Why does ur life need a purpose at all?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
God put me here to remind all you degenerates that faggits should be executed. My job will never end, even after I die. Thats why I had 4 kids just like me.



:LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:
That aint enough shekels for me to shit on your face, faggit!

prolly enough to buy your wife for a few hours

If I'm a jew, I want lots of money, retard. That aint lots of money. Lets put a bit of logic into these sorry assed trolls of yours. Aint you got any gifs of Krugerands or something? Chop chop fukin faggit!

wife and all
she took a coupon :LOL3:
Is she a jew? Lemme know faggit.


Site Supporter
God put me here to remind all you degenerates that faggits should be executed. My job will never end, even after I die. Thats why I had 4 kids just like me.



:LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:
That aint enough shekels for me to shit on your face, faggit!

prolly enough to buy your wife for a few hours

If I'm a jew, I want lots of money, retard. That aint lots of money. Lets put a bit of logic into these sorry assed trolls of yours. Aint you got any gifs of Krugerands or something? Chop chop fukin faggit!

wife and all
she took a coupon :LOL3:
Is she a jew? Lemme know faggit.

def not (:
she gave back the coupon and said thanks ..said she has to get the matzo ball soup ready for hubby


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
God put me here to remind all you degenerates that faggits should be executed. My job will never end, even after I die. Thats why I had 4 kids just like me.



:LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:
That aint enough shekels for me to shit on your face, faggit!

prolly enough to buy your wife for a few hours

If I'm a jew, I want lots of money, retard. That aint lots of money. Lets put a bit of logic into these sorry assed trolls of yours. Aint you got any gifs of Krugerands or something? Chop chop fukin faggit!

wife and all
she took a coupon :LOL3:
Is she a jew? Lemme know faggit.

def not (:
she gave back the coupon and said thanks ..said she has to get the matzo ball soup ready for hubby
Well then she aint my wife cause clearly, a good jew like me wouldnt betray the tribe.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Factory Bastard
Your life has no meaning. Please kill yourself quietly and try not to disturb anyone when you do it ...

Noone likes a drama queen

REading some of the stuff that girl has posted here over the years sheds a light on why she thinks that way

Liberals think that because they have / had rough patches in their lives, everything sucks and that everyone has to be the living in the same sad misery as them.
Jesus christ Rancy. Go back in the jungle and stfu.

Everybody is sick of all the gloom and doom, liberals are the world's party poopers, you miserable fucks destroyed everything. Everything you touch becomes a fucking whinebag of woke douchebaggery.
You kidding? You're like a black cloud when you float through here. Worry about the situation down there. Speaking on Covid alone you (Brazil) have almost 3 times the daily cases. And, that's just what's reported. The real number is probably half again as large. So much for your Brazilian conservatism. Failure after failure. Pathetic.
As far as party pooping, I'll remember that while I drink Twisted Tea's watching football this weekend. CHEERS!
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Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Sharona makes a valid point, though.

Just as life doesn't come with an instruction manual, neither does it come with a built-in purpose.

It's up to each individual to create the meaning they pine for in their lives.

Problems arise when people try to impose the meaning they found for themselves onto others.

People become so enthusiastic (literally, "having God within") about their spiritual/emotional/psychological discoveries that they can't for a moment imagine that it's possible for anyone else not to be as turned on by their rapture as they themselves have become.

Want to see the world flourish? For starters, abolish organized religion and board shorts.


white wine divorcee
Factory Bastard
I have been steadily embracing more of nihilism, and I think I have finally reached the peak.

What is the purpose of life? None. We were just accidentally formed a billion years ago due 2 a freak reaction and have been evolving since. There is no great purpose behind it. Why do I continue 2 live? I will b honest, I tried to commit suicide a few months ago, my nihilism had reached such a state. But I failed and the doctors saved me, and I have managed 2 convince everyone I wasn't actually committing suicide (hopefully they won't come across this answer). And this entire incident is what led me 2 the peak of nihilism as I have said.

There is no meaning, no purpose, in suicide either. Just like I don't care about life anymore, I now also don't care about death anymore. I don't care about posting on websites anymore. Even if I changed my worldview, my life philosophy, would it really matter? No it won't! This is, I think, the peak of nihilism. A double negative, leading to a positive. The world will never look the same 2 me again, but I will not go out of my way to try and commit suicide either. One failure was enough.


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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You can't have good without evil - - - - - -


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Your life has no meaning. Please kill yourself quietly and try not to disturb anyone when you do it ...

Noone likes a drama queen

REading some of the stuff that girl has posted here over the years sheds a light on why she thinks that way

Liberals think that because they have / had rough patches in their lives, everything sucks and that everyone has to be the living in the same sad misery as them.
Jesus christ Rancy. Go back in the jungle and stfu.

He is right, tho.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I have been steadily embracing more of nihilism, and I think I have finally reached the peak.

What is the purpose of life? None. We were just accidentally formed a billion years ago due 2 a freak reaction and have been evolving since. There is no great purpose behind it. Why do I continue 2 live? I will b honest, I tried to commit suicide a few months ago, my nihilism had reached such a state. But I failed and the doctors saved me, and I have managed 2 convince everyone I wasn't actually committing suicide (hopefully they won't come across this answer). And this entire incident is what led me 2 the peak of nihilism as I have said.

There is no meaning, no purpose, in suicide either. Just like I don't care about life anymore, I now also don't care about death anymore. I don't care about posting on websites anymore. Even if I changed my worldview, my life philosophy, would it really matter? No it won't! This is, I think, the peak of nihilism. A double negative, leading to a positive. The world will never look the same 2 me again, but I will not go out of my way to try and commit suicide either. One failure was enough.

^^^^^ this right here is the fruit of playing this song for babies on lullaby albums



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
I have been steadily embracing more of nihilism, and I think I have finally reached the peak.

What is the purpose of life? None. We were just accidentally formed a billion years ago due 2 a freak reaction and have been evolving since. There is no great purpose behind it. Why do I continue 2 live? I will b honest, I tried to commit suicide a few months ago, my nihilism had reached such a state. But I failed and the doctors saved me, and I have managed 2 convince everyone I wasn't actually committing suicide (hopefully they won't come across this answer). And this entire incident is what led me 2 the peak of nihilism as I have said.

There is no meaning, no purpose, in suicide either. Just like I don't care about life anymore, I now also don't care about death anymore. I don't care about posting on websites anymore. Even if I changed my worldview, my life philosophy, would it really matter? No it won't! This is, I think, the peak of nihilism. A double negative, leading to a positive. The world will never look the same 2 me again, but I will not go out of my way to try and commit suicide either. One failure was enough.

I have no answers for anyone. But, I think escaping our egos is our purpose.


Dad says I can fuck your niece.
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☠️Private Forum Access
I have been steadily embracing more of nihilism, and I think I have finally reached the peak.

What is the purpose of life? None. We were just accidentally formed a billion years ago due 2 a freak reaction and have been evolving since. There is no great purpose behind it. Why do I continue 2 live? I will b honest, I tried to commit suicide a few months ago, my nihilism had reached such a state. But I failed and the doctors saved me, and I have managed 2 convince everyone I wasn't actually committing suicide (hopefully they won't come across this answer). And this entire incident is what led me 2 the peak of nihilism as I have said.

There is no meaning, no purpose, in suicide either. Just like I don't care about life anymore, I now also don't care about death anymore. I don't care about posting on websites anymore. Even if I changed my worldview, my life philosophy, would it really matter? No it won't! This is, I think, the peak of nihilism. A double negative, leading to a positive. The world will never look the same 2 me again, but I will not go out of my way to try and commit suicide either. One failure was enough.

I have no answers for anyone. But, I think escaping our egos is our purpose.
You only say that because shit is more expensive than your shit. FACT!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
I have been steadily embracing more of nihilism, and I think I have finally reached the peak.

What is the purpose of life? None. We were just accidentally formed a billion years ago due 2 a freak reaction and have been evolving since. There is no great purpose behind it. Why do I continue 2 live? I will b honest, I tried to commit suicide a few months ago, my nihilism had reached such a state. But I failed and the doctors saved me, and I have managed 2 convince everyone I wasn't actually committing suicide (hopefully they won't come across this answer). And this entire incident is what led me 2 the peak of nihilism as I have said.

There is no meaning, no purpose, in suicide either. Just like I don't care about life anymore, I now also don't care about death anymore. I don't care about posting on websites anymore. Even if I changed my worldview, my life philosophy, would it really matter? No it won't! This is, I think, the peak of nihilism. A double negative, leading to a positive. The world will never look the same 2 me again, but I will not go out of my way to try and commit suicide either. One failure was enough.

I have no answers for anyone. But, I think escaping our egos is our purpose.
You only say that because shit is more expensive than your shit. FACT!


Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Factory Bastard
Your life has no meaning. Please kill yourself quietly and try not to disturb anyone when you do it ...

Noone likes a drama queen

REading some of the stuff that girl has posted here over the years sheds a light on why she thinks that way

Liberals think that because they have / had rough patches in their lives, everything sucks and that everyone has to be the living in the same sad misery as them.
Jesus christ Rancy. Go back in the jungle and stfu.

He is right, tho.
Not even a little.


Beaner coffee farmer
Site Supporter ☠️
Your life has no meaning. Please kill yourself quietly and try not to disturb anyone when you do it ...

Noone likes a drama queen

REading some of the stuff that girl has posted here over the years sheds a light on why she thinks that way

Liberals think that because they have / had rough patches in their lives, everything sucks and that everyone has to be the living in the same sad misery as them.
Jesus christ Rancy. Go back in the jungle and stfu.

He is right, tho.
Not even a little.

You have to be pretty fucking stupid to think that the opinion of an old drunken libtard who spends his last days losing money gambling matters to anyone.


Beaner coffee farmer
Site Supporter ☠️
You kidding? You're like a black cloud when you float through here. Worry about the situation down there. Speaking on Covid alone you (Brazil) have almost 3 times the daily cases. And, that's just what's reported. The real number is probably half again as large. So much for your Brazilian conservatism. Failure after failure. Pathetic.
As far as party pooping, I'll remember that while I drink Twisted Tea's watching football this weekend. CHEERS!

There goes the imbecile again. Do you know how many people I know that died of covid, you mumbling retard? ONE. Yeah, the father of a friend and he was 80. Besides that, NO ONE. And very few I know got it and only one had to go to the hospital. More people I knew died of car accidents or heart attacks since covid, but it's the old gambling loser who thinks he knows better.

If covid was so dangerous, a fucking loser like you wouldn't be here anymore.


Beaner coffee farmer
Site Supporter ☠️
One thing is for sure, the rest of the world that doesn't buy this depressive stupid bullshit that liberals love so much are applauding all these dumbfucks who are bitching about their lives and throwing it away. They won't have the slightest problem filling the space these losers are creating.

And as sad as the demise of the western world is, maybe it's for the better. If westerns have become such failures, maybe it's better if they go silently into the night. Such weak minded people shouldn't procreate.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Your life has no meaning. Please kill yourself quietly and try not to disturb anyone when you do it ...

Noone likes a drama queen

REading some of the stuff that girl has posted here over the years sheds a light on why she thinks that way

Liberals think that because they have / had rough patches in their lives, everything sucks and that everyone has to be the living in the same sad misery as them.
Jesus christ Rancy. Go back in the jungle and stfu.

He is right, tho.
Not even a little.

You have to be pretty fucking stupid to think that the opinion of an old drunken libtard who spends his last days losing money gambling matters to anyone.

He squanders his entire government check playing bingo in those native American casinos.


Beaner coffee farmer
Site Supporter ☠️
Your life has no meaning. Please kill yourself quietly and try not to disturb anyone when you do it ...

Noone likes a drama queen

REading some of the stuff that girl has posted here over the years sheds a light on why she thinks that way

Liberals think that because they have / had rough patches in their lives, everything sucks and that everyone has to be the living in the same sad misery as them.
Jesus christ Rancy. Go back in the jungle and stfu.

Everybody is sick of all the gloom and doom, liberals are the world's party poopers, you miserable fucks destroyed everything. Everything you touch becomes a fucking whinebag of woke douchebaggery.

Honey, you destroyed this entire thread with your angry, party pooping, liberals-are-to-blame-for-everything posts. SMH

This thread was destroyed since the first post.


Beaner coffee farmer
Site Supporter ☠️
I have a little tip for you people who bitch on a full belly.

Next time all the comfort, privilege, health and stability are being too much on your poor soul, leave your safe space and go visit people who REALLY have a reason to complain about life.

Sounds like a cliché advice, and maybe it is, but it works like a charm.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I have been steadily embracing more of nihilism, and I think I have finally reached the peak.

What is the purpose of life? None. We were just accidentally formed a billion years ago due 2 a freak reaction and have been evolving since. There is no great purpose behind it. Why do I continue 2 live? I will b honest, I tried to commit suicide a few months ago, my nihilism had reached such a state. But I failed and the doctors saved me, and I have managed 2 convince everyone I wasn't actually committing suicide (hopefully they won't come across this answer). And this entire incident is what led me 2 the peak of nihilism as I have said.

There is no meaning, no purpose, in suicide either. Just like I don't care about life anymore, I now also don't care about death anymore. I don't care about posting on websites anymore. Even if I changed my worldview, my life philosophy, would it really matter? No it won't! This is, I think, the peak of nihilism. A double negative, leading to a positive. The world will never look the same 2 me again, but I will not go out of my way to try and commit suicide either. One failure was enough.

I have no answers for anyone. But, I think escaping our egos is our purpose.
You only say that because shit is more expensive than your shit. FACT!
It's been a rough week hasn't it?


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
Sharona makes a valid point, though.

Just as life doesn't come with an instruction manual, neither does it come with a built-in purpose.

It's up to each individual to create the meaning they pine for in their lives.

Problems arise when people try to impose the meaning they found for themselves onto others.

People become so enthusiastic (literally, "having God within") about their spiritual/emotional/psychological discoveries that they can't for a moment imagine that it's possible for anyone else not to be as turned on by their rapture as they themselves have become.

Want to see the world flourish? For starters, abolish organized religion and board shorts.
Well said...except for the “board shorts” part...what were you thinking!?

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Factory Bastard
Your life has no meaning. Please kill yourself quietly and try not to disturb anyone when you do it ...

Noone likes a drama queen

REading some of the stuff that girl has posted here over the years sheds a light on why she thinks that way

Liberals think that because they have / had rough patches in their lives, everything sucks and that everyone has to be the living in the same sad misery as them.
Jesus christ Rancy. Go back in the jungle and stfu.

He is right, tho.
Not even a little.

You have to be pretty fucking stupid to think that the opinion of an old drunken libtard who spends his last days losing money gambling matters to anyone.
You sound upset, brah. Things not going so well in your conservative jungle paradise? I'm doing just fine, btw. As always. You don't hear me perpetually bitching about every little political issue in another country do you?
That's when you know for sure somebody's got some major issues. Lulz.

Scrawny The Ghost

Interdimensional UltraMegaRich Luxury BLTQ+ Banker
Factory Bastard
Dimension-1218 19.20363 E 50.0266 N
I invite u boys 2 try and find a reason why ur life needs a purpose. 4 the most part, u will find it is an excuse created by those who want 2 impose upon u (see: religion). Indeed, it is not the fact that life may or may not have a purpose that matters, it is the fact that the question itself is irrelevant that makes it the more valuable.

My religion empowers me to destroy people like you


Beaner coffee farmer
Site Supporter ☠️
You sound upset, brah. Things not going so well in your conservative jungle paradise? I'm doing just fine, btw. As always. You don't hear me perpetually bitching about every little political issue in another country do you?
That's when you know for sure somebody's got some major issues. Lulz.

You're old and you don't give a fuck. And yeah you dumbshit, I have major issues with liberals fucking up the world. Being old and useless, you've given up a long time ago and your lifestyle shows that.