bless America's Best President so far, of the 2020's!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
America's Best President just deposited $1400.00 into my checking acct., oh Yeah, that Fender That relic Olympic White with Authentic Period Tortoise PG 62JB AVRI with will be mine.

So the wars, the segregation, the crime bill, the war on drugs, the forced fingering is all good because the establishment tossed you crumbs while wasting billions of our tax dollars on their pork?

Trump wanted to give us 2k. You only got 1400 because they were petty....they know their base is dumb, and they didn't want us to get a better package under Trump.

They also cut the enhanced unemployment. Trump wanted 400.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Biden mutters six or seven words then forgets where he is until the teleprompter sends a small electrical shock up through his anus


America's Best President just deposited $1400.00 into my checking acct., oh Yeah, that Fender That relic Olympic White with Authentic Period Tortoise PG 62JB AVRI with will be mine.

So the wars, the segregation, the crime bill, the war on drugs, the forced fingering is all good because the establishment tossed you crumbs while wasting billions of our tax dollars on their pork?

Trump wanted to give us 2k. You only got 1400 because they were petty....they know their base is dumb, and they didn't want us to get a better package under Trump.

They also cut the enhanced unemployment. Trump wanted 400.

Yep, TRUMP called for everything good in this bill and then they dumped about half of it to keep that clown from West Virginia happy. Joe Manchin owes me 600 bucks and my kid 600 bucks too!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You are obv
Biden mutters six or seven words then forgets where he is until the teleprompter sends a small electrical shock up through his anus
You gotta wonder how much longer he'll last with all the shit they pump into him to keep him semi lucid for the cameras!

It is going to be a struggle for him to make it to the two year mark.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You are obv
Biden mutters six or seven words then forgets where he is until the teleprompter sends a small electrical shock up through his anus
You gotta wonder how much longer he'll last with all the shit they pump into him to keep him semi lucid for the cameras!

It is going to be a struggle for him to make it to the two year mark.
I say its best that we get kamala the whore in there ASAP so she can prove what a fukup she is.