Why can’t Republican Kevin McCarthy get votes needed to become Speaker of the House?


Domestically feral
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United states
So Dovey, does Stubby dictate who you’re allowed to post with, and to whom?

Nope not at all.

Admin was pissing me off accusing me of supporting trafficking because he thinks its fucking cute and I decided I needed a break from him.

Big is a friend reminding me to stick to my own guns and not get sucked in by someone I find disturbing. That's all.


Factory Bastard
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Nope not at all.

Admin was pissing me off accusing me of supporting trafficking because he thinks its fucking cute and I decided I needed a break from him.

Big is a friend reminding me to stick to my own guns and not get sucked in by someone I find disturbing. That's all.

Don’t be misled. Be your own person.


Domestically feral
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United states
Don’t be misled. Be your own person.

That's what I'm doing, Sea. If Admin was capable of normal human interactions I'd feel differently.

I take a lot of shit but I can only stomach so much bot level shit posting before it wears on me.


Factory Bastard
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That's what I'm doing, Sea. If Admin was capable of normal human interactions I'd feel differently.

I take a lot of shit but I can only stomach so much bot level shit posting before it wears on me.

in reality, he’s no different then anyone of us.


Domestically feral
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United states
in reality, he’s no different then anyone of us.

I dont know about that. There is no way I could go to a forum every single day where people I disagree with regular JUST to shit post at them.

It kinda makes me think of that one sociopath in the high school friend group who was always talking shit about the other people in the friend group, and at first you kinda believe them because you dont have much reason not to. But then after a while you start to notice that person often exaggerates and twists things, and you start getting fatigued by the constant toxic narratives about people you dont know THAT well......and you start making an effort to get to know them on your own instead of just listening to the shit talker. After you get a good feel for who the target truly is you start to realize the shit talker is invested in getting people on its side so they dont unify and realize the shit talker is the problem. Not the ones the shit talker shit talks.

There will always be a few flying monkeys who stay loyal to the shit talker. Some even being perfectly aware the shit talker is a psycho liar, but see their own benefits in remaining loyal to the psycho.

That's the best way I can describe the state of American politcs and I strongly feel like Admin is one of those shit talker loyal flying monkeys.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Doctors are now reporting there is growing speculation among the medical staff at Mt. Sissy Of The Extreme that admin may have purposely exploded his asshole into the width of a weave basket during one of many fisting campaigns as a ploy to have emergency gender reassignment surgery performed at State expense.

More as this striking story develops

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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That was quite the news story eh folks?

sheesh.. the creepers are really something else it seems


Domestically feral
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United states
If McCarthy cared about the will of the people his ass would step aside and pick someone the people want.

What a fucking asshole he is.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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The classic was when the imbeciles on the left criticized the GOP for nominating Byron Daniels as racist

while at the same time worshiping Jeffries like the 2nd coming of Christ

There really is no bottom when it comes to how long these vermin can go


Domestically feral
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United states
The classic was when the imbeciles on the left criticized the GOP for nominating Byron Daniels as racist

while at the same time worshiping Jeffries like the 2nd coming of Christ

There really is no bottom when it comes to how long these vermin can go

They are a hateful mess. The only thing they care about is their precious hatred of us no matter what.

These are people who are supporting the destruction of womens rights and protections, medical abuse of children, exposing (against the families will) children to sexually graphic material and rhetoric about gender and sexuality, involving children in drag, and attacking the civil rights of honosexuals if they refuse to date opposite sex people based on "gender identity"

It's all about labels for them. It doesnt actually matter what the issue is.....they have to hate us no matter what.

Oink cant even acknowledge the real issues that motivate and matter to the people without insulting them and branding them "racists", "bigots" and "xenophobes". They HAVE to hate no matter what.


Factory Bastard
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Meanwhile AOC's stock keeps rising as a good number in the gop are in self destruction mode. Like a giddy school girl photos of her a surfacing showing her laughing merrily at the gop's sorry plight.

MTG is done. Her district is furious with her. I've honestly never seen anyone so brazenly piss off their own voters with so much arrogant passion as they are all actively telling her she needs to get her shit togther.

She really is the right wing AOC lol.


I'm in jail, send hamberders
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Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
Meanwhile AOC's stock keeps rising as a good number in the gop are in self destruction mode. Like a giddy school girl photos of her a surfacing showing her laughing merrily at the gop's sorry plight.

The GOP is currently undergoing it's "Lord Of The Flies" phase, please be patient.


Domestically feral
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United states
Sad how Oink thinks "the people" are the government rather than officials elected by people to represent them.

The ACTUAL people....that those officials are elected to represent.....have clearly stated they do not want McCarthy.

That's a foreign thought to the authoritarian establishment cuck party but it's clear to everyone else.

Many of those 200 wont be re elected after defying the will of the people who put them in there.

MTG is gonna be defended by establishment leftards now.....now that shes fucking her base. Same with Crenshaw and ALL the Republicans who are pushing McCarthy on people who dont want him. Those 20 are the ones representing a LARGE body of voters.

Democracy is hard.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Did Joe break?

Joe.....you alright?

Just a bad phone connection on a cheap phone.

Anyways heres the photo of aoc chortling at the gop as they fall further in disarray @Dove:


So the longer the Republicans remain divided it only stregthens the Democrats