Why were we even in Afghanistan to begin with? Did they fly planes into the WTC?


Domestically feral
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United states
Which it wouldnt have been had the country been willing to work together for the benefit of America rather than sabotage an effort the entire time and actively work against it.

Now we just have unfettered human trafficking, rape, and thousands of Covid infected immigrants pouring in and going all over the country.

We have an actual war being waged against American citizens by other American citizens who are just motivated by hatred. That's all it is.

It's like unless its directly harming Americans or infringing on individual rights? The left doesnt want it. They only want to support things that harm citizens and benefit the wealthy. The ruling class and corporatists.

NOW we have that? You do realize that Obama was tougher on illegal immigrants than Trump was, right? Look it up. It's a fact.

Your major problem is that you think the "left" is the cause of everything bad. You don't understand that it is corporate greed, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with the imaginary "left" you have made the enemy. The right is just as guilty in all of this, and until all Americans get this, left and right, nothing at all will change, no matter which corporate tool is the puppet leader.

How many times have I pointed out that the establishment Republicans agree with all the anti Trump shit?

I'm going to criticize who is passing policies that are directly harming people. If it was the right that was acting like the democrats and passing policies that harm and rioting in the streets and trying to criminalize protest when the opposition does it? I wouldnt be supporting them either.

There are a lot of nonpartisan people pissed at the left for the total hostil lack of integrity, the lies and nonstop partisan attacks to the detriment of the country. It's really pointless to pretend this isnt a problem. The blue no matter who people are right now slamming Larry Elder saying....get this....they dont want CA ran like TX and FL.

So basically they dont want lower crime, lower unemployment. They want to continue putting Democrats in even as the state is destroyed. That's the hyper partisan psychosis wrecking the country and putting incompetent people in office because "they aren't right wingers!!".

All the hate we get for not being left or not supporting democrats from people who cannot provide a single honest reason why they hate us. Or cannot give a single honest reason why they hate Trump. Its obviously not about policies or what benefits the country because we have people who hate Trump and are STILL supporting Biden.


Factory Bastard
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A clear explanation for low information partisans like aidsman.



Factory Bastard
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So... Biden's incompetence is even worse than we knew. He allowed a huge trove of government data to fall into the hands of the Taliban exposing just about every type of data the Taliban could ever want.

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Factory Bastard
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Because Neocons and Neolibs have had decades long plans to destabilise the region....

Destabilize it, why?

Didn't watch the vid, did you?

I haven't watched the videos yet but Israel does not want stable Muslim countries. Also MANY USA embassy were attacked and Americans were murdered. You need to learn about that and former Presidents (like Clinton) who wanted to war BEFORE George Bush.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
islam straight up says Jews and Christians should be subjugated by the sword. You people best get over your jew/christian hangups and recognize that islam is the enemy here! "First the Saturday People, then the Sunday People!" Thats islams fukin motto!


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Why are libs such incredible pussies?

Thousands of american lives lost to the worst terrorist attack in history and liberals would have us stand down and send Osama a valentines day card

fucking spineless jellyfish

… but… but… the Taliban is no different from the far right extremists and you know this. They suppress women… which is the exact same complaint I have with the far right. Except the far right does it to ALL minorities not just women.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
islam straight up says Jews and Christians should be subjugated by the sword. You people best get over your jew/christian hangups and recognize that islam is the enemy here! "First the Saturday People, then the Sunday People!" Thats islams fukin motto!

And think of all the money the former Afghan government embezzled and stole from your country so they could betray your country and allow the Taliban to take over, Lokmeer.

Karzai and his pals were milking the Military Industrial Complex and the US taxpayer for all that it was worth.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Why are libs such incredible pussies?

Thousands of american lives lost to the worst terrorist attack in history and liberals would have us stand down and send Osama a valentines day card

fucking spineless jellyfish

… but… but… the Taliban is no different from the far right extremists and you know this. They suppress women… which is the exact same complaint I have with the far right. Except the far right does it to ALL minorities not just women.

That is the dumbest comparison I have heard in a while and truly displays just how ignorant and untethered from reality your average low information leftist truly is. Assuming that was not meant ironically.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Why are libs such incredible pussies?

Thousands of american lives lost to the worst terrorist attack in history and liberals would have us stand down and send Osama a valentines day card

fucking spineless jellyfish

… but… but… the Taliban is no different from the far right extremists and you know this. They suppress women… which is the exact same complaint I have with the far right. Except the far right does it to ALL minorities not just women.

That is the dumbest comparison I have heard in a while and truly displays just how ignorant and untethered from reality your average low information leftist truly is. Assuming that was not meant ironically.

The opinion of a man who married a third world refugee and brought her and her child to this country to live. I’m not surprised you’re far right and prefer the subservient type.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I have known my wife since we were both 19 and I was stationed down in the Panama Canal Zone. Also, she was far from a refugee as she had a successful small law practice and owns property down there. She divorced her husband because she caught him cheating on her with the nanny.

So please stop making assumptions about things you clearly know nothing about be that claiming all or even any significant number of American conservatives are anything like the Taliban or ALl Qaeda (that is just the mad raving of a delusional person) or be it my personal life. Also my wife is half French and half Panamanian so try to remember how little you know and try to think a bit more before assuming things about other people.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Nancy Pelosi is really pissed off that a bipartisan group of House members who are military veterans went to Kabul and are now describing the on going disaster in great detail thus co tradition the White House's propaganda lies that everything is rosie and wonderful.

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Nancy Pelosi is really pissed off that a bipartisan group of House members who are military veterans went to Kabul and are now describing the on going disaster in great detail thus co tradition the White House's propaganda lies that everything is rosie and wonderful.

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Hopefully, whoever's got that whore in their dead pool wins bigly!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Absolutely disgusting. The White House cut off the Joe Biden's audio after a reporter asked "what will you do when Americans are left behind on August 31st." They are literally protecting a mental potato who is in above his head. This is evil. Just evil.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I have known my wife since we were both 19 and I was stationed down in the Panama Canal Zone. Also, she was far from a refugee as she had a successful small law practice and owns property down there. She divorced her husband because she caught him cheating on her with the nanny.

So please stop making assumptions about things you clearly know nothing about be that claiming all or even any significant number of American conservatives are anything like the Taliban or ALl Qaeda (that is just the mad raving of a delusional person) or be it my personal life. Also my wife is half French and half Panamanian so try to remember how little you know and try to think a bit more before assuming things about other people.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I have known my wife since we were both 19 and I was stationed down in the Panama Canal Zone. Also, she was far from a refugee as she had a successful small law practice and owns property down there. She divorced her husband because she caught him cheating on her with the nanny.

So please stop making assumptions about things you clearly know nothing about be that claiming all or even any significant number of American conservatives are anything like the Taliban or ALl Qaeda (that is just the mad raving of a delusional person) or be it my personal life. Also my wife is half French and half Panamanian so try to remember how little you know and try to think a bit more before assuming things about other people.

Wait, she had a successful small law practice, a child, and a cheating husband when she was 19?

And why are you forever hijacking my threads?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Biden-Harris continue to lie, lie, lie about evacuation numbers and we know that due to reporters on the ground and interviews with military personnel. Biden claims 7000 have been flown out but only three planes took off yesterday and one only had five, count them, five people aboard. The plane was empty. 7000 people haven't even been let through the front gate in recent days. We are talking about lies and incompetent at an epic level.

They are even turning US citizens away and not allowing them to enter the airport. To this day Biden-Harris isn't serious about the evacuation and is dead set on abandoning people in four days!



Factory Bastard
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Is "doing a Biden-Harris" the new phrase for absolutely ruining everything via incompetence? Because it should be.


Factory Bastard
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Jesus Christ, Odorin. The Biden Derangement Syndrome is intense in you. One would think you're nothing but a partisan hack. I never saw two words of Trump disapproval escape your fingertips in the entire time I have known you. And now this?

Sheer hackery.