Young school children are not ready to deal with the topic of gender roles, or PLEASE ASS BOX ME! of any kind!


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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HCES WEDDING EXTRAVAGANZA: We hear wedding bells at Hamilton Crossing Elementary School, and here's why!
Kindergarteners have worked hard this year learning letter identification and letter sounds. As a culminating activity, HCES held a wedding to help students remember the spelling rule for the letter Q…Q and U always go together in a word!
Miss Q was represented by the lovely Josie Rushing and Mr. U was represented by the handsome Elijah Reed.
Reception was immediately following the ceremony
What a fun and engaging letter learning activity!





Domestically feral
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United states
Little girls should not be led to believe they are really boys inside just because they dont like frilly skirts and prefer playing rough in the mud.

That's why mock weddings are okay......but this transgender ideology is NOT.

This is cute and not confusing. Telling your son he really IS a girl inside and giving him puberty blockers is abuse.

Let's not pretend that if we allow kids to play wedding and such that means we have to present gender dysphoria, sexual orientation and masturbation to them as well. We dont.

This has nothing to do with SEX or presenting a medical condition as some normal thing.

Your logic here is bad. It's like saying if we allow kids to laugh and be happy, we also must teach them schizophrenia and suicide.


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
So you disagree with the premise of Florida's "don't say gay" law?
I don't disagree with that law, since the discussion of sexuality and gender doesn't belong in a Kindergarten class.

That said, your OP is from an elementary school in Georgia, and they're simply performing a mock wedding based on a book written by a teacher a few years back, whose only purpose is to help them understand that Q and U go together. I would think that most normal people would consider a mock wedding consisting of a boy and a girl in elementary school quite harmless.

Would you prefer that they married two boys in a mock wedding instead, or maybe two girls, to understand Q and U?


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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whoa -- admong really really wants those children groomed into faggotry

really seems to upset him when someone disagrees.

what happened faggot, the VA refusing to subsidize your date rape drugs you filthy fucking faggot?


Domestically feral
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United states
I just hope those youngsters had a luxury honeymoon!

Yeah I really doubt the "honeymoon" was even a discussion, Admin.
Are you and your "Husband" available for a live sex show for my Grandsons 6th Birthday Party?

Admin if you are trying to make a point, just make it. Be more forth coming. That would be more productive than asking if me and husband can put on a live sex show for your 6 year old grandson out of some attempt at snark due to a heavy politcal bias that has made you very unwilling to listen to anyone.

You go from acting as if parents are all just making shit up out of nowhere and there is nothing going on at all, to minimizing and defending teaching young children about gender identity and sexual orientation. Topics that are way beyond them and would only embarrass and confuse them.

And considering the "Family sex show" that welcomes children as young as 5 over in the UK....that's pretty gross to say.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
admin wants children sexualized because it saves him a ton on date rape drugs


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
whoa -- admong really really wants those children groomed into faggotry

really seems to upset him when someone disagrees.

what happened faggot, the VA refusing to subsidize your date rape drugs you filthy fucking faggot?
Ask your P.O. if chemical castration is right for you.
you thinking about licking balls again, fagboi?
Obviously, your balls need a lot of sun.
why are you fantasizing about my balls? I'm not in one of the grades k through 5 you sick demented freak


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
whoa -- admong really really wants those children groomed into faggotry

really seems to upset him when someone disagrees.

what happened faggot, the VA refusing to subsidize your date rape drugs you filthy fucking faggot?
Ask your P.O. if chemical castration is right for you.
you thinking about licking balls again, fagboi?
Obviously, your balls need a lot of sun.
why are you fantasizing about my balls? I'm not in one of the grades k through 5 you sick demented freak
Why do you hate Tucker Carlson's deeply tanned balls?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
whoa -- admong really really wants those children groomed into faggotry

really seems to upset him when someone disagrees.

what happened faggot, the VA refusing to subsidize your date rape drugs you filthy fucking faggot?
Ask your P.O. if chemical castration is right for you.
you thinking about licking balls again, fagboi?
Obviously, your balls need a lot of sun.
why are you fantasizing about my balls? I'm not in one of the grades k through 5 you sick demented freak
Why do you hate Tucker Carlson's deeply tanned balls?
why do you think about his balls so much?

oh wait.. .cause you're the cock sucking and loving faggot around here..nvm


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Yep Deport.....the amount of teachers blathering on tik tok about what they tell their class and what class they teach and their views is exactly a big part of what has parents so mad and concerned.

There are A LOT

And the covid remote learning exposed a lot. And parents went digging in and found so much insane crap.

All the gaslighting on this isnt going to work and all that's happening is democrats are really pushing away their own voters. People who do not have school aged kids who support the dems/progs are firmly in denial and denying any of this is real and its fucking pathetic. These are peoples CHILDREN. No one is willing to play these bullshit partisan games with their kids. Fucking with peoples kids is a real bad choice.

Using homosexuals as emotional blackmail and a tool to justify this or avoid the criticism it's getting is also a losing campaign. Even many gay people are disgusted with this sex and gender and woke racist politics in elementary school shit.

And yeah these scumbags are total hypocrites who use intimidation, threats of violence and all kinds of dirty shit to silence other people and hide behind "hate speech" to justify it. Its total garbage. Its label "right wing extremism" to shine the light on leftiods in action......but they can smear and lie about you and that's cool. They will dox people to get them intimidated and harrassed into silence.

Tucker really nailed this one. He is absolutely correct.
Last edited:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
admin doesn't want children telling their parents about how he wants to touch their PeePees

at least not until democrats have had the opportunity to stack all the courts with judges who applaud PLEASE ASS BOX ME!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
This is an example of the left "educating" children on sex.

This. This is the kind of stuff they do.

I always knew Bill Nye was a libtard piece of shit but this is a new low for him.

It's the cringiest fucking shit I've ever seen.

The message is terrible "do whatever feels good!" And dangerous.

And the presentation is the definition of cringe

I mean.....if you are trying to ruin sex for people? Good job. Any kid questioning their sexuality who sees that is gonna join a monastery.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I played this video for my wife. I think the Spocker would have been less disturbing.

So her sex junk isnt so oh oh oh? :LOL3:


Whoever Rachel Wood is, someone needs to tie her in a burlap sack and chuck her into the ocean.